I just wanted to ask on behalf of a family member who is experiencing some unusual symptoms after two Pfizer jabs if anyone here has experienced anything similar? I would be interested to hear anything back so I can pass it on and hopefully offer some small comfort.
1. Unusual amount of hair loss after the vaccines.
2. Strange crackling noises inside the head but not feeling like they were coming from inside the ear area more deeper inside the brain.
3. Pain in the spleen.
Thanks in advance.
I have point 2 - cracking sound in head.
And today, experience cracking sound in jaw when i talk.
And is very scary, i lost my function to bowel, i am not conspitation but just cannot bowel, i took 2 laxatives tables still cannot. Very sad.....how to live on
I just wanted to ask on behalf of a family member who is experiencing some unusual symptoms after two Pfizer jabs if anyone here has experienced anything similar? I would be interested to hear anything back so I can pass it on and hopefully offer some small comfort.
1. Unusual amount of hair loss after the vaccines.
2. Strange crackling noises inside the head but not feeling like they were coming from inside the ear area more deeper inside the brain.
3. Pain in the spleen.
Thanks in advance.
I have point 2 - cracking sound in head.
And today, experience cracking sound in jaw when i talk.
And is very scary, i lost my function to bowel, i am not conspitation but just cannot bowel, i took 2 laxatives tables still cannot. Very sad.....how to live on
@jkro Yes. I was severely depressed all of last week. The uncertainty of not knowing what's happening with my body or how long it will last; the grief at not being able to partake in any of the activities I once enjoyed (hiking, photography, playing with my toddler); the trauma I've felt over the symptoms I've experienced (I truly felt I was on the brink of death for the first two or three weeks); the complete exhaustion and overwhelming stress I've experienced in trying to hold down my full-time job. . .it's become too much. I've been through a lot in the last four years (separation with my partner after having just given birth; death of a close family member), but to be entirely honest, this is the hardest thing I have ever gone through.
I'm sorry you're feeling the same way. You are not alone. The only thing that helps me is taking it one day at a time and hoping that eventually, our bodies will prevail.
What also helps is thinking that if I get through this, maybe I can help someone else in their journey through a health crises.
And finally, this experience has deepened my appreciation for my life and everyone and everything in it. I know that if I recover, the anxieties and fears that were holding me back will no longer phase me. I'm going to experience all in life that I was too afraid to do before. If I hadn't gone through this, who knows how much of my life I would have spent hiding away? I'm ready to live.
Just a quick update. I finally had a decent weekend! My dizziness and brain fog were the only noticeable symptoms. At home they were mild-moderate, but when I went to the store they got much worse.
Some things that may have helped me this weekend, I really increased my vitamin C & D, took a multivitamin and started an antihistamine. If things progress upward from here I am more confident that I will get better in time. I’m going to look into Nasalcrom as some people have had their brain fog go away after using it.
@hisrichess I've often thought the vaccines are essentially the same as injecting yourself directly with the spike protein. They rushed this vaccine far too quickly - as has become apparent to all of us.
I agree that vaccinating during a pandemic makes little sense when you start thinking about it. Because variants simply cannot be anticipated and a vaccine quickly becomes futile as the virus mutates. In my opinion, masks are, and will continue, to be our best defense.
@jkro Yes. I was severely depressed all of last week. The uncertainty of not knowing what's happening with my body or how long it will last; the grief at not being able to partake in any of the activities I once enjoyed (hiking, photography, playing with my toddler); the trauma I've felt over the symptoms I've experienced (I truly felt I was on the brink of death for the first two or three weeks); the complete exhaustion and overwhelming stress I've experienced in trying to hold down my full-time job. . .it's become too much. I've been through a lot in the last four years (separation with my partner after having just given birth; death of a close family member), but to be entirely honest, this is the hardest thing I have ever gone through.
I'm sorry you're feeling the same way. You are not alone. The only thing that helps me is taking it one day at a time and hoping that eventually, our bodies will prevail.
What also helps is thinking that if I get through this, maybe I can help someone else in their journey through a health crises.
