I am a little bit confused now. Sometimes I feel much better but now it worse again. I thought that it will be from now better and then it hit me back...
Have anyone here have felt some numb?
My neurologist said that it can be normal when brain or cognitive system have some disorder but it is really scary...
Takin meds, and then trying another meds maybe they will help. Will this go to end?
I am quite young but living with these symptoms for longer term makes me total nervous...
Hi smileyoer, As I'm sure you've read, many of us have had our symptoms get better, then worse, then better ...and new symptoms showing up, also. There was a period of time in the middle of the last 11 weeks that I had strange feelings in my face on the same side as all my other symptoms. There is a medical term for it, paraesthesias. From in front of my ear, across my cheekbone and up around my eye and across my forehead, I had feelings of being touched, burning, and aching with stabs of pain. It was distressing and confusing! I believe my facial nerve was being affected. It lasted for a week or two, then faded away. I hope that all these phases of symptoms will all eventually resolve, for us all!
I am a little bit confused now. Sometimes I feel much better but now it worse again. I thought that it will be from now better and then it hit me back...
Have anyone here have felt some numb?
My neurologist said that it can be normal when brain or cognitive system have some disorder but it is really scary...
Takin meds, and then trying another meds maybe they will help. Will this go to end?
I am quite young but living with these symptoms for longer term makes me total nervous...
Hi smileyoer, As I'm sure you've read, many of us have had our symptoms get better, then worse, then better ...and new symptoms showing up, also. There was a period of time in the middle of the last 11 weeks that I had strange feelings in my face on the same side as all my other symptoms. There is a medical term for it, paraesthesias. From in front of my ear, across my cheekbone and up around my eye and across my forehead, I had feelings of being touched, burning, and aching with stabs of pain. It was distressing and confusing! I believe my facial nerve was being affected. It lasted for a week or two, then faded away. I hope that all these phases of symptoms will all eventually resolve, for us all!
Hy Sassafras,
Yes I knew it many people here mentioned that the symptoms come and go periodically.
I have the feeling totally that you have mentioned. It's like it was burned or smth like this. It is really really strange and confusing... I got a strong antihistamine which also have some calm down effect. It helps me to relax in the afternoons.
It is good to know that these symptoms not came for only me. These ear pressure and dizziness is the same quite almost everyone here. But this numb, burning feeling is really scary, but hopefully it will also fade for me too.
It is quite strange that there are phases of the symptoms. Maybe when the vaccine effect ends all of these nice effects will also disappear... 😄
Hy Sassafras,
Yes I knew it many people here mentioned that the symptoms come and go periodically.
I have the feeling totally that you have mentioned. It's like it was burned or smth like this. It is really really strange and confusing... I got a strong antihistamine which also have some calm down effect. It helps me to relax in the afternoons.
It is good to know that these symptoms not came for only me. These ear pressure and dizziness is the same quite almost everyone here. But this numb, burning feeling is really scary, but hopefully it will also fade for me too.
It is quite strange that there are phases of the symptoms. Maybe when the vaccine effect ends all of these nice effects will also disappear... 😄
We do all hope for all these not-nice! symptoms to disappear! I've read that the vestibular nerve and the facial and eye nerves are very close to each other. There are some problems that involve several of these nerves, so I was concerned about that. I was glad that I only had changes in facial sensation and I didn't have any loss of muscle control. There are 2 different kinds of nerves and loss of muscle control would indicate a different kind of nerve involvement that would need to be looked at as soon as possible.
It probably shouldn't be surprising that we're going through phases in our reaction to Covid vaccination, since Covid infection can result in phases also. Not that we have Covid infection, but it seems to me that there are a number of similarities between Covid infection and the responses that some of us are having to the Covid vaccines.
Hi Amy, I also have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and was on the fence about getting the vaccine and then I got Covid on April 4th. In bed the first week with body aches, fever, chills and the worst headache ever. By the third week I was still experiencing ringing in my ears and just felt off. Then one day I woke up and I felt fine. Tested negative, so I booked my first Pfizer shot on May 4th. It’s been two weeks and the first 3 days I had a fever, headache, body aches. That stop after 3 days but the vertigo and tinnitus has been debilitating. I just started driving again yesterday and I have an appointment with my ENT tomorrow. Am I getting a second shot? NO WAY!! As far as I’m concerned, the trials were on healthy individuals so they could get it approved for which I think is still emergency use. We (people with underlying health issues) are the trial. It’s also very disturbing to read that people who were otherwise healthy ended up with these inner ear/balance issues. I feel like making my health decisions have come down to playing Russian Roulette. If I get the shot, this could happen but if I get Covid that could happen. Well, I got Covid and survived. I’d rather take my chances with one shot, then erase what little progress I made with my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Best of luck to all who are experiencing side effects and those deciding should they or shouldn’t they get the vaccine.
It's bad when a health care choice comes down to either taking the risk of getting a nasty disease or taking the risk of a vaccine that might cause long term, disabling side effects. Six of one, half dozen of the other. When I saw my ENT a couple of weeks ago for an existing vestibular disorder, I asked him what he thought about my chances of getting the vestibular side effects if I took the vaccine. He said it was "likely"--and that whatever choice I made it would be a risk, that it was a matter of which risk was more acceptable to me. It shouldn't have to be that way. It seems pretty obvious to me that there are some individuals who should not take this vaccine, but since it is only EUA and not fully FDA approved, it wasn't tested for as long or as extensively or on enough different types of people. Those taking the vaccine have become the trial subjects. What's so disturbing is how these side effects continue to be dismissed and denied. But the agenda is to get as many people vaccinated as soon as possible and they are lying to us to get that done.
