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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@thenystagmus honestly you are right things are getting better with time. I now drink turmeric and ginger tea nightly and take a probiotic. Doing everything anti inflammatory and anti histamine im certain that is the problem. 

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Posted by: @tabby

@thenystagmus So happy for you Sassafras that you're on the way to a full recovery. You've been through a lot I know. Best wishes.🙏🙏😊😊

Hey, Tabby, my friend. I've been so thankful to share this journey with you and many others, to this very day. I don't know if I'll ever experience full recovery, but I am learning to cope with the snippets of my symptoms that remain. And I'm mentally prepared for relapsing, having experienced that a number of times. I've found that being thankful each day for whatever degree of health I experience has been good for my spirit and soul. I've been thankful for my good health in the past, but nothing like I am now that I lost it and have been regaining it! I've been thinking of Job (in the Bible) today. I still hope for significant improvement for you and for us all. This beastie does inspire wrestling! ☺️🙏

This post was modified 3 years ago by Sassafras

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@hopetofeelbetter  Hi, ladyT - Time, yes, and stomaching the ups and downs have been key for me.

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Posted by: @thenystagmus
Posted by: @tabby

@thenystagmus So happy for you Sassafras that you're on the way to a full recovery. You've been through a lot I know. Best wishes.🙏🙏😊😊

Hey, Tabby, my friend. I've been so thankful to share this journey with you and many others, to this very day. I don't know if I'll ever experience full recovery, but I am learning to cope with the snippets of my symptoms that remain. And I'm mentally prepared for relapsing, having experienced that a number of times. I've found that being thankful each day for whatever degree of health I experience has been good for my spirit and soul. I've been thankful for my good health in the past, but nothing like I am now that I lost it and have been regaining it! I've been thinking of Job (in the Bible) today. I still hope for significant improvement for you and for us all. This beastie does inspire wrestling! ☺️🙏

Thank you Sassafras. It feels like an eternity since all this began. I think back to how I was prior to this nightmare and I'm a different person now in many respects. I too have been grateful to share this rocky road with you and others and I continue to hope and pray for a full recovery for everyone.🙏🙏😊😊

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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@tabby We have taken him to three neurologists, cardiologist (30 day monitor testing done,echocardiogram) 2 different PCP’s, 3 different counselors, a pain management doctor, and an eye doctor.No one has helped us at all. The latest neuro is very kind, but he is stumped.All the tests,MRI’s CT scans blood word lumbar puncture come back normal. The  current PCP is the one who agreees it is a vaccine response. The neuros will not say anything.. We have done some nutritional protocols that have not helped.Ivermectin.No help.Currently seeing a chiropractor/functional medicine doc who is doing another supplement regimen. Our son’s so weak.He was a strong body builder and this has just brought him to his knees.I am scared. I pray that like some of the people here, this will wear off,lessen,disappear.. but for now he is barely able to work,from home, his entire life is gone , he had to move in with us. It’s a frightening situation.My family is so broken from all this. I pray more people who HAVE recovered, post here so we can get some hope.

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@thenystagmus My God it is so good to hear someone has gotten better.I pray my son will too. 

KitKat, Sassafras, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @maddie628

@thenystagmus My God it is so good to hear someone has gotten better.I pray my son will too. 

Hi Maddie, Yes, and it is very good to have gotten better! There are others that have also, some very quickly but others of us sooo slowly sometimes you wonder if it's happening at all. I got tired of hearing that we would all get all better, thinking I might be one that would not. But as I realized I was a Covid vaccine long hauler, I geared up for the long haul, hoping and praying for any recovery I could have.

I'm so glad to hear that your son is finally connected with a PCP that believes a link to his vaccination. Our bodies are wonderfully made and want to heal from this insult! It is very hard giving them the time to do this without despairing. 

Although you want a diagnosis, it's encouraging that he's getting back normal test results that rule out some very frightening things. At one point I pressed to have an MRI, because my symptoms were so suggestive of a vestibular nerve tumor. It was negative and I was thankful it didn't show my concussion damage from decades ago, either.

I know the current situation is very frustrating! Your son is blessed to have you and your family for support through this ordeal. I pray God to be with all of you and bring you through this ordeal with the opportunity to share a good ending! 😔🙏

This post was modified 3 years ago by Sassafras

gingerj, Tabby, PfizerVictim and 3 people reacted
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@jess7 Yeah I did, I had visual disturbances and floaters. My vision slightly improved after a while it was pretty shit in the beginning but got better over time, its still not the greatest but its better than before. Maybe when I start prednisone and reduce inflammation I might see a drastic change. I dont know for sure though.

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@kenny its a possibility, idk all of the science behind it. 

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@fila85 THank you so much for sharing recovery.Our son is still waiting.. we’r’e oging into month 7.. here’s hoping we get remission soon.

