@gingerjones please help me! No doctor is giving me advice? I feel so lightheaded and dizzy throughout the day? What supplements should i start to get better? Please reply thankyou
I've been following this thread for a while and decided I'd post everything that's happened up to this point. I received my first dose of moderna 4/1. Few days after, my left ear canal felt swelled, but went away 1-2 days after, and about 1-2 weeks later I began experiencing severe vertigo, but only for 10-30 seconds at a time. This was triggered by fast head movements, laying completely flat, or turning my head in a certain direction. Around the beginning of May, my vertigo almost completely subsided, but had minor dizziness (No spinning, but more of s shaky feeling) when laying down flat, or again making fast head movements. Visited a physician who claimed it was an outer ear infection, and provided nasal spray with a 7 day cycle of steroids for the ear, but honestly I didn't notice much of a difference from those.
The remnants I dealt with throughout may was ear fullness, though now since late may I feel like the symptoms have improved even more, Ears still feel full, but just a lot less, or only in one ear whereas in the past sometimes both ears would feel full, or one ear very full. What seemed to help was watching a youtube vid by an ear doctor who showed all these techniques to open the ears up, oddly enough what seemed to help the most was swishing around coconut oil in my mouth for a few minutes and spitting it out.
One thing that has me concerned is someone here had mentioned a family member who dealt with vertigo and eventually they found out it was a brain tumor. (Which thankfully they had a successful outcome) What I'm wondering is if this ear fullness could be related to something like that, and the ear infection/fullness caused it to press up against the vestibular nerve. The reason I'm worried is because I've been dealing with these "very minor" symptoms for over a month now, it being so minor that it's really difficult to gauge improvement, or even explain how it feels besides maybe a heavy head and light shakiness. A few more things to add is that once I began clearing/opening up my ear, I had an almost relieving 1-2 second sharp pain in that ear. I also notice that when I close my eyes, it feels like they're moving left/right for a few seconds before keeping still.
I'm hoping that this is all just because of the remaining ear fullness, and that once it's gone things are back to normal. But for the most part, the majority of the symptoms have seen significant improvement from the beginning.
I'm glad you're experiencing improvement! The eye symptom you're referring to may be nystagmus and it can be a symptom related to these vestibular symptoms a lot of us here are having. In fact, the character of occurrences of nystagmus is used in diagnosis of differing kinds of vestibular problems by doctors that specialize in treating these. It might be helpful for you to touch base with your doctor and mention it. There is also a lot of information here on the VEDA site that you might find useful. 🤗
Hi All, I've been following this forum for about 4 weeks now. My story is very similar to others here. I had no pre-existing conditions what-so-ever, well fit men with perfect hearing (up to 15 kHz with no anomalies, which is ok for my age group). I had no idea what vertigo is until April 30th of 2021. It all started on the 9th day after taking my 2nd Pfizer shot - dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ambulance, ER, various tests with no issues found, multiple visits to PCP and multiple ENT's, started prednisone regiment on day 9th, various supplements... as I mentioned my story is very similar to others. Today is day 35, and I'm still not well, still having vertigo, my right ear somewhat recovered after prednisone regiment, but not completely, it hasn't regained all the high frequencies (there's still about ~15db drop in sensitivity 8kHz and up, in the right ear), mild buzzing/hissing in my right ear. I'm also a member of a private FB group "Tinnitus and Hearing Loss/Impairment after COVID vaccination". I submitted my info to CDC VAERS and Pfizer Safety Reporting Naturally, I haven't heard from them, just receive the auto response from VAERS.
I do see a few key buzz words in this forum as well as FB group like: neurological inflammation, auto-immune response, etc. Just like most of us here, I have a lot of unanswered questions after visiting a number of doctors.
I've heard that hair cells in cochlea are not able to regenerate, that's why for the most part hearing loss and tinnitus are usually permanent. However a number of people reported that they were able to fully or almost fully recover in 1-4 months (which btw is by far longer than average recovery time from a typical inner ear infections). I was curious, if anyone on this form received any credible information from their doctors on what exactly is being affected in our inner ears (cochlea, vestibular nerve, cochlear nerve, other). My ENT (well, one of two) said that it's extremely likely that it's a vaccine triggered condition, and that my diagnosis is Labyrinthitis.
Hello! New member here. Just want to relate my Covid vaccine side effects. Had the 2nd dose May 7th of Pfizer. Two weeks later I became very ill. Woke up in the middle of the night and my body felt on fire. Profuse sweating and extreme vertigo followed by vomiting and chills. Very debilitating as a person can't really do anything. Took nearly a week to recover. Doctor didn't really have any answers and prescribed meclazine which I guess helped a little. She didn't really know anything about vaccine side effects such as this. I am convinced it was the vaccine as our daughter had the exact same thing happen to her at exactly 2 weeks after her second dose.
