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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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i can tell I am getting better and plenty people did, I read this whole forum… a few i pmed and they confirmed that 

Surely this sucks. But there is hope snd there are reasons to believe we will get better 😀 

It is posts like this that help to pull me out of my depression...It is EXACTLY what I and so many others on here need to hear!!  I need to believe that this is temporary and will's just a matter of time!

Nina N 29, Nina N 29, Sia and 3 people reacted
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I am a 51 year old female. Had both Moderna vaccine doses - second was on May 26th. (I had no side effects after the first shot, except sore arm). A couple days after the second shot I woke up in the middle of night with room SPINNING. Horrible - have never had that happen before. I did not link it to the vaccine at all though. Then I was fine for about a week. I then started having dizziness - mostly when driving! Never had that before...ever. I have always been a very confident driver, now I’m afraid to go anywhere. I also feel a little dizzy at home - but not as bad as when driving. Just a little unsteady. Anyone else experienced this with the driving? I am convinced after reading all the stories here that it is the vaccine. I am healthy - I take NO prescription meds for anything. If I had known this would happen I would not have gotten these shots. I am going to try Omega 3, Flonase, and meclizine - to see if any improvement.

Sassafras, Hope123, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @hope123

No, from what I heard doctors are saying that the vaccine is lesser of two evils. Real disease has real side effects and causes real long term problems, the vaccine more so mimics them and they are going to be temporary, but it can still mean months and months of suffering. We will not be getting lung damage from this. What we have is a very strong immune response and possible allergic and inflammatory reaction. It should subside.

This is the kind of informative stuff I like to hear...

Ophelia, Hope123, Ophelia and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @lilu906
Posted by: @lilu906

@rachie thank you for sharing the insight received from your nurse. I have a friend who had Covid in January, he is still suffering side effects from the infection, he said that there is scarring left on his lungs that the doctor's are not certain will ever heal. Since our vaccine side effects are compared to Covid long hauler side effects, does it mean the shot triggered an infection in our body that will heal over time or also just like with Covid the body will


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 I have spoken to my nurse and we are experiencing covid long haul symptoms not the infection itself so longterm lung damage is highly unlikely. We feel really unwell but that is not something to worry about as it's the covid infection that damages the lungs and we don't appear to have covid but the symptoms of the long haulers. Let's all breathe easy now! 

gingerj, Hope123, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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@hope123 glad to hear that! I had very persistent brain fog after my 2nd shot on April 18th that lasted up until about the last week of may/first week of June. Now I’ll have 3-4 days where I can go out live music, run errands, hang out with friends and then 3-4 where it quite literally knocks me on my ass again. I know my anxiety doesn’t help it either! My anxiety has been out of control since all this started happening!

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Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @rachie

Anyway what I was leading up to is the nurse I spoke to asked what shot I had and I said pfizer, straight away she said "are you suffering long covid symptoms" and I said that's how it feels. She said "not surprised I know a lot of people like that after vaccine" Sooo I'm guessing long haulers take a while to recover so maybe some of us are long haulers from vaccine, maybe we should just be kind to ourselves and wait for symptoms to run it's course with best supportive care?

Sure, I'm willing to do that.  However, can we at least get a diagnosis and an actual doctor who understands what it is exactly we are going through?

I'd like to get a diagnosis also would even be helpful for my doctors to tell me they don't know and refer me on to someone that may know. I'm working through testing to rule out some things, in hopes of narrowing down my diagnosis possibilities. That has been a long time coming and I'll be relieved when that's behind me.

If it turns out that all this is "only" due to Covid vaccine reaction, that would be some relief because I could then have hope that it may prove to be temporary.

And in the end, if none of my doctors can offer a diagnosis, I want any help available to deal with it all.

dragonlover, Rachie, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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Hi everybody. I also experienced adverse events after first dose of Pfizer vaccine. I received first dose on 19 May. Next morning I woke up with pain in my arm and very stiff neck on the side of vaccination. When I got up from bed I felt dizzy, went to the toilet and fainted. After this episode I felt quite all right but approximately after 2 weeks I felt strong vertigo in the morning when I rolled in the bed. This has repeated also next days which scared me lot. Then I found this forum and saw that many people experienced something similar. I started to take liquid liposomal gluthathione with vitamin C, zinc and quercetin as it was recommended here. I am not sure if this helped, but I feel better now. Vertigo has almost gone, I am returning to normal life. It took me about two weeks to recover. I am just not sure whether to proceed with second dose of vaccine or not. To be honest I am still scared. Second dose of Pfizer vaccine comes with more frequent and more severe adverse events. Those of you with scary adverse events after first dose, did you get your second dose? How was it? I apologize for my English but I am not a native speaker. 

