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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @thelma


i had the same impression with

medical personal, they accept

only what is in the official list of light side effects. 

Maybe, just maybe--when enough people start presenting with these horrible side effects, the doctors will change their thinking and accept that it IS the vaccine causing it.  

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@robinp I’ve had both moderna shots and I’m still not right?

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First Covid Vaccine, Pfizer, Last week March 24th.

Last Night (March 31st) 7:00 pm-ish , felt dizzy, light headed, -- felt I was going to pass out.

Thought Stroke, Heart issues, Blood Sugar, weighed going to ER, instead went to bed 9:30.

Woke up at 6:00 am (Normal Time) felt normal no issues.

Then about an hour later (after moving around, made breakfast, took trash out etc)) -- felt the same ---dizzy, light headed.

Messaged my Doctor,

-- DR stated probably weather related Vertigo,  -- make an appointment

I have no history of weather related Vertigo, or any Vertigo before.

So after searching the internet and reading this forum, I would say it is most likely Vaccine Related, I'm not in the medical field however just too many people saying the same thing.

So my question to everyone is has this been so bad as not to walk, drive, operate machinery, and or has anyone passed out?


Any feed back is appreciated



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Posted by: @arthur

Just an added thought.  I know that the docs have to stick to the public health line. Better that a few suffer or die than than millions.  So the idea is to not scare people with problems caused by the vaccine. They might decline to take the jab.

but at some level it feels like “gaslighting” when my suggestion and those of others in this group are dismissed out of hand.  As though we are the kooks one runs across on the net.

That’s my rant for today: note I am going along with the conventional medical wisdom to see what it can do for me, whatever possibly caused my vertigo.

I agree with you.  I believe that people are not being adequately warned about the potential side effects of the vaccine, and that the side effects are being minimized.  They want as many people vaccinated--which I understand--but they are lying to us by omission in order to get that done.  They are banking on people just accepting whatever they are told and then blindly taking the vaccine.  I probably would have done just that if I hadn't had a really bad, unsettling feeling about it, which I can't explain.  I just couldn't shake that feeling so I started researching, which led me here....and to the decision that I will refuse the vaccine.

tom j., DodieB, tom j. and 1 people reacted
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By not reporting adverse reactions, the manufacturers of the vaccines continue to rely on their initial test results.  So the public is misled, ditto governments and the vaccine mamufactuerers. 


KitKat, KitKat, vibirdlady and 3 people reacted
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First Pfizer shot the 25th.  Previous history of tinnitus, hearing loss in one ear.  On the 27th, woke with dizziness from moving my head.  Severe nausea, vomiting and sweating.  First instance I've ever had of vertigo.  Finally subsided after a few hours.  Morning of the 30th, dizziness and then after an hour, nausea and vomiting started.  I managed to keep down a Dramamine that helped with the nausea.  After these incidents, stayed tired and chilled.  

Will *probably* get the second shot, if nothing else happens, but I do wish that they warned folks better about being prepared for side effects and listed dizziness or vertigo as side effects.

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@isismadec @Arthur Posting another perspective for consideration -- as a health care provider and a scientist, and now also as a person who was very surprised to develop labyrinthitis, vertigo and nystagmus 5 days after dose #1 of Pfizer: the original clinical trials of 30,000-40,000 people only had the statistical power to detect side effects that occurred in 1/10,000 people or more. We've always known that those trials would not detect side effects that were more rare, and that we may find them when we started vaccinating tens and hundreds of millions of people -- and that is happening. My ENT is the one who asked me if I had recently had the vaccine and she said they are seeing weird things, and that they are talking about it and recommending that people push off dose #2 or not have it, in some cases. I personally don't think that providers are trying to withhold information --- I think they don't have the information themselves!  None of us do. We are all 'clinical trial participants' in an EUA clinical trial on the fly.  We will eventually know the risks, but it is going to take a while, and we are all figuring it out together -- with our scientists and health care providers.

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This was the same as my husband labyrinthitis, vertigo, and nystagmus 5 days after dose #1 of Pfizer

ENT put him on prednisone for 3 weeks  -  now it is almost a full week after that - vertigo is gone, not dizzy all the time now, but the hearing has not returned to his right ear yet.  Definitely not getting the second dose - no sense going backward or even just feeling like he has the past month - unfortunately, labyrinthitis could occur on its own, so can't 100% say it was the vaccine.  I will be evaluating other vaccines in the future - the first one gives him some protection.  Would love to see if any research comes out where you could have the pfizer....and in time because you did not have the second dose get the J&J or something else. But will wait for a while.



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Glad I found someplace where people are sharing this stuff. 

I got the 1st shot march 25th about 10:40 am

Felt fine all day. I got home and when I was laying down my shoulder felt off..sore ish. . And thought ive mustve overdid it bowling tonight. I then realized it was the wrong arm. And shook it off as sore arm from the shot 


I woke up about 3 hours later with extream pain in my shoulder any time it moved.

Not a little bit of pain, but ridiculous amount if it moved even the slightest. 

I barly got any sleep. And went to work hoping it would get better as I moved it. But couldn't move it at all all day. I had to hold it like it was in a sling against my body, so that my shoulder would have no movement.

