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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@martin I am also Polish, welcome to the forum.

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Posted by: @martin

Hi Guys!

38 year old man from Poland.
At the beginning of May I had 1st jab (pfizer).
30 hours after the jab brain fog, small vertigo (like walking on a boat) and anxiety started.
I had anxiety problems in the past but never with brain fog or vertigo.
Tried all different supplements but nothing worked. Only xanax made me relaxed and made symptoms go away.
It was worse when in stress (could not work), and better after sex or in the evenings (when I'm usually relaxed).
This lasted 12 days. Thought it was over.
Unfortunately after another good 9 days without symptoms I had a dentist appointment.
Of course I didn't like going to the dentist in the past but it never made me panic.
This time the visit triggered the symptoms again. Today is the day 6 of the symptoms.
During all the days dealing with this talked with my family doctor, neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist.
The first two said it happens and to give it time. Even 2-3 months.
Psychiatrist and psychologist additionally told me that after the vaccine the nervous system can get affected.
Not directly because of the vaccine but with your body immunological response.
And then things that usually didn't affect you in the past are now really hard to deal with (weak nervous system).
And as you know (or not) brain fog, vertigo, headache are one of the most common anxiety symptoms.
So from my experience the best advice I heard and can pass along: try to rest as much as possible, try to postpone or cancel anything that makes you stress, try not to watch emotional shows on tv/internet that make your blood pressure go up, do what you like doing (walking? sleeping? reading? sex or even masturbation?). Just try for few days quit anything that makes your brain work too hard and be stimulated too much. Help your nervous system regenerate. And many of the supplements mentioned in this topic of course help with that.
Would love to hear if that helped in few days.
ps. I intend to get my 2nd jab (pfizer) next sunday anyway. But of course the perspective of that is not helping with my anxiety and brain resting method 🙂

Hi Martin - Welcome! The way you use conversational English, I would think it's your first language ☺️

A quick note ...I appreciate the input you're getting from your medical advisors and the resulting advice you've offered.

I'm 3 months into my post-#1Moderna journey. I'm seeing my need for regenerative rest/leisure, also.

At this point I'm finding that I now want to start challenging myself more, to stimulate my body & mind to adjust to the insult they seem to have suffered from my vaccination. I plan to share more on my experience with that later ...right now I'm headed out for a picnic I've organized with a neighborhood couple! 🤗

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@anonym2 Hi anonym2, I haven't had any imaging done. I spoke to my doctor once and he prescribed prochlorperazine but I couldn't take them, my head felt all over the place. I tried Dramamine and they seemed to he!p at first but the more I took them the more spaced out I felt. I am only taking aspirin and paracetamol now to help with headaches.

I posted something here on 4th June about an article I read (organiclifestylemagazine) about vaccines in general. It said "vaccines are designed to cause an immune response which causes inflammation". 

I do believe this is what is happening to me. After my first jab my side effects started to ease after around 10 weeks, I had my second jab 2 weeks later. For 3 days I was symptom free but they returned and now it feels just as it was after the first jab. 

I am almost 3 weeks into my 2nd jab and I am going to give it more time. I have changed my diet to an anti-inflammatory one, similar to a Mediterranean diet and am drinking more water. 

At the moment I still get migraine headaches, a type of dizziness that you can get with a migraine but not vertigo. I get a stiff neck and shoulders, ear ache that comes and goes and tinnitus. I have had migraines for many years but never had dizziness with them pre vaccine. I have also had tinnitus for several years but ENT found no problems, hearing fine. It is more pronounced since having the jab. I am also quite sensitive to noise and brightness.

Wow, seems like I'm giving you my boring life story but if it helps in any way then that's good. 

I think I went into my 2nd shot knowing I would get side effects but after the experience of the first one believing they would eventually ease off.

Best wishes🙏😊


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Posted by: @alicja
  1. Kom@dizzyfromvaccine

what kind of solution , please I’m desperate. 


This post was modified 3 years ago by Meg

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Hi Chris

I have exactly same symptoms as you have and I received the Pzifer vaccine 8 days ago.Did your symptoms improve?I'm so worried and would be nice to hear if you are better so I have hope






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Thanks so much for sharing the detailed experience here. I truly appreciate all the inputs. I think quite a few things you mentioned are very similar: neck stiffness, slight stretch near ear region, dizziness with or without migranes etc. I too have a migrane issue but never with dizziness.

By any chance, does the dizziness or feeling of heaviness in head/neck increase if you look at your phone or computer. this is what i have seen in general. When am outdoors, things are better as compared to when am doing any Screen related activity (phone, PC, TV). thanks

Best Wishes.

