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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@ton-fr not really there wasn't much said as far as risks go. The dose is by weight so I don't know if it's a high dose. I'm 6 2 160 lbs so I took 15mg a day.

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Posted by: @yoki

@sophia Thanks for the post. Good to hear that finally some in the medical community are seeing more patients with these side effects. Please take a look at this excerpt from a forum member who's a physician.

I am a physician and have been dealing with terrible vertigo since my Moderna vaccine. Had a single episode lasting 2 days about 2 weeks after 1st dose. Made excuses (otolith, etc). So took the 2nd dose and again about 2 weeks later had another episode and I am still battling. One of the best diagnosis for the mod-severe cases is likely an autoimmune Vestibular neuronitis. Unfortunately, many of my colleagues in ENT and neurology are hesitant to make this diagnosis. Key is to get diagnosed and get treatment in the first 8 weeks. Typically, if diagnosed there are 2 options: 1) High dose steroid taper (not medrol dose pack) or 2) Transtympanic steroid injection. Then as soon as you are able to tolerate it, you MUST begin vestibular rehab therapy and MUST discontinue vestibular suppressant medications. Despite being in the field, I did not go through the above diagnosis and treatment pathway the way that I have described. I allowed it to linger and just hoped to get better on my own. This unfortunately has prolonged my symptoms... As with everything, please consult your physician and do not just follow any advice on the forums without consultation with an ENT or otoneurologist. I hope the above helps someone on here. This has been a very difficult journey for me and I know how difficult it can be dealing with chronic vertigo, lightheadedness and nausea.

This is a post from several months back... Especially since a few are currently trying or considering trying steroid treatment, I thought this might be appreciated by some.

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Hye everyone same story I just took the phizer vaccin the 01 July 2021 first nothing except a big headache in the night and a bit of pain mussle 3 days later I had my first experience of vertigo like I was drunk and then every day I’m the evening I experience dezziness with bit of pain in the back of my head weard sensation I hope it will go in a few days otherwise I will go to the doctor maybe they can give me something to be better 

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A few things that are bubbling to the top of my thoughts today that have been helpful for me to keep in mind...

Just like every person has reacted to their particular vaccination differently, having brought our own unique set of pre-existing who we are to it - likewise, each of us presents with a set of symptoms diverse from all others. Our similarity here being "dizziness", there are other organizations devoted to serving those with other health challenges that are currently having an unusual influx of sufferers arrive post-vaccination also. It seems that these vaccines are causing many different kinds of wonky reactions! 

So, each of us has differing needs, depending on our particular constellation of symptoms and we can also be expected to react differently to any intervention, be it prescribed medications, vitamin supplements, other over the counter substances, dietary changes, etc....

Another thing that has been on my mind as I've gone through this is wanting a continuing relationship with my primary medical caregiver, lasting beyond my current challenge. So, I've been careful to work with my primary doctor and with my newly acquired specialist - at times having to choose what seemed best to me from two sets of advice, advising the one whose advice I was setting aside of my decision to follow the other's direction. In the end, if at all possible, I hope to bring my care back down to my valued primary doctor's care.

Also, just as VEDA has been in existence for over 30 years, there have been people newly affected by vestibular disorders for much longer than that. Although it may seem to us, myself included, very likely that our issues have arisen as a result of our vaccination, there is the possibility that we might have developed these issues anyway. In addition, though it's tempting to attribute recovery to something we newly didn't do anymore, or something we started doing to try to effect our rehabilitation, this may be occuring in spite of our efforts. So, someone else being convinced that a particular course of action, or inaction, has been helpful for them -  it doesn't necessarily follow that if we follow suit we will experience the same outcome.

I know firsthand how distressing this is and the impatience felt in trying to bring remedy for it ASAP, but I believe that this beastie will do what it will do to some extent. Our bodies want to heal and making peace with being in process in this can bring calm, and has healing properties of its own.

