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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@saba forgot to say I also have floaters. Have had them just over 2 months now, they are very annoying.

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@callie The more I question my partner about those visual episodes, the more I find out.They added last night that it was like a geometric/blurry pattern would start occuring in some area of the visual field, (of just one eye) and it would tend to get bigger before it would eventually subside.  They added it completely prevented them from trying to use their eyes, they had to shut them/rest for some time like you do when you have a headache.  It has not occurred for 2 months, and they are now 6 months post Moderna.  thanks

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Posted by: @lmkk
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I have been a migraine sufferer since a child. I'm sensitive to so much stuff that sets me off, from walking past a perfume shop, scented candles, too much caffeine, dehydration, blue cheese, hormones PMS,  food colouring etc

I've learnt to manage my triggers over the years but since my first Pfizer vaccine 4 months ago I have had a non stop low grade headache for a month that I just can't shift. It's not bad enough to need any form of pain relief so  I generally just put up with it but having a headache this long is worrying. I'm waiting to see a neurologist.

I feel like pineapple juice has been helping a tiny bit as it is supposed to be anti inflammatory. I'm also taking turmeric and omega 3. I will up my intake of greens to see if it helps.

There was an article in the UK daily mail online a few days ago about a man who had suffered from chronic migraines for over 12 years. He cured them in three months by switching to a diet of leafy greens including kale, spinach, broccoli etc. 

Hi, thanks for that information. It's not a pleasant thing to live with and the vax seem to have made it worse for me too. Pain killers haven't helped much. My triggers are similar to yours but foods such as garlic in pasta sauce, cheese, chocolate, nuts, red wine and all the nice things that you generally treat yourself to at Christmas set me off on a four day journey of hell. Even when I dye my roots it sets one off. 😏

It's all about getting the balance right for me with regards to food, I know what I should avoid but pasta and garlic is my downfall, my grandparents were Italian and I was raised on it. Broccoli I like, in fact I eat good foods generally and avoid sugars but when I slip up I'm punished.

I've started taking vit b2 and my migraines did stop after the second day but it's early days yet. Migraine free today though.😁🙏


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@jacquelynsauriol It’s the same with me, it’s really difficult to use my eyes. It’s good that it went away for your partner! So it took around 4 months? I really hope it goes away. I never had any of this before I took the vaccine. 

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@sepah Don't worry, it passes away slowly. 2-3 months. Sometimes it appears, sometimes it comes out.

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@tabby You might try some henna for those roots, it only smells like mud to me....

and I too feel quite badly even if someone has used the wrong dryer sheets on their clothes, all

those synthetic chemicals tweak your nose for a reason, the nose knows.....even too much

of some essential oils can be, well, too much, or many chemicals we make

are endocrine distrupters, which are really bad for....(wait for it) the endocrine system which controls

(wait for it) ALL BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES ....hey, our EPA even has this about it....hmmmm

The endocrine system, made up of all the body's different hormones, regulates all biological processes in the body from conception through adulthood and into old age, including the development of the brain and nervous system, the growth and function of the reproductive system, as well as the metabolism and blood sugar levels. The female ovaries, male testes, and pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands are major constituents of the endocrine system.

So they know, but apparently they dont know, at the same time. 

What good is an EPA if it means is Extra Pathetic Association??;]

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Has anyone recovered from the second Pfizer jab? I’m on month 6 and wish I could say I’m better but I’m still pretty bedridden and feel nothing like my former self. I am only 19 and worried I will never go back to the old me.

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Any ladies recovered from lessened mensturation period? I am worried i am going into premenapause or something! I am a 39 y o female had my one and only P V on 8/5 and never felt like myself ever since with neurological, vision and coginitive issues!!!! And my new one is lessened mensturation. 

