@helpimdizzy Nice to hear from you.. I have been unable to pm anyone on here because I havn't been here long enough so glad you have posted. i am still experiencing head pressure, dizziness (verging on severe lightheadedness) and neck pain. It seems the neck pain makes the headaches much worse... some days are better than others but can start as little as half an hour after getting up in the morning. In fact last week I thought I started to feel more "normal" and was dealing with everything (coping with it i think the word is) but after doing some gardening last weekend it came back with vengence on Monday. The headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, neck pain and I am back to square one trying to work through the symptoms. The first pfeizer jab in January didn't affect me at all but after the second jab on 10th April I started having headaches 3 days later. then on the 29th April I had a massive vertigo attack (my first experience of this is my life and I am 67) and ever since then the headaches havn't stopped (now 11 weeks). I did get referred to hospital and they have ordered an MRI which is happening next Thursday but I am dreading nothing showing up because I am coming to the end of my tether with these symptoms. Also dreading the booster which they are threatening to give in the Autumn with the flu jab... yikes, it doesn't bear thinking about if, indeed, all my symptoms relate to the vaccine. By the way, I asked the specialist about the booster and he said wait until after the scan - but he also said "no one knows". Thanks again for asking after me... its good to know someone understands and that I am not making all this up :)... take good care
@lynner Hi, I had the first Pfizer shot about 3 weeks ago and immediately after developed ear pressure along with a constant headache caused from it. A few days later I also noticed some tinnitus which is pretty constant but changes in intensity. Last week I had a day or two when all my symptoms went away completely, but unfortunately came back.
Right now all my symptoms have calmed down and are pretty manageable most of the time. I only have mild ear pressure and mils tinnitus in one ear which is barely noticeable.
I have decided to get the 2nd shot on Tuesday. I am honestly very anxious and scared to do it, since I haven't seen anyone here get the second shot after developing these kinds of symptoms from receiving the first one. But, I don't want to have gone through all this and still not be fully vaccinated.
I will definitely let everyone know how it went and if it caused any change in symptoms. I am hoping everything will be fine.
Wish me luck.
Has anyone who recovered or improved gone on to take the second Pfizer or moderna shot months later?
I’m recovered now, 4 months after shot 1, and feeling TERRIFIED of getting the second dose. I don’t want to be incapacitated again by dizzyiness and brain fog - those were some of the scariest weeks of my life. But, I also don’t want covid and have a young child going to school in September who needs to be able to have a life. If covid is circulating there is a strong chance they would catch it and pass it to me.
Everyone I know has had two doses with no issue and they don’t understand … feeling scared and confused.
Hi, I know it's hard to think of relying on your one shot, but on the other hand you have 4 months of reaction that I'm sure you don't want repeated, leaving you wondering if and when you'd recover again.
I had one dose of Moderna vaccine in early March and I still have about 15% of my symptoms that I'm thinking I may be dealing with long term. What I've been through has cured me of wanting any more of these "preventatives" ...and I know they're going to keep prescribing them, ad nauseam. I sure couldn't see myself going through potential Covid vaccine injuries, repeatedly.
I'm still taking precautions and I hope I won't become infected with Covid, but I'm resigned to getting any more antibodies through possible Covid infection, rather than trying to trick my body into making them with a Covid vaccine again. That approach may have worked out ok for everyone else I know, but it just hasn't worked out well, in my case!
If I felt undecided about whether to keep getting Covid vaccines or not, I would ask my doctor to give me a prescription for a test of my Covid antibody level from my vaccine. I actually wish I'd have checked for Covid antibodies from natural exposure before getting any vaccine. If my level was positive, I wish I would have relied on my antibodies and not gotten the vaccine.
In your case, checking your post-vaccine antibody level might contribute to the peace of mind you're seeking.
Thank you so much for sharing your story...this is such encouraging news...
@thenystagmus This makes me sick seeing so many suffering from the side effects of these vaccines. Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine were the cures for this virus from the beginning. The enormous level of risk people took taking the vaccines is something I will never understand for a virus that even with no treatment was barely worse than the flu for almost all cases.
My son got the J&J vaccine in early April without telling me. That night he had a high fever and was feeling horrible. I gave him Ivermectin because I thought he might have Covid. The next morning he said he felt great. This is not unusual for Ivermectin to have amazing results after a single dose. I have no way of knowing if the Ivermectin is what caused his improved state but there are studies now showing it does have a positive effect after receiving the vaccine.
@dizzybrainfog im happy you are fully recovered.It makes me really happy.I have dizzyness and brain fog 25 days after the first dose.still have problems.
covid itself is betterthan my current situation.If you are going for second dose think again.are you fully recovered now?
remember dont make a mistake twice!
@julia77 how are you feeling now? I’m asking as I have been having extreme dizziness, stiff neck, nausea, anxiety, all since having my second vaccine. It’s been 6 days and I’m already dying😭
@karenc I got my second vaccine in July 5 and nine days later I passed out in my washroom. I have had the worst vertigo ever and nausea. I too have had unexplained depression which I have never had before. I do suffer from anxiety but this has made it ten times worse. How are you feeling now?
im happy you are fully recovered.It makes me really happy.I have dizzyness and brain fog 25 days after the first dose.still have problems.
covid itself is betterthan my current situation.If you are going for second dose think again.are you fully recovered now?
remember dont make a mistake twice!
@lili23 Hi, I was fortunate that I experienced mostly dizziness and fatigue and some tingling in my leg but no tinnitus or other sensations others have reported. My symptoms were mild compared to others. For me, I had my first shot of Moderna in March, then tested positive for Covid 4/11. I got an antibody test in early May and it said I tested positive most likely from infection rather than the first shot. I have not received a 2nd shot and even my doctor (Mt. Sinai affiliated) said he didn't think I needed the 2nd one because of my antibody results. I think it was maybe a few months when I felt mostly normal.
It seems like people have varying degrees of experiences. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Thinking of you all and wishing everyone a full recovery.
@moonbeam thank you so much I am really suffering and have 4 kids to look after everyday is new rollercoaster for me
@lili23 yes I had that for about a week when my stress and anxiety were at its highest and I was feeling my worst. That’s the only symptom I think can be contributed to anxiety. I would literally lie in bed and my whole body would shake.
Do whatever it takes to relax and calm your mind.