@teddy I get your hesitation. I have been vaccinated all my life being a military brat with going overseas and such. I am all for vaccinations and my husband and I are one of first group every year to get our annual flu shots. I keep a detailed list of all my vaccinations and know when they need boosters if any. However, I have severe allergies to certain meds with one incidence of anaphylaxis and my allergist spent almost 45 minutes with me going over what I am allergic with against Pfizer vaccine and he encouraged me to get the vaccines and I am glad I did. I feel very relieved in knowing I won’t be affected by covid now. In my case, my dizziness that came on 15 days post 2nd vaccine only lasted a week and even with that my symptoms were intermittent.
I would encourage you to speak with an allergist if you are concerned about allergies. What I experienced was minor side affects. But, there are people here who are experiencing much more pronounced side affects and longer duration than mine. I am hoping people get relief with time as our bodies heal or science find answers to what is causing these events.
@elallen17 Do we have to take Liposomal Glutathione in a liquid form, I ordred pills but they are 50mg each
Had my 1st of Pfizer on May 16, now my only main remaining symptom is brain fog
@thenystagmus. Thanks for your response. Agreed about the peri-menopause theory! That just had to do with my specific situation not the forum - a desperate attempt at self-diagnosis. Lol!! The participants on this forum seem wide ranging so menopause is not the connection. Each day though as my symptoms worsen I become more sure that what I'm experiencing is connected to the vaccine. I hope what you say is true that with time they will subside. Has this been your experience? That your symptoms are improving? I hope so! So glad to have found this forum. Ever hopeful for an answer.
Yeah, I know what you mean about being ever hopeful. I think Hope is an elixir that can be prescribed for us all!
This stuff is so crazy! With what I'm going thru at 13 weeks, I feel I am no longer running with the pack that are nearing the finish line. Taking the long view, I increasingly suspect that Viral Infection I was told I had in March a year ago was indeed Covid infection. So, maybe the mild sore throat and sore neck glands I've had every 6-8 weeks for a couple of days following that were a mild Long Covid. And when I got the Moderna in early March this year, possibly that was kicked up many times over. Oh yeah, and my first experience with vertigo with nystagmus and vomiting that I had mid-August last year that resolved overnight... then 6+ months later, the major one 2 days post-Covid vaccine, after which I've had continued symptoms...
So, I don't know what my course would have been these last 3 months without any intervention, but I came up with low Vitamin D and took a weekly prescription for that for 8 weeks, now an OTC dosing. Following that I was prescribed a steroid, a Medrol taper. I believe I had mild improvement of my symptoms from that, but 2 weeks later I have all of them back, including ones that had gone away within the first month or so.
In my area, appointments for doctor and test appointments seem to have waiting lines at this time. Covid restrictions are lifting, the school year has ended - maybe people are going for care they'd deferred during lockdown times?
I'm not comfortable with treating myself without the advice or knowledge of my doctors, so I haven't done other things beyond trying Ibuprofen dosing and taking Vitamin C.
A sinus x-ray seemed to show chronic sinus infection, but although my sinuses have been swollen (mostly on the same side of my vestibular symptoms) I don't have congestion, I haven't had a sinus infection in 5 years, and I don't believe I have a current infection, so I declined the antibiotic and Flonase offered by my doctor.
So, 2+ weeks after finishing the Medrol, I'm feeling increasingly bad, I'm waiting for the ENG that my ENT ordered a month ago and I've made an appt to be seen again in a week at my family practice doctor's office. In addition, instead of just a phone call report, I've insisted on a follow-up ENT appt after my ENG.
I so wish I could say that I'm doing nothing but improving, but to my dismay, I cannot. So, back to my doctors I will go... I don't want to become desperate, but I'm finding I need to be persistent in dealing with this. I've pushed myself through the shower and plan to force myself out the door to do a few errands today.
