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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Hi guys,

I promised to come back here and do an update if I felt better.

The past two weeks I have been having small improvements that have allowed me to recover my life little by little.

I can say that I am 60% recovered.

feeling of fullness in the ear: Gone

feeling that I had acid in my head: Gone

Dizziness: Still here, it gets worse when I'm sleepy, anxious, or tired. Also when I move my eyes or try to focus on distant or near objects, it has improved by 55%

drowning sensation: 55% improved if I walk, make efforts, I feel suffocated. I did not have this problem before the vaccine.


Brain fog: still here 90% this is the symtom I feel strongest with the dizziness

Tachycardia / palpitations: They have improved by 55% when I change position, make efforts or when I walk I get tachycardia. 110-120

panic attacks: they have improved 80% I am losing the fear of the symptoms.

I feel optimistic because I have improved a little every day so I do not think something serious is going to develop because or else, neither I nor anyone else would be improving.

I trust that I will be fine, most of the people are improving.

I have not had any medicine or vitamin, I just try to sleep well (although I have an 11 month old baby) drink water and occupy my mind with something different. I have stopped getting into the forum so much and distracted my mind on other topics.

pray, pray, pray. GOD HAS HEARD ME.

I think that as the months go by I will reach the 90-100% that I wait for.

when my period is due, my symptoms get worse.


I’m 12 weeks post vaccine.

Eric, KitKat, Jessie and 2 people reacted
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@gatordoc I appreciate the information and your take on it. It makes sense if that is the case. My vertigo related symptoms make sense that it my be from the 8th cranial nerve. Now that the panic attacks/anxiety are under control I wonder if my MD will prescribe another full dose pack to me.

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@jkro Sorry. I am not very active on this page but am just trying to give back. Frankly makes me anxious and adds to my stress levels hearing about everyone suffering and worrying if I could relapse. So I only reply when I am prompted by email that I have been mentioned.

To answer your question -> YES! I think that most people's symptoms should improve with time as immunity wanes from the vaccine.

Exception is if you have damage to your vestibular nerve which requires that your brain get used to decreasing the sensory input from the damaged nerve (normal would be 50% right and 50% left, but brain has to tune down the damaged nerve so for example 20% damaged right and 80% normal). This also takes time and happens naturally in most patients. Vestibular rehab can speed this process and insure that you do compensate. Only way to know if you have vestibular nerve injury is with caloric testing/vestibular testing.


Hope you feel better soon!

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@gatordoc thanks! I will look into that testing. That would be a otoneurologist to diagnose and who does vestibular rehab? Any PT or specific PT? I have been hurting on here less too for the same reasons….

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@bambi08 in the same boat for 4 months now after 2 doses of Pfizer. Hope time will heal us🙏🏼

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@gatordoc I was willing to get a spinal tap but they would only do one if they found something on mri or EMG. They didn’t find anything so no spinal tap…I did come across another person on here who had a spinal tap and she had oligo something bands in her CSF…. No doctor would help her and sent her home from the hospital 

Rainyday, KitKat, Rainyday and 1 people reacted
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@kayc I also experienced vertigo 10 weeks after my one and only Moderna shot. I had that shot in January and the day after began experiencing numbness and tingling in the left side of my face, mild tinnitus, mild pressure in my head, mild twitching in my hands and feet and twitching and tingling in other parts of my body. Ten weeks after getting the shot I experienced severe vertigo with nausea, unlike any previous episodes I’ve experienced with BPPV. After the 8th day of experiencing this, I went to a vestibular therapist who diagnosed crystals stuck in the horizontal canal, which differs from my past much milder experience with crystals in the left or right side. She did a maneuver to treat the condition and I had immediate relief. The vertigo resolved over the next 24 hours. She did acknowledge that she was treating a couple of other patients with this adverse effect from the vaccines. The other effects that I experienced all resolved after a total of about 12 weeks. I fear getting a second shot because I worry that I won’t be as lucky the next time and could have more severe and longer lasting effects.  I am 70 years old.

dragonlover, DrL, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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@mina it’s been terrible, my wife and my friends think I’m going crazy. Everyone tells me it’s anxiety, and idk what to tell them except they don’t understand what I’m feeling. Doctors won’t listen, I’m just holding on for dear life hoping it all goes away. And mine started a week after my first shot so I never got the second. 

dragonlover, Rainyday, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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@bambi08 i have the exact same symptoms and sensations as you. And it's so hard to stay positive if you don't know what to do make it stop...and no one understands us any more. This forum is so important because we feel less alone. I send you my prayers for recovery 🙏🏼

Rainyday and Rainyday reacted
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@gatordoc also, I’m curious why the antibodies produced by the vaccine would cause the issues? I’m not saying that is the case for sure but if symptoms get better after time from the vaccine would that mean it is the antibodies causing the issues? Also, a lot of long haul covid people have similar symptoms? Would that be due to the spike itself or maybe just body response? Are there any studies on long haulers that may give us answers too. 

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@mina this forum has helped so much. Just reading peoples stories, this and fb and knowing there’s other people going threw it and I’m not alone gives me hope. And I’m praying for everyone on here as well. 

Dizzyisnotfun, Rainyday, KitKat and 5 people reacted
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I finally slept fully horizontal last night for 8 hours as opposed to waking up every 4 hours and having to sleep sitting up.

I now have a weird pulsating feeling in the front of my left thigh.  It comes and goes.  Any ideas?

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Posted by: @jkro

@gatordoc also, I’m curious why the antibodies produced by the vaccine would cause the issues? I’m not saying that is the case for sure but if symptoms get better after time from the vaccine would that mean it is the antibodies causing the issues? Also, a lot of long haul covid people have similar symptoms? Would that be due to the spike itself or maybe just body response? Are there any studies on long haulers that may give us answers too. 

Here is one, I can get more.

 "Depending on the cell type that binds the spike protein, any of a number of autoimmune medical conditions can result."

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@lmkk i have all the symptims u have. Already 3 mths sufferring.

Any of yr symptoms go away?

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Posted by: @floryeo

@lmkk i have all the symptims u have. Already 3 mths sufferring.

Any of yr symptoms go away?

I've had mine for just over 4 months. The pins and needles are greatly improved despite four flare ups in four months. (Two bad flare ups two mild).

On a scale on 1-10 my pins and needles are mostly around 2-3.

I still have dizzy spells but I can go a few days between incidents now.

I still have migraines and visual disturbances.

Tinnitus flares up and down but at the moment is mild.

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