Last seen: July 25, 2021 8:39 pm
@lukenickThank you very much for sharing and updating your status after the second shot. You, LPV and other people who took the second dose after long...
@bigshow I felt dizziness 20 days after my first Moderna shot. The dizziness lasted for 3-4 days. I never thought it’s related to the vaccine until I ...
@baiseren Did you get any answers from the person who took the second shots? Could you please share the answers to us? Thanks
@baiseren Could you please share the answers you received? Most of us want to know if the second dose will make it worse or better? Thanks a lot.
Hi All, Try to contact with Gregory A. Poland, MD, a vaccinologist and director of the vaccine research group at the Mayo Clinic. He has been suffer...
@gingerjones Thank you so much to share the link. It’s so important. As the expert of vaccine, his tinnitus after vaccine may be a credit of us. He wi...
@michaelk We are on the same page. I got my first Moderna on April. 3days later, I experienced many bad side effects, vertigo, vomit, chill, nausea, c...
@carriedoerr Hi Carrie, May I ask a question? Did you get your second shot or do you still plan to get it after your dizziness totally go away from th...
sudden hearing loss reported after covid19 vaccine
@lpycb42 May I ask one question after reading all your posts? Did you get your first dose of Pfizer on 4/15? Do you want to get the second does la...