I was googling: "Lower back and leg pain, muscular pain, back zaps and pfizer vaccine", as my doctor decided after blood tests, ekg, and interview that my vertigo and dizziness may be a result of my second dose. I found this forum.
After my doctor eliminated other possible causes and revealing that vertigo is a known side effect of the vaccine, its starting to dawn on me that it's not just dizziness that comes and goes, its nausea, muscle aches, a scary spinal "pain zap" that I've been slowly getting used to for the 6 weeks since I received my second dose.
Six weeks. The symptoms aren't lessening.
Also, sorry for the long run-on sentences, I'm too tired and exhausted to correct that.
At least I'm receiving unemployment? The wording when applying now includes: "Are you out of work due to Covid?" They may want to add: "How about the vaccine, have the symptoms from the vaccine made you unemployable?"
Thank you for sharing your experiences!
Have any of you gone for the second shot?
It is so ridiculous but in our country (Hungary) if we not getting the second dose, we have the rights as we are non vaccinated people... So it is kind a joke some of us got the first dose get really sick and then we are forced to get the second one or we have no rights...
If anyone has gone, have the symptoms got worse or it kept on the same level?
I am on the opinion that after all these symptoms, thank you but I am not going for the second shot...
The CDC is saying that dizziness and syncope post-vax are anxiety related and not a reaction from the shot itself
@thenystagmus I interpreted this post the same way as you and was a little taken aback by it even if it was kindly meant. Everyone's experience here is invaluable as far as I am concerned regardless of whether they have had the vaccine or not. I don't believe the moderators have made such a request and that's good enough for me. I hope we all continue to support one another as we have been doing over recent months, respectfully.
I interpreted the post the same way and was very put off by it.
hello, I have also have Meneres. Since 22 and now 72. I have had a nerve section also.
stated with dizziness nauseous all of side effects since my first pzyer shot. Second shot March 26. I am so off balance, feel like I’m walking on cloud, headaches. Went for brain scan, and was on prednisone 6 days. Still off balance, have to move around very slowly. Now I am going to try acupuncture, just waiting for appt. a few people said it will help. I do not want to do any more vestibular therapy! I have been doing them most of my life and tired of it.hope u feel better
Thank you. I'm on a prednisone taper so I hope that helps. My ENT did tell me that if I had the vaccine, there is a good chance it would cause me the vestibular problems. So, I'll continue to pass.
none of dr. Say the vaccine will have terrible effects.
finally my ent admitted it could hit your weak spots!
@thenystagmus I interpreted this post the same way as you and was a little taken aback by it even if it was kindly meant. Everyone's experience here is invaluable as far as I am concerned regardless of whether they have had the vaccine or not. I don't believe the moderators have made such a request and that's good enough for me. I hope we all continue to support one another as we have been doing over recent months, respectfully.
I interpreted the post the same way and was very put off by it.
Well, I can afford to imagine the kindly meant slant Tabby mentions. And I'm sure everyone could agree to hoping we all continue respectful support of one another.
What I would have a hard time affording is the ENT consult I had yesterday! Today I'm experiencing the joys of insurance with my new coverage that started 5/1. I had a good ENT consult yesterday ...but today threats of non-payment of yesterday's specialist visit have surfaced because I hadn't seen my new PCP yet. I am not supposed to need a referral to see a specialist, but may need a prior authorization for the ENG next month. So, fortunately I've got my insurance agent going to bat for me today to get this cleared up. He's been assured that this confusion should be a "no-brainer" for my new insurance company. I got worked in for an appt with my new PCP tomorrow so I can get the authorization for my upcoming ENG. So, I'm really glad I switched my coverage with the help of an agent. He's a retired architect and he's very meticulous and thorough. I think his help for me is literally heaven-sent! 🙏
Thank you for your post Sam. Please keep us updated. As for me now just passing week no. 7 post second Pfizer and I can report that I am doing better but not symptoms free. Still brain fog but no longer incapacitating. Vertigo is also subsiding since my ENT doubled my daily 10mg dose of Nortriptylin to 20mg short term because he and other ENTs found that it worked to lessen vertigo in other patients suffering the side effect. Fatigue is lessening from taking a daily nap of min two hours to less than an hour. I never took naps prior to the vaccine. Still have headaches daily but no longer incapacitating. And strange new aches and pains in areas I never before Pfizer have experienced. That being said I’m thinking I will remember this whole reaction experience as “before Pfizer and post Pfizer”. Never experienced this host of symptoms all together before or with so many others experiencing them too. Just this recent lessening gives me hope. My hubby who was vaccinated at the same time has had the same and is almost back to normal so I’m relying it will be the same for me. Hang in there everyone. 🙏❤️🙏
Just registered so I could chip in with my 2 cents here.
I notice that an article has been cited by several posters from the Vision Times. It should be noted that the Vision Times is a media organ of the Chinese religious sect Falun Gong. (Another of their media organs is The Epoch Times) Their views are considered to be on the more extreme right of the political spectrum. That is not necessarily to say in any way that the anecdotal testimony from Dr. Charles Hoffe is invalid, but it is in my opinion worth bearing in mind.
For what it's worth, here is another fairly recent news article that I found on the same subject: https://westernstandardonline.com/2021/04/bc-health-authorities-dismiss-lytton-docs-vaccination-claims/
To put some context into my post, I am from Northern Europe. I discovered this forum when I experienced moments of dizziness for about 2½ hours on the morning four days after receiving my first Pfizer jab. It is the first time I have experienced dizziness ever in my youthful 71 years of life (apart from the classic case when you deliberately spin round in circles and then stop!!!). I received my second jab today and am very happy about this. I shall try and report back here if I experience any repetition of dizziness symptoms this time around.
I am very sorry to hear of others who are experiencing more intense bouts of vertigo, and earnestly hope and wish that they recover fully and, hopefully, quickly.
Incidentally I expect you already know but if you don't, here are two places, for US citizens, where you can report adverse reactions to the covid vaccine:
@isismadec Don't be put off Dragonlover, you're very knowledgeable and your posts are interesting and helpful. Look forward to reading more of them.😊
@smileyoer See my posts I did a few days ago. Still have dizzy days and stopped up ears - today is one of them. I just wish I knew how long this is going to last. I was healthy and on no meds - just taking supplements.
UPDATE - I had hesitated getting the 2nd shot. My first was 4/3 and had vertigo after the 4th day. The dizziness and my ear feels stopped up has been going on after the vertigo. Got the 2nd shot on 5/1 and yes it was bad on the next day. Had the most depilating headache and severe nausea and today diarrhea (TMI - sorry). Stayed in bed all day. No chills or fever - just that headache! So nervous about the next few days and hoping I don't have another vertigo episode. Hoping we all get through this and these ongoing symptoms go away. It has really interrupted my daily activities since I do not feel good.
@gloriam Hi Gloria, did you have a better day today? I had a dizzy day yesterday for most of the day but today, no dizziness or headache at all, just tinnitus. I did a bit of retail therapy and it felt great. Nothing too a la mode, just a few new T's and bits and bobs. I've had these days before so I'm treading cautiously. Hope you're doing ok.😊