@thenystagmus are you still experiencing the digestion issues today? I have to say that's probably the worst of my symptoms.
No, I'm glad to say I'm not! I never changed my diet except to make sure to eat even though I didn't always feel like it, because getting hungry intensified my vestibular symptoms.
My blood tests showed Vitamin D deficiency, so I took a prescription to get that into normal range and I continue to take 2000 IU daily. I also started taking 1000 mg Vitamin C daily. And I take 400 mg ibuprofen in the am for neck pain/headache that remain my companion otherwise.
My early blood tests also showed borderline hypothyroid and possible ANA titer issues, but I waited for retesting and those normalized.
I hope you also get through this rough digestive patch, and soon! 😌🙏
@larag I had head pressure/headaches, random muscle or joint pains, imbalance, digestion issues and insomnia. Initially it started with racing heat and palpations back in the beginning of August. Those subsided by beginning of September with the help of beta blockers. I haven't taken the beta blockers since beginning of September.
I am now left with occasional imbalance, head pressure, digestive issues and insomnia. When the head pressure and imbalance being less intense each time it comes on.
Hi everyone. I took the first dose of Pfizer vaccine 3 weeks ago and a couple days later or possibly that same day I began to feel weird. I constantly feel disconnected from reality and my vision is off like I can't hold my focus and reading something just isn't normal, especially up close like reading my phone or a bottle. I had an eye test and my prescription was actually lowered but it didn't help at all. I also have ever so slight dizziness especially when moving too much. If anyone has these symptoms please reply so we can possibly discuss. Thanks.
@thenystagmus started taking a probiotic yesterday. Hoping that gets my guts back together. I also went on a gluten free diet, but I am questioning if that was necessary.
@bmango I have the same but they tested me for Lyme and it showed above normal. I’m on antibiotics. But it’s confusing because within three hours of the shot I got tingling in my feet, then it moved up my legs, had tremors (gone now), heart issues, insomnia, headaches (gone now) tinnitus, eye twitch. I was fine before the shot. I’m in prayer a lot. I had Lyme many years ago but was cured. I got my shot 9/3. The twitching/tingling in my legs and feet and the tinnitus are my consistent issues now. Since I got on antibiotics the tingling and twitching are more often. But my heart is better. It’s all scary and I am praying God heals us. My symptoms came on suddenly over a weeks time after the Moderna shot. Not getting the next one. Look up PEG it’s in the shots and can be a neurotoxin. Maybe she can test you for Lyme disease? Coffee makes it all worse for me. I haven’t been drinking it. Lord, please heal us. You are faithful. Amen.
I truly believe that going on a non-inflammatory diet and removing all garbage: sugar, dairy, processed foods, meat and eating primarily fruits, veggies, legumes, minimal whole grains & nuts with lots of water and herbal tea made a BIG difference in my healing. I just got labs done again yesterday and they wrote results came back in the one that was elevated is back in the normal range. I am feeling almost back to my self over two months later! 🙌
@nehru1 There is a great YouTube video explaining the similarities of symptoms with long haul and post vaccine. Look up Dr. Bean interviews Dr. Patterson. It is mostly about long haul, but vaccines are mentioned somewhere in there. And of course, at this point, it is just a theory, but it makes a lot of sense to me. You should be able to find it easily.
@twitch I'm well. I get a little out of breath but I have had that since I caught Covid, long before the vaccine. I have had headaches lately, but I think it's seasonal. No dizzy spells. Nothing that I would relate to the vaccine. Even my brain fog has improved. I need to exercise and lose some weight. I got very discouraged and stopped all exercise because I was told it would make it worse, but I think I'm going to try to start my program again. If ut hasn't been three months for you and you're still sick, I remember how that felt. I thought why aren't I better, but shortly after, I started to turn a corner. Maybe try some Benadryl. It wasn't a cure but it seemed to bring down my anxiety a little and I got some sleep when I took some. Good luck. It gets better.
