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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I’m not sure if it’s at all linked, but around 10 days after receiving my first Phizer vaccine, I developed a large blind spot in my left eye. It’s so hard to find any information online, so I’ve come here to see if anyone’s had anything similar?

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@emmastath how is your eye now? I developed a large blind spot about 10 days after having my first dose of phizer. I have no idea if it’s related at all, but I’m struggling to find any info on this! I’ve had the blind spot for about 6 weeks now btw. 

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I got my 2nd Pfizer vaccine on the 24th. The first round I was just a little tired and sore in the arm. Second round I felt nothing… until 4 days later I started experiencing these “dizzy” spells mentioned. I describe them more like “water drunk” and whooshing. The room isn’t spinning- rather waving. I went to the doctor yesterday as it has been a week and it only seems to be getting worse. Had my ears examined- perfect. My heart rate and blood pressure- perfect. I had blood work done but that won’t be back for 3-5 days. I have NEVER experienced anything like this. I’m 33 and extremely active and not taking any medications nor do I have any allergies. I have been exposed to COVID multiple times- I practice Muay Thai and have had training partners that found out after a session they were positive and never got it. I did not want the vaccine at all. I felt very pressured. And now I feel like my head is exploding. I’m extremely scared and rather furious. I tried explaining my symptoms to my doctor who sort of dismissed it- but did admit it was probably a side effect of the vaccine. Everyone else tells me to drink water and eat some sugar…. I drink about a gallon a day and have great nutrition as I am an athlete. This forum is terrifying me as I don’t see much hope that it’s improving. My friends on social media that have had this mostly tell me it lasted about a month but some it has been over 4 months!! What I really want is to have listened to my gut and never poisoned myself with this bullshit in the first place but that’s over and done. I’m terrified of infertility and being dizzy the rest of my life. Anyone have anything hopeful? This all seems so bleak. 

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Well after 3 weeks of dizziness, ear pressure, headache and crazy fatigue and anxiety, I managed to go into central London today to meet a friend for lunch and felt.... OK! still lingering headache, neckache and I need to rest now but I couldn't have done that a week ago. Taking all the supplements mentioned here (in high doses), meditating daily, L-Thianine at night to give me a good night sleep to aid recover and allowing my body some space to heal (constant anger about vaccine and symptom spotting seemed to make my anxiety so much worse).

Not out of the woods yet but thought it was good to feedback on some positive changes. I hope everyone is finding their own way to cope xx

This post was modified 4 years ago by Kirsty UK

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Posted by: @thenystagmus

I've been busy pushing my luck - moving in the direction of my pre-Covid vaccine normal activity level! I've been exhausted doing so, but I'm hoping that's because I've spent so much time being sedentary over the last 4 months and now have need to rebuild my stamina.

It is really encouraging to me to have noted that my relapses have come at increasingly longer intervals. My vestibular issues kicked up 2 days following my vaccination, then my relapse intervals were 1 week, 3 weeks after that, then 4 weeks later, then after another 6 weeks. It's been 3.5 weeks since my latest relapse and if I have no further relapses in the near future, I may start planning an air travel adventure for a long delayed cross-country trip later this summer!

What I've done for treatment: raise my blood level of Vitamin D that was found to be deficient and two 6-day tapered low-dose steroid Medrol paks, to try to reduce my symptoms. I had minor side effects with the Medrol paks and they did diminish my symptoms, with rebounding of them the first time. The second Medrol pak that I took following my latest relapse reduced my symptoms also, with a small rebound.

But I've steadily improved since then and I'm now tackling projects with enthusiasm that I've put off since this saga started for me in early March. I've also been doing vestibular rehabilitation therapy exercises for the last week, with another 4 weekly sessions scheduled to progress into increasing challenges. I believe these are helping me already and giving me boldness to move toward my normal activities. Yesterday I even carefully did some chores that I'd put off all summer - climbing my extension ladder!

I believe time for my body to recover from the insult of my Covid vaccine and to compensate for the resultant injury I've suffered has been the biggest contributor to my current 85% level of recuperation. It's been a long, bumpy ride - one I'll be sure to not contribute to with any further vaccines!!

If I relapse once again, it won't be the first time! But I now know what to expect and I hope to be able to ride it out with Grace! Que sera, sera!

Well wishes for us all! 🤗🙏

I hope you are on the road to recovery...hang in there...we are all rooting for you!

