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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Please read the open letter from Australia n doctors about the covid situation in general, vaccines, use of ivermectin and more.



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Just stumbled across this site. So, I am actually a Covid Nurse in the US as are my sisters. I received 1st shot in January and did fine. However, I noticed what seemed to be a head cold or head stuffiness develop within 5 days. I was on Alert as I do not suffer from sinus or congestion in my head ever. I thought maybe it was the shot  but both sisters were fine. Received 2nd shot developed 104 fever, chills within 24 hrs. Slept the whole day and night and by the next day it was gone. Fever lasted low grade for several weeks or more. 100.8 or lower. Within the next 2 weeks developed double ear infection and became very dizzy. I do not or never had an ear infection. I'm 59 yrs old. My right ear became totally blocked. Was unable to hear and would get shooting pains in my ear. Unable to see my MD. Went to Urgent Care 3 times over the next 6 weeks. Unfortunately, they improperly diagnosed it as swimmers ear. I do not swim but perhaps the shower. Hmm, I didn't believe them. Anyways, took eardrops. Became worse. went back, different drops given. Became worse, ear was now draining clear yellow fluid and could not hear a thing.  ENT app was 3 weeks out c an app. They now diagnosed ruptured eardrum, more drops given. Seemed to be making it worse so I just stopped. Used a heated pad on my ear. Unable to work. Finally went to ENT, he stated the ear drops WERE making it worse as I was losing hearing from them. He stated pressure was so great it blew a hole in eardrum pretty big and I might need sx to repair. Gave me super strong antibiotic so it doesn't lead to meningitis. Med so strong I couldn't walk, took it for 3 days only!. Kept cotton in my ear and basically took a ton of Ibuprofin, homemade heating pads constantly. Miserable for atleast 6 weeks c constant draining. I think it lasted for about 2 months. It is better, no more dizziness or low grade temps. My ear however has become sensative and I often keep cotton in it and absolutely NO water in it ever. They told me it was an ear infection but from what? No one knows. I say the vaccine of course. I am told No, it's not from the vaccine. I have never in my life had an ear infection ever! I actually went and had a Covid PCR test done as well, it was Negative.

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Yesterday I got bad news my allergist told me I have a mast cell problem, though not related to the vaccine. I’ve been dealing with this for sometime, but the vaccine may be causing it not to calm down.

I started ivermectin yesterday and the supplements listed by doctor haider. Except quercetin. It never agrees with me. 
Hopefully this will calm down everything goin on in my body. I will keep u guys informed. As for today i would say I feel about 5% better but that could be just me hoping things are working out.

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@apollo Thank you for the update. I am waiting on a specialist appointment to confirm the same thing. I have been following a mast cell disorder protocol i.e. Low histamine foods, etc and it has helped, but it is very life limiting especially with food choices.


Can you explain what issues you had before the vaccine? Have you also had an underlying condition or sickness like tuberculosis or lyme disease at any point in your life? The reading I've been doing suggests the body could be hyper sensitive to a prior illness or even mould in the environment. 

Finally do you know what tests your doctor did to determine your mast cell disorder? 


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@freefall thank you for the list of supplements. I have been doing the same and it has helped, but it seems the slightest wrong food and I have headaches and bouts of vertigo. Whilst the vertigo isn't as bad whilst on the protocol, I wonder if I'll have to take these supplements forever?

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Cordyceps, Lianhua Qingwen (this is a Chinese medicine used to treat Covid19 in China. You can buy it on Ebay or a Chinese medicine store).

Quercetin, Turmeric, Vitamin D, Vitamin, C,  Oil fish.

The road to recovery is rocky. I was sent to ER twice and hospitalized for two days. One some days I felt I was so close to dying. I'm very grateful that my life is returning to normal. For those of you who are still struggling, hang in there. This will pass...

Glad you are feeling better...Can you tell me how many MG's of the below are you taking:

Cordyceps, Lianhua Qingwen (this is a Chinese medicine used to treat Covid19 in China. You can buy it on Ebay or a Chinese medicine store).

