@medee Hi Dee, I saw your private message but I haven't had enough posts to reply you privately. All my test results came back normal. MRI shows that I had myocarditis prior to the V but it was healed. What has helped me so far:
1. Meditation. I meditated intensively for the first 3 months. I followed Dr Joe Dispensa's meditation. Thousand of people healed themselves from cancers, autonomous diseases, and all kind of illness by doing his meditation. You can search him on Youtube and go to testimonial section. There are few cases who suffered heart palpitation and healed themselves by doing his meditation. I recommend you read his book " Becoming supernatural" which explains the principle behind all the meditation scientifically.
Meditation seems to bring down my heart rate but it was still pounding and out of rhythm. Beta blocker helps to regulate the heart rhythm but it lowered the rate down below 50 beats per minute so I stopped using it.
2. Diet. I tried low histamine diet for 3 months which helps. Now I listen to my body and eat what my body needs. A cardiologist said heal your gut, heal your heart.
3. Vitamin. NAC helps tremendously with anxiety and stabilizing the heart rate. I randomly take vitamin D, C, Zinc and probiotics.
4. Focus on things you like instead of thinking about your illness. In other words, distracting yourself as much as you can from thinking about your illness. In my case, I join a drawing course and draw everyday. Drawing to me is like meditation. It stops my monkey mind. Amazingly, since I start drawing, my heart is back to normal.
I hope that helps you.
Thanks a lot! I will certainly try this out. Saving your post for future reference.
May I know for how long did you have palpitations for and how long has it been since it is back to normal?
I hope I too reach the safe shore soon. Take care.😊🤍
Hello everyone. I have been reading you for a while since my first vax shot on July 29th but didn't feel like writting all my terrible side effects.
I want to thank you all for dedicating your time to write down your symptoms after vax, that has helped me out so much to see I wasn't crazy! I had most of the symptoms described after vax.
I am a 32 year ols woman from Spain. Yoga teacher and love sports and go climbing quite often as a hobby. Since my vaccination my energy has changed completely. From a very active person with loads of energy and no clinical condition to a very low energy person, having problems to deal with my yoga teachings and climbing as the energy is not there.
After the shot I had 2 days of flu like symptoms (headache, foginess, fatigue, a bit of temperatura, body aches), after these 2 days the severity of the symptoms went away but then I went climbing and I couldn't keep up like before, I had a headache and fogginess that I couln't relate to the vax at that time. I thought I was just a bit tiredbecause it was so hot in Spain at that time. Then after 2 weeks of the vax everything started to kick off: first was a panic attack I never experienced before(out of breath, dizzy, eye twiching and very scared), following this panic attack that I couldn't give any explanation to what it was I started having pressure on top and front of my head with fogginess that felt like I wasn't connected to my body and surrounding. Anxiety then kicked off for around a whole month, with panic attacks nearly everyday, headaches, Twiching on my left eyelid for 2 months, and feeling very depressed cos I couldn't unsdertand what was going on and the docs either. Visit several neurologist, and my GP and did blood test, CT scan and all good. They didn't wanna relate it to the vaccination, because this is when I said to them it all started. Then, they were giving me some medication for panic attacks I never took before like Diazepan and other ones and none one seem to work after taking them. They were calming me for the first take, and second day taking them they started giving me heart palpitations. I thought it was that medication so I stopped all of those and the hurt palpitation continue specially when resting. It was all a shock to my body. One neurologist suggested Amitriptyline for my headaches, and I started taking those although I didn't like that she said should take it for 3 months (as it's a long treatment) after a week taking it headaches went away but terrible nightmares and insomnia kicked in and I read could be a side effect of this medication so I stopped taking those. The nightmares dissapear but then I had crazy insomnia for a month. I couldn't work and stop my classes for that period.
I started therapy thinking maybe it was me that something was happening, not thinking it was the vaccine but then I was reading you, and knowing other people with similar symptoms and I realized my nervous system was all swallen. Going to Osteopaths telling me my meninges were swollen and lately had a visit to a doctor that told me and hyper reaction of my immune system due to the vax (most likely) has caused damage into my nervous system. Why that has happened they don't know, as science doesn't know yet. It could be because I had asyntomatic covid previous to the vax but the reality is that they don't know, they need more reseach to be done, and that fustrated me a lot. If I knew all of this could happened, and that they push you to vaccinate even not knowing much of Covid itself and the vaccines I would have never taken that vaccine. But anywa, like many of us I guess it's social pressure fro governments.
After 4 months of the first shot, I didn't get my second jab obviously. My doctor recommended me not to take it anyway. Many of the symptoms like anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, and musle twiching had gone. But I had a relapse on mussle twiching for a week in my eye and went away. What I have now is fatigue that comes and goes, lack of energy and concentration, pressure type of headaches, and fogginess that all come and go. So not as bas a August and Sept thanks god but still not well. I am experiencing now joint pain as a new symptom that also comes and goes.
I a doing my normal life, but of course as a yoga teacher and doing so much exersice everyday it doesn't help. Lots of people says that rest is what it helps. I also read all these symptoms are 'Long covid symptoms' but the weird thing is having them after vaccination.
I am still researching and going to docs as I really wanna get fully recovered. Is there anyone fully recovered?
Thanks to all of you for the advise on what was working for you. To me has worked a healthy diet, no alcohol, good sleep(thanks god I dont have insomnia now), meditation, breath work, vitamin d and non inflammatory foods.
In Spain they are now making mandatory Covid Passport and I wonder what happens to all of us suffering from this and not beign listen. I can't get the 2nd vax as nobody can tell me what happened to my body or what could happen if I take the 2nd jab.
