on 28April,2021: I had a first shot of Modorna (at 1pm), hours later ,I started to feel chills,light fever,pain at the injection area. Couldnot use the left arm much 😂.Few days later,I tho the injection area started to heal, so kinda lil itchy. That’s all side effects I had for 1st shot.
On 27May,2021: I had my 2nd shot, that day I was kinda weak already because of lack of sleep. Did told them and they said is ok,because you just tired weak but not sick right? I was pretty sure,I was just lack of sleep. After had the shot ,I don’t have any signs effects. Just felt tired and back home to have lunch. Hours later, like first dose,started to feel more heavy fever but I still could handle it. Took aceminophen for pain relief for the arm. went to rest tho the day.
28May/Day after, body were tired and weak,I had very extreme headache. (Like if go to for poop,make some movement bowel enoght make the headache more worst). Took aceminophen to relief the headache. Went to sleep though the day and no more headache after woke up next day.
29May: no more headache was good. But body still tired and weak. Slight dizziness started to happen. I had slight vertigo ,but not so bad like “spinning room”. I still can do my daily like eat,got off the bed ,😂 poop, and I still able watch movies a lot with my iPad,cellphone. Arm still sore but not so much.
30May: still slight dizzines, vertigo,I tried to move slow and turn slow. Body still weak tired but not so bad. During these days passed I still can able sleep.Plus I had medical history about heavy extremely vertigo, also sick motion and headaches,nausea. In the past, if things above happened ,they were always nightmare. Vomiting,together with runningpooping. So based on what I experienced in the past, I still felt ok on these days after 2nd shot.
I hope this not gonna get worst more 🙁 because I need get on plane on 9 June 🙏.
and everyone please update your situations after the 2nd shot, thank! 🙏🙏🥺🥺
I will updated for my next days!
Good Morning all,
I just got my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine 3 days ago and besides a little arm soreness, everything has been fine except that when I wake up in the morning, I am extremely antsy. I can not stay still and its quite annoying. Has anyone else heard about this side effect or is it just me? Just to put this into perspective, I usually wake up around 5 am to drink my coffee and watch some TV before work. It is basically the time I take out of my day to relax and I am usually extremely relaxed to the point that I have to be careful not to fall asleep. After I got the vaccine, I wake up now, use the restroom, and feel like I need to go run a marathon or exercise. I can not sit still and it is very frustrating. Just typing this post I am unable to sit still, I keep having to stand up and run in place or do some pushups. It seems to last a few hours and then it goes away. Has anyone heard about this type of side effect?
Did you get your 2nd shot? And how did you react?
I had the exact same problem as you, but after Pfizer vaccine and no-one can tell me if it's an allergic reaction because I got dizzy and felt like I was going to faint after only 3 minutes.
I am nervous if my reaction will be stronger after the 2nd shot and if it IS a mild allergic reaction neither you or I should get the 2nd shot according to the American medical authorities.
@thenystagmus I have had three panic attacks since getting vaccine. Im not dizzy anymore. Just tinnitus and hearing loss which might be temporary...who knows.
It’s as if you plagiarized my story. 10 days after the second shot and I’m ok and off with vertigo. Didn’t hit my head but went to the ER because I thought I had a stroke or heart attack. Still having discomfort in my chest.
Hopefully this goes away soon. Any update for you?
@thenystagmus I have had three panic attacks since getting vaccine. Im not dizzy anymore. Just tinnitus and hearing loss which might be temporary...who knows.
Hello, thanks for sharing with me. I don't think I've had a fully fledged panic attack associated with this. The closest I got was at one point when my symptoms progressed to having some that seemed to be consistent with herpes zoster (shingles) or herpes simplex (cold sore) involvement, threatening my eye. My optometrist advised me to revisit my clinic ASAP and they couldn't see me on Thursday or Friday, so rather than wait for Monday, I went for an ER visit. It wasn't clear to the doctor there that I needed an antiviral, my eye proved to have not become involved (only my lower eyelid) and thankfully those symptoms subsided with time. Since I'm not used to accessing emergency care, until I decided that's what I should do and got seen, I felt pretty panicked. Not a nice feeling!
I'm glad you're not dizzy anymore! And I do hope your tinnitus and hearing loss improve also! Here's hoping! 👍🙏😊
I think a lot of people are frustrated with figuring out what the ACTUAL cause of their symptoms is, including myself. From this very site, there is some useful information on what we are experiencing. I invite anyone new to read this very basic information before looking further:
For more information I found an in depth article on vestibular neuritis: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jir/2014/459048/
It seems labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis go hand in hand and there are overlaps of symptoms (VN is not associated with tinnitus but labyrinthitis is).
