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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I managed to take a walk around the block for the first time in 4,5 months! It was only about 5 to 10 mins but I'm so proud of myself! I feel a bit lightheaded now and have a small headache, not sure if that's anxiety or a vaccine symptom, but I hope I keep improving and gonna try and keep this up! 

KitKat, gingerj, Sassafras and 21 people reacted
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@maryeve I know someone who had vertigo after their shots-also denied by their doctor.  They live in a houseboat and have to sleep up in their car due to it.  Some improvement has occured, in the 2 month range.  Also, vertigo is listed as a VAERS side effect for all 3 vaccines.  Someone just mentioned, and it has lots of info re side effects.  Also, to see all side effects, this VAERS based site, choose you vaccine, scroll down-to a list of reactions.

What you are going through is not your fault and it is very real. That's where the 'crimes against humanity' part comes in.


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@hopetofeelbetter Roasted burdock root tea, roasted dandlion root tea, have inulin in them and help stabilize blood sugar when you are not able to eat.  Also slippery elm bark 'tea' (a thick sort of tea) carries healing sugars to help when one cannot eat due to lack of appetite or nausea.  White or brown rice cooked overnight in a crock pot with some extra water is a congee, also can help you keep weight on.  Thinking of you.

LadyT and LadyT reacted
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@pfizervictim I would premise that NONE of your symptoms are anxiety based, if previous to the vaccine anxiety was not a problem for you. 

gingerj, dragonlover, LadyT and 5 people reacted
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I'm new to this forum, my English is not good, I'm writing from translation, sorry. Like you, I had my first Pzifer vaccine on June 24. after about 1 week, trembling in hands, drowsiness, pain in legs, numbness, twitching, and feeling of weakness in the knees, I had a very difficult 2-3 weeks. It was the worst time of my life. We will now enter November 1st. It's been 4 months. I only have 2 of the 7-8 symptoms left in my body. These are drowsiness and weakness in the knees. I'm getting better, but the vertigo-light feeling is making me feel bad. I was wondering if anyone has 100% cured? Does anyone feel good as before? Doctors always attribute it to stress, my tests are good. Can you suggest any tests I should do? Good day everyone. 🤔 😫 

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@maisamy I've been experiencing some of the same symptoms as you and I'm now 6 months in. My most concerning symptoms are issues with swallowing and muscle twitches, although these developed about 2 months ago. How are your symptoms now?

Dee and Dee reacted
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@myadan How are you feeling? I;ve been goin g through exactly the same thing since Oct 7, the day I got my 3rd jab (Moderna).

I' not the person I was three weeks ago! My symptoms are slightly improved and then I move and that exacerbates everything.

I wrote about everything thats been happening but can't find the post! 😉

Hang in there! Judes


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Has anyone been consistently told that the head pressure on one side is sinuses? My right side of my head feels like it is going to explode and they havent even done a Mri CT or anything. I know based on what im reading here it will likely come back normal but im concerned about the microclots since that does not seem to show on conventional tests. 

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We’ve followed the protocol with quercetin,glutathione,etc for our 47 year old son but we are in month 7 of this now and it did not help.We even got invermecxtic and did that too;.We’re so scared.He is mentally losing it..cannot cope with the constant head pressure, vibrations, odd feelings of dizziness and uneven gait..constipation and urinary hesitancy,depression,anxiety.He was a PERFECTLY healthy happy man just 7 months ago. So distraught.Please help, what helps..????? Maybe it will go away as antibodies reduce in his body???????

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@gingerjones how long did you do this combination i feel like this may be exactly what I need. 

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Posted by: @maddie628

We’ve followed the protocol with quercetin,glutathione,etc for our 47 year old son but we are in month 7 of this now and it did not help.We even got invermecxtic and did that too;.We’re so scared.He is mentally losing it..cannot cope with the constant head pressure, vibrations, odd feelings of dizziness and uneven gait..constipation and urinary hesitancy,depression,anxiety.He was a PERFECTLY healthy happy man just 7 months ago. So distraught.Please help, what helps..????? Maybe it will go away as antibodies reduce in his body???????

Hello Madge, I'm sorry your son is living this nightmare too. I also have all the above symptoms and it's been 7 months, 5 months since my second jab. My headaches and dizziness have intensified the past month. What are his doctors saying or doing? Mine haven't been helpful at all but I am going to speak to a different one tomorrow. These symptoms are so debilitating and it's no wonder they are causing anxiety and depression, I too am feeling this. I take hope from the fact that people here have recovered even though it takes longer for some. My husband has had his booster and he hasn't been feeling himself since, in fact he tells me he hasn't felt himself since he had the jabs. He is mentally stronger than I am and it hasn't stopped him from driving, I haven't driven since this whole nightmare began. I hope your son starts to feel better soon and his doctor has the wisdom to acknowledge his symptoms are vaccine induced and hopefully help him in his recovery.🙏🙏😊😊

gingerj, Sassafras, PfizerVictim and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @pfizervictim

I managed to take a walk around the block for the first time in 4,5 months! It was only about 5 to 10 mins but I'm so proud of myself! I feel a bit lightheaded now and have a small headache, not sure if that's anxiety or a vaccine symptom, but I hope I keep improving and gonna try and keep this up! 

Well done for making that effort, you should be proud of yourself, it's not easy I know. The giddiness and headache could be anxiety related, I get that too. I hope you will be able to improve on this with every day that comes.🙏🙏😊😊

gingerj, Inasweatermood, Sassafras and 5 people reacted
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@thenystagmus So happy for you Sassafras that you're on the way to a full recovery. You've been through a lot I know. Best wishes.🙏🙏😊😊

dragonlover, Sassafras, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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I was doing so well recovery wise... I felt like I had a really good week or so for the first time I thought I was past this... but I've relapsed again. Very jittery/twitchy and dizziness is back. Not as bad but enough for me to have been on the sofa all day. I feel exhausted too. Sorry if TMI but I am also due my cycle in the next few days and have noticed symptoms picking up the closer I get to that. Seems to be a trigger for me.

LadyT, Inasweatermood, LadyT and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @hopetofeelbetter

Has anyone been consistently told that the head pressure on one side is sinuses? My right side of my head feels like it is going to explode and they havent even done a Mri CT or anything. I know based on what im reading here it will likely come back normal but im concerned about the microclots since that does not seem to show on conventional tests. 

Yes, and a sinus x-ray was read to show right side chronic maxillary sinus problem ...I don't think so! Symptoms decreased both times I took a 6 day lose dose steroid pack. Rebounded some afterwards, but they helped. That makes me think possible inflammation? ENT wanted to do a CT with special mapping to prepare for sinus surgery. I decided, No thanks! Carving pumpkins is one thing ...carving out my sinuses is another. I decided to wait a year and see how it went. Waiting it out has paid off. As my other symptoms have receded, thankfully this one has also. 😏🙏

dragonlover, LadyT, Tabby and 3 people reacted
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