Well wishes for us all! 🤗🙏

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I have been dealing with this for about a month now. I had my first shot of Pfizer on June 4. I felt fine right after with a bit of a sore arm. On June 6 I was trail running and about halfway through my run my hands were cold, tingling and i got severe dizziness and I had to sit down on the trail for a half hour before moving again. I rested the rest of the day. During the week my hands were tingling and mid week the same thing happened, I couldn't feel my hands and I got very dizzy. The friday of that week, I went golfing and had to stop my round mid way as my hands and my left foot and face were numb, cold, tingling. I got extremely dizzy and could not walk properly. It has been a month later and my dizziness symptoms have not gone away. I have times where I feel a little better and times where it flares up and I feel awful. I have not been able to do any physical activity as it makes it worse.  I have been to my doctor, received numerous tests and we are still trying to figure out what it is.

I do have a history of dizziness in the past so my dizziness did not come out of the blue but I do believe the vaccine has made it worse.

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I did, i have exactly those symptoms and going on for two months

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Posted by: @sobayvaxpain

I’m day 7 of prednisone 10 day cycle.  Had 5 days at 60mg dosage and stepping down now.  This after 2 months and 5 doctors before any would listen.  I’ve gotten about 60+% relief from the inner ear pressure (which felt like they would explode some days), the dizziness and back of head headaches.  No real change in short term memory loss, at least I haven’t noticed!  
Headaches now more in front over sinuses.  At interesting side effects I’ve had since day 3 of steroids is nasal drip.  I now have continual nasal drip, sore throat and swollen glands.  The more the ear pressure reduces, the more the nasal drip and swollen glands increase.  My doctor isn’t concerned, but I’m not certain.  Has anyone else experienced something similar?

I took a 6-day Medrol pak, twice. For some reason I've had bouts of mild sore throat and glands periodically since I had a "viral infection" 1.5 years ago (Covid?), so having that is not new for me. While on the Medrol paks, I had decreasing ear & sinus pressure, but no nasal drip during this whole last 4 months at any time. What I did experience while on the second Medrol pak was hyperosmia and dysosmia - suddenly everything had inappropriately and incredibly strong smell or a decidedly weird smell to it, including my house itself. This eventually went away. This also happened during my mystery viral infection 1.5 years ago. So I wondered if I might have Covid and got a PCR Covid infection test that came back negative. My cheeks also swelled and got red and hot. My pharmacist and my doctor attributed all these things to my steroid, saying it could cause all kinds of temporary side effects. The second time I also had some pretty manic thinking 48 hours after my last dose, lasting about 12 hours. I suspect this happened as my body started producing its own cortisol once again.

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@bworth my first thought is allergy, intolerance to something consumed, environment, or sleep apnea. I developed an intolerance to stronger green tea after consuming it all my life with sore throat in the morning and dry cough and less symptoms after morning hours. I only drank green tea at night. Stopped tea drinking and dry cough and sore throat went away .  But, no fatigue associated with my intolerance. Sleep apnea may cause fatigue though.  Your father needs to see a doctor who can examine him.  

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@msmar Thanks so much for your reply, just saw it!  It definitely sounds like you had the SFN affecting your face prior to the vaccine, which then exacerbated everything unfortunately.  I am relieved to know it can be part of the SFN pattern.  Best wishes on your continued recovery!

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Check with Gloria, I'm pretty sure she did

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I've been lurking on this forum for a while and following with interest. Like most people here I've found it reassuring that I'm not alone or going crazy.

I'm hoping this is a positive post, particularly with regards to having a second dose after a bad first one.

I'm in the UK and had my first dose of Astrazeneca 9-10 weeks ago. That night I woke up with chills, shivers and was unable to sleep the rest of the night. This was the start of 48 hours of flu-like symptoms. The rest of that week I was left with exhaustion, head tightness, headaches and dizziness. These symptoms lessened and were mild but ongoing for the first few weeks and I just kept expecting them to go. I even doubted myself thinking it could be anxiety or all in my head. Then I had some attacks of vertigo that were too much to deny and my symptoms started to deteriorate so I booked an appointment with my GP. During this whole period, I've had:

Fatigue, head tightness (like a strap around my head), headaches that come in waves, pain around the back of my head, pain down the back of my neck, ear pressure / fullness, ear ache, brain fog (debilitating), memory issues, tinnitus, nausea (particularly when turning in bed), near blackouts and of course dizziness and vertigo. None of this I had before. 

I explained all this to my GP. He was initially doubtful of any vaccine link but believed my symptoms, thankfully. He suggested BPPV and sent me for blood tests.