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Posted by: @kirstymiller

Well after 3 weeks of dizziness, ear pressure, headache and crazy fatigue and anxiety, I managed to go into central London today to meet a friend for lunch and felt.... OK! still lingering headache, neckache and I need to rest now but I couldn't have done that a week ago. Taking all the supplements mentioned here (in high doses), meditating daily, L-Thianine at night to give me a good night sleep to aid recover and allowing my body some space to heal (constant anger about vaccine and symptom spotting seemed to make my anxiety so much worse).

Not out of the woods yet but thought it was good to feedback on some positive changes. I hope everyone is finding their own way to cope xx

Good for you...hopefully, you continue to get better every day!

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Has anyone had any negative/rude responses from doctors or staff if you try to talk about your symptoms possibly being Vaccine related? When I first went to Urgent Care for severe dizziness, that was before  I found this group of people with common symptoms, so the vaccine was the furthest from my mind because I was 3 weeks out of the second shot. So, nothing came out of that other than having my BP check by a cardiologist. Then the following week when my headaches started and I went to my general practitioner, he wants to get an MRI to rule out anything with my head. Problem is that was 6/15, they didn't even call to schedule the MRI until 6/21, and it's schedule for tomorrow 7/8.

It wasn't until after that meeting on 6/15 when my tinnitus started and i found this group and seeing the amount of people with headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus. Everything started to make sense. I wrote my doctor back on the online portal to talk about my symptoms and how I believe it could be vaccine related. I got a call back from his nurse who reviews emails before it's sent to him, and she was being rather rude and telling me if you were going to have Vaccine symptoms it would have been earlier, not 3 weeks later. She didn't want to believe that . When the message got forwarded to the doctor his only response was "Thanks for the update, proceed with MRI".

The vibe I got from that is they are not going to be receptive to this theory, and even paranoia makes you feel like you'll be put on a list. I'm partially joking there. But, the push for mass vaccination is making me feel like we are on our own for getting a true resolution. Either wait it out and hope it subsides, or spend a lot on testing (and yes I have insurance, but deductibles, co-pays, 80/20 is racking up costs). 



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Posted by: @strader237

Has anyone had any negative/rude responses from doctors or staff if you try to talk about your symptoms possibly being Vaccine related? When I first went to Urgent Care for severe dizziness, that was before  I found this group of people with common symptoms, so the vaccine was the furthest from my mind because I was 3 weeks out of the second shot. So, nothing came out of that other than having my BP check by a cardiologist. Then the following week when my headaches started and I went to my general practitioner, he wants to get an MRI to rule out anything with my head. Problem is that was 6/15, they didn't even call to schedule the MRI until 6/21, and it's schedule for tomorrow 7/8.

It wasn't until after that meeting on 6/15 when my tinnitus started and i found this group and seeing the amount of people with headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus. Everything started to make sense. I wrote my doctor back on the online portal to talk about my symptoms and how I believe it could be vaccine related. I got a call back from his nurse who reviews emails before it's sent to him, and she was being rather rude and telling me if you were going to have Vaccine symptoms it would have been earlier, not 3 weeks later. She didn't want to believe that . When the message got forwarded to the doctor his only response was "Thanks for the update, proceed with MRI".

The vibe I got from that is they are not going to be receptive to this theory, and even paranoia makes you feel like you'll be put on a list. I'm partially joking there. But, the push for mass vaccination is making me feel like we are on our own for getting a true resolution. Either wait it out and hope it subsides, or spend a lot on testing (and yes I have insurance, but deductibles, co-pays, 80/20 is racking up costs). 

Hi strafer, I can relate to things you're saying on a number of levels. I first took my dizzy self to my vaccination clinic at my low cost clinic where I'd gotten my vaccine. The "vaccine specialist" they had me talk to wouldn't entertain correlation of my symptoms with my vaccine at all. But when I saw my APRN at the clinic the next day, she didn't hesitate to give me an official diagnosis relating my issues to my vaccination. I wouldn't be surprised that she might be one that didn't get vaccinated herself, due to lack of trust in it.

So, I found out early on that a medical professional's willingness to believe one idea or another has a lot to do with where they put their faith, or what ideas they need to support due to their employment situation.

My neighbor's doctor didn't believe in Covid until his brother (who was a doctor, also) died from it.

I was able to change my Medicare policy to an HMO Medicare Advantage plan, midyear, with the loophole that I had no credible Part D coverage, in order to limit my costs, which changed all my providers of care.

From that point on I just went in to each appointment sharing my strong suspicion that my issues were probably due to vaccine adverse effects, not really caring if I was agreed with, or no.

