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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @rutha

My story:  Moderna. 2nd shot end of March. Developed vertigo, dizziness, faintness which ENT found no "cause" for. Eventually resolved over 2 months-- June all was ok.

October- began noticing 'floaters' out of left eye.

MODERNA BOOSTER mid-November:  within a week extremely painful stye on outer corner of right eye. Using rx eyedrops, resolved within a week.  Immediately after, began intolerable itching of inner right eye. Saw Opthalmologist who specializes in eyelid disorders (NYC). He found no pathology. Today injected cortisone to attempt to relieve itching.

Vision is 20/25.

Has anyone had major EYE issues after a vax?

Hi Rutha,

I have definitely had changes in my vision after my first Moderna vaccine in mid August. My eye symptoms are a bit different than yours though. A couple weeks after vax, I had sudden blurriness in my right eye, flashy vision, light sensitivity and lately I have this strained feeling on my eyes when I move them and my right eye will start to itch. The weird part is that my symptoms tend to be on and off. Sometimes when I’m keeping busy outside or at work, I feel like my eyesight has cleared up, no problems, then minutes or hours later, I’m back with the blurriness. I did have double vision and dizziness like a month after my shot and it was so bad at night I couldn’t even drive. I have not experienced the double vision or dizziness like that again thankfully. Anyways, I saw my ophthalmologist in October and she told me she did not see any concerns regarding vision threatening diseases. I also feel like I have visual snow sometimes and increased floaters here and there. I’ve always had mild floaters though so I don’t get too concerned about that. But my floaters have been more noticeable these days. I’m going to revisit my eye doctor later this month if my vision doesn’t start to improve. I’m hoping maybe some cortosteroid eye drops will help. I can’t help but think this is all due to ongoing inflammation. I’m wondering if anyone else has had weird symptoms with their eyes or vision. I don’t see it’s a very common symptom. Thanks for listening. I’m Praying you find some relief soon!!🙏🏼 


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@nicp605 Sorry you are dealing with fluid in the ears. Can they give you any diurretics to help with the fluids? I think I was at 50 mg for Fluvoxamine, but I also don’t remember. It was the lowest standard dose, whatever it was.

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@jkro To me, I noticed some big improvements about 2-3 days into the 2 week course of the Fluvoxamine in terms of the neuro issues (tremors, muscle twitches, etc.). The dizziness improved gradually. It was a lot better when I finished the 2-week course of Fluvoxamine, but it took another 2 or so weeks before it was almost completely gone. I still get some dizziness if I get congested and I lay down. But WAY better than I was when this all started in May.

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@tarx I can’t remember now, but I think I was on 50 mg once per day (taken at night).  I noticed a difference in my neuro symptoms (tremors, muscle twitches, internal “vibrations” that sometimes felt like heart palpitations) about 2-3 days into the Fluvoxamine. The dizziness gradually improved. It wasn’t completely gone when my 2-week course was done, but it continued to improve after my Fluvoxamine was done. The dizziness pretty much gone now except when I get congestion and I’m laying down. The neuro symptoms are also pretty much gone except some occasional twitches.

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Posted by: @dan1878

Has anyone with any heart issues since the vaccine been able to get back to working out at the gym and exercising. I started to a couple of months in but it just gave me incredible dizziness and chest pain. Now nearly 5 months in and mostly better except slight chest pains and weird heart beats 

Did you do any tests for it or any medication?

How do you feel these days?

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Hi everyone

i had the second pfyser shot 1 week ago from today, I have never felt this unwell ever. I am like not running on all 4 cylinders, loss of strength , get sudden bouts of dizziness and just foggy, weird random pains In different parts of body, ears feel blocked and sometimes ringing or pulsating. Then out of no where a hot feeling all over torso and head. I been so emotional and crying a lot feeling like life is over. I’m not sitting here thinking anything bad of the vaccine to cause this , been to doctors more than ever and have had tests looking for clots , myocarditis and nothing but after hearing many posts it gave me hope that I’m not going crazy and not alone. How long will we feel like this ? Has anyone come out of this after some time ?wish everyone the best and get back to normal. Any reply would be appreciated.🙏 thank you  

KitKat, Gloria M, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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Hi everyone! I’m following the forum for a while and decided to post ask for advice! I’m 31 years old and I have some side effects of the vaccine that I took 4th November. I have numbness and pain on the left side of my body but also on the right side of my face (tingling and burning also…), headaches, tinnitus (SO HORRIBLE), dizziness, nausea and extreme weakness few times a day. I’m really struggling now and I just want some reassurance that it will end… did anyone manage to get rid of tinnitus?! I can’t stand that sound in my ears anymore!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭

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Why would a nerve in my inner thigh (deep inside the muscle) twitch to a rhythm?

This started 6 months after my shot.

Is it a sign of a bigger nerve problem?  What do I do!


