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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@kris I am with you on that. I’m in my 13th week, symptoms are more manageable but not gone. I can do more things now like go out on a boat and go sit at restaurants, but sometimes I end up feeling a little crummy afterwards. 

I also agree that I am just so tired of people trying to force this vaccine on everyone. Even before this happened to me, I was never one of those ppl that was just in your face about the vaccine. I’d happily go back to how I was before the vaccine and just continue to wear masks and social distance. 

im not getting the second dose or the booster, which kinda sucks because I really love traveling, but I’d rather just get the covid tests and hurt for a little bit versus going through additional months or years of this shit. 

Cheri@13, gingerj, PfizerVictim and 5 people reacted
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@rockingonaboat Thank you for your candor and validation. It means a lot! 

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Posted by: @kris

Almost 8 months out and had some dizziness today, increased anxiety, and having tinnitus tonight.  Thankfully, it doesn’t happen a lot anymore, but it’s disheartening when it does. When I read or hear people say that the vaccine is safe, I cringe. I am tired knowing that most doctors and almost all people believe that this vaccine is safe for EVERYONE. I AM very grateful that I can post on this forum. Thank you! 

Ugh, that sucks.  I know the feeling of thinking you’re better and then relapsing.  I’m 4.5 months in.  At about month 2/2.5, I dad almost a complete recovery other than my deafness in my one ear (that apparently will be permanent and I just have to come to terms with it).  Just some residual dizziness I thought would eventually go away completely, but then at month 3.5 it was BACK with new things (anxiety, racing heart, “buzzing” in my brain and eyes).  I’m still in the relapse.

It’s so discouraging when your symptoms come back after you start to have hope that the nightmare is over.  But all we can do is keep on keeping on.  It sounds like you’re having a lot of good days, so that’s encouraging. Hang in there!  It’s not super comforting, but you’re not alone in this.

gingerj and gingerj reacted
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@megan Signed! Thank you for posting. I 100% agree with everything in this letter and I truly hope that it is taken seriously by the recipients. We volunteered to be part of a collective solution to slow the spread of a disease; that alone speaks volumes. Specifically, that we aren't merely vaccine hesitant. Im sure some of us would get a second shot or a booster if our symptoms were acknowledged and treated by the medical community. Instead, many of us will continue to refuse further vaccination which is the exact opposite of what society needs.

MountainMama, ukuk, PfizerVictim and 5 people reacted
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Allow me to share my story as well. I am male, 38yo, healthy (was running twice a week 7km, and doing a lot of housework). I received my first pfizer shot at the end of August, no real symptoms afterwards, no fever, no arm pain, nothing. Yet I noticed an increasing fatigue 4 weeks afterwards, yet I didn't think much about it. Six weeks later on 11th September I received the second pfizer shot, again no symptoms, nothing at all. Yet 2 weeks after my second shot it started..., from one night to the other, just as if somebody flipped a switch; severe insomnia, it was if my brain wouldn't turn off at night, it's not that I constantly think about stuff, my brain just doesn't transition into sleep mode. Have been to several doctors, ultrasound of organs looks ok, blood looks alright as well, next week I am doing a head MRI and a long time EKG. I also noticed a change in my heart rate, at night it is simply to high and the heart beats too strong (even if it slows down). I never had insomnia or heart problems in my entire life!

It's great to read about others suffering from similar issues after the vaccine, my doctor always says it's anxiety, but that's simply not true. I managed to handle the insomnia by walking 10000 steps each day in the evening, this lets me fall asleep nearly instantly when I lay down. Yet I manage to sleep only 3 hours before waking up, usually I fall asleep afterwards again but only for 2-3 hours again, afterwards I am awake and can't fall asleep again. I believe the walking also brought back my appetite (which I also seemed to have lost).

I am nearly 4 weeks in and hope these symptoms improve over time. Anyway thanks for reading this so far and thank you for coming together in this forum to help each other. It's good to know not being alone with this.

MountainMama, gingerj, MountainMama and 1 people reacted
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Sorry, messed up the months; first shot 7th July, second shot on 11th August.

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Folks, i dont want to sound so terrible here but is there a way out of this? I have different symptoms every day. Every day it is something different that gets me down and that doesnt help my anxiety so i feel trapped. Please anyone? Share sucess stories. These relapces and new symptoms every day are killing me. I cannot work. I cannot look after my toddler. I cannot drive. My life is in ruins. Please help. 

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Please help with a signature! I believe that this drug could be the cure for us.

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Getting close to the magical number of 12 weeks, I'm still not fully recovered, but getting there I hope. Most days now feel like I've got a hangover or have the flu instead, that's an improvement I guess. Also trying to pick up daily life again, going to shops, visiting family, etc, so far those things are going alright, but have to take things slow or rest when I feel my symptoms are triggered. 

Opheas, Nehru, Charsen and 3 people reacted
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@jacquelynsauriol thank you so much and God bless. I get new symptoms or rotating symptoms every day. This is too tough to handle when one also has to care for a little one and maintain career every day. 

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Hi, i had my pfizer 2nd dose on 30th Aug and had little hand pain for 1-2 days after the dose, no other symptoms. Week after the 2nd dose i started getting left hand pain, pressure in the palms, sudden palpitations associated with chest pain, sweat in the fingers and doesn't go away what ever i do. Also, feeling anxious and unable to control thoughts or divert my mind at that moment. I never felft anxious before and it's bothering me a lot in day to day work. It's now almost 2 weeks with these symptoms and not getting settled. All blood tests, ECG, abdominal ultrasound came normal. Will have to ho for MRI next week. I was very normal before vax and none of these symptoms were there pre vax even after 1st dose. Any help please?


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Hello, I have recently got eye floaters which I never had before. It’s been nearly 9 weeks since I took first dose Pfizer and experiencing insomnia until now. Maybe the lack of sleep caused by the insomnia caused the floaters to appear. I just have no idea. Is anyone else experiencing this? 

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@wworkman12 hey I’m 34 and started seeing floaters in my eyes about 2 weeks after first dose of Pfizer. I’m wondering if they improved for you cos I’m nervous about getting my second injection if they’re going to get worse. Never had them before now and keeping my fingers crossed that they improve or go away completely! 

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Anyone who has fully recovered recently? I know I'm almost 12 weeks in and things are supposed to start improving then and they've improved somewhat, but I'm just so tired of this after almost 3 months. 

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My recent relapse is over. I am feeling back to 95% for about the past 1,5-2 weeks. There were also some days that I was back to 100%. 

This was my worst relapse since the start of this big nightmare. And finally, I was able to understand that periods are the cause (at least one of the causes) why I am relapsing. I am 3,5 months out. 

The last relapse lasted about 1-1,5weeks. But right now I am hopeful that we can get through this at the right time.  But I know from the experience that the time that we are relapsing/feeling the symptoms, it is extremely hard to stay positive. 

We must be hopeful that we can and WILL recover! 


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