As time went on, I increasingly noted that my symptoms were accumulating and lining up with a possible diagnosis of acoustic neuroma, also known as vestibular schwannoma, or possible MS. By the time I asked my PA in my PCP's office to order an MRI to rule these things out and got through waiting in line for it, I think I had a chorus of 5 professionals telling me I needed this. Rather unsettling, to say the least, and I was quite relieved when it came back clear.

For me, the testing is valuable to make sure I'm addressing anything unrelated to my vaccination and it gives me peace of mind that nothing particularly nefarious beyond that is going on.

Yes, it is costly, so I also understand those that choose not to go that route. I don't know what would happen if you preferred not to go to the expense of the MRI and told your doctor that you prefer to wait a while and see if your issues resolve, but I'm about to do that with the ENT that wants a CT of my sinuses to consider doing surgery on the one on my affected side. I'm hoping my symptoms subside, so I'm not interested in him getting his scalpel whetted for me! 

It's your health you're seeking and if you and your caregiver disagree, I hope you have the option of seeking one that will give you the courtesy of respecting your choices.

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@sfbayareavaccine .. how’s your shortness of breath now .. do u still have it .. it’s been 2 months I got the vaccine .. my shortness of breath has reduced a lot but has not gone completely 

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@lrdizzyaf There is hope!  I am a 39 yo female, and it took me about 17 days and a s**t ton of supplements for a week before I felt like my normal self.  I literally thought I was going to die. Look up my past posts, and also look up “dizzyfromvaccine”s posts, as I believe it was the Quercetin and zinc combo she recommended that got me over the hump.

For me, lots of rest, keeping my anxiety in check, and focusing on anti inflammatory foods (and a ton of random tea) and supplements were key.  

And I hear you about the pressure.  I got vaccinated so my daughter could have sleepovers again.  So dumb.

Anyways, stay hopeful and positive, and believe in the body’s ability to heal itself!

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Posted by: @kendracochran

@thenystagmus I have had several relapses similar to what you have symptoms started a week after my second vaccine and then I have had issues off and on with flare ups occurring like you said,maybe every 3-4’s so weird.I feel like I’m completely over it and then bam,symtpms start all over again 

Gee, it's the pits, I know! I wish I could get in The Magic School Bus and take a ride thru my body to see what the heck is going on!

I see from another of your posts that you're a PT (I was an RTA many years ago) and you are going for a full vestibular workup. I think that's wise. If that reveals areas of concern for you, as it did for me, you can be prescribed tailored vestibular exercises that may aid in your recovery. Mine only take about ten minutes and I'm to do them 2-3 times a day. Not time consuming, but since they provoke my symptoms I've only been able to convince myself to do them twice a day so far. You know all about patient compliance! 😅

I do hope that my lengthening periods between relapses does portend that trend will continue!

Now I'm off to take my adult son with SB to the wound care center ...if we could only get him to do those wheelchair pressure relief lifts consistently!!

Well wishes for you - would love hearing how things go for you! 🤗🙏

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@lrdizzyaf you literally sound like me, it’s the weirdest feeling reading your post. You have taken the words out of my mouth!
im super fit, 39, NO history of anything and BOOM Pfizer!!

I was furious too as didn’t want the vaccine (is that why our bodies have rejected it.. it’s like we didn’t accept it??).

I had mine on the 16th and today is the first day I am functioning like a normal person (still dizzy if I push it, lingering headache blah blah) but the fear and the most terrible of the symptoms are starting to go. PLEASE stay like It, I want to be a beacon of hope. 
from what I’ve ready we are basically reacting to the spike protein that the vaccine developed and it could take anywhere from 3 weeks to 12 weeks to leave our bodies. Vitamins, fasting, sleep, meditation, low histamine diet, antihistamines, anti inflamatory foods... that’s the general consensus. If it stays bad.. steroids.. that’s the gist!
good luck, I hope it goes for you quickly (and everyone) xxx


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@spacecadet very similar to you, so glad you are feeling better, can I ask if you got the second shot? I’m a definitely NO at the moment and interested in other people’s ideas (I must be feeling a bit better to even be asking the question!) thanks and hope you continue to feel better 🙂

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@berenice how are you feeling currently?  Have you improved?  Did you get second shot? 

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Posted by: @shauna09

@jeanieb hi there. My onset of dizziness appeared 13 days after the 2nd dose. It has now been 9 days since I first started experiencing the dizziness, and while it has gotten noticeably better, I still feel something lingering beneath the surface. I have not tried driving yet but have been trying to take short walks. Please let me know how you feel. 


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