I currently am since August had eye issues and they are getting worse. Side effects dizziness and vestibular problems started in March after 17th second jab. I now have pulses seen in eyes. Plus blind spots followed by flashing zigzag lines that eventually take over field of vision accompanied by tightness in neck and skull. I’m guessing my former migraines with aura have changed to Ocular migraines but will confirm with neurologist on next visit. Would love to hear of anyone has similar symptoms.
@gloriam I think we spoke already but I'm having the same eye problems as you. Mine began about 4-5 weeks after first Pfizer but I feel like they have been getting worse. Non stop low grade headache for around 5 weeks plus eye issues that are impossible to ignore. Blurry spots, flashes of light, sparkles, eyes feel like ping pong balls rolling around in my eye sockets, eye pain, vision looks like it's rippling or vibrating, I am aware of my pulse flashing in my eyes, visual static/snow. Trying hard to keep calm as two eye and OCT scans at the opticians reveal nothing of concern. But now I'm freaking out something is wrong with my brain. Logically it has to be an inflamed nerve or blood vessel pressing on a nerve causing it to misfire and send partial messages to my brain but I am a terrible worrier and always expect the worst so the wait to see a neurologist which I suspect won't even be very fruitful is mega stressful. Then I stress about if they do find the problem can it be resolved? Whole thing is very very tiring. Hope we can some answers and can return to full health again.🙏
Plus I wonder if anyone has gotten side effects from booster because I’m not recovered from second Pfizer side effects since March and keep having new symptoms. Very depressing.
Im not going to bother with any mRNA boosters. I'm 4.5 months out from Pfizer and still suffering. If I make a complete recovery I may take the traditional vaccine Novavax when it's released in the UK. I'm planning on taking a back seat and watching what the reported side effects are from it first before I do anything.
hi,,i posted on here a while back,,i'm still having all the same issues,,numbness,tingles,,mostly in left side of face and hands,,my hands feel swollen sometimes and it feels funny when i touch or hold stuff,,i constantly rub my fingers together because of the funny sensation i get,,,also i am an avid weight lifter but i have noticed lately that the day after i workout i feel utterly wiped out,,and everything comes rushing back again,,i'm 3 1/2 months past my 2nd shot,,this is getting out of hand now
Have you tried alpha lipoic acid? It's supp to help the body repair the myelin sheath that protects the nerves. The immune response from the vaccine in some of us has gone haywire and started attacking our own bodies hence the pins and needles and all the other central/peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy issues we are all experiencing here. I am breastfeeding so unable to take it at the moment but fully intend to soon as I can. You also gotta work on getting rid of the inflammation in your body so start with turmeric and omega 3 and after a few weeks of taking them you should start to feel your symptoms easing a little. Avoid fatty foods and caffeine because boy do they prolong the inflammation and histamine release in the body. I've been dealing with the pins and needles/numbness plus a whole heap of other stuff. Pins and needles are getting better these days. 4.5 months out from first Pfizer.
Does anyone have any thoughts on why anxiety/panic attacks are a common symptom most of us are dealing with? I understand that our way of thinking of our symptoms can significantly exacerbate anxiety, but a lot of people have had increased anxiety out of no where. My remaining symptom (as of today) is this anxiety feeling that I cant seem to shake no matter how I distract myself.
I think I read that it has something to do with the autonomic nervous system that is causing the anxiety, sleeplessness, panic disorders, etc
Autonomic nervous system is the actions that our bodies carry out automatically without us having to remember to do it such as breathing, blinking, digestion etc.
We have sensory and motor nervous systems in our bodies. Have a Google as I have not gone into detail as I have only read about it in passing when researching my own peripheral neuropathy symptoms.
I've done so much reading and research recently I feel like I could write a PhD on vaccine side effects.
I had the vaccine in March and second one in April and got
Ever since Ive been I started feeling drugged out and thought it was my phyc meds so i got off 2 of them which were a ssri and antidepressants. I read on the internet that the vaccine can have bad re action with ssris and antidepressants I'm not sure if that's true or not but I felt like i was dying i had debilitating vertigo then I eventually got diagnosed with vestibular nuritis about 4 months ago.I already have PTSD and a anxiety disorder and im bipolar ive been out of work for months. I finally got into physical therapy a month-and-a-half ago
Ever since I got the vaccine my blood pressure has been high and I have anxiety and had major PTSD attack so bad that ive been sick for 3 weeks and im supposed to go back to work in a week and I still don't feel okay I'm still extremely dizzy and off balance but I financially can't afford it anymore
Has anyone that has received any of the new Covid Vaccines, did you experience any increased dizziness or other symptoms?
Yes, I have the same. I have been dizzy for 21days now. I collapsed 10 days after my 2nd Astra shot, was rushed to hospital with suspected stroke, spent 5 nights in hospital to be diagnosed with vertigo. So far, no treatments are working. Cannot work, had several falls. Had multiple scans and MRI'S done with no cause found. Doctor suspects it was from the covid shots.
@mountainmama I am waiting for an apt with a ENT in town. I had a major episode of virtigo sat morning when I rolled over in bed. How are you feeling still? I was hopeful I was seeing some progress until sat.
