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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Its been a while since I've posted on this forum. I had a myriad of symptoms ranging from brain fog, chest pain, histamine intolerance, pots like symptoms, and random aches and pains. The degree of the symptoms have lessened a lot over time. In terms of answers, I've had 3 ekgs come out normal early on and my echo cardio gram said that my heart function was normal. I never went to a neurologist because I felt like I wouldn't find anything maybe I should still go and see. Regular blood panel that showed slightly elevated liver enzymes and low vitamin D along with high levels of immunoglobulin E. I also had and still have some neuro issues that seem to be going away with time they ranged from light sensitivity, visual disturbances, floaters, heightened anxiety, etc. I recently saw Dr. Parikh who works closely with Dr. Patterson who says that the issue a lot of post vaccination patients are dealing with are non classical monocytes that refuse to die. That's one theory, Me personally I'm not totally sold on it considering I've been seeing cases of patients relapse after they stop the medication (maybe they didnt take it for the required period I have no idea). My exam showed that I had about 5-6 elevated cytokines which can be reduced using anti inflammatory medication ( baby aspirin, prednisone, fluvox, and ivermectin are a couple of examples. ) or with time and diet. Be careful with whatever protocol you decide to try, think about the amount of damage you are doing to your liver as you try to metabolize all of these different medications and supplements. I took one aspirin yesterday and apparently I developed an allergic reaction to it, I didn't have the normal signs of anaphylaxis like your throat is closing and stuff. I had weird tingling, feeling warm for no reason and an increased heart rate ( its like 90bpm-100bpm atm ) that I'm still dealing with atm. One medication that made a big difference for me personally was Hydroxyzine which was an anti histamine and an anti anxiety medication, helped out with a lot of my symptoms. I want to try prednisone at one point but I want to get past this reaction first and maybe go to the gastro doctor and check out my elevated liver enzymes, I don't want to take anything until I get the full picture on what's going on in certain places in my body and if I will have a reaction to a specific medication. Idk what the cause is, did the vaccine cause our immune system to go into over drive and cause multi system inflammation? Did it cause an underlying auto immune disease to get up regulated and cause issues? Were we Asymptomatic to covid and this shit gave us long covid idk at this point. I'll tell you things that have helped, for POTS like symptoms get your electrolytes in ( salt water, pedialyte if you dont have issues with it, coconut water, etc. ), For MCAS H1 and H2 Anti Histamines and a mast cell stabilizer such as quercetin, chest pain maybe try magnesium glycinate or pepcid ( certain chest pains can be caused by gerd like symptoms), For neuro symptoms it kinda depends on the severity of the pain is horrible people have had some success with gabapentin but you should take the side effects into consideration,  It does not hurt to get on an anti anxiety med because anxiety can exacerbate your symptoms. Keep an eye on your triggers and do not exert yourself. You will only cause more inflammation. Its been about 13-14 weeks since I got my vaccination, I have improved from week 1 yes but still not near 100% (around 60-70 on a good day) I hope all of us come out of this with no long term complications. 

KitKat, LorraineB, Tabby and 13 people reacted
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@ohjason Hi Jason, I’m so glad you’re feeling a bit better! Sorry that you’ve had to experience all of that, that’s awful. Glad you’re coming out the other end though. I’ve got bad vision issues as well for the last 2 months - trouble focusing on anything and feels as if I’m wearing the wrong prescription glasses but I’m not. My vision feels constantly very off and I was wondering if you had experienced that? I also got the Pfizer. 

This post was modified 3 years ago by Jess

KitKat, Sassafras, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@bowie Sorry for delay. Have not been back in here. YES, finally after Physical Therapy for a month which began 6 weeks ago. It has improved. Almost normal. But NO did not get my second shot and will not, have heard too many bad stories of people around me.  Am using my treadmill fast walking.  I am probably about 90% back to normal. Pray and Hope this helps. 

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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@ohjason i am concerned about the long term effects. Thank you for this post. I hope you get to 100% soon. 

Maryeve and Maryeve reacted
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@ohjason. Let us know how gastrointestinal goes. I have an endoscopy scheduled for end of November. Im tired of barely eating. 

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@hopetofeelbetter Thank you, I hope we all recover and close this chapter on our lives.

ukuk, PfizerVictim, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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@hopetofeelbetter Im gonna try my best not to go for an endoscopy because idk how I will react to the sedation. 

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@ohjason i didn't think of that. Has other people in the forum had an adverse reaction to the sedation? 

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@ohjason could it be kind of due to these monocytes that is causing autoimmune which in turn cause mild Guillain–Barré syndrome (our antibody attacking the peripheral nerves) in many?

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Posted by: @bowie

@thenystagmus are you feeling better? 

Hi Bowie, Thanks for asking! Yes, I'm still continuing to feel a little ongoing improvement, even after more than 7 months since my Moderna vaccine in early March.

I graduated from my 3.5 months of vestibular therapy last week!! It was a weird feeling, like taking the training wheels off your bicycle and wondering if you're going to crash. But I haven't and I've even ridden my literal bike several times recently. When I rode a couple of miles to pick up my van at the shop I did have to drop my bike and rest once, since I'm still working on rebuilding my stamina. And I've noticed I'm not getting that sick, dizzy feeling hardly ever anymore, even when I take my glasses off that correct my astigmatism. I haven't crashed into my hall walls in the dark for a long time either.

The lapses I most recently had were during times of weather changes, but we had some stormy weather days a few days back and I only had one short period where I noticed having a slight reaction. I don't know if it was the type of storms we had or if I'm just starting to not get bothered by them so much?

It's been a long, bumpy winding road - with weeks spent on my couch at the beginning and with each relapse, not daring to move more than necessary, but with the help of my vestibular therapy I've now gotten most of the way back to my pre-vaccine self ... something I greatly doubted would ever happen!

I hope the same for you and for us all! 😏🙏

Oh, and I've solidly decided against further vaccination, not wishing to risk a repeat of the outrageously unwelcome adventure I travelled! 🧐

Tabby, DrL, jacquelyn sauriol and 9 people reacted
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@bowie 3 months was the turning point. I did force myself to do things and I wasn’t quite back to normal but I slowly got back to my normal social life bit by bit from then. 

Sassafras, Bowie, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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@rainyday Exactly. Every consultant I talk to I say the same thing. My health took a huge battering from summer onwards.I skirt round the V word haha. My medical records from May onwards speaks volumes though!

Sassafras, Rainyday, AdmiralPupkin and 3 people reacted
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@isismadec I agree! It’s personal choice and I hate the way it’s become politicised. At the end of the day, we are the only ones who know our bodies and we know what we were like before and after. I’ve had medical issues that at the time, I was too embarrassed to talk about even on here but it all adds up even if professionals won’t admit it!

Sassafras, LaraG, dragonlover and 3 people reacted
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Something that might be useful to read.  

KitKat, jacquelyn sauriol, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@rutha Please ask yourself how many boosters you will be willing to get over the next years-

by what I am seeing the number may be 'continuous' or 'many' boosters and our

human bodies cannot take it, the accumulations of the toxins is notable.  And again,

our CDC is very asleep at the wheel, at best; these are not approved or tested

therapies.  We are the testers.

Sassafras, dragonlover, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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