Having gotten Covid vaccine, and ending up here, still - 11 weeks and counting ...for me,
...a burnt child fears the fire 😶
@ko-01 I also experienced dizziness following my first Pfizer dose, that started 3 days after initial injection. The dizziness steadily got worse and so did ear fullness and peaked around 2 weeks after then an additional week of feeling off and now at week 4.5 since first does I feel pretty much normal and have energy back. Still debating dose 2 as I have not gotten any clear answers from doctors. It does get better.
I have chronic Lyme disease and it is experienced mostly through my eyes and vestibular system. After the second vaccine shot I got a vertigo attack within a week and developed nystagmus and positional vertigo as well. My balance is also severely off. I went to a neurologist and he diagnosed nystagmus. He said other things were going on as well. That shot was 2 months ago and I’m still experiencing symptoms. I will start therapy next week to deal with the nystagmus and vestibular issues.
We have such similar cases. I feel awful and can barely function because i'm spinning and my brain feels like there is pressure in it. Can I ask how you are doing? Did you get the second dose?
Hello All! I’m a 38 year old, healthy woman with no previous vestibular issues. I, like many of you, experienced some very impactful symptoms following my initial vaccination. I’ve since recovered- about 98%- and wanted to share my story.
I received my Covid vaccine (Pfizer) on March 9th. Immediately following the shot, I felt flush and experienced some tingling in my face that subsided after about 20 mins. I thought nothing of it.
Within a few days, I began experiencing symptoms of anxiety-which I’ve never had. My heart rate was higher and I’d wake in the middle of the night panicked. I thought it odd, but have a stressful job and assumed I just needed more rest.
Eight days following my first shot, I woke feeling “off” I went to work but later left because I was dizzy. I went to an Urgent Care facility where they ran an EKG and verified my heart was OK, then prescribed an antihistamine and sent me home. The dizziness-and tingling sensation in my forehead area continued for 7 weeks, during which time...I had several blood tests and ultrasounds run-all normal results. My ENT suggested to give it time-I’d recover, and my PCP said he felt strongly that it was anxiety.
SO...I fought for my own health. I requested tests and considered perhaps I had both side effects AND a newfound anxiety out of concern for my health. I took B12, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Tumeric, and drank tons of water...I added massage therapy and Acupuncture to my schedule and got more active. I take my mental and physical well being much more seriously and am doing my best to take care of myself.
Im uncertain of whether all or none of those things helped me, but at the end of week 7...I noticed a drastic improvement (I will note that I started Acupuncture this week) and a few days later felt “normal” for the first time since receiving the vaccine. I’ve continued to feel well for two weeks since, but have experienced a couple tension headaches that resolved with Ibuprofen.
Im so thankful to feel better and really believe that with time, these symptoms resolve!
I wanted to share to hopefully encourage those struggling with vestibular side effects to stay positive and take care! You’ll be OK!
This is a link to an article about a nurse working in a Texas hospital that's requiring their personnel to be vaccinated. She's one of a reported 2% of the employees that haven't done so. She's decided not to and because of that she may be losing her job soon.
I have had vertigo, dizziness and cloudy thinking since April 4th in the middle of the night. I got the Moderna shot on April 3 around lunch time.
The symptoms were very strong for the first month and are still pretty strong. The brainfog, especially in the morning is still pretty severe.
It was pretty obiously from the vaccine as two other people at work had the same problem, and when one of them told their doctor they were dizzy and ... their doctor completed the sentence and said vertigo.
I have seen two doctors and one nurse practitioner, and the second doctor said it was from the vaccine.
The first one didn't draw the parallel and I didn't yet know that two others at my job got Vertigo too, so I didn't mention the vaccine as a possible candidate for what happened.
Sometimes it feels like I got hit in the back of the head really hard. Same feeling, except no pain though the back of my head does feel odd sometimes.
I am sorry I allowed peer pressure to goad me into getting an experimental vaccine. Live and learn. I had swine flu and lived through that and I think I would rather go through that again, as bad as it was, than all the damage the vaccine seems to have done to me.
@strangedizzyman01 Hi, I think I know what you mean when you describe the type of dizziness and head weirdness you're experiencing. I'm going on 13 weeks, had this type of dizziness for 12 weeks after my first vaccine. Had my second vaccine on Monday of this week and although I'm not getting the dizziness since, I'm still getting weird head feelings, almost like the threat of dizziness,, brain fog and aches and pains all over particular!y neck, shoulder, ears and jaw. Hope you feel better soon and let us know how you get on.
@thenystagmus Hi Sassafras, it's so easy to get anxious with all these symptoms and difficult to remain calm when something scary happens. For me, this makes everything worse because I tend to worry over every unusual symptom and it does set of anxiety symptons. I was reading something the other day and made a note of it (because I do weird things like that lol)
"Stress and anxiety can contribute to dysfunction of your vestibular system. Dizziness or vertigo can occur if one part of this system is impaired. " (healthline.com).
"Elevated levels of stress hormones including cortisol can negatively impact the transmission of neural information from your vestibular system to your brain. It's thought that these hormones may disrupt channels in your nerves and neurontransmission in your brain. (healthline.com).
Sending best wishes😊
@smileyoer I know exactly what you mean, I have experienced that too. Sometimes I've felt that I'm over it only for the horrible symptoms to return the next day. Others here have experienced the same too from what I've read. I have learned to expect it, even though I'm going through a relatively good patch at the moment as far as dizziness is concerned. Many here have recovered from these side effects/advise reactions so I take hope from that.😊