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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@jardelina It definitely helped it subside for me, it's not gone completely but I can at least function during the day now.  I also cut down on coffee (caffeine) & sugar.  Although it was difficult (especially no coffee in the morning), I did notice that it made a difference for the better.  I also noticed that Ibuprofin (about 500 mg a couple times a day) helped, I'm thinking because it decreases inflammation.  Good luck!

Hope123 and Hope123 reacted
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Hi All- 

Just checking in with an update. For those of you still going through all of this, I am terribly sorry and I completely understand how you feel.  You are not alone in this!! Today begins 19 weeks for me. I am considerably better than I was when this all began (I would say on most days I am between 90-100% better) although I am still not myself completely and while some days are great, others are not as great. Over this last weekend I actually felt 100% for an entire day which is pretty incredible. Lately, when I’m having issues, it feels more like heavy brain fog than dizziness. I’m wondering if I’m still getting little relapses that are now presenting as brain fog instead of severe dizziness?? Maybe it’s my last and final stage of this messed up process 🤷‍♀️ I do still struggle with all of this from a mental stand point. The second I start to feel bad I get really scared and anxious which we all know doesn’t help. I even get scared sometimes when I feel great, like I am afraid to enjoy the moments because any second I am bound to relapse. I honestly cannot wait for the day that I no longer think about this because it’s gone for good. I just want you all to know that my recovery has been SLOWWWWW and filled with ups and downs. Don’t give up!! 

trawii, trawii, ukuk and 17 people reacted
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Hi all, I've been hovering in the background for a good few days now scrolling through every page and it's been heart wrenching yet comforting knowing I am not alone.

I'm in my 5th week post 2nd AZ vaccine and i feel like my symptoms are getting worse not better. They started 2 days after my shot, I've got constant pulsatile tinnitis, headaches, migraine, neck and back ache, weakness and a heaviness of my arms and legs, feeling unsteady and now this last week that feeling has been getting worse along with nausea. My GP has referred me to ENT and I am having bloods done on Wednesday. I was sent to A&E after 6 days because my head was so bad, had D dimer, EKG and a CT scan which were all fine.

I'm starting to feel scared now because its been 5 weeks and I feel like every week I am worsening rather than getting better. It could be anxiety, I don't know. 

I'm a normally healthy and active 50 year old, single mum to an amazing 8 year old and I've been useless to him. 

I started taking some of the supplements that people have recommended on here(thank you!). I don't know what else to do. 

Jen, Lynne, Jen and 1 people reacted
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Just wondering what are most people symptoms, my main ones is pressure in my sinus area between my eyes in the bridge of my nose with no inflammation or infection, pressure at the top back of my head and sometime in my temples (very rarely) also some dizziness and pressure in my ears like my ears are plugged. Sometimes I have it all sometimes one or the other. Going on my 7th week of this.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Apoll

Sassafras, Hope123, dragonlover and 3 people reacted
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Thank you guys for all your answers to my question!

I just got my MRI results to day which are, as expected, all good. So I decided to take my 2nd moderna shot next week and hope it won't increase my dizzynes. Wish me luck 🙂

KitKat, KitKat, Jen and 3 people reacted
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So I'm feeling about 75% today. I notice it's worse on rainy days. I think brain fog and lack of focus and irritability are really taking a toll on me.

I have a flight soon and am praying this stays at bay. I'm always nervous before flights. I've even had to try and adopt a "if I die then i die" kind of attitude to cope with the constant fear of things getting worse. Certainly seems that this isn't deadly but without the mind, the body can't live and this has done alot of damage to my mind. This was coupled with a very tough 2 years, both personally but externally as we all know.

I just had a thought of class action lawsuit. I just want to put that out there in the universe. This is real. If I could make a demand from the top (the pharma companies, WHO, CDC, governments) I would say pay my health care, for life. I live in the US so I understand if this makes no sense if you're outside the states.

I have no insurance. All I want is to be checked out and it's a hassle and unaffordable.

For whatever reason, doctors can't use ivermectin but it's like, if some doctors use it and it works and there is research out there but it's being censored because it somehow got lumped in with conspiracy theories and anti vax and covid deniers, what is the actual deal? I mean, they were quick to trial and approve the vaccines, but they can't come to a consensus on ivermectin, and they have to bury the fact that it's possible to have these prolonged symptoms from the vaccine?

Hey remember, when people say science, they are almost speaking of some sort of authority but in reality,  this forum is science. We are all reporting our observations and we can see and recognize patterns and try to make sense of them. Try experiments with medicines and supplements and report our results. 

I feel like they just absolutely have to get rid of the vaccines. That's why they so quickly suggested that you don't need masks if your vaccinated. Because people would go get vaccinated just to not need the mask. After all the vaccine is super safe and effective, right? And I'm sure it's effective. Well, I hope it is. But cases are rising and masks are only coming off, arenas are opening and they are going to suggest a 3rd booster. 

Obviously by my rant you can see where my mood is lol. 