Quercetin, Turmeric, Vitamin D, Vitamin, C,  Oil fish.



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Yes I would like to know too. Maybe this can help the dizziness lasting 4 months.

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@lili23 Aww, damn, sorry to read!  I'm going to start eating more antioxidant rich foods.  Was reading that for eye floaties.  Good luck to you with yours! 🙏🏼🙄

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@adamk allergist basically told me thats what i have, determined by symptoms, burning or tingling mouth, throat, lips tongue with swelling, dermatitis, brain fog, acid reflux, skeletal pain and stomach pain in the presence of pollen. Also many bad reactions to medications.

she has given me two zyrtec a day, to singulair a day, 4x cromoyln sodium, and pepcid. I have done low histamine in the past and doing semi low histamine now but with all the inflammation its taking time.

post vaccine headaches in sinuses, temples back top of head, dry eyes, dry sinuses, dizxiness that comes and goes, and ear pain or fullness that feels like they need to pop. Plus joint inflammation.

she also offered me predinose but since i have some from dr haider i told her a would hold off.

last i thought mold might be contributing to my condition and it still maybe but im not allergic to it according to allergy test, which i thought i would react to since i work in a building that stores mildew covered awnings from oct-march.

any other questions just ask.

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Does the Zyrtec work? Are you taking 12 hour or 24 hour Zyrtec?  mine is just dizziness

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 Hello everyone...

It has been  8 weeks since the  second vaccine and I want to update everyone since my last post. It has been sometimes discouraging. The fight and flight rushes that seemed to come out of nowhere! That is improving...finally!

It is getting better! The head pressure is not frequent anymore. The dizzy spells and unbalanced feeling has also vanished. The brain fog is better. Each day seems to get better! I am  hopeful and thankful and relieved!

I have been taking  some vitamins/minerals and zinc but cannot say this would have made a difference. I have been trying to drink more.

All I can say is I think with time, the symptoms we are having will work their way out of our bodies. That is my hope and experience so far. I am thankful for the progress. Someone here said it  was 12 weeks until they felt better...that gave me hope and encouragement. It IS getting better!

Stay hopeful and encouraged!




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Update: yesterday I was feeling okay minus a headache that I had all day. I’d been fasting since Tuesday night- barely had dinner. Went to get my blood drawn around 415- headache was gone after that. I ate some snacks after cuz I was feeling a little woozy. I went home to sit in bed for a bit. I was feeling okay after a little while. However, I tried to bring up groceries upstairs and I got winded on my second trip up- I wasn’t carrying anything super heavy either, but it wasn’t very light. I got light headed and felt out of breath and my headache came back, so I ended up taking aleve for it. 

I’m curious if this happens to anyone else? I haven’t been able to properly workout since effing June and I get tired going upstairs carrying nothing but myself now. 

today, I’m feeling okay, but not normal. I still feel off kilter and my brain feels like it’s on the verge of shaking again. I’m gonna try fasting again to see if I can get some benefits from auotphagy. 

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@jassy1957 thanks for your report 

personally I am starting to wonder if I do not have a serious illness All my blood tests are good but this fatigue is really incredible I did not think I would know that one day

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Hi all - the last few days my ability to walk has greatly diminished.  Pins and needles in my legs and arms.  Got blood work done - negative for Lyme, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Lupus.  Ferritin levels and iron levels are fine.  Vit B12 levels are fine as well.


Does anyone have any magic suggestion to help with the pins/needles/muscle weakness?  I feel like my world is crashing at the moment and there is nothing anyone can do.  I was hoping to be going forward by week 10, not backwards.

Of course if it comes down to it and I can’t walk anymore, I guess at that point I can go to the ER and they’ll have to keep running tests until they figure it out…


This is just ridiculous and so disheartening.

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@cathymason Zyrtec does help but not enough for me at once a day. She told to me go to twice a day for both Zyrtec and singulair

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