Thanks for listening to my sorting process! I hope for your steady improvement and resolution of your symptoms! 🤗🙏
I've been searching the internet for long term covid vaccine side effects to no avail so I decided to look for the effects vaccines in general have on the body and found this.
"Vaccines are designed to cause an immune response, which causes inflammation. Until vaccine ingredients are expelled from the body, the body is in a constant inflammatory state. Vaccines are cocktails of preservatives pathogens and adjuvants. Adjuvants are intended to stimulate your immune response to the vaccine introduced pathogens, and they do stimulate your immune system successfully, but they destroy tissues in the process. The body will not stop reacting to the allergens until the body has expelled the vaccine ingredients and has been returned to full health". (Organiclifestylemagazine.com/issue/17-How to Detoxify and Heal from vaccinations May 22, 2015 Michael Edwards updated 8 November 2018).
So it seems to me that getting rid of the inflammation is something I need to focus on. For starters I am going to try an anti-inflammatory diet, there's lots of information out there on the types of foods to eat such as salads, fruit and veggies, omega 3 fatty acids, protein from lean meat such as chicken, spices, herbs, nuts etc etc. The hardest part for me is cutting out biscuits and puddings.
Sorry if someone has already posted something similar, there are so many messages here now it's a job to keep up.😊
From the above website I made note of this "On the day of the vaccine, take an ice pack with you, apply it to the injection site immediately after receiving the shot to lessen the immune response".
If I had know this I would definitely have tried it with both jabs, may be of use to anyone considering going for their second jab.😊
@thenystagmus Hi, sorry you're still struggling with symptoms. I too have had that sore throat feeling like I'm coming down with a cold but it doesn't develop into anything. Every day seems to be something different. If you think you already had the virus couldn't you get a blood test to confirm it either way?
That's what I'm feeling this week. I haven't logged in for a while, so I haven't read many of the more recent posts. The good news is that ten weeks after this all started, I feel that I've turned a corner. I'm not totally well yet, but I'm considerably better than I was a couple of weeks ago. I drove to a store about four miles from home yesterday without trouble, and that's a VERY big deal. In the last few days I can walk without my feet wide apart and my arms our for balance. I still have ringing in my ears and my vision is a little off and my head still floats some and goes for short spins a few times a day, but the really bad stuff seems to have subsided to a great degree. It's one of those cases where I didn't know how very bad I felt until I didn't anymore.
What made a difference? I'm not sure. It could be the simple passage of time. It could be that I've adjusted some vitamins and supplements. It could be that I've reduced my caffeine intake. I did have an unrelated infection recently and mentioned my vertigo journey to the doctor (one I hadn't seen before) and when I voiced my suspicion that this could be from the vaccine, he didn't hesitate to say, "Yeah, we seem to be seeing a lot of unusual things like that right now that might be related to the vaccine."
I hope to be able to come back with an all-clear report soon.
@teddy I get your hesitation. I have been vaccinated all my life being a military brat with going overseas and such. I am all for vaccinations and my husband and I are one of first group every year to get our annual flu shots. I keep a detailed list of all my vaccinations and know when they need boosters if any. However, I have severe allergies to certain meds with one incidence of anaphylaxis and my allergist spent almost 45 minutes with me going over what I am allergic with against Pfizer vaccine and he encouraged me to get the vaccines and I am glad I did. I feel very relieved in knowing I won’t be affected by covid now. In my case, my dizziness that came on 15 days post 2nd vaccine only lasted a week and even with that my symptoms were intermittent.
I would encourage you to speak with an allergist if you are concerned about allergies. What I experienced was minor side affects. But, there are people here who are experiencing much more pronounced side affects and longer duration than mine. I am hoping people get relief with time as our bodies heal or science find answers to what is causing these events.