Here I am nearly a month after that 2nd dose. Made it through Memorial Day weekend feeling okay, then Tuesday June 1st, bam it hits me again. Not quite as bad as the first time but still debilitating with all the previous symptoms again. Here it is Thursday, June 3rd, and I finally was able to shower.
Haven't noticed too much ear fullness, but my tinnitus is much worse. Headache today pretty bad. Did take a Benadryl yesterday, that seemed to help but knocked me out.
Hopefully we will all overcome these side effects and get better. I'm concerned for long term endurance of this if it keeps popping up.
I talked to my doctor over the phone and he said he's not concern about my symptoms yet because it's not always there (even though it's there but moving around). He ordered the blood work which I did but I forgot to mention that I took one low dose Aspririn 1.5 days earlier. I'm not sure if that will affect the blood work. He wants to see me in the next 2 weeks if the symptoms don't go away. Yesterday was my good day, today is not that good. After I learned that one of my coworker passed away from Covid this morning, my symptoms get worse.
Have you heard of Immunization stress-related respond (ISRR)? That's what my cousin thinks I have... Take care
@adriana I have had tingling for about 7 days that started 2 days after my covid vaccination. Also went to ER and everything else normal. Was told it is anxiety which is not! Has yours gone away? Did you get the 2nd shot?
I have similar symptoms, tingling, numbness, pin and needles and weakness in left leg (for certain days). My cousin who is a doctor thinks I'm having "Immunization Stress-Related Response (ISRR)". Check it out.
I talked to my doctor over the phone and he said he's not concern about my symptoms yet because it's not always there (even though it's there but moving around). He ordered the blood work which I did but I forgot to mention that I took one low dose Aspririn 1.5 days earlier. I'm not sure if that will affect the blood work. He wants to see me in the next 2 weeks if the symptoms don't go away. Yesterday was my good day, today is not that good. After I learned that one of my coworker passed away from Covid this morning, my symptoms get worse.
Have you heard of Immunization stress-related respond (ISRR)? That's what my cousin thinks I have... Take care
I'm truly sorry your coworker passed away from Covid. That must be very distressing for you... 😥
This diagnosis sounds like a fancy way of saying it's an anxiety reaction causing your response to your vaccination ...similar to others saying their doctor says it's "all in their head". I know anxiety can serve to amplify these sorts of things, but I question that it's the root cause of them for the majority here.
Do you believe this diagnosis of ISSR for yourself?
This PDF explains some about it:
I am feeling so unwell with all the dizziness, unsteady walking, tight head and sinus, ears, the feeling of disorientation, numbness and pins/ needles in arms legs and feet. I don't think I can take anymore. I've seen Dr's, had paramedics check me over and all say physically I'm fine except slightly high blood pressure and blood tests showed viral markers slightly raised. I am sitting here crying as want my life back. It has been a living hell since I had the 2nd ofizer vaccine on 6th May. Dr's are no help, have been told its all in my head and to pull myself together. I feel so desperate right now
I feel something similar to you after 6 days of getting my first shot (May 21) of Pfizer. I had some dizziness but didn't last long. I felt more like sleepiness. I have had pin and needles and numbness (feet legs arms hands) and weakness of my left leg (just certain days). I talked (texted actually) to my cousin who is a doctor and he believes I have "Immunization stress-related response (ISRR)." Meaning, you have real symptoms but you don't really have underline conditions. I had a phone appointment with my doctor yesterday when I told him about the symptoms, he said he was not concerned yet because my symptoms are not always there. Well I have those symptoms daily but the degree of if changes and sometimes not in the same places. He ordered the blood work and he said if I don't feel better in 10 days, go see him in person.
There is no going back so you just have to look forward and hope that your doctor is right. I feel depressed some days but I do believe though that if these are results from vaccination, eventually our body will heal. Sad day today as one of my coworker passed away from Covid this morning.
Check out ISRR and take care.
To be honest, some days I believe it's ISRR but some days I don't. I noticed though that if I'm out and about outside the house, I hardly felt my symptoms but as soon as I'm back home, it's like all my senses are back full on. I exercised for an hour with no issue and about 2 hours after that, I started to have pin and needles every where. The next day, pin and needles are subsided but I have some weakness in my legs (from exercise? but I didn't have this issue before). A day after that my leg are fine. It seems to be like a cycle. I don't really know what happening but the symptoms are varies. I guess once the blood work is back, I'll know more.