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Posted by: @andyl89

@creativecat Hi! I’m 20 weeks post second Pfizer (Received it mid JULY 21). I had all the tingling, burning, twitches and muscle spasms etc to start. These all disappeared over a matter of about 4-5weeks. I then started getting tension/pressure headaches around the last week in September which got progressively worse. I was prescribed amitriptyline, which to be honest I’m no sure it working as the headaches still come and go. The nausea has only started over the past week, but seems to a type of stomach irritation.

How have you been getting on recently?

What stomach irritation?

My waist bloated big time after the shot and I had extreme pressure around my stomach.  I still have nerve problems over my stomach.

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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @euroka

@medee Hi Dee, I saw your private message but I haven't had enough posts to reply you privately. All my test results came back normal. MRI shows that I had myocarditis prior to the V but it was healed. What has helped me so far:

1. Meditation. I meditated intensively for the first 3 months. I followed Dr Joe Dispensa's meditation. Thousand of people healed themselves from cancers, autonomous diseases, and all kind of illness by doing his meditation. You can search him on Youtube and go to testimonial section. There are few cases who suffered heart palpitation and healed themselves by doing his meditation. I recommend you read his book " Becoming supernatural" which explains the principle behind all the meditation scientifically.

Meditation seems to bring down my heart rate but it was still pounding and out of rhythm. Beta blocker helps to regulate the heart rhythm but it lowered the rate down below 50 beats per minute so I stopped using it.

2. Diet. I tried low histamine diet for 3 months which helps. Now I listen to my body and eat what my body needs. A cardiologist said heal your gut, heal your heart.

3. Vitamin. NAC helps tremendously with anxiety and stabilizing the heart rate.  I randomly take vitamin D, C, Zinc and probiotics.

4. Focus on things you like instead of thinking about your illness. In other words, distracting yourself as much as you can from thinking about your illness. In my case, I join a drawing course and draw everyday. Drawing to me is like meditation. It stops my monkey mind. Amazingly, since I start drawing, my heart is back to normal.

I hope that helps you.

Thanks a lot! I will certainly try this out. Saving your post for future reference.

May I know for how long did you have palpitations for and how long has it been since it is back to normal?

I hope I too reach the safe shore soon. Take care.😊🤍

What exactly (be specific) is an anti-histamine diet?

What amounts of D, C, etc. are you taking?

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @gloriam

Plus I wonder if anyone has gotten side effects from booster because I’m not recovered from second Pfizer side effects since March and keep having new symptoms. Very depressing. 

Im not going to bother with any mRNA boosters. I'm 4.5 months out from Pfizer and still suffering. If I make a complete recovery I may take the traditional vaccine Novavax when it's released in the UK. I'm planning on taking a back seat and watching what the reported side effects are from it first before I do anything.

Show me where the vaccine you did get is reported to have side effects.  If Novavax does have side effects, I doubt they'd be reported.

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Hey everyone,

I got the booster more than 1 week ago. Still feeling okay. 

Actually I still have some lingering symptoms from April. I got mild headaches, and insomnia sometimes. I also have some dizziness when I don't sleep enough.

During my journey my partner have left me (6 months ago) because my health issue, so it's quite difficult to decide if my symptoms still remained from the vaccine or it is depression 😅

Those who start fluvoxamine, do you take it for a few weeks or more time?

I hope the remaining symptoms will also subside with time, I saw the progress in my 8 months nightmare, but still not perfect.

Are there anyone here who has still some mild symptoms remained from almost 8-9 months left?


Gloria M, KitKat, Gloria M and 1 people reacted
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@medee Everyone's progress is different. I know people who recovered from insomnia (which is my most horrendous symptom) after 3 months. So when the 3 months mark came, I felt very frustrated and hopeless when my sleep did not improve at all at the point. And it did slow down my progress.  But now after 5 months, my sleep is getting so much better. So my point is patient is the key. I believe we all recover at some point. Just give our body time to heal itself.

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Posted by: @jtranger

Anyone have bulging veins after the vaccine?

I did notice for the first few weeks after my vaccine my veins were more prominent and looked more purple in colour. They went back to normal after a few weeks.

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Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @gloriam

Plus I wonder if anyone has gotten side effects from booster because I’m not recovered from second Pfizer side effects since March and keep having new symptoms. Very depressing. 

Im not going to bother with any mRNA boosters. I'm 4.5 months out from Pfizer and still suffering. If I make a complete recovery I may take the traditional vaccine Novavax when it's released in the UK. I'm planning on taking a back seat and watching what the reported side effects are from it first before I do anything.

Show me where the vaccine you did get is reported to have side effects.  If Novavax does have side effects, I doubt they'd be reported.

Vaers is a site that shows what side effects have been reported. I will be checking private forums such as this site for side effects from Novavax as they are less likely to be censored and shut down to hide the truth.

Gloria M and Gloria M reacted
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