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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I started to get pins and needles in my left foot like never before, a little less then a month after my second Pfizer. experienced this for over a week then had a day or 2 of no energy slept a lot wich I never do then started to get pins and needles and numbness in the fingers, burning sensation in the left arm, slight pains in my muscles, migraines, and the worst symptoms for me would have to be having weak arms and legs. Had blood test done all come back good docters said it could be stress and have some time off work and get more blood tests if the symptoms don’t go away. Also these symptoms seem to come and go. 

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Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @isismadec

I was trying to look online for the stories of Maddie and Brianna, young girls damaged after the vaccines. Most sites were blocked from viewing as I'm in Europe and they are US sites.


I will look later and maybe I can find a short article that I can cut and paste here.  The girl's full name is Maddie de Garay.  Maybe if you Google that something will come up?  I have not heard of Brianna, will have to look up that story.


Maddie de Garay – Pfizer January 2021

Pfizer Clinical Trials For 12–15 Year Olds – Severe Ongoing Adverse Reactions

Stephanie updating the story of her daughter Maddie, aged just 12, below and in the new video :

Maddie was in the Pfizer Clinical Trials for 12–15 year-olds conducted through the Gamble Program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

She was a healthy, energetic girl, a good student, kind and social – but they haven’t seen that version of Maddie since she got the second Pfizer Vaccine.

Within 24 hours she developed abdominal, muscle and nerve pain that became unbearable and, over the next two-and-a-half months, she was admitted to the hospital three times, each stay a little longer than the last.

She developed additional symptoms including gastroparesis, nausea and vomiting, erratic blood pressure and heart rate, memory loss (she mixes up words), brain fog, headaches, dizziness, fainting (she fell and hit her head) and seizures.

She developed verbal and motor tics, loss of feeling from the waist down, muscle weakness, drastic changes in her vision, urinary retention and loss of bladder control, severely irregular heavy menstrual cycles, and eventually she had to have a NG (feeding) tube put in to get nutrition. All of these symptoms are still here today, and some days are worse than others.

Steph de Garay, Maddie’s Mother, says “There was nothing wrong with her. She was perfectly happy and now, whatever happened, it has changed her”.

Nine months post Vaccine they are still living a nightmare with no support from the medical community.

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA




Truly heartbreaking to read what that little girl  is going through. I hope she can pull through and make a good recovery. I can identify with many of her symptoms.

They are really trying to push these vaccines on kids from age 5+ now in the UK. 

I'm not antivax but I won't be allowing my little ones to have one ever. I feel that these vaccines are more of a risk to my child's health than covid itself.

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Posted by: @floryeo
Posted by: @hisrichess


I found an app that lets you join and create free group chats. It’s called GROUPME (link: Available on android too. 

I created a group for everyone on here to join. It’s free to join and very easy to use. 

Here is the link to join the group! 

You're invited to my new group 'COVID 19 VACCINE EFFECTS' on GroupMe. Click here to join:

I am from Singapore, can i join? 

yeah you should be able to

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Posted by: @hisrichess


I found an app that lets you join and create free group chats. It’s called GROUPME (link: Available on android too. 

I created a group for everyone on here to join. It’s free to join and very easy to use. 

Here is the link to join the group! 

You're invited to my new group 'COVID 19 VACCINE EFFECTS' on GroupMe. Click here to join:


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I really want some form of compensation/acknowledgment about all of our side effects. I was thinking of starting a petition for it but i don’t know anything about starting one. 

MountainMama, DrL, Rainyday and 3 people reacted
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Truly heartbreaking to read what that little girl  is going through. I hope she can pull through and make a good recovery. I can identify with many of her symptoms.   They are really trying to push these vaccines on kids from age 5+ now in the UK.  I'm not antivax but I won't be allowing my little ones to have one ever. I feel that these vaccines are more of a risk to my child's health than covid itself.

They're really pushing it on kids here in the U.S., too.  I'm not antivax in general, but if  I had a minor child I absolutely would not allow them to be given that vax.  For myself, I honestly feel that I have a better chance of staying alive and healthy by staying away from the vax.

