@yoki sorry to clarify: 2 weeks on the dosages from your long post yesterday?
and to recap, you had a 90% reduction in symptoms after 1 week of the supplements? did you see steady improvement through that first week? or more of a sudden decrease in symptoms one day?
I read in a scientific paper that vaccines from different makers should not be combined because the effects are not known. It was in the following report if I recall correctly but be sure you check out the literature if you choose to do it.
I got my second shot March 2 now it’s June 12 three months still can’t hold my balance when I walk can’t get any answers from Pfizer filled out a form with them never got back to me went to doctors they have no idea going to A ear doctor next week feels like vertigo but it’s funny that the off-balance started one hour after the shot. Did your dizziness eventually go away or do you still have it
I think this is a decision only you can make. I personally had pfizer shot and reacted on the 2nd shot and am still unwell, not able to do things I want as too unwell and I had the vaccine because I was pressured by my workplace (healthcare) and because I wanted to protect others, also wanted to see my vulnerable brother who has been shielding since very first lock down. I am now not working currently I am on sick leave and have been too unwell to see my brother.
Your situation is likely different to mine but I would give it some serious thought and discuss all options with a few Dr's if you can so you can make an informed choice.
Bottom line is do you feel you can cope with further side effects etc.
Wishing you well x
Thank your for your answer. Yes you are right this is a decision that I have to take.
But the sad truth is that my doctors recommend to not take the second Sputnik vaccine. But our government enabled to get other vaccines if the first one make a serious damage or symptoms for someone. There is no excuse to not getting the second jab. If you are not taking it, than you can go only for food shops and nowhere else...
But my concerns are that in case of Astrazeneca there are a lot studies which could be happen after we mix it with Pfizer for eg. But the Sputnik is used in such a few countries and there aren't such a big data out so no one knows what can a mixing do... Give it a try and maybe your symptoms won't get worse. This is the recommendation of doctors... But what if my symptoms become permanent and no one will take responsibility.
This is a nightmare... 😵
I so sorry that you have to make this decision in very difficult circumstances. I have no information on what mixing vaccines can do. I had pfizer which is a Mrna vaccine as is Moderna. My experience of the pfizer is horrible and I would not wish it on anyone, so I would rather not go anywhere again than take another vaccine shot, but that's my feelings.
I'm very sad that you do not have the right to choose whether you are vaccinated or not without having to have restictions placed on you if you choose not too. It seems very unfair when it made you unwell the first time.
Wishing you well x
I so sorry that you have to make this decision in very difficult circumstances. I have no information on what mixing vaccines can do. I had pfizer which is a Mrna vaccine as is Moderna. My experience of the pfizer is horrible and I would not wish it on anyone, so I would rather not go anywhere again than take another vaccine shot, but that's my feelings.
I'm very sad that you do not have the right to choose whether you are vaccinated or not without having to have restictions placed on you if you choose not too. It seems very unfair when it made you unwell the first time.
Wishing you well x
@smileyoer - Have you tried finding out if you could get a medical exception to getting a second vaccine because of your reaction? If not through your doctors, maybe through a different doctor? Or maybe testing of antibodies would be accepted as an alternative?
I so sorry that you have to make this decision in very difficult circumstances. I have no information on what mixing vaccines can do. I had pfizer which is a Mrna vaccine as is Moderna. My experience of the pfizer is horrible and I would not wish it on anyone, so I would rather not go anywhere again than take another vaccine shot, but that's my feelings.
I'm very sad that you do not have the right to choose whether you are vaccinated or not without having to have restictions placed on you if you choose not too. It seems very unfair when it made you unwell the first time.
Wishing you well x
@smileyoer - Have you tried finding out if you could get a medical exception to getting a second vaccine because of your reaction? If not through your doctors, maybe through a different doctor? Or maybe testing of antibodies would be accepted as an alternative?
Yes I have tried but the government try to rule out this giving an alternative to get another vaccine. If you are not taking it you have no rights...
Antibody testing is an alternative but I would like to protect myself fully, because around me everyone is going out and if I have not a fully protection I have fear that Covid can make me worse.
But I will give it a try.
Thank both for you, Rachie and Sassafras ! I wish you too a fast recovery!
Good news is my CT scan came back clear!!! The ent had me try Nortriptyline 10mg , and unfortunately it didn’t go well, it was raising my blood pressure and heart rate! So he wanted me to stop taking those Wednesday, I had 4 doses , and it was a bad time!!! I have been taking the Quercentin and Lipsomal Gluthanione , I see a slight change , the vertigo isn’t as intense , just feels like I can feel the pulse in my eyes , I had an incredible day yesterday , first time in nearly 7 weeks that I enjoyed the day! But today woke up in a down /Fatigue mode anxiety like feeling!! I’ll take the good with the bad!!! I’ll continue to take the supplements see how I feel!!! Had a weird episode last night , where my heart rate spiked , woke me up, and I had a buzzing in my ears then went away on its own!! I’ll be 7 weeks Monday, and today is Friday the 11th!!
