And once again not a word mentioned about the side effects like diziness, vertigo, tinutiss, vision problems etc. Do not trust CDC one bit anymore.
And once again not a word mentioned about the side effects like diziness, vertigo, tinutiss, vision problems etc. Do not trust CDC one bit anymore.
Alternative reality creation? Might be somewhat reassuring, if we weren't dealing with all this "anecdotal" experience? And did I see it have a timeline of max 7 days? Oh, and last updated May 14, 2021... Huh.
Yes, sad 😢
Dr. Poland latest update on Covid and the vaccination.
Wasn't Dr. Gregory A. Poland the physician that after receiving the mRNA shot experienced tinutiss and said he it is something worth looking into? All of the sudden he is completely pro vaccine on this video and barely mentioned anything about the side effects.
Interesting CDC page of post-Covid (infection) interim guidance:
Wasn't Dr. Gregory A. Poland the physician that after receiving the mRNA shot experienced tinutiss and said he it is something worth looking into? All of the sudden he is completely pro vaccine on this video and barely mentioned anything about the side effects.
Yes, after all he is a prominent vaccinologist... I watched the first couple of minutes ...but stopped when he stated his presentation would be stripped of things that could be considered political. Guess he wanted it sanitized?
Look into it, then look awayyy. 😢
Gosh, you probably thought you'd gotten a winner by the tail! Before this, I sure did!
This is what herd immunity efforts in the Philippines look like... Literal moos! 🙄
@macey.. I’m feeling the same way..
this is crazy.. not getting second shot.. have lightheadedness feel like passing out! Tingling in hands and feet as well.
it is definitely from the vaccine. I know how I felt before and this is not right.
If this doesn’t go away it’s crazy. I was fine before the vaccine.
How long did it take before you became dizzy free? I'm on my 8th week at home.
What makes the neuro suspect a meningitis-like reaction to the vaccine? What would the symptoms be? The back of my head and upper neck at the base of the skull bother me. The only time I get this is when I have the flu or strep.
Thank you,
So the anxiety got so crazy today I had to call an ambulance. 10 hours worth of panicking and I cracked.
I cried the whole time they were here, and was obviously not believed when I told them it all started after the covid jab. "I'm no expert but I think it's psychological". Yeah, you and every other medical professional. I can't even be bothered trying to explain it's not psychological anymore.
Then after they left and I sat down to do a bit more panicking (because, you know, 10 hours panic after 2 hours sleep wasn't enough) I began wondering when my next B12 jab was due. Oh, a few days. I have pernicious anaemia see.
I thought, oh what the hell, I'll use the B12 spray I have, it can't make anything any worse. Within five minutes I started feeling calmer. Within 30 mins my stomach quit doing butterflies and my shoulders started to relax.
I then also realised I had my last B12 booster within 2 days of the covid vaccine. Hmmm. Could there be a connection?
I'm still pretty on edge, but this feels more like my normal anxiety. Not crazy awfulness that makes me want the crazy awful vertigo back.
It's been an hour. Fingers crossed I've worked it out because this is too hard.
I'm going to go have a bit more of a cry now, but wish me luck and I'm thinking of all you guys. Reading what you have all said has genuinely helped so much over the past months xxx
@author8689 - I am so glad to have found this forum. About ten days after my covid vaccination, I woke up in the middle of the night and the room was spinning. Every time I moved my head I would vomit and after hours of this, I ended up at emerg, barely able to walk. I felt instinctively that my condition was related to my vaccination but of course there was no way to prove it. Since then, I have had ongoing vertigo and also experienced several days in a row of double vision in the morning, which was alarming. I went to see a vestibular physiotherapist and have been doing a few exercises to try and regain my balance. At this point, I would say I am about 60% better but am very frustrated as the vertigo has been ongoing for about 5 weeks now. My family doctor and a neurologist at the hospital admit that this could have been triggered by the vaccine. CT scan of the brain was normal and I am booked for an mri tomorrow. Whether or not it was the vaccine that caused this doesn’t change the fact that I just have to try to overcome it, however I am nervous about getting a second shot. My first vaccine was AZ but here in Canada we can choose a different one for our second dose.