Dee, Jessie, KitKat and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @sara90

Has anyone been diagnosed with arthritis post vaccine? I had an MRI for my spine a month ago and apparently I have mild arthritis…don’t know if this was triggered by the vaccine? I’m only 31, active with no health conditions. 


I have been diagnosed with arthritis in both sides of my jaw (in front of the ear). I'm 37, active and healthy too with no family history of the same. I haven't had full investigations yet but had my diagnosis a couple of months ago. It does seem very strange.

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Posted by: @abby6

Does anyone experience extreme fatigue? I don’t know how to describe this feeling of fatigue. It’s like my body has been drained of energy. My legs feel heavy and body feels like jelly. I feel like I’m floating when I’m walking. It’s weird. I have never felt this way. It’s not regular tiredness. It gets worse around my period. 

I know what you mean. I have general malease and fatigue. Last had this bone aching tiredness years ago after glandular fever. Doctors said it was post viral fatigue. I have it again since my Pfizer jab. Never feel refreshed after sleep.

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Posted by: @twistedgift

@hastings56 thank you so much for your reply and reassurance. Since I started taking the supplements as well as the cromo-fresh eye drops- I am not sure if it’s coincidental but some of my side effects have eased up a bit in particular the brain fog and dizziness. The paresthesia is still here with a vengeance though but to be fair if I get rid of everything else and all I’m left with is that I’d be a very happy camper.

I took Lakeside Pure Organic Aloe Vera juice for the burning and tingling in hands and feet....completely went away.  6 ounces for breakfast on an empty stomach and 1 hour after eating supper. I read that it helps go in cells better that way. 

KitKat, twistedgift, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@psargie Hi, did you have pain in your jaw? How was it diagnosed? X-ray? 
I made a mistake, what I have is osteoarthritis not arthritis. I’m going to ask for more testing just to make sure I don’t have it anywhere else in my body. 
This is so weird!!!

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@jkro @sickofthis - I’m using vitamin d, vitamin c, fish oil, Cromo Fresh eye drops, 2-4 ibuprofen a day and a cup of green tea in the afternoon. It’s not doing anything for the paresthesia at all but the last couple of days my head has felt a lot better and I’ve not had any dizziness (touch wood). I’ve actually been able to exercise the last couple of days which has been amazing. Again, this could all be coincidental and it’s just doing it’s cycle thing of going away/coming back so I’m not holding my breath.

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@maz12 not yet! I am scheduled to go on Tuesday at 2:30pm! I will update with how it goes! 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @megan


Try high dose vitamin C. I am taking a powdered alkaline Vit. C that I got from my naturopath. 4,000 or more mg. a day. I had dizziness and tinnitus and finally resolving after 6 weeks. He also suggested acupuncture if the C wasn't enough. It has been a game changer for healing and immflammation!

Its a great news to know the tinnitus can be fixed! How are you feeling these days?

So Naturopath does help! I hope you've completely recovered from all your symptoms. May I know what other issues you had and how is it now?

May help all the others like me who are still struggling to come out if it.

Madelynn and Madelynn reacted
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I have to admit, quite a few of these side effects are so close to MS symptoms I’d be lying if I said it didn’t keep me awake at night worrying that I have it now for some reason. Now my lips started feeling weird - numbish like I’ve eaten something with too much salt on it.

KitKat, MountainMama, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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Does anyone have any advice/insight on head pressure? 

Mine started a week after i got my shot. It felt like there was a bubble of water in my head at first and it was giving me pressure. It went away weeks into OCT and turned to tingly/headpressure. Stayed for a long time, this past week is the only time i haven’t had it. 

Now the pressure is back, it’s slight but enough to be bothersome. It moves when i move my head. It doesn’t get worse from anything, laying down helps alot.  My right side of my face/eye area feel heavy. Idk what to do. I haven’t been able to see a doctor yet because my insurance is still out of wack. Hopefully it’ll be resolved soon, it’s this way because I moved recently. 

If you’ve dealt with this and appeased it or had something done to help with it. Please let me know. 

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