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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Hi I had the Moderna vaccine, the first shot was not bad I had a sore arm for a day and felt very tired and weak for a week I had the 2nd shot on May 6 about 2-1/2 to 3 weeks later I experienced my 1st episode of vertigo, I never had it before so I was a little concerned but it only happened when I laid down, 2 days ago I started having vertigo when I was standing and looked up it is so bad that if I do not have some thing to grab on to I will fall down.


I have not had any other symptoms, no ear aches, no headaches, no nausea, no vision problems my BP and heart rate are normal. I had been taking Amoxicillin for 9 days before the 2nd vaccination for Lyme's disease but was not having vertigo or dizziness from the Lymes or Amoxicillin. Amoxicillin is also used as an antibiotic to treat ear infections


I know that they had to come up with a vaccine for Covid 19 quickly so they would not possibly be able to research every possible side effect, if I had to take the shots again I would it's better then having a ventilator shoved down my throat, or spreading the virus or dying from the virus. That said it irritates me that they are apparently down playing the side effects and realistically endangering the lives of people by not telling them what to expect if they start experiencing the side effects. Had I been driving or going up or down stairs vertigo could cause me or others to have an accident or a fall and injure others or myself. Knowing what to expect "so far" helps me to avoid putting myself or others in danger. 

People think I am crazy or trying to discourage others from getting the vaccine and that in plain English pisses me off.

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I have ordered a few ounces of essential oil. At the least, this is good for the blood.

Sri Lanka Plant - wild or red sage


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Posted by: @xiaohuali

@thenystagmus  I got one injection of Pfizer on 4/1, since then I have been experiencing vertigo for the more then two months and I feel I lost alert in my brain。 I had BPPV for more years, but last period and severity are first time in my life. I doubt it is link to the vaccine. Is anybody have similar situation ?

Hello and welcome, GM. There are many accounts here that you can read of others that are also experiencing vertigo and loss of brain alertness - some call their loss of alertness "brain fog". I have experienced these and other symptoms, also. Many believe there is a link between their symptoms and having gotten a Covid vaccine. People have tried different things to help, but nothing seems to have been helpful for everyone. I hope you will regain your health soon!

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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Quick update from me.

Seems all my symptoms asides from the Tinnitus and occasional spells of tiredness have gone now.


But get this, yesterday one of my fillings came out whilst eating and I wasnt aware until as I bit down on the food I was eating I accidentally bit down on the filling causing it to chip my tooth.


So now Ill probably have a £500 dentists bill.


Has anyone else had teeth issues post vaccine ?


What is this vaccine doing to our bodies ?? I'm worried now that I might have the beginnings of an auto immune disease working it's way around my body causing damage as it goes.

Sassafras, dragonlover, Tabby and 3 people reacted
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@markm Hi Markm, yes it's like when you catch a cold, for people with chest problems it can go straight to their chest causing a chest infection, for those with ear problems, earache. This vaccine has accentuated some of my issues such as migraines, neck and knee aches, costochondritis and even my gums.

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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@jasonedwarda Hi Jason, I have a dental appointment this week for an old tooth infection problem that has flared up since the jab. I didn't think of it as being a connection but you may be right. My bill is going to come to almost as much as yours because I will need a single denture, plus a temporary one in the interim, so it costs twice as much. My first denture, wow, now I'm on that slippery slope.😤

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@thenystagmus What a journey you've been on.  I am so sorry and hope that the docs start to find some answers.  I admire your persistence to stay on track.  I am feeling really sad today for everyone's struggles with this situation.  Ugh.  What a nightmare.  That's so interesting that you think you may have had undiagnosed COVID early on.  That would definitely add to your complex situation.  I too have thought back to some mild symptoms in March 2020 back when it was hard to get tested that make me wonder if I had it too.  I talked to a friend yesterday who had COVID 6 months ago and has become one of those long-COVID sufferers.  He still struggles with brain fog and other strange side effects daily.  He hasn't gotten his vaccination yet because he's afraid that it will worsen the long-COVID symptoms.  Apparently there's been some research to advise that people who had COVID to only get a single shot.  But here in the US that has not been passed as a recommendation by the CDC so people like my friend are holding out to see if they change recommendations.  BUT...this somehow makes sense to me that the two doses were too much for some people who had COVID or were otherwise immune compromised or who struggle with autoimmune responses??  Armchair doctor over here but...that's all I've got right now.  I hope you continue to feel better.  Take good care.

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I got Johnson and Johnson 2 months ago and still have ringing in my ears and dizzy/nausea.  It is horrible.  Wish I never got the vaccine.  