Just stumbled upon this thread from google and would like to chime in. I’m happy I found this and feel so much better knowing I’m not alone. I’ve had constant dizziness since my second shot, and am here almost four months later, still suffering. I have tried meclizine, dramamine, and so many other medications. The only thing that works for me is zofran, since I’ve also been having trouble eating. I recently caught a cold and my dizziness suddenly got a LOT worse, to the point where I’m constantly tripping and bumping into things when I walk around the house. Has anyone with this dizziness recovered or found a medication/treatment that works?
I’m only 19, I was perfectly healthy up until my second shot! (Pfizer)
Hi. I found keeping properly hydrated keeps my dizzyness from my first Pfizer vaccine in check. It gets worse when I've been concentrating on reading, when I'm tired or rushing around.
Its flared up twice as I have had two colds since my vaccine 9.5 weeks ago. I've sadly had to give up coffee as it makes me feel very giddy. There are some exercises you can do to try and help reset the crystals in your ear. Ask a health professional to show you how to do them they have helped alot of people. Good luck.
I was very reluctant to get the vaccine but I did due to job requirements and haven't been the same since. Got 2nd dose of pfizer on October 4th next day had visual lymph nodes around my collarbone chest area with a stiff neck and migraines everyday so fatigued. How long did everyone's side effects last? Have they subsided?
Hi guys my name is Sarah and I am in Australia. I had my first dose on September 9th and from the next day I began to experience vertigos, first there were several episodes a day and I always had faith that I was going to get better. now, 4 weeks later, my dizziness is constant, I feel confused, dazed and disoriented. I can't do anything at home this happens to me 24/7 I went to the hospital, they did an MRI that went well, my blood tests went well. now I have anxiety, panic attacks and an immense fear of dying, I have a 9 month old baby that I do not want to leave. Please give me positive stories and tell me if you can get out of this. reading that there are people dying from the vaccine has me terrified. I just want to read positive stories. I've been like this for a month and have had suicidal thoughts.
Hi Sarah you are not alone. Don't panic. I was feeling the same as you 9.5 weeks ago when I had an almost immediate severe neuro inflammation reaction to my first Pfizer jab.
My baby was only 5 weeks old when this happened and like you I was terrified of something bad happening to me so I couldn't be there for her or my five year old.
My dizziness peaked around week 6 . I still get dizzy spells but not as bad as it was. I also had and still have terrible pins and needles and half my body on the left side went numb.
Keep yourself well hydrated and eat clean foods. Try to avoid histamine and acidic foods. Get a health professional to show you how to do exercises that can help reset your brain to deal with the balance issues the dizziness can cause. Rest as much as you can to keep strong for your little one. You will learn to adapt to this situation and at the same time albeit slowly you will start to recover from it. I've read lots of positive stories on here of people returning to 100% health after a few months of dizziness. I think it's inflammation causing the dizziness it should subside when our bodies get over the trauma from the Vax.
Might also be worth trying turmeric and pineapple for any inflammation.
Keep strong and focused on your health for your little one I'm here if you want to talk.
Thinking of you.
@nath7 thanks, it's just so hard sometimes. I've had some okay moments last week but the last couple of days have been pretty rough on me physically and emotionally. But like you said, gotta stay strong for myself and my loved ones!
@lmkk I was very hesitant and against the vaccine at first because it's new and was introduced in such a short time span, but I decided to get it because my country introduced a Corona passport also and I didn't want to give up my social life and become an outcast of society, funny that's what I've become now. Ironic isn't it?
I'm at week 15 now and still can't use my brain much. I get horrible head and ear pressure whenever I try to concentrate and do something, even sitting up straight is a challenge some days. It's like my brain locks up and starts to swell inside my skull, it goes away when I lay down and rest for a while.
I've been trying to keep a positive attitude, but sometimes I just lose hope you know?