As to the vaccine obviously a majority of us feel there is definitely a link. If you read the article above you'll see that researchers don't have a clear answer on what causes these diseases. However, there has been a link to other vaccines and evidence pointing to it being an autoimmune disease.
There are other sources linking inner ear problems to anxiety/panic attacks which explains palpitations and tachycardia. There is also a link between hearing loss and blood pressure. All of this of course should be verified by a medical doctor. This is my own research and conclusion after seeing multiple specialty doctors.
Hi again, Markm! Thank you for your comprehensive viewpoint and your links to these excellent sources of information! I've read them before and recommend them also. The second one is lengthy, so I made a hot beverage to enjoy this morning while reading them once again. I learn something more every time I do. The first article is an easier read for most, and there are a lot of other very helpful articles available on many relevant topics within VEDA's site, also.
These vestibular issues are not easy to diagnose! I do suspect that for the majority of us here, with the onset of our symptoms soon following Covid vaccination, there is a causative relationship, possibly involving an autoimmune response. As you noted, I found this excerpt from your second source telling:
Immunologic mechanisms have been suggested as possible causes for vestibular neuritis following influenza vaccination.
I do appreciate this information and find it helpful in relating tlwith my medical doctors.
In addition to the difficulty of diagnosis involved, I've experienced a long wait for getting vestibular testing, without which my ENT has been unwilling to venture diagnosis or treatment. I don't know if it will prove helpful, but I'm looking forward to finding out if it will prove to be so. In the meantime I was able to convince my PCP to try a short, tapered low dose steroid intervention, which did appear to affect my course, albeit temporarily.
Thanks again for offering the benefit of your research and the input of your multiple medical specialists!
@dizzyfromvaccine please dm me the supplements & medication that helped you recover. Thank you so much in advance.
If moderators think this is not useful, they should delete it. It is all very true.
I found this discussion a few weeks ago when researching a family member's persistent condition after second Moderna shot. Maybe this will help someone. Be warned, it isn't great. I hope it doesn't scare anyone unnecessarily. But I hope someone can be helped if they are the same. We had never known anything about vertigo before, this was all new.
Summary: the vertigo symptoms were not a vaccine side effect at all. It was a brain tumor that we did not know about. And also an urgent need to drain excess fluid. Emergency surgery was a success, and recover so far looking good.
Please don't panic. But do see your doctor and take it seriously if not responding to vertigo treatment as expected. We had no idea about the tumor. None at all. The tumor was large and had been there for some time.
I am just trying to help.
- 46 years old, perfect life of health to date.
- Moderna, first shot had no side effects.
- second shot 4 weeks ago.
- within 24 hours of second shot, onset of many vertigo symptoms mentioned in this discussion. Especially intense dry retching, nausea, dizzy.
- Prior to the second shot, no health complaints evident at all. Seemingly very healthy. We suspected nothing.
- After two days of strong symptoms, they 90% subsided for 4 days. Then returned strongly for a day. For that week we dismissed it as an unlucky strong lingering vaccine reaction.
- Another week of side effects coming and going. Dizzy, nausea, hard to walk straight, esp in AM. Tired. Depressed, moody. Heavy head feeling like the back of head being pulled backwards. No headache. Hearing was ok. Eyesight was ok.
- Consecutive days feeling very well caused us to dismiss the problem. Then other days not so great. In cycles. Went to ENT at start of the third week.
- two weeks of ENT. Side effects mentioned come and go, trending worse. Lots of brain fog and anxiety. The anxiety was persistent and new for this person. We thought it was a reaction to the drugs, including steroids. Referred to neurologist on 3rd ENT visit, saw him that afternoon.
- MRI first thing next morning
- Immediate same day emergency surgery to remove the brain tumor and address emergency swelling and fluid.
- We learned of the tumor and had it removed on the same day. It was very intense.
Acoustic Tumor/Cerebello-Pointine Angle Tumor, complex. Posterior fossa vascular tumor with severe vasogenic edema, mass effect.
Hydrocephalus, exterior ventricular emergency drainage.
Please don't panic.
@damian, Thank you for taking your time and effort during this difficult time to share this here! I'm praying for your family member's recovery and for all of you giving support for this!
I have always been aware that brain tumor can be a cause of vestibular symptoms. Although this is a much less common cause, many here have had their doctors feel CT and/or MRI warranted to check for that possibly. At this time, mine has not, but given that this is a rare cause, I'm not inclined to panic and try to get imaging immediately. Continuing and increasingly worrisome symptoms would raise my level of concern, as it did for your family member's neurologist. It seems very fortunate that this was diagnosed and followed by being addressed very quickly!
