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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@teresawarren40 3 weeks

twa and twa reacted
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@asimps What was the regime? Did you take 800 mg every six hours and how many days did  you do it for?

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@michaelk 800mg, every 6 hrs. I did it for a week.

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Hi Everyone! I haven't posted for a while. Amazing that there were 12 pages on here when I first started and now up to 158!
I kind of migrated to a Facebook group that is really good, too. (
So after this horrible roller coaster ride I have been on for 3 and half months, I am finally feeling like this thing is pretty much over. Over the last two weeks, dizziness is down to pretty much zero with very mild, infrequent tiny waves every now and then, the ear pressure is gone, I can hear again in my left ear, and now only have mild tinnitus. My balance is still a bit off but not saying I was all that balanced from the start 😀
I had testing and doctors with really not much to offer. I tried a lot of things from vitamins, meds (Meclizine, Vallium, Flonase), anti-inflammatory foods - and honestly just felt like I was chasing cures and none really seemed to help much (except maybe my cocktail of Meclizine, Zofran and Vallium when episodes got really bad). In fact, I think it was worse hoping and expecting one of them to miraculously cure me. What I really believe now is that time is the key. I can finally sit at my computer and work. I went to Lowe's and grocery store and it was so nice to get out! I DROVE!! Had not done so much for these few months that I feel I finally have my life back!! 
I've been going on that Facebook group and it is heartbreaking to hear about so many that are just starting this long hard battle. Two thousand people in the group now! I hope in some small way I can bring a bit of comfort to some of them by sharing my journey and that there is light at the end of this tunnel.
I hope for you all that time is the key and everyone will get better soon!!

Chuck, Chuck, didigo and 27 people reacted
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hi, I’ve had symptoms since my first shot the end of January. I didn’t get the second shot, I just knew the dizziness was from the vaccine. It’s been over 13 weeks and I still feel bad. I’m ok for a couple days then out of nowhere have a few terrible days of dizziness. I also get mild headaches that I never had before. My blood pressure is low but fast pulse. It’s all very strange and scary. I just read a previous post about someone that had lymphoma possibly bevy of this. That terrifies me. I don’t want to think that could possibly be the case with everyone. I’ll keep you posted if my symptoms improve but so far it’s the same as it was months ago 

Lexie111, Tabby, twa and 5 people reacted
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yay!! Finally some hope! I’m so happy you are feeling better:) Please keep us posted here if you could, some of us don’t have Facebook so this is our only source of info. 

Kitty72, Sassafras, Kitty72 and 1 people reacted
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Good to hear that your life is coming back to normal. And these stories give us hope and patience to wait and everything will be better. Hopefully the remaining symptoms will also disappear!

Wish you the best! And for all others get better! ✌️

Kitty72, Tabby, Sassafras and 5 people reacted
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thank you for your post. I really needed to hear that today. I think I might have now developed a sinus infection since my nose is now clogged in addition to all the other stuff going on. Hoping for some relief on Monday when I see the ENT. Glad to hear there is possible light at the end of the tunnel. 

Tabby, Sassafras, 0520 and 3 people reacted
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Checking back in here. I had my first dose of Pfizer on March 25th. Dizziness, vertigo, blurred vision, etc settled in on March 31st. I began taking Benadryl 3x a day about two weeks ago and that has consistently helped. I have finally been able to drive and feel somewhat normal. Vision is still a bit wonky sometimes but it seems to be temporary. Tinnitus has gotten a little quieter as well. Other things I tried were vitamin D, magnesium, meclizine, and ibuprofen. Vitamin D seemed to help and I still take that along with the Benadryl. One thing that has not changed is these super vivid and weird dreams. I skipped my second dose and will likely not be getting it until we have more information on these side effects. My PCP was absolutely useless which doesn't make me anymore confident. Best of luck to everyone.  

Lexie111, Kitty72, Tabby and 7 people reacted
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Hi, did you have any other dizziness besides the vertigo?  So glad you are better!



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@lexie111 Hello, and I am sorry you are going through this on your own. I started to get some relief from the dizziness about 18 days after the dizziness first started. The dizziness began 16 days after my 1st Moderna vaccine. It is pretty mild now and pretty much only happening during my sleep. I ended up getting the 2nd shot 5 weeks after my first because I was uneasy about getting it and the dizziness getting worse. I decided that I would bite the bullet and just get it done. Thankfully I am at 8 days since having taken my 2nd vaccine and the dizziness had not gotten any worse so far. It is still lingering though and has been pretty mild for the past 2 weeks now. I am hoping that I wake up one day and it is gone. I did have a bad reaction to the 2nd shot the day after, but that only lasted 1 day. I had a bad headache and felt like I had been given a beat down by Mike Tyson and my whole body ached. It only lasted 1 day though but the headache stuck around for about 3 days. I guess since it has not gotten any worse and has actually gotten better, I am hopeful that this all will pass soon.

I really hope you find some relief soon as well 🙂   

Kitty72, Lexie111, Sassafras and 5 people reacted
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So glad you are better!  What is the name of the group?  The link has been disabled.


Thank you,


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Does anyone know what percentage of people are being affected by these terrible, long-term dizziness side effects?

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@teresawarren40 No it hasn't been disabled. It's just that the close parenthesis symbol has been mistakenly included in the URL address. Just delete that last character from the web address and the link will work fine.

twa, CC, twa and 1 people reacted
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The average length of time of vertigo/dizziness symptoms post vaccine is 6 weeks today.  I'll update as I receive more recovery timelines from forum members. 

LadyD, LadyD, CC and 1 people reacted
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