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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@kashyap03 hi I have similar symptoms aswell, switching to a low histamine diet reduced the intensity of my symptoms. I also noticed relaxing most of the day and staying in a cool environment helps, the heat makes the symptoms worse. Hope you feel better. 

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Posted by: @kris

Almost 8 months out and had some dizziness today, increased anxiety, and having tinnitus tonight.  Thankfully, it doesn’t happen a lot anymore, but it’s disheartening when it does. When I read or hear people say that the vaccine is safe, I cringe. I am tired knowing that most doctors and almost all people believe that this vaccine is safe for EVERYONE. I AM very grateful that I can post on this forum. Thank you! 

It amazes me how many people continue to believe the lies we are being fed, how they continue to deny that the terrible side effects are happening.  In their narrow little minds, since it didn't happen to them or anyone they know, it can't possibly be real. 🙄   There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see.

I too am grateful for this forum.  Without it, I most likely would have ended up as another victim of the poison they are calling a "vaccine". 

kris and kris reacted
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Hi all,

Approaching week 12 this coming Tuesday.   I continue to have daily headaches, head pressure, dizziness, fatigue and nausea that improves in the mornings and returns over the course of the day.  Has anyone else experienced this type of daily pattern? 

Seeing another ENT on Tuesday and neurologist the following week. Has anyone been checked for intercranial pressure?  

Each day I hope will be my turning point.  Who knows, maybe today will be it!  Hope everyone feels better soon.

LorraineB and LorraineB reacted
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@charsen There have been a few people across here and on Reddit who have posted stories of full recovery or at the very least their symptoms going away significantly with fewer relapses (that are much milder and not debilitating). 

I'm about 13 weeks out and, like you, every day is different than the last. A lot of the time it changes throughout the day, where I'll have a decent morning but rubbish evening, but I can't seem to spot any discernible pattern at all and I've given up trying - I just try and take it as it comes, even though it's very hard sometimes. 

I do believe this will pass, but I think it's many long months until that happens.

PfizerVictim, RomainA, PfizerVictim and 1 people reacted
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13 weeks me too ... After a rather quiet week today the symptoms returned Pressure in the head dizziness brain fog It started with a feeling of extreme weakness and ended with a 30min migraine I was at work in more ☹️ I really don't understand medically how it works ... How can we be well for a week and relapse? the Spike protein hides and comes back? On the other hand, the effects last a little less

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@jamostar I just started seeing them too. I dont know if they will get worse so I am definitely not taking another shot as I have other side effects as well.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Callie

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@creativecat Hello, I have nausea daily too plus other side effects. It's been nearly 9 weeks since I took my first pfizer dose. Hoping things will get better soon. 

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Hi all

I have posted a couple of times before but thought I'd post again to provide a bit of optimism about recovery. I am currently 4.5 months after the first dose of AZ and about 4 months after when severe symptoms started. Like many here, I had various symptoms affecting my stomach, eyes, neck, jaw, face (twitches), sleeping - if I provided full details, this post would be paragraphs long haha. I am a 37yo healthy male and never had any serious health issues before this.

I have seen various doctors and had various tests (MRI included) which came back clear and am currently awaiting further appointments regarding my eyes and jaw which seem to be the lingering symptoms. However, most of the other symptoms do appear to have subsided, or mostly subsided to the point where I've forgotten I had them until they mildly recur... and even then its at a much less frequency than in previous months. 

The 3 month mark did seem to be when things turned around for me but even as I started 'living life' again, I was aware that my energy levels were not as they were before and I wasn't at 100%. In the last couple of weeks however, I actually feel like I am back to my normal self pre-vaccine with some slight eye and jaw issues lingering as mentioned - but these are more inconveniences at the moment rather than symptoms that I can't ignore. I just hope there are no relapses at this stage.

I really hope that what some medical professionals are saying is true, that it's just a matter of riding it out - which isn't helpful when you are in the middle of it (I have been there!). Recovery for me was on a month by month basis rather than week by week which I found hard at the start of it all alongside the fact that it wasn't a linear recovery. It also doesn't help when there's a flat-out denial from professionals that the vaccine can cause serious adverse effects for a minority of people which can make the situation feel worse for some of us.

It's interesting reading others' experiences on this forum so I will continue to read as I feel it helped me a lot when I was going through the worst of it a couple of months ago. I genuinely hope everyone here gets better and the help they need. If anyone has any questions, I'm happy to answer them.

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@creativecat .. 30 min after lunch.. looks like some sugar level thing, but I think that cortisol also can be in game. That usually stop after 3-4 hours. 

Thats me.. 

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@psargie I'm so happy you've recovered for the most part, I've got a question, are you able to do physical activities without relapsing? 

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@psargie Happy to hear that you are recovering. I am 9 weeks post first pfizer dose and have bad insomnia which started the day I got the vaccine, nausea, ringing sound in my ears and now eye floaters just recently. Severe anxiety and stress because of all of this, now even more due to the eye floaters.

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hi! I’ve read through your posts and I am in the same boat as you! Almost identical. How are you doing now? Do you still feel 100% recovered? 

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@mountainmama It is helpful. I wish that we weren’t in this situation, but since we are, it is comforting that I/we aren’t alone. 

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are you also feeling anxious and unable to control your mind? when did it start and how many days it last? 

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First Covid vaccine (beginning of Aug 2021) I had cold symptoms chills headache coughing sneezing. I was very hesitant to get the second vaccine(End of Aug 2921)but afterwards my left foot started vibrating and felt like I was standing on a vibrating phone, soon after I had muscle twitching in my calves and pins and needles. I now have muscle twitching in my left arm the same arm the vaccine was given in as well as blood pressure issues. I have always had normal blood pressure and my blood pressure has been very concerning and high.I’m having a difficult time getting into a doctor. I spoke with one doctor virtually today who said it sounded as though I was having a mild reaction to the Covid vaccine that was causing inflamed nerves. He suggested I take 800 mg of ibuprofen every 8 hours for the next 5 days and see how things go.
also really interesting I got the doctors note from the virtual visit and he wrote it up completely differently saying I had occasional pins and needles in my legs. I’m telling you I have had this going on pretty constantly for the last three weeks.  It’s really hard going to sleep when you start feeling pins and needles and pressure on your chest and your arm is twitching.
Also, seems to all be related…the headache, elevated blood pressure, muscle twitching all happen at the same periodically throughout the day.

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