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Hi, just found this forum, hope you are feeling better. I'm from Peru, here we are using Pfizer vaccine, my mom is 77 years old, alzheimer at the first stage. Three days after the first shot she received bad news from our family, I thought that was the reason why she had such a headache, vertigo and dizziness. But these symptoms never disappear, a couple of days ago had her second shot and the dizziness keeps bothering. We have to keep an eye on her all the time because it's frightening that she could fall and get hurt. Also alzheimer seems to have progressed in a really short period of time. Just want to know if the dizziness dissappear at all after some weeks. 

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@anonym2 Hi anonym2, I cannot watch TV at the moment, only for a few minutes. It's difficult to explain what sort of an effect it has on me, probably the fast movement, colours, even the large size of the TV. I have to look way from it. Oddly enough I can watch a movie on my small tablet when I'm in bed. If I overuse it though it does sometimes give me a headache with dizziness.

I get dizziness when I'm in bed too, turning over. Looking down, looking up also makes me feel dizzy. Also, if I'm talking to someone for a long time such as a visitor, I sometimes feel uncomfortable and find my eyes avoiding contact of even have to make an excuse to leave the room even. I think it's fear of feeling dizzy, like the flight of fight response.

I still manage to get on with what needs to be done though and take a rest after. It hasn't been bad enough to confine me to my bed.😊

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@anonym2 You mention your getting neck stiffness whilst looking down on your phone or computer. Forward head posture is apparently becoming a problem for young people who use these technologies which can lead to problems in later life like osteoarthritis. If nothing else it could be weakening your neck muscles if using this pose regularly. 

I have mentioned before that for me these vaccines have accentuated my problems with my weakest spots, my neck being one of them. I worked on a computer for years, I used to teach IT in a college. I have definitely had more problems with my neck since having the vaccines, even whilst resting in bed.😊



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I had my first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine about 10 days ago. Had fever, chills, and body ache for couple of days but started feeling dizzy and numb sensation in different parts of the body almost every day from about day 4. I went to ER first but the place I live is currently backlogged with cases so returned home with no luck; then went to a doc a day after, but he refused to write any tests for blood work or scans to rule out anything serious when I expressed my concerns w.r.t clot reports. He said it's probably some "nervous reaction" to the vaccine (very comforting, huh?) and I should still plan to take the second dose, when asked. 😑 

My neck feels stiff and the dizziness seems to get worse when I lean forward to work on my computer etc. Also, I tend to feel more dizzy when I'm in tight spaces (e.g., my bathroom). Today I had a sudden bout of dizziness and headache from my phone alarm, and been feeling uneasy since I woke up.

I've had other symptoms too but this one doesn't seem to go away.

I filed an adverse reaction report with AZ and also followed up via. email but no one even cared to get in touch with me.

Going to see another doc tomorrow. I hope this is not something serious and goes away soon. Never felt so anxious and uneasy.

This post was modified 3 years ago by RG

Tabby, Dizzyfromvaccine, Tabby and 1 people reacted
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@anonym2 Hello, I noticed that screen time and scrolling on my iPhone and Mac makes the vertigo worse. Have not noticed it on my Fire when reading. I have a history of vertigo, the first Pfizer cause a major episode among other issues that has not totally resolved. I found this article and am giving it a try.


Good luck. It’s all pretty frustrating!

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@nawpan yup!  Not as intense, but head pressure, super mild dizziness - but really I think it’s head pressure. I’m also having neck soreness and anxiety. How are you? 

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@dizzyfromvaccine hi!  How much is excessive?  Can you send report link?  Thanks!

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@tabby My first Pfizer definitely exacerbated issues I’ve had, arrhythmias, vertigo with nausea, sinus pain, migraines, neck pain, and caused new ones, tinnitus, left side specific ear and head pain/pressure and sinus congestion; leg weakness and brain fog. I live in a county with the highest covid rate and lowest vaccination rate in the entire state of Colorado. We are over 7% with hospitals and ICU almost full. Last I spoke to my doctor, she said all of those hospitalized were unvaccinated which to me is a testament to the vaccine effectiveness. I’ve rescheduled my second shot to 06/19 but am really really scared of things getting even worse health wise, but also fearful of contracting covid because of where I live, being under vaccinated isolates me from my family and I already have several outstanding risk factors.

I’m sorry to hear you are still dealing with post vaccine issues. I appreciate each day that’s better and know there’s one coming on the days that aren’t.

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