Last seen: December 23, 2021 10:29 am
telegram: Contact @vaccinereversal Please see attached link for vaccine reversal protocol. This protocol will reverse all jab damage and restore hom...
@gingerjones Nerve damage...heart issue.. nightmare... brain fog.. fatigue.. no appetite
@zenforliving So sorry. They deleted his twitter. Join the telegram. I'm 100% healed from my vaccine injury
@hoping43 Detox ASAP
@djmatera yes Flush Niacin ONLY it last anywhere from 1-2 hours. Feels like an allergic reaction but is perfectly normal.
@djmatera Hi they wouldn't let me reply to your message privately. Please see below Hi,Flush is the only type that will help! The flush causes your ...
The antidote to cure and get rid of the vaccine is Niacin. It is an over the counter drug that gets rid of the spike proteins that have been injected....
@onniinno18 Hi, I'm experience the same symptoms. The electricity is very subtable but still there. I have been taking the holistic approach also. C...