Hey Everyone,
I have been following this forum for the last month and will go ahead and share my current experience.
May 7th I got second vaccine, Moderna. May 10th my symptoms started.
First it was immediate vertigo and dizzyness. Vertigo almost stopped immediately but I STAYED dizzy and it never really left me. I immediately threw up that first night, called my sister who is a RN. She asked about fluid in my ears (i didnt feel any) and then suggested to just go to ER. I didnt feel like anything was in my ears... at this point.
The first ER visit they gave me meclizine and sent me on my way. It helped me sleep and maybe helped with dizzyness but the worst part of it all was the anxiety. I had NEVER experienced something like this and my nerves were absolutely worked up.
About a week later I began experiencing discomfort in my ear and my anxiety was peaking, I decided to go back to ER again. This time I was told to stick with meclizine, use sudafed, tylenol, ibuprofen, and setup appointment with an ENT.
I saw the ENT a few days later and they looked in both nostrils. I was definitely inflamed on both sides of my sinuses and I have a very deviated septum to the left. He looked in both my ears and up to my eardrum everything was fine. No sign of infection. ENT told me prednisone, rhinocort (OTC nasal steroid spray), single aspirin a day, CT scan, and audiology exam.
I did these things but the prednisone absolutely kicked up my anxiety and put me into a panic attack. Later that night after seeing ENT I being experiencing intense ear pain, and along with the spike of anxiety from the prednisone, I went to ER a third time.
They gave me tramadol to help with the pain and told me to continue instructions from ENT.
At this point I decided it was best to get a PCP and save myself on these ER visits. I met with my PCP and she gave me some xanax to help with the anxiety. She told me to trust the ENTs and we were going to work on what I needed to do to get fixed up. She also recommended lexapro, a long term anti anxiety medication that wasnt a narcotic.
I finished the prednisone and during that time of using the prednisone my symptoms were DEFINITELY better, but after I finished it my issues came back, this time pretty strong with the pain.
At this point I did CT/audiology exam. Both came back completely normal.
I was also feeling like I was occasionally losing momentary hearing and tinnitus was starting to kick in a little more than usual. Ive always had tinnitus but its been very minor in the past and then gone away in a few minutes. This is making it stick around a little longer and a little louder. I decided to make an appointment at ENT again.
This time a different ENT looked in, their PA. She went in right nostril and said super inflamed. Started to go in my left and stopped and was like too inflamed, septum deviated too far left, and they stopped and said it would hurt me if they went further. She looked in both my ears and again up to my middle eardrum everything looked fine.
ENT put me on nasalcrom (anti-inflammatory nasal spray), continue with rhinocort, and to do saline irrigations twice a day. I still take 1 aspirin and use ibuprofen regularly through the day. She also said it would be good for me to get a septoplasty, have my septum fixed, get an adenoidectomy (adenoids are glands that process infections (viral and bacterial) in the back of your throat and related to ears, and to get my sinus reactors in my nasal cavity reduced.
Since nasalcrom, rhinocort, and irrigations, almost all pain as stopped, but if I feel pain coming on I use both sprays and it subsides it after my 15-20 minutes; however, I still have dizzyness ALL DAY LONG. I also experienced pain in random places after I started irrigations for a couple days. One day it was in my jaw, one day it was in my cheeks, one day in my forehead. This made me really latch onto the idea of, this is my sinuses doing this.
I have another appointment with my PCP tomorrow to talk about how I am doing overall in the process. I may ask for another prednisone taper and some xanax to help get me through it.
June 14 I have appointment with neurologist and will prolly try and get an MRI done.
Jul 8 I go back to ENT to get symptoms checked out and to most likely get ready for septoplasty/adenoidectomy/sinus tissue reduction.
Overall, this is what I think is going on. My body is not doing well with this vaccine, it taking it very hard and not able to process through the antibodies correctly. I truly believe this will take time and I will get through all of these symptoms. I think all of this is inflammation and I believe my dizzy spells/tinnitus are due to inflammation of my inner ear. I think this ties in with my ear pain as well, I also think it ties in with the cheek pain and jaw pain I experienced.
Basically, Covid-19 is an upper respiratory infection and it is absolutely shitting on my sinuses+ears.
Ill keep everyone updated with my appointments, but stay positive everyone. This will end, we will make it through this.
Here is a good quote I have been carrying with me.
This is my previous post:
And here is my
✨✨❤️Countinuing report:
🌸Since 27 May to Today(31) is 5th day.
Today, I think the tired and weak is better,also the slight dizziness. I think i slowly feel better.