No amount of Ibuprofen.  Tylenol  would help. It was bad all day and that night. I got about 2 hours of sleep due to pain. 

Saturday it got worse.  I called into work. As I wasn't gonna do that way. Lol. Was in bed all day. Just wiped due to lack of sleep over the past nights.

Called the nurse hotline for my insurance. And got told my symptoms were on the worse end. And that I should still take the second shot. As I really was thinking I wasn't going too becasue who wants to jump in front of a car when they don't have too.

Finally Sunday. My pain started to subside. But still went to urgent care to see if I should be taking the second shot due to my side effects. And I heard the second could be worse.

Felt like I got brushed off....oh looks like you got mederna arm.... I found no where online that said that kind of pain was a side effect. 

They said it varies person to person... and recommended I get the second shot.


Its the 31st. And 95% of the  pain is gone.

On the plus side the Doc seemed to be transcribing every word I said. So hopefully there keeping track of it all.

Never had any other side effects at all. Just pain in joint of my shoulder.



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id like to believe this is the case but it clearly states on the CDC official report that 17% of people had symptoms of dizziness, loss of appetite, fatigue, and nausea, which persisted in some people 7 days out (as far as their reporting went). So when I go to my doctor and she tells me 3 days is the max for side effects, and easily accessible public health information all day 3 days for symptoms to resolve, now I’m here calling off site visits at work and feeling terrible and my bosses thinking that I’m an insane person saying that I’m not well 10 days after my shot.


All other medicines list potential side effects and interactions usually with atleast a 5% occurrence rate or higher, so why are these symptoms not listed as a possibility anywhere outside of an immediate allergic reaction? Had I known that there is a possibility that I wouldn’t be able to operate my vehicle or function well for weeks after getting the shot, I would have prepared myself or put it off until I could take substantial time off away from work.

clearly the priority of these companies and the government has been to vaccinate as many people as fast as they can to get business rolling again, so it seems clear to me why they left off potential adverse side effects from warning labels and mainstream outlets, which is absolutely bogus.


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Had my second Covid Pfizer vaccine on March 19th.  Yesterday woke up with serious Vertigo.  Never had it before and not sure if it is related to the vaccine but very suspious.  Still have it today.  Doctors appointment also today.    Anybody else gotten Vertigo after vaccine?

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UPDATE: Received acupuncture yesterday which immediately and significantly lessened some of my symptoms. I plan to receive treatment again this week, and expect I will need at least a couple more treatments beyond that, and likely some tune ups on down the road. The major improvement was in the significant leg weakness and shaking (described below) which has been progressively worsening over past 6 days since first vacc, as well as the nausea.

I am an acupuncturist and chose to receive treatment from one of my former instructors who specializes in scalp and spinal acupuncture. Several years ago after a significant TBI which caused me to lose speech among other things, acupuncture is what helped me regain my speech and consistently aided my recovery. 

Though you may very well experience some improvement after your first acupuncture treatment, plan on at least three treatments before you make the call on whether or not to continue. The treatment has a cumulative effect, and sometimes it can take a few visits for you to experience a major breakthrough. Try not space your treatments too far apart. You're building on the treatment from one visit to the next, so if you leave too long between, you're back to square one again.

I'm 6 days post first vacc of Pfizer. The acupuncture yesterday helped to allay my nausea, headache, and most significantly my leg weakness/shaking. The leg weakness which began minutes after my vacc had been progressively worsening to point that my legs would shake uncontrollably yesterday when trying to walk. After acu, had little to no shaking present. Today, a little bit of that has returned, but not as bad as yesterday; as I said, I expect to need additional acu treatments to address this. Because I'd been seeing a progressive pattern of weakness (upper body involved, too) worsening each day, I'm not surprised to see some of this back. Follow-up with PCP tomorrow to discuss neurology referral; know it's likely they'll find nothing.




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I had moderna. Are there safe vaccine?

the first time i had this horrible vertigo 12 days after the firs vaccination i thought that it is the end. Dizziness now lessened but the sound in my left ear became louder. I made a mistake and got the second portion.

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3/12 1st Pfizer vaccine. Four days later started vertigo, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus (mostly left ear), left ear pain, left side of head pain/pressure and have started to have some vision issues. My NP, ENT, Allergist, and Cardiologist have all been supportive and are in agreement symptoms are an auto immune response, inflammation from the vaccine. My ENT prescribed Flonase to help with the ear pain/pressure inflammation since it is a steroid. Not gone but I’ve had less sharp ear pain and pressure. Not doing steroids so my body building antibodies is not interrupted. Definitely don’t want to go backwards.
My ENT ordered a COVID antibody test. Results just came back and I do have antibodies, so plan is to wait on second vaccine and recheck antibodies in 6 weeks. Hopefully symptoms decrease and go away. 
I am so thankful for this forum to know I’m not alone, how people are progressing, thoughts, ideas, and thankfully that people are staring to see improvement!

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@bsharp yes mine is terrible still and it;s been almost 2 weeks now..I am hesitant to get the 2nd dose.

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