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Posted by: @gloriam


thank you for your extensive informative reply that I feel is worth a try for all of us on here. Because I am a long term sufferer from eight months out I to want to share something.
I am currently in Mexico, the Yucatán to be specific next door to Guatemala and Belize, ancient Mayan country. Two days ago I treated myself with a two hour massage with a local Massuse who used eucalyptus oil and leaves plus other natural ingredients for the best massage I have ever experienced. Since I had my last Pfizer jab , my migraines have increased to daily and the Massuse must have picked up on that as he massaged several tender spots on my head and face. I then had an epiphany and heard inside my head “your migraines will end”.  Now you may stop reading and tell yourself this person is crazy, but given I haven’t had one for two days now, I’m hoping and praying I’m not and that they are gone and I had a healing. If I am crazy that’s okay too as I have been feeling like crap for too long and it’s great to now say “I feel great, wonderful pain free and HAPPY”. Yes there is hope and it comes in strange ways. 

I am glad you feel better now. I pray it remains the same.

Keeping you all in my prayers. May we all overcome this with 100% recovery and zero relapses.🤍

I hope I could soon post here saying that "I am 100% recovered and back to loving and living my life like before!"

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Posted by: @sickofthis

Has anyone had increased urination (not just from drinking more water)? It seems like I am going every hour. I also have lower middle abdominal/testicular discomfort. Doesn’t feel like a UTI.

Yes i have ! I thought I was the only one… it started 4 months after vaccine it was a new symptom and it has not gone away yet (i am 6 months post vaccine now). I also have bladder pain. My doctor said it was also vaccine related.

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Has anyone tried regenerative or integrative medicine treatments? I’m looking at these as an option. 

Pre-vax, I have no underlying conditions, very fit and extremely healthy (only had the flu once in my life 30 years ago and my last cold was about 25 years ago)…

I’m going on 4 weeks of light-headed/on a boat, chest pressure, achy heart, throat swelling/feels like someone is choking me, electric shocks on back of hands, top of feet, arms & face, knees/joint pain/burning, back pain/burning, heavy legs (feels like I have ankle weights on)…I’ve managed to get the tinnitus under control and legs don’t feel as heavy.

I’ve been in the ER 4 times and all I’ve been given is Tylenol & ibuprofen…all labs, CT scan, chest x-ray & EKG all come back clear. The ER gave me a low dose patch of Scopolamine and 5 hours later I loss the use of my legs and couldn’t walk as well as I was disoriented. They also tremored for  about an hour. I feel I have PTSD and now afraid of anything docs give me since that episode. 

Again, anyone tried regenerative or integrative medicine? Any results? 

I’m so sorry that each of you are also dealing with issues since getting vaccinated and are having to figure it out on your own. Praying for some resolution  


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Posted by: @sepah



Did it resolve for you?


Hello not sure which of my posts you are referring to but most of my symptoms have been slowly resolving apart from eye pain.

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I got the Moderna vaccine back in March 2021 (first shot Feb 18, 2nd Mar 18). For the last 3 weeks I have been experiencing dizziness and lightheadedness and it seems to be occurring more and more frequently and more pronounced. Not sure if it is related to the vaccine or not. Anyone else experiencing this?

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@dmac01515 my dizziness and ear ringing by far have been the worse symptoms. Like u moving my head is hard my vision is off and I always feel dizzy or swaying. I’m almost 4 months post vaccine and still struggling. Been going to PT VRT for about a month. Had a terrible migraine on Friday that reverted me back to feeling as I did months ago. Just feeling defeated today. 

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Posted by: @callie

@lmkk I have the static too and so many of these flashing dots kind of sparkling when I look at the sky when it’s sunny or anything white. I think I also have a migraine coz the headache is mainly on the left side of my head. Currently waiting to see a neurologist as well. 

I researched occular migraine and it seemed to cover most of my eye symptoms apart from the  oscillioscopia. I've also come across something called silent migraines which also has some of my symptoms.

When I finally get to see a neurologist I will let you know what they say. I have also had the sparkling dots in my vision at random times.

They reminded me of the scene in Twilight when the vampire Edward Cullen goes all sparkly in the sunlight!

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