Ive had symptoms since April 13th, five days after my first Pfizer shot. I’ve had ups and downs and setbacks. I don’t know if I will get the second shot. It’s been so long since the first one I don’t know what the recommendations are anymore. My symptoms have not been debilitating but definitely life impacting.
@lukenick They say you can wait up to 3 months for it... I wonder if, because we reacted to the first, our second one would not be as bad... but in your case, if you're still suffering from it, I would say wait it out a bit. IDK...
yeah I’m still conflicted about second shot. I don’t want to get it if I’m still having symptoms so I’m still waiting at this point.
@thenystagmus Did the jab affect you after your first or second shot?
Thanks for asking. I had Moderna vaccine on 3/3/21. Symptoms began 3/5/21.
For me, only the one. More than enough, and I will have no more, whatever the cost. It's hard enough to be living with this ongoing condition I'm in. I would never want to participate in this reoccurring.
That said, I'm finally getting an MRI-IAC with and without contrast tomorrow to rule out anything more sinister than the garden variety vestibular issues. I've had 4 professionals tell me the information that is hoped to be gained from that is quite needful. I seem to be displayed a concerning and puzzling set of symptoms to those who examine me.
@thenystagmus I'm sorry this has affected you so badly. Everytime I log-in I keep hoping your symptoms go away.
@gingerjones I also had a phone consult with someone from FLCCC. I do not trust the doctors there either. The woman I talked to went on about religion and Bill Gates and population control...not something I think doctors should believe in, let alone voice their opinions on. I also don't want to be taking Ivermectin and a bunch of other pills without the green light from my doctor. That being said I think we are at a point where it's hard to really trust anyone. I've asked multiple doctors about Ivermectin and no one has heard about it nor can they recommend it, even the long covid doctor. The long covid clinic he works at is new and maybe they are just behind on this stuff. I just don't know what to do...
The vestibular therapist that did my initial therapy evaluation today said she's seeing one other person that has "maybe" vaccine injury. Although they are seeing a noticable uptick in appointments in general, recently. I got the impression that my symptoms and course are not usual, but may most closely resemblance Long Covid patients she's seeing.
@thenystagmus I'm sorry this has affected you so badly. Everytime I log-in I keep hoping your symptoms go away.
Thank you! You, and me both! They get better, but never disappear - then lather, rinse, repeat ...here I go again. As I go through these cycles, sometimes even my good friends have a hard time recognizing me. And I get shoulder shrugs when I ask medical peoples about these!
I guess that's one reason I have such warrior mentality.
Don't get too close to me, for sometimes warrior sweat really stinks!
About four weeks after the second Moderna shot, two of us at work got dizzy almost on the same day! My younger coworker felt better after a few days. Over a week later, my dizziness still comes and goes, usually after standing up, leaning over, or getting out of bed.
@martina Did your dizziness go away?
@ghatzipa yes, I was dealing with shortness of breath 3 weeks post first shot. That came on and off for two months. It was gone for a couple weeks and then other symptoms presented (nausea, lightheaded, muscle twitches, tinnitus, abdominal discomfort, muscle twitches, ect). 7 doctors later I am finally seeing a doctor in the SF Bay Area that is working with Dr. Bruce Patterson (Incelldx)(search Twitter)who is studying long covid and long vaccine symptoms. They have a specific blood test they do to see if your cytokines are inflamed and then they treat with a specific protocol that includes ivermectin. If anyone is in the Bay Area or US for that matter and would like the doctor info, please shoot me a message. I don’t think posting a name and phone number on here is appropriate.
Ok, this is a hastey pastry, but it may fit the bill ... actually, you may even find it tastey!
I'm not wanting to belabor you with this, but I misspelled a word in this (which gave a different meaning) the first time I sent it out. So, this is a corrected copy. If you find it useful, you're welcome to it. I've begun to share it in various places across the web, so you may come across it somewhere else someday. It is under my pen.name, Firebrand.
Just FYI, I've shared my age and general location here, but although I'm one of the two basis genders we commonly know (so you have a 50/50 chance of guessing), only one person that I've private messaged knows which. You'd have to pry my warrior helmet off to figure that out, and if I were you, I wouldn't try that! 😉
Another update. I decided to call Janice Dennis from the flccc site.
She was very nice. I got a little bit of an anti vax vibe but whatever, I'm kinda leaning in that direction too after everything (just covid vaccines, not established/approved ones) but I digress...
We talked and she called in the ivermectin prescription but my pharmacy is closed so I'll have to get it tomorrow.
It seems like alot (5 3mg tabs a day) and then starting some other cycle....
I had to PayPal 100 for the consultation.
She says my symptoms are similar to long haulers. She said to take vitamin c, d, quercetin, cod liver oil and get sunlight.
All of a sudden I can see the controversy with ivermectin, which I was completely unaware of. I had no idea it was sort of being looked at like a right wing conspiracy or something. It sucks this all became political. At this point, I don't care which side is right or wrong. I just want this post vaccine sickness to go away and if people have said that ivermectin helps, is there any reason not to try it?
Second Pfizer Dose: May 4
By May 6th, I was up all night vomiting and felt like I was dying. On May 7th, I went to the ER. I had a horrible headache, so much tension, couldn’t eat or sleep. They gave me a migraine cocktail with Benadryl in my IV which made me feel like I couldn’t breathe. I started shaking uncontrollably. They did a CT scan and found a brain aneurysm. They said the headaches were not from the aneurysm but that I had severe anxiety and panic attacks…which I have never experienced.
During May I lost 13 pounds. I am now able to eat and keep food down and sleeping better. I am still having anxiety in some form daily. My latest (almost unbearable) side effects that has shown up is sensitivity to noise. Has anyone dealt with this and did it subside at all?
During May, I quit driving. I was borderline suicidal. I was spiraling fast. I am seeing a therapist but still struggle everyday.
@teresawarren40 Would you be willing to share the other forum? I am looking to read/research as much as I can to find out what others are experiencing and hopefully, find something that helps me!
FB- Tinnitus and Hearing Loss/Impairment after COVID vaccination
It's a long name, but very authentic. People are truly suffering and baffled how their symptoms started after the vax. Some are improving, some have seen many different doctors. It's always enouraging to hear when someone is improving or recovering.