@jkro hey. Saw your post. I have been on this feed for months with my own symptoms but then I saw your post and had to comment. Since his two pfizers my dad has been diagnosed with dercums disease. He's having surgery to remove some lumps but it's basically autoimmune disease. He doesn't think its jab relates but coincidental as of his age and other health issues but seeing your post I'm not so sure. Mention dercums to your Dr and see what they think maybe xx
How's you backache doing these days? Mine has settled down in severity the last couple of weeks. More of a low grade dull pain than the intense burning I used to have. I remember you were having lots of trouble with yours about a month ago. Hopefully it's improved since we last spoke.
@lmkk hey! Glad to hear your doing better. Mine is definitely improving but I've been referred to an orthopedic specialist now and still have physio. On the whole I'm definitely improving. But I still have twitching muscles so I think I jist have sooo much muscle tensions as they are always twitching! My neuro has discharged me and diagnosed benign fascilation syndrome so nothing neurologically could be found from examinations which is great but also gives no reason as to why I'm twitching. Hence the diagnosis. But next is orthopedic but that could be months away. I try to stay off this forum now as I can become quite consumed and mentally I find it makes me worse. So just taking a day at a time and hoping for the best. I'm 5 months out now and time has been my healer!
Hi all,
These 11 doctors in the US who experienced adverse effects after the vaccine have come out to try to get support and acknowledgement from the government and medical community.
Take good care.
Sites that have helped me understand these latest mNRA jabs-hope this helps.
https://www.ehealthme.com/covid-vaccine-list/ adverse effects by brand, scroll down after you select Moderna etc...
https://thecovidworld.com/ athletes, actors and video of vaccine injured - extensive collection well presented.
https://trialsitenews.com all drug trials, good and bad, with tolerance for discussion and criticism of mNRA jab issues.
https://thehighwire.com/news/ They do lots of legal work, pressuring the federal gov't. to acknowledge these damages.
Hello, I finally have mostly recovered after 8 months. It was a gradual improvement but I have not had any any symptoms for about a month now. I will not get any booster or any annual covid-19 vaccines EVER again. The CDC, FDA, Doctors do their best to blame it on other things but the fact that I was absolutely fine prior to receiving the vaccine and symptoms began a week after the first dose and worsened after the second dose and kept intensifying over the months is clear to me that's what it was from. I have spent thousands of dollars of doctor's, specialist's, labs and diagnostics for other answers but was never able to get any. I would love nothing other than to get some definitive answers for my symptoms other than the cause being the vaccine but was never able to achieve that. You do not need a medical degree to know that my symptoms definitely were caused from the covid vaccine. Funny how my symptoms slowly began to wax and wane as the effects of the vaccine are wearing off. It was a gradual process but my symptoms have finally been reduced to little to none. I still have some dizziness and balance problems but they are hardly the same intensity and not daily like they were. The tingling and burning in my eye, ear, upper lip and face are gone. I am super grateful for my pcp suggesting physical therapy. It was the only thing that has helped. I am still going but on a monthly basis now rather than twice a week. My first visit to PT I could not even look down to write my appointment times down without swaying side to side from the dizziness and imbalance. I could not look down and write. Certain specific head and eye motions will send me off balance but I am getting stronger and it is more manageable. I hope you are well!
Has anyone taken their temperature when they have a “flare up” I always have a low grade temp when feeling bad
Has anyone that has received any of the new Covid Vaccines, did you experience any increased dizziness or other symptoms?
I completed my 2 vaccines in mid June 2021 ( Pfizer) and in August I had a vertigo attack like no other I've experienced before. Back 7 years ago I had trouble with vertigo but nothing since then until now. This vertigo attack made me so dizzy and sick to my stomach and lasted about 3 hours. After than I never experienced another until this month ( November 2021) and I am still experiencing dizziness and vertigo. It isn't as bad as the first one but still enough that I'm a bit unbalanced and having difficulty sleeping with the dizziness. I find it strange I would go for years with nothing and since my vaccine it has reared its ugly head again. Same thing is happening with my A-fib. Went an entire year with no A-Fib and in the past few months since getting my vaccinations I've had 4. Has anyone else experienced this?
Hey you all. Almost 5 months out from first pfizer and I have gone back to my regular cardio and weight lifting routine minus the high intensity interval training. I get occasional flare ups within 2 minutes of waking up but not everyday. I'm not back here often anymore but I will keep you guys updated of any major flare ups happen. 27 yr old male. Pfizer july 28 2021
So sorry. Eight months in and wish I could say I’m better, but some days are worse than ever. This neurological stuff takes such a toll on our relationships and I’ve been under the care of a neurologist for several months who isn’t taking new patients from having so many new ones due to the Vax side effects. Today I realized I’m alone and have to deal with the hand I’ve been dealt. Meaning I may not get better or regain my former self but must persevere for my family’s sake as they are scared for me too and it’s just too damn sad, but the alternative if I do nothing is too sadder. It has already taken too much of toll on me and I’m not winning. 🥺🥺🥺
@gloriam I’m sorry to hear that Gloria. I’m having a really tough time too, today is a BAD day 🙁 I’m 9 months post AZ vax. The neurological symptoms just won’t ease for me. I am off balance/vertigo every single day, have such a poor quality of life because of it, not sure how much longer I can cope with it 🙁 I feel at such a loss. Today the weakness in my legs is bad aswel, so weak and muscle twitching back in leg. I’m just so fed up of the off balance/vertigo constant everyday and this weakness in my legs. I feel at a total loss. I don’t want to lose hope, but feel as each day goes by I lose a little bit more 🙁 just wish I could feel better.
I've just sent another email to Prof. Sarah Gilbert asking if she can offer any explanation as to why some of us are experiencing these adverse effects to the Covid vaccines and how long it will take for them to dissipate.
I've sent one before but got no reply but I think this one is a different email address. If I do get a reply I will post it here. You never know.🙏😊
@tabby Tabby, we wish someone really knew. It seems different for every case I see here, after some months of reading.
Anything you can do to get micronutrients (seaweed, fresh organic greens, spirulina, fresh brassicas like broccoli and kale)and any adaptogens (mushroom powders, astragulus, see https://www.healthline.com/health/stress/smart-girls-guide-to-adaptogens) will possibly help.
I am so angry, that folks are having to figure this out on their own. In general, an inflammatory state has been initiated and things that address that will help....I have also heard that literally eating tuna/fish is helping some folks, due to the proteins involved but can't speak to the mechanism there...