I have a son with a brain condition requiring many surgeries for VP shunts that he needs lifelong. He once had an associated brain bleed requiring exterior ventricular drainage, during which time he required emergency surgery twice in one day, so I know only a small part of what you're going through.
Thank you again for sharing! I'm sure you are all extremely thankful that your family member is now on the road to recovery. My prayers are for a steadily uphill course and grace for all of you in this!
One week from getting the 2nd jab of Pfizer I get started feeling a little dizzy and slightly blurred vision and a touch
of nausea. That was Saturday .
Sunday I had to go to an urgent clinic. I had Nystagmus, severe vertigo, tons of pressure behind both ears. Nausea from the day before turned into vomiting. Could not walk without holding on to something.
I got a steroid shot and prednisone 50mg and 3 assorted vertigo and nausea scripts. 5 hours later that evening started getting relief with the steroids. Pressure was lessened behind the ears.
Today followed up with an experienced ENT. My symptoms were an 12 out of 10 on yesterday but were closer to a 4 out of 10 this morning when I went in for the visit.
Labyrinthitis causing Nystagmus, severe vertigo, accompanied with nausea and vomiting.
She said steroids/prednisone working so quickly on it lead her to that diagnoses and not the crystals out of wack.
Ordered an MRI brain without contrast to be scheduled as a precaution due the severity of the vertigo and hearing in my left ear a good bit worse than my right after audiogram today. But I’ve had hearing loss in the left ear for years.
Pulled blood for Creatinine, Ser labs. Results came in good this afternoon.
I am 46 yes old and have had ZERO prior episodes of vertigo. Even with bad ear infections. So low and behold as I’m googling to find out what can be causing this I find over a 220 page thread pops up on here.
Yep…. this could be possibly be a side effect of the vaccine. Thanks to all that have contributed on this post. Without reading all the common experiences posted, I probably would have just waited it out for a week or so before seeking treatment. I sure am glad I didn’t.
Hi, I'm experience the same symptoms. The electricity is very subtable but still there. I have been taking the holistic approach also. Changing to an alkaline diet and introducing more natural herbs. I've seen a difference in a couple of days. I think we just have inflammation that is causing a reaction to our nervous system. I do have a friend that said hers lasted 2 months then she was okay afterwards. Do you have any other symptoms?
Hello, I have had unsteady legs and can't function properly since a few weeks after my astral zenana jab 10 weeks ago I had a ct scan Friday blood test reveal nothing wrong mri next week, feel like been drinking when standing up or walking.
Good Morning all,
I just got my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine 3 days ago and besides a little arm soreness, everything has been fine except that when I wake up in the morning, I am extremely antsy. I can not stay still and its quite annoying. Has anyone else heard about this side effect or is it just me? Just to put this into perspective, I usually wake up around 5 am to drink my coffee and watch some TV before work. It is basically the time I take out of my day to relax and I am usually extremely relaxed to the point that I have to be careful not to fall asleep. After I got the vaccine, I wake up now, use the restroom, and feel like I need to go run a marathon or exercise. I can not sit still and it is very frustrating. Just typing this post I am unable to sit still, I keep having to stand up and run in place or do some pushups. It seems to last a few hours and then it goes away. Has anyone heard about this type of side effect?
Hi, This isn't one of the side effects I'm having currently, but it sounds similar to how I felt years ago when my thyroid level tested too high, putting me into a hyperthyroid state. I could sort of sleep, but I was semi-aware all night long and could remember all my thoughts over the night when I got up in the mornings. I was exhausted, but almost manic. I was getting out during the day to obsessively ride my bike and my relationships suffered due to my change of personality.
You might research hyperthyroidism symptoms and see if you think it might be warranted for you to ask your doctor about having your thyroid levels checked. Having had past issues, my PCP monitors my TSH and freeT4 levels.
I hope this passes for you soon!
2nd dose…so after feeling awful for 7 weeks after 1st Moderna shot-dizziness, vertigo, weakness, ears ringing, etc. primary care Dr referred me to an allergist. She tested me for every ingredient in vaccine and doctor concluded that I’m not allergic but my histamine levels were high. She had me schedule 2nd dose with the following recommendations- I had high histamine so follow a low histamine diet. It’s difficult but worked for me. Doctor also had me follow a regiment of taking Zyrtec every 12 hours after I got shot. 20 minutes before shot 1000 mg of Tylenol. Then 1-3 The 2nd shot was 100% different than 1st. I really think following low histamine diet, Zyrtec, and Tylenol We’re the game changers. I also got some Nettle tea to drink which helps with histamine. I’ve never heard of high histamine and it’s relationship to vertigo, migraines, etc. By no means am I a Doctor, but wanted to share what happened to me. Going to allergist really helped. Hope we all get better and can live our lives to the fullest!