This whole experience has really destroyed my trust in institutions . I'm not a conspiracy nut and certainly not naive to the shady things big corps do but this just took it to another level. They did trials. If 1% of people turned out like us, they should know that. And now the whole thing is politicized so if you mention ivermectin or just acknowledging the vaccine can indeed be trouble, then it's like you're a conservative or a Trump supporter and if you are then you are, but that has nothing to do with my opinion on the vaccine. My experience has shaped that, not my politics or media. So it's frustrating. 





KitKat, KitKat, MemphisMel and 11 people reacted
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Posted by: @baiseren

Thank you guys for all your answers to my question!

I just got my MRI results to day which are, as expected, all good. So I decided to take my 2nd moderna shot next week and hope it won't increase my dizzynes. Wish me luck 🙂

It's a relief to get good MRI results. When I got mine, it reinforced my strong suspicion that my symptoms were due to my Covid vaccination.

Knowing that you're probably also here as a result of post-vaccine symptoms, and although some do ok with additional Covid vaccine exposure, most evidence points to having more/stronger side effects with subsequent vaccination, so that sounds like a breath-holding proposition for you!

I'm just glad they're not mandating it, as I saw one article boldly advocating doing! For at that point, I'd be looking to follow the White Rabbit into Alice's Wonderland to hide out in! 😟🙏

Jen, dragonlover, Hope123 and 3 people reacted
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A1 mines also worse on rainy days. As we just had 3 days of rain and they are forecasting 5 more days of it here in Buffalo. 

A1 and A1 reacted
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@thenystagmus  Keep in mind that yes, these heart effects can happen with any injection.  In fact it can happen for many reasons, including pregnancy. 

Hope123 and Hope123 reacted
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@schwark4 I'm so happy for you, Katie.  Feeling 90%-100% is always good.  It took you a while but you got there. Relatively unscathed in the great scheme of things.

Hope123 and Hope123 reacted
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Posted by: @schwark4

Hi All- 

Just checking in with an update. For those of you still going through all of this, I am terribly sorry and I completely understand how you feel.  You are not alone in this!! Today begins 19 weeks for me. I am considerably better than I was when this all began (I would say on most days I am between 90-100% better) although I am still not myself completely and while some days are great, others are not as great. Over this last weekend I actually felt 100% for an entire day which is pretty incredible. Lately, when I’m having issues, it feels more like heavy brain fog than dizziness. I’m wondering if I’m still getting little relapses that are now presenting as brain fog instead of severe dizziness?? Maybe it’s my last and final stage of this messed up process 🤷‍♀️ I do still struggle with all of this from a mental stand point. The second I start to feel bad I get really scared and anxious which we all know doesn’t help. I even get scared sometimes when I feel great, like I am afraid to enjoy the moments because any second I am bound to relapse. I honestly cannot wait for the day that I no longer think about this because it’s gone for good. I just want you all to know that my recovery has been SLOWWWWW and filled with ups and downs. Don’t give up!! 

Exactly same symptoms, I am only left with brain fog, I have some good and bad days as well. I do think you and I are getting better because we don't have any other symptoms anymore plus we are starting to have good days. I think it takes 3-4 months to fully recover. For me it will take longer because I got a second shot. 


By the way I had no extra symptoms or worsening of symptoms after my second shot. It stayed the same, I even fell like I started getting more good days after getting a second shot.


Here is my updated diary of symptoms


May 16 - got vaccinated (Pfizer)

May 17 - sore arm

May 18 - May 21 - feeling great

May 21 - May 22 - headache

May 23 - chills, felt feverish with no temperature

May 24 - May 26 - brain fog and dizziness

May 27 - May 28 - brain fog and clogged ears

May 29 - May 30 - brain fog, headache

May 31 - severe brain fog, fatigue

June 1 - June 16 - brain fog, head and ears feel weird

June 16 - July 2 - only brain fog is left paired with very light dizziness, it comes and goes




July 2 - sleepiness

July 3 - sleepiness, very slight brain fog

July 4 - July 5 - headaches

July 6 - July 7 - feeling great (90%)

July 8 - noticeable brain fog

July 9 - July 10 - feeling great (90%)

July 11 - July 12 - noticeable brain fog

Jen and Jen reacted
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Posted by: @apollo

A1 mines also worse on rainy days. As we just had 3 days of rain and they are forecasting 5 more days of it here in Buffalo. 

Definitely noticed that too!!

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I have gotten the second shot today.  I will be keeping everyone posted.  I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it's not bad as the first shot.  I have stocked up on vitamins and supplements, drinking a lot of water and I'm doing ibuprophen just in case.

Nadiafitagain, Hanscho, Jen and 5 people reacted
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@hope123 Mine was worse on rainy days too... it may have to do with atmospheric pressure maybe?

Jen, Hope123, Jen and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @sureyansh

@dizzyfromvaccine  Are you still taking Liposomal Glutathione and still symptoms free.i stopped my l glutathione and  symptoms came back.

I didn't feel like it did anything for me but I was only taking it once or twice a day, will try to increase the dose

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