First post.
Thank God i found this forum. To be clear I haven't taken the Vax. But I suffer from extreme substance sensitivities from taking accutane as a child . Like I can't eat, drink or take ANYYHING without have a severe reaction. Only a few things I can handle. I have constant derealization, tinnitus, visual snow and muscle/bone wastage and pain. I'm often in bed all the time and I'm only 36. I recently lost my one day a week job because they have made vaccines mandatory to work there. I know the Vax will mess me up bad so I can not take it but now they are requiring passports to do anything in my province. It's a cruel thing when the world tells you you have to take something or else when so many people are suffering. Just imagine how many will not find this forum and be told they are crazy and its not the Vax. This is the only place I can find where people are sharing their true experiences without getting deleted. My heart goes out to you all.
@jacquelynsauriol Thank you for sharing. I have reported my reaction and am not taking the 2nd dose. I also know people have had COVID-19 and none of their symptoms were as bad as my reaction
@megamom134 re the C19 VAX REACTIONS SITE0-to note
they only update the testimonials once every 7-10 days; so if you submit
your reaction you may not see it posted immediately.
@tabby Hi Tabby, when to the allergist and she said to take Xyzal you only have to take twice a day. But today I was working and exerting myself quite a bit and was dizzy for awhile but I had to finish the job. After I get dizzy and can’t breathe I start to hyperventilate but Ativan is helping with really well. One of my blood tests came back and no autoimmune disease so that’s really good news. Wait for more to come back. The allergist checks totally different things it’s not the regular blood panel. Also she wants an mri of my brain. But she believes me but also said I should get the second shot 😳I told her no way in hell was I going to put more poison into my body. Anyway that’s what I’m doing to treat my symptoms but I still don’t no what causing it. Please keep my posted on how you are doing. Incase you haven’t seen the website from Senator Johnson who is trying to get of side effects taken seriously below is the link. Please go on and share your side effects. There are a lot of other things also. Take Care Cheri
@jeanieb that’s awesome!!! So happy for you. I’m still dealing with the dizziness and what follows. I don’t know how old you are but I’m gonna be 62 in November so maybe my age factoring in. I also had covid beginning of January. Who knows. Don’t know if you heard about Senator Johnson’s website but if you haven’t the link is below. Please go on and share your side effects. We need the CDC and FDA to take us seriously. Keep me posted. I’m so glad you are feeling better. Take care, Cheri
@pfizervictim re long haulers info from the Front Line Covid Care Alliance FLCCC
@heybro you must take Vitamin D3 with some fat. I found this out years ago when I took vitamin D, and my levels were in the 20’s I don’t understand why more people are not told this.
I take 5,000 iu gel cap every day with fat or peanut butter. And my levels for the past 3 years are alway between 79 and 84. Anything over 50 is optimal.
Get your doctor to do a blood test at least once a year Or twice a year.
Ok, sooo, I'm trying to process this.
We have a variety of Covid-19 vaccines. A lot of us chose to get them, to protect ourselves from this coronavirus, right?
But now there are increasing efforts to influence those that have not gotten them to get them. The stated reasoning for this? To protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated...?
But, wait, didn't those that chose to be vaccinated do so to protect themselves? I really thought that is what a vaccine is for, to protect those vaccinated?!
These vaccines must not be that great at being a protective measure, after all?!
Too bad there doesn't seem to be any effort being put forth to revise these vaccines to where those that get them in the future are protected from the adverse responses we're talking about here that are consuming our health, our days, our lives.
Having vaccine injury, I need protection from further exposure to these so-called protective vaccines!
Again, vaccinating the unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. Wow. Sigh....
@isismadec Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m finding a lot of the doctors I’ve trusted over the years are not concerned with my well being. I know many of us are now beginning to realize that and it’s a harsh reality.
Happy to hear there are some doctors who truly care about their patients such as yours. It gives me hope! Just need to find one. All the best!
@thenystagmus hi there, just wondering if the dizziness resolved itself?
Hi, yes, I'm relieved that my dizziness has resolved to a good degree. I experienced my last major relapse at about 3.5 months and slowly recovered since then. At 6 months, I have only 5-10% mild issues remaining. I hope the same for you and us all! 😏🙏
@thenystagmus hi there, just wondering if the dizziness resolved itself?
Hi, yes, I'm relieved that my dizziness has resolved to a good degree. I experienced my last major relapse at about 3.5 months and slowly recovered since then. At 6 months, I have only 5-10% mild issues remaining. I hope the same for you and us all! 😏🙏
So glad to hear your dizziness did eventually resolve. Thank you for sharing that info. I just hit my 4 month anniversary of the onset of this nightmare. Was feeling great at 2 months but then relapsed at 3 months with the old dizziness plus some not fun new symptoms (mostly tingling in my feet and hands). I have been living with the garbage symptoms to varying degrees for the last month or so. MRI, CT scans both clear docs are at a loss.
I’m getting through it mentally by telling myself I got better before, I’ll do it again (and hopefully will stay well). I suspect some people on this forum get better and then never post that because they get better and move on. So it’s good to see some good news on here!
I will be 4 months out on the 15th and my dizziness has decreased as well, but it does come and go. But I have been experiencing joint pain lately it comes and goes too. My main issue is stiffness is my neck, back, and muscle spasms… it’s driving me crazy!
I also experience my body feeling heavy like heavy limbs…
Has anyone experienced this??
Symptom update.
It's been a month and two weeks since my symptoms began. The symptoms got worse before getting better and consisted mainly of debilitating head/neck pressure, dizziness, occasional brain zaps, occasional vertigo and brain fog. The head pressure is what was really scaring me. Today, the vertigo is gone, zero brain zaps and rarely if at all dizzy. The only symptom that I can't shake is the head pressure but it's very mild. I can focus, drive and overall enjoy my day without pausing to think about how terrible I feel. Today was a good day. Hopefully it's only upwards from here.
Hugs to everyone in this group. I would feel so alone if it weren't for your relatable stories. Hang in there.
@tomg thanks for your message ! Did you have muscular pain too, mostly in the arms ?
Hope you'll be 100% soon