Last seen: January 2, 2022 9:23 am
6 months post second Pfizer jab and want to give an update. Most symptoms have reduced in intensity aside from the dizziness, I have just started taki...
Returning here 6 months after my second Pfizer shot. Unfortunately am not improving much. Dizziness and brain fog are just as bad as day one. Have los...
@mina Yes I am still on omeprazole daily. Without it I will have bad nausea and excess stomach acid. Not sure if it will work for everyone but it seem...
@mina I have not put on any weight but I’ve been able to stop the weight loss. Stomach problems are unfortunately still present.
I am able to go and shop on my own, thankfully I’ve improved to the point where I can go out and do things as long as I keep some zofran on hand. I tr...
I’ve had all the major side effects people mention here - constant dizziness, nausea, stomach problems, heart irregularities, tinnitus and pins and ne...
Has anyone recovered from the second Pfizer jab? I’m on month 6 and wish I could say I’m better but I’m still pretty bedridden and feel nothing like m...
Hi all, I am 5 months post second pfizer jab and am happy to report improvement. When this first started I was bedridden and could barely eat without ...
Month 5 post second pfizer jab. Definitely have improved. Neck pain is almost gone, tinnitus is about 50% better, vertigo episodes happen less frequen...
Am 4 months post second Pfizer jab. My symptoms are still very present - dizziness, brain fog, nausea etc but I am starting to have good days. I have ...
If you guys are having trouble eating you need to try omeprazole! I am taking 40mg daily and I’m finally able to eat normally again! Originally lost ~...
Has anyone else been weight lifting? I lost 15 pounds after getting my second Pfizer jab in June. I started lifting weights a few weeks ago and my sym...
I’m 4 months post second Pfizer jab and am unfortunately still suffering with constant dizziness and gastrointestinal issues. Has anyone here recovere...
@cathymason This was my first flare up and the needles, pain etc calmed down about 1 week after I recovered from the cold. As much as I hate to say th...
@vida30 I’m struggling with the exact same thing unfortunately. I’ve lost 20 pounds and have only found three medications that stimulate my appetite: ...