Thanks for reading. Sorry that was a long one.
Is the zoom meeting still happening today?
I had my first Pfizer dose October 15. 3 weeks later I woke up one night and simply turned from my right to my left side and the room started swaying. The next morning the dizziness was so bad I was throwing up and had to go to emergency where they hooked me up to an IV for dehydration. Doctor told me I had vertigo and it should resolve itself within a week or two. It lasted on and off pretty bad for about 10 days. The Epley maneuver really helped! I had my second dose November 19 and since then it’s started up a bit again but not nearly as bad as the first round. I’m not dizzy just with sudden movements or if do too much my sense of direction is off. Sometimes I feel like I’m in that movie The Matrix. The Epley maneuver really does help and just taking it easy. It’s slowly getting better. I’m guessing you just have to wait for the inflammation to calm down. Drink water, rest, clean diet and try to think positive. It’s all you can do really!
This goes a long way in explaining the vision problems and headaches many of us are experiencing as well as explaining why our regular eye exams we have had reveal nothing of concern...
This literally explains everything I am experiencing including the light sensitivity and peripheral vision issues. Well worth a read.
@mountainmama hi just wondering what dose of Fluvoxamine you were taking please? And how long it took to work? X
@lmkk After the 4-5 week mark mine improved, but I’m not sure if it’s getting better or the amitriptyline knocking them back. For the first 4 weeks the headache was more or less constant from when I got out of bed until early evening. It then disappeared for a week before coming back.
My headaches seem similar to yours. It either at the back of my head/base of skull as if it’s from tension in my neck. On other days it’s like there’s pressure behind my eyes or in my head. It’s also presented as of there’s a band around my head squeezing.
I also suffered with eye pain which is 99% gone. My Dr won’t refer me off because he doesn’t think my symptoms are neurological. He’s also in agreement that it could possibly be vaccine related.
Im hoping one day lll just wake up feeling normal.
My story: Moderna. 2nd shot end of March. Developed vertigo, dizziness, faintness which ENT found no "cause" for. Eventually resolved over 2 months-- June all was ok.
October- began noticing 'floaters' out of left eye.
MODERNA BOOSTER mid-November: within a week extremely painful stye on outer corner of right eye. Using rx eyedrops, resolved within a week. Immediately after, began intolerable itching of inner right eye. Saw Opthalmologist who specializes in eyelid disorders (NYC). He found no pathology. Today injected cortisone to attempt to relieve itching.
Vision is 20/25.
Has anyone had major EYE issues after a vax?
Oh yes (see attached) after my 2nd vax! I had a smaller one in the same eye about two months earlier, also after my 2nd vax. They are healed now but it took months and caused severe blurriness. I've written about all my eye issues here but they are slowly getting better...very scary!!
were about to have our first zoom chat! come join if you can 4pm PST just a place to vent and meet others face to face
passcode: xtX3n8
Hi there,
I’ve been experiencing the same side effects as most of you after the second shot of the Pfizer vaccine (migraines, dizziness, nausea , inner ear pain, inner ear fullness , tinnitus, panic attacks, internal tremors). But at month 4 post vaccine I developed esophageal dysmotility, gerd like symptoms , increased eye floaters, joint pain, pins and needles like feeling on my face. I was directed by the GI who performed my esophageal manometry that I am having an autoimmune reaction to the vaccine and I should see a rheumatologist. The rheumatologists blood work confirmed I am having an autoimmune reaction and I have high inflammation markers and my liver is having issues. But both the rheumatologist and GI have stated that since the vaccine is new they don’t really fully understand it and are not sure how to treat my symptoms. I am now at the 6 month mark post vaccine. I am scheduled to meet with a homeopath and wanted to ask if anyone else is experiencing this type of issue with the esophagus and if there are any remedies that seem to working for some of you ?
thank you !
Hi, how are now? Are you better? I have issues with my esophagus and difficulty swallowing. Has homeopathy helped you?
@mina hi there ! I am still facing this battle unfortunately. The homeopath I saw has started me on milk thistle and recommended for me to get a glutathione push via IV drip. I am scheduled to try that this Saturday. The homeopath wants to focus on healing my liver to see if this helps to alleviate some (but hopefully all) of my symptoms. Since my blood work showed that my liver is having issues the idea is that maybe it is having trouble detoxing the vaccine.
@eileenwh yes fully aware that was a possibility and I was ok with it as I did not want to be sick again for 5-6 months. But as a new update. My bf got Covid last week. I know crazy. Anyways. I’m good! I did not catch it. Both my Covid tests came back negative. I did one last week and one this week. I did have symptoms. Very minor. Sore throat, runny nose, headache and slight body aches. Like a cold and if lasted 4 days then went away. I was very happy to have a normal sickness again and not the craziness we have all experienced for months. I felt like my body acted normal and did what it’s suppose to do.
Hi Jenn Sorry to be a pain with all my questions but just wondering when you started your pre meds. A day before the vaccine? Thanks
My story: Moderna. 2nd shot end of March. Developed vertigo, dizziness, faintness which ENT found no "cause" for. Eventually resolved over 2 months-- June all was ok.
October- began noticing 'floaters' out of left eye.
MODERNA BOOSTER mid-November: within a week extremely painful stye on outer corner of right eye. Using rx eyedrops, resolved within a week. Immediately after, began intolerable itching of inner right eye. Saw Opthalmologist who specializes in eyelid disorders (NYC). He found no pathology. Today injected cortisone to attempt to relieve itching.
Vision is 20/25.
Has anyone had major EYE issues after a vax?