Hang in there. I'm almost 5 months post Pfizer vaccine and I'm just now starting to feel better thanks to the glutathione, zinc and quercetin regimen and vestibular rehab. You will feel better with time. You'll have good days and bad days. You will start to notice more good days than bad though. Yeah, I took amitriptyline (similar to nortriptyline) the other night. Never again 😀
Thanks ! I’m so glad you are feeling normal! That’s all I want all of us to achieve! God bless
Hi Yoki! I know I sent the info to you but wasnt sure if you took them. I am sooo super glad youre improving. Are you still on the higher dose of glutathione? Im curious because still so many people are asking me about the supplements and as I posted, I was fully recovered in a few days and didnt need to go as long. FYI to those I said i’d get back to…i tried to get more info from the dr who gave me the original tip to take the supplements but hasnt gotten back to me.
I'm going to go twice a day for the glutathione (500 mg/dose) for the next while and then once a day as part of my regular supplementation routine.
@yoki sorry to clarify: 2 weeks on the dosages from your long post yesterday?
and to recap, you had a 90% reduction in symptoms after 1 week of the supplements? did you see steady improvement through that first week? or more of a sudden decrease in symptoms one day?
I was on the dosage (500 mg liposomal glutathione 3x day, 1000 mg quercetin 3x a day, 100 mg zinc 1x day) for 10 days. I'd say it was a gradual improvement for me. I'm tapering off now to 2x day for the glutathione and quercetin. After a few more weeks I`ll go to 1x day. Please keep in mind that I'm doing this because it makes sense to me and based on how I'm feeling.
This link is for information about the Sinovac Covid vaccine, but it is also followed by more articles on many other Covid vaccines, each listing possible side effects. I've read through it and was surprised to not find one on the Pfizer vaccine, so I scrolled through it several more times to make sure I didn't overlook it. Nope, they didn't get an article in this lineup of of many others...hmmm.
All of the articles list their official side effects, but the only place dizziness is listed is in the grouping of symptoms of allergic reaction - anaphylaxis. Just like on the handout I walked away with when I was vaccinated. Then when I showed up dizzy (with vertigo, nystagmus, nausea, etc.) back at the vaccination clinic 2 weeks later I was told it was listed on my handout ...like the dizziness you get when you have the flu, I was told. Yeah right! Not there!!
Seems, once again, we're experiencing side effects that are glaringly unofficial! I just wish those of us that have medical professionals that are validating the relationship between our symptoms and our vaccinations would band together with one voice that could be heard above the din of clamoring for "herd immunity".
Maybe we should all Moo together?!! 😂
Yes I have tried but the government try to rule out this giving an alternative to get another vaccine. If you are not taking it you have no rights...
Antibody testing is an alternative but I would like to protect myself fully, because around me everyone is going out and if I have not a fully protection I have fear that Covid can make me worse.
But I will give it a try.
Thank both for you, Rachie and Sassafras ! I wish you too a fast recovery!
I wish you a fast recovery also!
It would seem that if the majority of your population is "fully vaccinated" that with you having had one vaccine, your risk may be quite low.
Maybe getting your antibodies tested would assure both you and your government that you are well protected? I know you don't want to be made worse - by Covid or by Covid vaccination, so it might be well worth looking into! 🧐
@gloriam I read your post and I couldn't seem to locate it after I joined. Your experience is so comparable to mine. I got the Pfizer vaccine (first shot) Apr 30. On May 10th, OMG, everything started. Dizziness, nausea, walking to the left, headache, stiff neck, shooting pains up my left jaw to my skull.....I ended up going to hospital and after battery of tests (blood, EKG, and CT Scan of my brain) I was diagnosed with vertigo BPPV.....but my d dimer levels in my bloodwork were significantly high. In speaking to my doc about all of this before I went to hospital, she was more concerned with filling out a form for our government, who, since this all occurred, I've had calls with a public health nurse and the public health doctor wants me to see a neurologist BEFORE taking the 2nd vaccine.....Like you, my evenings are the worst and last night I had catastrophic thoughts, restless legs and I ended up trying (yes trying) to sleep upright in a zero gravity chair. Additionally, I have pain in my upper left jaw, 2nd molar which has a massive crown on it from 2009. I've been to the endodontist who is telling me I have a failed root canal and I need to get a retreatment on that this Tuesday. My ears are ringing as I write this. I am also seeing a vestibular physiotherapist who is helping a little. Honestly I don't know what to rule in or out at this point. It's all so weird. I am not a neurotic person. I am quite logical and this is all driving me to some madness. What on earth are we to do.....wait for 5 years before they say the vaccine was all wrong? PS This site is difficult to navigate.
@gloriam I do hope the information provided in this article is fake. The anxiety level with the symptoms and trying to figure out if this is going to lead to something else is very high.
Gee, I know the temptation to try to anticipate and prepare for all potential eventualities, but then again I don't want to borrow trouble from a future something else that I hope never will be! I feel like I need to protect myself from taking on much more stress than what is my reality today! Easy to say, ...harder to walk that out - but I'm trying! 😏
I hope we can find ways to dampen down our stress. I remember someone sharing about doing things they could enjoy while recuperating ...I want to do more of those things ...I just went outside and picked the first raspberries from a bush I planted a couple of years ago 🤗