@hisrichess Head pressure (and the resulting brain fog) is the most prominent symptom I've had since my second dose of the Moderna. There's two things that have helped: Vital Nutrients' BCQ supplement (I started with two a day, but I now take twelve) and Flonase. The Flonase took it away almost instantaneously, but may have caused weakness/fatigue as well. So I've ordered Nasalcrom as an alternative and will update if it helps.
An anti-inflammatory diet has provided some relief as well.
@jkro @sickofthis - I’m using vitamin d, vitamin c, fish oil, Cromo Fresh eye drops, 2-4 ibuprofen a day and a cup of green tea in the afternoon. It’s not doing anything for the paresthesia at all but the last couple of days my head has felt a lot better and I’ve not had any dizziness (touch wood). I’ve actually been able to exercise the last couple of days which has been amazing. Again, this could all be coincidental and it’s just doing it’s cycle thing of going away/coming back so I’m not holding my breath.
Thanks for the info. I have the vitamins and fish oil but have never heard of the eye drops. I just want the fog and dizziness to go away! Also, I was worried about MS for a while too but the neurologist I saw said he wasn’t too concerned.
@sickofthis I read on this thread that NasalCrom was being used to treat the brain fog etc because it was a mast cell stabiliser. Its not available here in Aus and I couldn’t find any OTC nasal sprays that had the same active ingredient (sodium cromoglycate), Google brought up these eye drops and I figured I had absolutely nothing to lose so I gave them a shot! Like I said, could just be coincidence or possibly psychosomatic but I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth right now.
@hisrichess I've wondered if starting a petition on change . org (or a similar site) would eventually garner enough signatures to get the attention of major media outlets. If there were thousands of signatures of people stating they'd suffered serious side effects (as we have) and were seeking treatment and/or compensation, the FDA, CDC, vaccine manufacturers, scientists, attorneys - someone would have to pay attention. But I think the biggest hurdle with starting a petition is having people publicly sign their names. Because adverse effects haven't been publicized, anyone who comes forward and states they're experiencing adverse effects will immediately be labeled an antivaxxer - and will be subsequently disregarded. People will be reluctant to tie their names to a petition that will make them out to be an "antivaxxer" to family and friends. However, once the petition grew (and it would), people would be more and more inclined to sign.
@rainyday if the take away from that petition full of people suffering serious side effects is that we are a bunch of anti vaxxers then more fool them. Anyone that knows me personally knows that couldn’t be further from the truth and anyone that doesn’t know me, well, I couldn’t give two bobs to a pinch of crap what they think of me 😀
@hisrichess Hi i've got similar symptoms. My face feels heavy and tingly however mainly right side of face/eye/cheek area. MRI was clear and neurologist then gave gabapentin which took away the feeling in first two days. However I have increased the dose as feeling came back third day and have been using for a week now. It has helped slightly but will need to see after 2/3 weeks if it resolves the issue.
@bowie It took mi around 3 months to fully recover. I had the worst vertigo episodes during night when I was rolling in the bed. I had to sleep in sitting position. I could not make sudden movements. When I woke up during night I was not able to fall asleep again. But during the day it was better. I was able to do things around home. Vertigo started to subside after 1,5 month in my case.
hi, i was reading about your post you made around novemeber about palpitations. you said you didn’t take any meditations for it and it resided, was it also chest pain you had?
how long did it take for the palpitations exactly to reside,
@rainyday If there are any petitions started, let me know because I’d sign immediately. I saw some large corps (Molson Coors as featured in an article in today’s Wall Street Journal) are now mandating boosters. I knew this was only a matter of time before they’d start coming for us to get 3 shots. It took me 5-6 months after my second shot to shake the dizziness and I could risk permanent bilateral deafness if a subsequent dose affects my one remaining good ear.
I work for a large company. I know the day is coming when I have to decide between losing my job or protecting my health by refusing a booster of a vaccine that has known and very serious adverse effects for me. This information about the adverse effects of the vaccines needs to break through to national attention. Otherwise, we risk people further eroding our rights and livelihoods because they are completely ignorant these side effects exist.
@hisrichess I did not have chest pain. Only heart palpitations during night, but also not every night. My heart beat was very strong, I felt pulsation in my head. It took around 3 months. This symptom lasted the longest from all symtpoms after vaccination.
@yoki hi, thank you for sharing your experience. I was also thinking about taking corticosteroids before second vaccine, but my GP does not recommend them. It is because this suppresses immune response to vaccine as you also mentioned. I do not think she would be willing to prescribe me this. Also adverse events are a little bit scary. She recommended to me taking calcium supplements month before vaccine and also to have i.v. calcium applied before vaccine. It is surprising why calcium, but she recommended this.
Hei guys! Also ANA positive...were you checked for autoimmune? Anything discovered?.
The symptoms you described in your first post here on this forum sound a lot like what I'm experiencing.
Got my first Pfizer shot the end of June and experienced some light irritation in my left chest area that. This symptom wasn't constant and I didn't link it with the jab.
Got my second shot end of July and about 2 weeks later started experiencing heart palpitations, stinging pain followed by dizziness right after each "sting".
The irritation in my chest turned into a feeling of pressure deep in my chest.
Some days I also experienced a constant state of lightheadedness.
Started developing pins and needles in my feet after that.
One night I woke up and felt numbness all over my body that subsided after 30 minutes (never had this again).
Mid September I thought I had a heart attack. The tingling feeling turned into a vibrating feeling in my feet, was very dizzy, had heart palpitations and stinging pain in my heart and was a bit nauseous.
Went to the dokter and a cardiologist after that. They did a stresstest, ECG, Echocardiogram and got diagnosed with Pericarditis with possibly Myocarditis. They linked this to the jabs but told me to take some Ibuprofen and to come back if things get worse.
Now, 4 months later after second jab I'm a bit better.
Heavy doses Ibuprofen stopped (most) heart palpitations and stinging pain in my chest. The pressure still comes and goes though.
Dizziness and lightheadedness is A LOT better, I only experience it 2 days a month (on average) now.
Tingling feeling is now more of a constant feeling but only in my left heel. Sometimes it comes back for a short while in both feet though.
I developed a numb feeling spot in my upper back a few weeks ago that comes and goes. Sometimes it feels like a burning pain also.
Another thing I noticed is that I'm only able to sleep on my stomach. I have no symptoms sleeping like that, all other positions give me pressure on my chest followed by heart palpitations and a painful sting in my heart.
That radiates to my left foot in turn and the tingling starts again.
So I think the tingling is more heart related than neurologic.
So...twistedgift...things seem to get better but VERY slowly.
@psargie Hi, did you have pain in your jaw? How was it diagnosed? X-ray?
I made a mistake, what I have is osteoarthritis not arthritis. I’m going to ask for more testing just to make sure I don’t have it anywhere else in my body.
This is so weird!!!
Yes, had pain in jaw, mostly in front of the ears at the joint, It also locks every day first thing in the morning but I'm used to it now.
I went to the dentist at first and mentioned that I thought I had a TMJ disorder, then I was referred to a maxo specialist who requested a MRI scan from which it was diagnosed. He has since referred me to someone else who I am waiting to see so I don't know much more apart from the fact they said it was extremely uncommon and they said its quite severe (though I'm not in pain as such, it just hurts sometimes).
Hopefully yours isn't elsewhere, are you having symptoms as such?