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Posted by: @thenystagmus
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @rachie

Anyway what I was leading up to is the nurse I spoke to asked what shot I had and I said pfizer, straight away she said "are you suffering long covid symptoms" and I said that's how it feels. She said "not surprised I know a lot of people like that after vaccine" Sooo I'm guessing long haulers take a while to recover so maybe some of us are long haulers from vaccine, maybe we should just be kind to ourselves and wait for symptoms to run it's course with best supportive care?

Sure, I'm willing to do that.  However, can we at least get a diagnosis and an actual doctor who understands what it is exactly we are going through?

I'd like to get a diagnosis also would even be helpful for my doctors to tell me they don't know and refer me on to someone that may know. I'm working through testing to rule out some things, in hopes of narrowing down my diagnosis possibilities. That has been a long time coming and I'll be relieved when that's behind me.

If it turns out that all this is "only" due to Covid vaccine reaction, that would be some relief because I could then have hope that it may prove to be temporary.

And in the end, if none of my doctors can offer a diagnosis, I want any help available to deal with it all.

There seems to be this push to have us go get individual items checked out instead of considering that, yes, the vaccine did this.  So, if your foot is numb, they want you to see a foot doctor and he'll say there is nothing wrong with your foot.  Would a foot doctor EVEN have a basic understanding of the vaccine?  I wonder who the specialists are who deal with vaccines effects let alone just simply vaccines in general.

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Posted by: @heybro

There seems to be this push to have us go get individual items checked out instead of considering that, yes, the vaccine did this.  So, if your foot is numb, they want you to see a foot doctor and he'll say there is nothing wrong with your foot.  Would a foot doctor EVEN have a basic understanding of the vaccine?  I wonder who the specialists are who deal with vaccines effects let alone just simply vaccines in general.

Yes, I know... Actually you'd be most likely to be referred to a neurologist for foot numbness. I called about a second opinion from another ENT. Since I have facial sensory issues (paresthesia) they told me I needed to see a neurotologist, which my HMO insurance doesn't include. I'm being considered for an escalation to see one out of my insurance network, but they may say I need to just see a neurotologist instead. I feel like a pie that everyone is looking at only one piece of.

Yes, that is such a good question! I also wonder if there are specialists that deal with vaccine injuries...

Tabby, Rachie, Tabby and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @carlyfernandez

I found this forum from reddit.. I went on there looking to see if I wasn't the only one.. I'm sharing my story so it could add to the others already shared here..

I got my 1st dose astrazeneca jun 10, had the usual reactions (chills, fever, headache).. around day 4 or 5 I started feeling off, like when you only slept like 2-3 hours or when you weren't able to have coffee.. there were also bouts of lightheadedness with sudden dizziness (or like room spinning for a second or so).. overall just loopy and weird.. happens when I'm sitting down, standing or laying down so I'm guessing it's totally random and not affected by what position I'm in.

This has been going on till now which is day 11 post vaccine shot.. It's not to the point that it's debilitating  but it is annoying and can sometimes affect my focus/concentration when I'm working..

Initially I was worried if this was a blood clot symptom as Astrazeneca has blood clotting issues but seeing as there are others with other vaccines experiencing the same issues, I'm thinking it could be something else.

I've only read to up to page 8 of this forum (when posts were around Mar 8) and I was wondering if those who posted around those time updated on whether this eventually went away.  If it did, how long did it take after it started to go away?  Was there any meds prescribed to help it go away or did it just go away on its own?

Also for those who proceeded with their 2nd dose, how was it? did it make it worse? or did it make it go away?

And finally, was anyone able to talk to a doctor who was able to explain what was going on?

I would appreciate replies.  I getting worried that this could be a forever thing and whether the 2nd dose could actually make it worse..