I’ve been pretty much normal since I finished the Fluvoxamine at the end of October. I still on a rare occasion will get a vertigo spell if I jump out of bed or roll over quickly, but it tends to go away after 5 minutes and its nothing compared to what I had back in May when I got my second jab and this whole ordeal started. So that’s a long way of saying, hang in there! I think ultimately time heals this. Try not to be discouraged by the relapses. They tend to get less and less over time, both in terms of number of episodes and severity, at least in my experience.
Yes major eye issues. mostly triggered by the dizziness and disorientation that started with the first shot. I also had tinnitus, but that's something i have had since i was about 14 along with some hearing loss and i can ignore it easily.
the dizziness itself was scary, but after i stopped being dizzy all the time i noticed my eyes weren't working right. my prescription changed from regular glasses to bifocals, can't see up close anymore.
but the WORST part of all of this...the dizziness caused me to be confused about what to look at, so i locked in to my floaters. I've had floaters for about 10 years from a domestic violence injury. I had finally learned to tune them out. Not anymore. They are constantly bothering me, i am constantly obsessing over them. all because this dizziness brought them back into my awareness. eye floaters are very difficult to cope with, when they are symptomatic.
i also feel just kind of generally unwell a lot of the time...tired, brain fog, just not quite right. it's hard to explain that part. between that and the floaters i'm feeling pretty wiped out. I do think my dizziness has improved a lot, maybe around 6 months after the first shot.
Does anyone have any thoughts on why anxiety/panic attacks are a common symptom most of us are dealing with? I understand that our way of thinking of our symptoms can significantly exacerbate anxiety, but a lot of people have had increased anxiety out of no where. My remaining symptom (as of today) is this anxiety feeling that I cant seem to shake no matter how I distract myself.
I think I read that it has something to do with the autonomic nervous system that is causing the anxiety, sleeplessness, panic disorders, etc
Autonomic nervous system is the actions that our bodies carry out automatically without us having to remember to do it such as breathing, blinking, digestion etc.
We have sensory and motor nervous systems in our bodies. Have a Google as I have not gone into detail as I have only read about it in passing when researching my own peripheral neuropathy symptoms.
I've done so much reading and research recently I feel like I could write a PhD on vaccine side effects.
Your last comment made me laugh because I do have a PhD (in a medical field) and yet I still feel so oblivious as to what is going on with my own body right now. I definitely understand what you mentioned, but what I don't get is how (anatomically) this vaccine can interrupt our ANS. Any reading/researching suggest that it will get better over time?
@mountainmama I am glad you area till better. So I saw a urgent care PA today and I have fluid in my ears from a cold or something. But good news is he acknowledge my issues after the shot and actually said his wife delt with a issue for 6 months. So he prescribed me fluvoxamine 100mg and basically said " I will give it to you". So after the meds for my ears I'm going to try it. Was that the same MG you where on?
@mountainmama do you think fluvoxamine is what helped you get better? What was your dose?
I have posted earlier as well about side effect of vaccination which I have been facing for the past 4 months. I faced multiple issues and currently facing Numbness in Hand / Leg and Headache. I had my brain CT scan and nerve test and both came normal and now doctor is suggesting for Infusion treatment where I need to go 3 day continuously at clinic.
So far I did the following tests and all reports came normal.
1. Blood test - 3 times
2. ECG - for chest pain - 2 times
3. Urine test
4. Nerve Test
5. Brain CT Scan
I believe all issues, which I am getting, are related to Vaccine only so not sure should I go for Infusion treatment or wait for it to heal by its own.
If any other member faced the headache issues and now recovered can please confirm , how long it took to recover as it will help me to take the decision.
I had my 2nd jab on 6th Aug 2021.
@mt53072 Hello! So sorry for my late response. I dont have any conditions at all.
@lmkk in page 765, u also said have the following symptoms:
1. Numb in body, face and leg, problem walking
2. Pain in bones/stiff aching joints
3. Itchy spots
4. Burning sensatiob in body
5. Vision problem
6. Pain in and aroune eyes
7. Flashing of lights
8. Nerve pain in teeth
Do u still have these symptoms.
I have all these that surface gradually since 2nd jab in end August. No improvements...i live everyday in fear...
Have you tried some things, what works?
Do you have anyone to cook for you or are you also to make your own food? I will suggest some general things....
If there is a traditional Chinese restaurant around, you might try eating some Congee...it isoften very meat based but this can be helpful in this shituation
or make some congee, simply rice boiled extra long in veggie or chicken broth...I am sure there are recipes online...you want easy to digest but nourishing stuff...
dandelion root or leaf tea and or burdock root tea (add milk and honey, dont make it too strong)...can keep blood sugar up when you are not so able to eat. Also slippery elm tea, the powder can be bought and it has a nice taste.
Grated ginger or fresh ginger juice are adaptogens and can help you....adapt...see list of things attached as well.....
a really good book is Herbal Antivirals by Stephen Buhner...he has studied and added on Covid as well in the newer editions of the book.....