Sassafras, Sassafras, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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@carriedoerr Hi Carrie, May I ask a question? Did you get your second shot or do you still plan to get it after your dizziness totally go away from the first shot? Thanks

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After a bad night with dizziness and tight band feeling around head decided to get checked out at emergency dept at hospital. On arrival my blood pressure was low 90/43 so took bloods and did an ECG. ECG showed some odd tracing. Fully examined, some limb weakness and numbess. Bloods came back normal, said no neurological issues but couldn't get another ECG reading as I was shaking. Junior Dr td me it was anxiety. I told her sorry this is not all anxiety. Insisted on seeing consultant who on further questioning and examination made a diagnosis of meineres syndrome and prescribed behistamine. Absolutely refused to believe this could be covid vaccine related, to which I said we would have to agree to disagree on that. Glad I got checked out and blood tests normal, they cannot tell me why blood pressure low nor why ECG showed some odd tracings. Still dizzy but have only taken one dose of behistine. Fingers crossed things improve. I do remember having sore ears day of my 2nd vaccine which I told the nurse and she said was OK to have vaccine, which I now think wasn't a good idea. Whatever I will not be having another covid vaccine or indeed any other vaccine after this experience. On plus side I now have less nausea/ vomiting, less back and chest pain, still have ongoing tremor but I'll take a little improvement as a good thing. Will continue with supplements as feel they may be helping with the reduced back and chest pain and nausea/ vomiting as that had improved a little before I had started the behistine. 

Just makes me a bit angry how medical professionals will not accept that the vaccine could cause these side effects/ issues. To me  it seems too much of a coincidence that I have somehow now got meineres syndrome when was perfectly healthy before.

I will keep you posted how the behistine works as it may well be another thing that works for others.

Stay positive everyone. 

Carol, Tabby, Sassafras and 5 people reacted
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Hi Guys!

38 year old man from Poland.
At the beginning of May I had 1st jab (pfizer).
30 hours after the jab brain fog, small vertigo (like walking on a boat) and anxiety started.
I had anxiety problems in the past but never with brain fog or vertigo.
Tried all different supplements but nothing worked. Only xanax made me relaxed and made symptoms go away.
It was worse when in stress (could not work), and better after sex or in the evenings (when I'm usually relaxed).
This lasted 12 days. Thought it was over.
Unfortunately after another good 9 days without symptoms I had a dentist appointment.
Of course I didn't like going to the dentist in the past but it never made me panic.
This time the visit triggered the symptoms again. Today is the day 6 of the symptoms.
During all the days dealing with this talked with my family doctor, neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist.
The first two said it happens and to give it time. Even 2-3 months.
Psychiatrist and psychologist additionally told me that after the vaccine the nervous system can get affected.
Not directly because of the vaccine but with your body immunological response.
And then things that usually didn't affect you in the past are now really hard to deal with (weak nervous system).
And as you know (or not) brain fog, vertigo, headache are one of the most common anxiety symptoms.
So from my experience the best advice I heard and can pass along: try to rest as much as possible, try to postpone or cancel anything that makes you stress, try not to watch emotional shows on tv/internet that make your blood pressure go up, do what you like doing (walking? sleeping? reading? sex or even masturbation?). Just try for few days quit anything that makes your brain work too hard and be stimulated too much. Help your nervous system regenerate. And many of the supplements mentioned in this topic of course help with that.
Would love to hear if that helped in few days.
ps. I intend to get my 2nd jab (pfizer) next sunday anyway. But of course the perspective of that is not helping with my anxiety and brain resting method 🙂

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Posted by: @rachie

After a bad night with dizziness and tight band feeling around head decided to get checked out at emergency dept at hospital. On arrival my blood pressure was low 90/43 so took bloods and did an ECG. ECG showed some odd tracing. Fully examined, some limb weakness and numbess. Bloods came back normal, said no neurological issues but couldn't get another ECG reading as I was shaking. Junior Dr td me it was anxiety. I told her sorry this is not all anxiety. Insisted on seeing consultant who on further questioning and examination made a diagnosis of meineres syndrome and prescribed behistamine. Absolutely refused to believe this could be covid vaccine related, to which I said we would have to agree to disagree on that. Glad I got checked out and blood tests normal, they cannot tell me why blood pressure low nor why ECG showed some odd tracings. Still dizzy but have only taken one dose of behistine. Fingers crossed things improve. I do remember having sore ears day of my 2nd vaccine which I told the nurse and she said was OK to have vaccine, which I now think wasn't a good idea. Whatever I will not be having another covid vaccine or indeed any other vaccine after this experience. On plus side I now have less nausea/ vomiting, less back and chest pain, still have ongoing tremor but I'll take a little improvement as a good thing. Will continue with supplements as feel they may be helping with the reduced back and chest pain and nausea/ vomiting as that had improved a little before I had started the behistine. 

Just makes me a bit angry how medical professionals will not accept that the vaccine could cause these side effects/ issues. To me  it seems too much of a coincidence that I have somehow now got meineres syndrome when was perfectly healthy before.

I will keep you posted how the behistine works as it may well be another thing that works for others.

Stay positive everyone. 

Were you dx'd with Meniere's Disease or Meniere's Symdrome?  I suggest you take a look at (there doesn't seem to be a way for me to put a link here)  There is a lot of information there and there is a section which explains the difference between the two.  You can also read the forum without joining the site but will need to join the site if you wish to post.


Tabby, Sassafras, Rachie and 3 people reacted
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@tabby. thanks for sharing. I am still contemplating getting my second one since the symptoms of the first are lingering around. hopefully i can schedule one soon. did any kind of MRI imaging yield any information about inflammation for you ? I have something scheduled next week. Also are you doing anything specific to ease the symptoms ? 

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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Off topic.  Someone PM’d me and I can’t respond because I don’t have enough posts?  How many do I need to PM? 

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@mm824 You meet same problem as mine: vertigo, nausea and vomit. They have come to me since 4/1.

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