I forgot to mentioned in my previous post that since that day I got 2nd shot,I also had stomachache, has diarrhea and contispation(at the same time😂). I still can sleep good. I can entertaining myself with iPad,game,reading news,watching movies. (For hours/also I slept kinda late 🥺)
I think you guys should not panic and think positive,you need stay positive ,so you don’t get anxious because anxiety can make health goes bad. May be because I had experienced with this kind of vertigo,so I know how to deal with it. In the past, vertigo happened to me when my blood sugar pressure goes low. What I have been doing is take a cup of water, add in sugar ,mixed it and drink the whole cup all. After that I slowly feel better,like my eyes feel bright and awake. My body feel better together with the vertigo,slight dizziness. Today I remembered what I did in the past , so drank a whole cup of water mixed sugar. And actually feel better.
- and I don’t know if I should /or need take ibuprofen. After the 2nd shot day, all I took was aceminophen for pain relief of my arm and headache.I don’t have headache anymore. The arm I think it will recover soon. I don’t feel numb,sored. I also can move it easily up and down,not like the first day after took the shot 😂.
What left is constipation,slight diarrhea and slight dizzies,slight vertigo ( need carefull when turn left right,up down..)
—That’s all for today! ;-; I hope my side effects not gonna get more worst ! And hope everyone will recover soon!
will countinue report!
hello everyone,today is 3rd June.
also my 8th days after took Modorna 2nd shot.
- I think it’s slowly to improvement;slight dizziness is still there. Body doesn’t feel weak or tired anymore. Like few days ago, all I just wanted to lay on bed and watched movies.
I don’t have vertigo attacks like everyone (spinning room) but slight dizziness is there. When turn left /right/up/ down.. or when looking down long time,it will start slight dizziness. I don’t take any supplement pills. All I still do is eating whole oranges😂 daily for vitamin.
I don’t take aceminophen anymore because my arm is fine now,also no headache.
So everyone who suffer vertigos,dizziness should think positive. Negative,stress,anxiety can effect your body response.
I hope I will back to normal and .
I hope you all will recover soon! Will countinuing report!
Hi again @nawpan - I agree that one of the most frustrating characteristics of these post-Covid vaccine issues for a lot of us is their fluctuating nature!
I'm not a medical professional, but I've done a lot of reading of medical journal articles, which I realize can make you a danger to yourself and others - LOL!! I hope you don't mind me exposing you to some meandering thoughts I have. These are things you could research if you have desire, time, and energy...
What you've described makes me wonder if at least some of it matches up with what sometimes gets diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There's a longer name for it now. I believe that syndrome used to be looked at as psychosomatic by most, but I believe it's now gaining or has gained status as a viable condition with etiology not related to the attitude or mindset of the sufferer. I don't know much about it, but I have also seen some information about there possibly being overlap between "Long Covid" and that. And you can find Long Covid and post-Covid vaccine symptom similarities increasingly being mentioned in some publications.
I would be hesitant to take responsibility for your attitudes or thinking being the root cause of your symptoms. I know how hard it can be to pin them down. To me it feels like the volume, variety and locations are constantly being ramped up & down and evolving cyclically - and that is maddening to me.
I'm actually proud of myself for screwing up my courage to make a post test follow-up appointment with my ENT (who only wanted to give me phone results after my upcoming ENG) after a protracted wrestling match on the phone yesterday. I feel worse yet today, with my symptoms reverting (2 weeks after Medrol) back into ones that had resolved a while back that are not in the ENT arena, so today I made an appointment today with my family practice doctor's physician's assistant for next week. So, next week will be quite busy for me ...ENG test, (Wound Care Center for my disabled son's feet & bum) and a family practice PA visit for myself! Then back to the ENT the next week. After 3 months of this (not so)merry-go-round, for me it's about time to "get this party (re-)started"! 🎉
@spraif me too. I very much appreciate the information. Very fascinated to learn what prompted the doctor to pick these supplements to try. Although my dizziness only lasted less than a week, I am glad these supplements are helping some people here. About a decade ago, I was getting what is called burning mouth syndrome. No idea what caused it. I was prescribed Diflucan for few months and it did not clear my problem. Then, searching the web for weeks, I came across an article called burning mouth syndrome may be helped with high dose alpha lipoic acid supplements. Started working within days. Since then, I have have had minor flareups few times years later but as soon as I start to have problems I take alpha lipoic acid and it was gone. There have been more studies since then and some people also reported vitamin B helped too.
It is possible we are low nutritionally due to diet, medication, or illness and certain supplements are gold standards such as Iron and pottasium supplements.
Good luck gaining your health back.
@dizzyfromvaccine so your doctor found your monocyte level to be too high causing inflammation? I find this very interesting. Also, thank you for sharing your recovery story with us.