It varies, for some it's one week, for others it's 3-4 months

If you have preexisting vestibular conditions, it will take much longer

Try not to stress too much, stress makes it worse... I am sure this is temporary


Tabby, gingerj, Tabby and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @279janka

Hi everybody. I also experienced adverse events after first dose of Pfizer vaccine. I received first dose on 19 May. Next morning I woke up with pain in my arm and very stiff neck on the side of vaccination. When I got up from bed I felt dizzy, went to the toilet and fainted. After this episode I felt quite all right but approximately after 2 weeks I felt strong vertigo in the morning when I rolled in the bed. This has repeated also next days which scared me lot. Then I found this forum and saw that many people experienced something similar. I started to take liquid liposomal gluthathione with vitamin C, zinc and quercetin as it was recommended here. I am not sure if this helped, but I feel better now. Vertigo has almost gone, I am returning to normal life. It took me about two weeks to recover. I am just not sure whether to proceed with second dose of vaccine or not. To be honest I am still scared. Second dose of Pfizer vaccine comes with more frequent and more severe adverse events. Those of you with scary adverse events after first dose, did you get your second dose? How was it? I apologize for my English but I am not a native speaker. 

Happy that you are feeling better!


Posting my updated side effects diary for those who find it useful


May 16 - got vaccinated (Pfizer)

May 17 - sore arm

May 18 - May 21 - feeling great

May 21 - May 22 - headache

May 23 - chills, felt feverish with no temperature

May 24 - May 26 - brain fog and dizziness

May 27 - May 28 - brain fog and clogged ears

May 29 - May 30 - brain fog, headache

May 31 - severe brain fog, fatigue

June 1 - June 16 - brain fog, head and ears feel weird

June 16 - June 21 - only brain fog is left paired by very light dizziness, no more ear symptoms, it comes and goes

To everyone who is not sure whether or not to get 2nd shot, ask yourself why you are getting it? If you only need it for protection and it doesn't stop you to live your life, don't get it for now, wait. I would if I were you. You already have some protection, just be extra careful

For me I need it, because I travel a lot and my symptoms are not as bad as others on here, I am also very young and healthy. I am willing to take the risk, also i know people whose symptoms improved or disappeared after the 2nd shot.

I am planning to get it in July, will update

i tried all the supplements recommended on here, except for LG in a liquid form

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Posted by: @rachie


 I still won't have anymore shots but that's a personal choice because I never want to feel this unwell again. However if people feel they want to have further shots then that's a personal choice for them, they have thought it through and made the decision that's right for them. I respect everyone's right to do what they feel is best for them.

My hope is they figure out a better vaccine with less chance of side effects - not that I'm ever having another lol 

Please read my previous post, I do not push anyone to get a second shot. I am actually against it, for me it's a personal decision because I travel a lot and my symptoms are not as severe. However, I do agree that in the future, vaccines might not be mandatory. I will update after getting my second shot in July

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Posted by: @lauradarr

@thenystagmus hi! So, the first time around I was on and off pred for a few weeks and then did the injections about 5-6 weeks after the vaccine and that fixed me up to about 98%. Waited a few months to get the courage to go back for round 2. Did that about 2 weeks ago. I was fine for about 3-4 days and then the ear drums swelled again and now I am wonky again.  I’ve done two rounds of injections since the vaccine and they help for about 2 days before the weirdness returns. Such a bummer. I may start prednisone this week if I don’t get some improvement. So, jury is out on the injections. I’d do them again in a couple weeks but they don’t seem to help much if the inflammation is still highly active. 

Hi Laura, Thank you so much for responding! This is really helpful, the real world rubber meets the road experience that we can't get from reading articles.

That said, I'm sorry the intratympanic injections haven't proved out to be more helpful for you. I've done a couple of 6 day Medrol tapers; today being the first day off the second one. The first time the benefit I enjoyed faded quickly. I've read that the injections are likely to need repeating.

Your experience will help myself and others that have had this suggested by our doctors. Thank you again and I wish you increasing health!

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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@thenystagmus yes that was my experience. I am thinking about just skipping prednisone all together this time. Not sure it really does much if the inflammation comes back so quickly after I stop. Ugh. It’s tough. I actually took 20mg this morning just to see if I notice a benefit. Nothing yet but probably too soon to tell anyway. I will try to update when I can. I am also on Humira which is why I got the second shot - I actually suspect it might help this issue by calling down the inflammation a bit. 

but the good news is I was fully better by about 8 weeks after shot #1! And I am now 100% positive this was caused by the shot. Which sucks but at least is clear. My ENT said it is an autoimmune attack on inner ears. 

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