The next couple of weeks were horrendous and I couldn't work and only felt safe caring for my kids with my partner around too. I saw my GP again after my blood results (which were fine) and he spent a long time with me and was much more open to a vaccine immune response link. He said they're learning more about it each day and it's possible something got upset in my inner ear and this time diagnosed vestibular migraine. He said he's not seen any other patients with it so far but I at least felt believed. He consulted a hospital Consultant and they concluded it was safe for me to have a second dose based on my symptoms and blood results. He said I could try waiting for my symptoms to go if I wanted but in the end, I weighed up the risk / benefit of Covid (which is rife in my area) vs vaccine and I went with vaccine. Between my partner and I we've lost family members to covid and know others suffering the debilitating effects of long covid so this I think is the lesser of those evils. It helped that my 2nd dose appointment coincided with my symptoms improving but I have to say it was a very difficult decision and I was terrified! However, I had no noticeable reaction to the second dose and it didn't seem to make a difference to my existing symptoms. 

My symptoms have not completely gone at this point but they're greatly improved. Tinnitus aside, they're the mildest they've been since the start. 

What makes it worse: like others I've noticed it worsen with period hormones. I also find tiredness, heat and worry make things worse. I have completely cut out caffeine and alcohol, which were definite aggravators, and I'm having minimal sugar, refined carbs and dairy.

What's helped: I'm terrible at taking supplements so I can't attribute improvements to anything other than time. Ibuprofen helped through the worst of it. I've been lucky to have support from my work, family and partner so have been able to get rest and de-stress. 

I hope my epic post is reassuring to some, particularly to those nervous about a second dose (or even their first). Obviously everyone's health situation is different and it's wise to seek medical advice. 

Despite the bad luck, I'm relieved to be double vaccinated. I just keep thinking, if this is how my body reacted to the vaccine, imagine what covid would have done! In the midst of a deadly pandemic there's no easy way out. I just hope this starts to get some research, recognition and treatment. 

🤞 for everyone still suffering. 


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@baiseren I've had my second shot of AZ with still lingering vertigo symptoms after my first dose. I had no noticeable reaction second time around and my symptoms didn't change. I was very nervous but glad I did it now. I'd had tests with the doctor though and was advised it'd be safe to have another jab. Good luck. 

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So, as I'm back in my kitchen today, gleefully tossing about fresh fruits and veggies, I'm remembering back to episodes in this adventure when I felt so badly I barely recognized the difference between my ever-present nausea and dizziness and the onset of hunger and faintness from lack of food.

If you're currently in that awful phase, this post is for you!

So, you've read all that advice about what you should be eating - and what you shouldn't be even dreaming of eating! But now that you're realizing you're about to swoon because, not only can you not remember WHEN you last ate, it's been so long ago you may not even have a distant memory WHAT you last ate. 

At this point you have permission to eat anything that doesn't make you turn totally green just thinking about it, sending you lurching to that little room adjacent to your sleeping quarters. Something bland? Nice! Something salty? Good. Something sweet? Go for it!

There was a phase that anything with a crust or two fit the bill for me. A fruit pie? Ok. A meat and veggie pie? Yum. A coconut cream pie - hey, it's a start!

So, the morale of this is - try to catch yourself when you can stomach something, at times - anything! Later you can work through that list of what is going to anti-inflame you, and all that other good stuff you can do by manipulation of what you consume.

In the meantime, try to eat something, even if it means a few days of nothing but ramen noodles - plain. You'll get back to healthy eating eventually; the point is to get there alive!

Well wishes for us all! 🥴🙏

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My guess is that long haulers from covid or its vaccine do not produce enough antibodies and the viral clearance is done mainly by T cell mediated attack.... this is very slow and time consuming unlike antibody immunity which clears the infection in matter of days.... 

Also the Mrna invades our healthy cells and produce spike protein and i think more the time it takes to clear the vaccine from our body the more good cells are being damaged from mRNA.... the result manipulates as everlasting symptoms...


This is just my theory.... 

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Sorry, I thought you ask for ivermectin studies in general. I think it is too early now to have studies completed in regards to the post-vaccine syndrome as all these adverse reactions are hardly acknowledged.

On the other hand, who should do such studies?  Pfizer, Moderna, AZ and J&J as their product caused these medical issues in people and should look for a resolution? Public health institutions?

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