Last seen: September 13, 2021 12:05 pm
@isismadec @Arthur Posting another perspective for consideration -- as a health care provider and a scientist, and now also as a person who was very s...
Thank you, @Megan. The piece of info I'd like, and that is not yet available, is the duration of one dose. I did get antibodies drawn and they are pos...
@kris, not your fault. It hasn’t been stressed at the sites the way I wish it had been.
@sybarton, there is also a free CDC program called V-safe that people can register for when they get dose 1 or 2 of the vaccine. It sends you a text m...
@michaelk, thank you. I’ll find it and compare it against the scientific article.
@anthem - the NEJM article from Israel? Yes. And is free to download. Happy to give you reference.
@michaelk, are you referring to the NEJM data from Israel? If so, my read on this was lower than that for one shot, but still high.
I had dose #1 of the Pfizer vaccine on February 8. On February 13 @3:15am I woke up with sudden-onset, severe vertigo and nausea. I called my ENT the ...