And finally, this experience has deepened my appreciation for my life and everyone and everything in it. I know that if I recover, the anxieties and fears that were holding me back will no longer phase me. I'm going to experience all in life that I was too afraid to do before. If I hadn't gone through this, who knows how much of my life I would have spent hiding away? I'm ready to live.
I couldn’t have said it better. This is all of my thoughts too. I hope you heal quickly!
Hi all, It’s been several months since I’ve posted here about the reaction I had to the Pfizer vaccine in April. Mostly because my symptoms increased which I will write about at a little later date when I have more energy. I’m finding all of this, dealing with the symptoms overwhelming so I have been keeping to myself. But I wanted to check in to see where everyone was or has been doing. And also to say that there is a vaccine reactions support group/website. I have just joined it myself but thought that anyone here might benefit an awful lot. They are more in touch locally, as well as globally. And I think you would really enjoy the support that you would get. it is www.RealNotRare.com
As well - big news - a group of concerned international medical professionals, as well as vaccine reaction survivors had a congressional hearing in Washington In November 6, 2021. Clips of the videos on that website as well as the testimonies from the vaccine reaction survivors. As well as the medical professionals. It is a mind blowing, eye-opening most amazing event. Also on that webpage is a link to the recently released FTA vaccine adverse reports from Pfizer.
I will check back later but I did want to add this here. I’m trying to get the rest of my life balanced and it’s so easy to get lost for me online and not focus on the other responsibilities of my life right now. I wish each and everyone of you the best and I will talk to you later-
It looks like realnotrare.com already has a petition page; but I'm not sure how many signatures it's received so far. It's not on change.org, either; it's pabbly.com? The problem is that we need one universal site and one universal petition to get this going. And it needs to be widely publicized and easy to access.
i’m gonna make the effort and reach out to these people. see what they think about it all.
@hisrichess @rainyday That’s by the way just checking in, the website www.realnotrare.com has just added their own app So that they can be completely open and freely communicate Without fear of being shut down. I hope this helps. It has now become an international group with sub groups per country, as well as per state.
All the best to each and everyone of you and it’s so important that we support one another. You are not alone in this quagmire of shit that has happened to us.
@lmkk All of those symptoms are familiar to me and to others who have experienced side effects from the Pfizer vaccine. Check out the website www.realNotRare.com for information and groups on it. For support. As well there will be a link to the most recent FDA report of Pfizer adverse reactions
@larag I just saw your post. Thank you for the update and the words of encouragement. These are the best posts - the ones when people can say they are better or almost better. I too have been staying off the forum, mostly because I thought I was FINALLY past all of this at about 6 months, but the muscle twitches have come back and its so hard not to spiral. So it’s good to remember — this is a journey, it’s often not a linear recovery and each “relapse” of symptoms is less severe each time and we just have to have hope that it will go away completely once and for all at some point.
Hi everyone. I’m 12 weeks post Moderna second dose. Some of my symptoms like dizziness and head pressure are better but now I seem to have developed new symptoms. It feels like different stages/phases of side effects.
Does anybody feel palpitations/ pulsation all over the body? I used to feel this when I was anxious but for the last couple days I’ve been feeling it almost 24/7 and I’m freaking out. I don’t even know if it’s heart palpitations or internal tremors. It feels like every part of my body is vibrating (I think the nerves?) it’s so uncomfortable to sleep cuz my head keeps shaking. I’ve caught a bad cold and flu, I don’t know if that contributed. I can’t shake this feeling off and I don’t know why it’s happening. I’m such an anxious emotional wreck right now! Any tips would be much appreciated 😭🙏🏻
@jacquelynsauriol hi, I feel fine since September. Heart palpitations went away fortunately. 🙏 But it is helpful to share information for everyone who is still experiencing somw problems after vaccination. Thanks for that.
@jacquelynsauriol hi, I feel fine since September. Heart palpitations went away fortunately. 🙏 But it is helpful to share information for everyone who is still experiencing somw problems after vaccination. Thanks for that.