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@maddie628 I'm sorry to hear your son has been through so much and I hope that people here who have recovered will respond to give you the hope you need. 🙏🙏😊😊


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@rainyday I agree with. I have tried to talk with family members about all the things that have happened to me since getting the pfizer vaccine and I can tell by their reactions that they are poo pooing it all.I had my first shot March 27 and my second June 16. I still have lots of dizziness and balance issues. Needless to say I’m not rushing out to get a booster


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@maddie628 Am sorry you’ve had to go through this. If you are in the U.S. and have a chance, maybe you could look at my previous post and report your son’s experience to NIH/NINDS. Hopefully they are looking into these inflammatory reactions to the COVID vaccines. They need to figure this out soon, before thousands more are injured and need months to get better.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@nannymac I've had all the same thoughts as you. I don't want to believe it could possibly be the vaccine but I'm very ill and have been since my 3rd vaccine on Oct 7.

I did have meniere's in my 20's, brought under control and managed all these 30 years. I also had a vestibular concussion 25 years ago, not a symptom in all the intervening years.

I felt vertigo for the first time since '99 ? as I received the first jab in April. I had that loud ringy dingy tinnitus and a decided sense of "imbalance". I'd been here before so I sat on the bed and was fine by morning.

Much bigger ringy dingy as I got 2nd Pfizdr on June 21, and this one lasted about 3-5 days.

Got my 1st eye bleed.

Started getting "vestibular migraines" (dx by pain Dr) for the first time ever and I have a lifelong history of migraines. At the time, I worry I'm getting meniere's again.

2nd subconjunctival hemmorhage, this one so bad I have to go to ER and back tomorrow to check on it.

Throughout all this time, I'm having serious blurriness issues and need a new prism and get two new scrips for new progressives...the blurriness continues. The new glasses never quite work.

3rd jab (Moderna) on Oct 7, 15 weeks after 2nd jab. Vertigo and ringy dingy hit immediately but I was expecting it and went straight home. This time it was quite scary, felt very menieresey and I started getting SEVERE headaches, but not migraines. Had a good day where I felt okay and went for a drive and I've hardly been off the bed since. There were days I needed to hold onto the wall to go the bathroom. I had spins lying perfectly still on the bed!

It's been vertigo that comes & goes but is often severe enough to pull me over. Loud tinnitus (least of my worries) , muffled hearing (I'm yelling apparently 😉 , brain fog, disorientation, my balance is shot, I get winded walking 5 blurry vision comes and goes. It feels inflammatory, like Meniere's. Dexamethasone helps (which is indicative of inflammatory, meniere's).

Over last few weeks, I also had photophobia so severe I had to wear a hat and shades inside and kept all the lights off for several days. Light or movement in one eye caused severe pain that went on for hours.

I keep dropping things from my right hand. No idea why.

I started getting flashing chevrons before major headaches. Definitely something new since late spring.

I started noticing blurriness in May and less energy. I got new glasses, new prism, started getting strange new, severe headaches...

My frustration is that I refused to even consider that the vaccine might have given me vertigo! I could have skipped the 3rd booster; I just didn't want to even consider it because I don't think any of us want to believe the vaccine could do this. But it's hard not to admit that all these problems started sometime in May, after I got my first jab, April 3. Of course it could be something else and I guess, yeah, I could have a sudden resurgence of inner ear problems after all these years...but...I was healthy and working FT until June. I have struggled with blurriness and vertigo episodes since July and now haven;t worked in several weeks because I'm too dizzy and quite literally can't read most of the time.

I don't want to believe the vaccine could do this but it's hard not to conclude that it triggered something. Even my GP thinks so and is reporting it as an "Adverse Effect".

I'm so frustrated because it looks like there are many of us, with no help and not much support because no one wants to discourage folks from getting the vaccine.

I've kept this very much to myself because I don't want to scare other people, but now I'm wishing someone had scared me, maybe said, "If you have pre-existing vestibular issues, you might want to sit out #3..., or wait?"

I did everything right and everything they asked us to do and yet I am very sick, scared and unable to work at present!

Hope you're all having a steadier Sunday...I'll be interested to see what the eye clinic has to say...



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Help/advice wanted! Pregnant and miserable. I am 31 weeks pregnant with a so far very healthy and very uneventful pregnancy. I held out on getting vaxxed until now because I was afraid to but the fear/pressure got to me and I got my first dose (Pfizer) last week. About 10 hours after I got it I woke up with severe cramping (scary if you are pregnant!) Baby is ok! And I had severe stomach pain & diarrhea for 4 days following. That has resolved and now I have this miserable head/ear pressure & pain that I can't shake. It's driving me insane and making me depressed not to be enjoying my last part of pregnancy. Instead of being happy, I'm miserable and anxious.

What can I take or do that has worked for you? 

Recap of side effects:

-severe stomach pain & diarrhea (resolved)  

-left eye blurry (resolved)

-left eyelid twitch (on and off)

-left ear ringing (on and off)

-itchy arm at injection still


Since I'm pregnant, there isn't a TON I can take but I do have some supplements/vitamins and Tylenol I can take....what should I be doing? These? Diet? Any advice appreciated.

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by RJ1231

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