Thanks for your response Nasu. I guess my other hesitation is that this vaccine is not a sure fire 100% protection against covid (although it is pretty good it sounds like). But the fact that you can still get the disease, still get symptoms, still end up in hospital, still die, and still get long covid, give me more pause. I suppose if it offered 100% protection I'd be even more torn on whether to get it or not (or if I was older and in a more dangerous health bracket).
Honestly, it must be agonizing for some people with more pressing health concerns to make the decision to vaccinate or not. It has been agonizing for me, and when I read posts such as your own I think that maybe I should just go out and get it and see what happens. I just really don't want some of the worse side effects I have read about (tinnitus and dizziness lasting months etc). I know 2 people personally who have claimed to have significant side effects (resulting in a hospital visit, blood work and brain scans etc) but even theirs were not as bad as some of what I have read here and elsewhere. The majority of those I know have got the shot and been 100% fine.
@thenystagmus Hi, sorry you're still struggling with symptoms. I too have had that sore throat feeling like I'm coming down with a cold but it doesn't develop into anything. Every day seems to be something different. If you think you already had the virus couldn't you get a blood test to confirm it either way?
Thanks, friend! You've been going through this for a long season, also. Thank you for your support for myself and all here. Your cheery persistence has been a good tonic for me!
I'd really like it sorted out whether I had Covid infection prior to my vaccination or not, but if there's a test that can determine that after having been vaccinated, I'd really like to not pay a large sum for it. So, I'd want a test prescribed by my doctor in hopes that my insurance would pay for it. But they didn't even pay for my follow-up Vitamin D level test, maybe because my deficiency had been discovered and treated by a different clinic under my previous insurance? I dunno... So, I will make a note to ask about possible antibody testing at my appt next week...
Thanks for your problem-solving question - at this point I can use all the help with that I can get!
Well wishes! 🤗🙏
@joang After the second Moderna shot, I had vertigo on and off for over two months coupled with persistent dizziness and headaches. Then during the last few weeks of the above two +months, after taking ibuprofen three times a day, I felt almost normal. Then last friday, Vertigo again!!! It took two days for me to feel normal again and I am just hoping that this is it , but fearful at the same time of another recurrence.
@thenystagmus Hi, I forgot you have to pay for your treatment in the US. Here of course we pay for ours through taxes so there is no outlay unless we go privately. Yes it's been a long old haul for us and others here. I often wonder how the earlier posters are doing now. I can only assume they are ok or else they'd still be posting. I don't know about you but I get some fairly good days here and there like Wednesday when I went to a funeral. The day before was not so good, headaches and some dizziness. Today I'm not too bad, headaches and some weird head sensations, not quite dizziness, more like a migraine aura. Going to change my diet though to see if that makes any difference and drink more water. Not taking anything now except pain killers for headaches. I'm still getting some weird dreams, how about you, has the bovine reappeared by any chance? My dreams lately seem to take me back many years and I'm disappointed to wake up realising I'm older now, quite depressing. Hope you get things sorted with your doctor. Take care.😊🙏
hi all,
havent posted for a while. Had my 1st Pfizer on April 21. Since then dizziness has reduced quite a bit but lingering around. My main symptoms now are feeling of tightness in back of head and neck. this tightness keeps shifting sometimes to different sections of head. the tightness am referring to is not same as a headache but gives the sense that head is a bit heavy. Is someone else experiencing similar symptoms. thanks in advance
Oh @tabby - you gave me a much appreciated LOL! 😂
No, I guess "Bossy" gave up on trying to get me to climb on her back for any more "herd immunity" participation! She hasn't dared to poke her nose into my dreams again ...after all, I exposed her agenda here!! Ohhhh myyyy! Our unconscious selves sometimes come up with bald truths!
Well, I've heard that some with Alzheimer's look in a mirror, see someone much older than they believe they are, then conclude the mirror is a window and become frightened that someone is standing outside, staring in at them. One care home we visited when my dad needed to go into care explained that was why they had no bathroom mirrors. ...If we get to that point, ...well, we can just be glad we're not there, yet! 😁