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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @hisrichess

You're invited to my new group 'COVID 19 VACCINE EFFECTS' on GroupMe. Click here to join:

Can this be accessed via a desktop computer?  I do not have a smartphone.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @ninaniagara

Hi all, It’s been several months since I’ve posted here about the reaction I had to the Pfizer vaccine in April.  Mostly because my symptoms increased which I will write about at a little later date when I have more energy. I’m finding all of this, dealing with the symptoms overwhelming so I have been keeping to myself. But I wanted to check in to see where everyone was or has been doing. And also to say that there is a vaccine reactions support group/website. I have just joined it myself but thought that anyone here might benefit an awful lot. They are more in touch locally, as well as globally. And I think you would really enjoy the support that you would get.  it is 

As well - big news - a group of concerned international medical professionals, as well as vaccine reaction survivors had a congressional  hearing in Washington In November 6, 2021. Clips of the videos on that website as well as the testimonies from the vaccine reaction survivors. As well as the medical professionals. It is a mind blowing, eye-opening most amazing event. Also on that webpage is a link to the recently released FTA vaccine adverse reports from Pfizer. 
I will check back later but I did want to add this here. I’m trying to get the rest of my life balanced and it’s so easy to get lost for me online and not focus on the other responsibilities of my life right now. I wish each and everyone of you the best and I will talk to you later-



Should fight for the vaccine to be damaging so many people's life.

More and more cases will surface, imagine taking booster after booster (4th, 5th ...not stop)

The medical world is so ignorent that these side effects do exist. And dr just dont believe us.

When i was hospitaliaed i told dr is due to the vaccine. Dr. said there is no scientific proof. I told dr am i not the proof? If the medical professional refuse to believe the sufferer, then there will never be a proof and more human life will be destroyed. 

I said dr should take us seriously and report the cases and when more data are collected, the vaccine may be halt.

Imagine my country now jabbing the kids 5 - 11, and next will be 1 - 4 yrs old. Cannot imagine kids having symptoms like us. They dont even know how to describe. 

The whole planet is in such a big mess.

dragonlover, Sara, Jessie and 7 people reacted
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I am doing okay actually! I feel better than I have in a long time with some lingering side effects. It’s mostly the muscle jerking? Occasionally blurry vision, gas, and a few other things. But overall, I will say I feel a bit better. Has anyone taken beta blockers ??? My doctor has prescribed them to me, but I am pretty nervous about taking them. Has anyone been prescribed them yet for some relief. I was having issues with anxiety and migraines, I am not sure if this will help with any of the other symptoms. I’m just curious before I start taking them. 

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@s-m-a i also wanted to ask you, did you develop lower back pain? I woke up with it this morning out of the blue. Incredibly painful. Was curious if in your previous reads of side effects, this has been mentioned.

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Posted by: @megan


Try high dose vitamin C. I am taking a powdered alkaline Vit. C that I got from my naturopath. 4,000 or more mg. a day. I had dizziness and tinnitus and finally resolving after 6 weeks. He also suggested acupuncture if the C wasn't enough. It has been a game changer for healing and immflammation!

Hi, have you got cured comeplety with Naturopath? 

I found a functional medicine practioner too and spoke with him today but, I am not sure whether I should opt for it. The fee is high which I am still willing to invest in but, not sure if it really works.

I have tinnitus and ear pain, nerves issues - pain, tingling, muscle tremors etc., weird feeling in my head and a racing heart. 

If someone can guide me if its really worth, I will give it a try. I don't want to ruin my health anymore with medicines but at the same time a bit scared to experiment something new when my body has been already acting up. 

If someone could share their experience with Naturopath and Functional medicine, it'll be great! Has anyone completely cured by this medication???

Thanks in advance!

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Posted by: @josephine

@s-m-a i also wanted to ask you, did you develop lower back pain? I woke up with it this morning out of the blue. Incredibly painful. Was curious if in your previous reads of side effects, this has been mentioned.

I did not. But when I did have Covid long before the vaccine and any of its side effects, back pain was the very first symptom. It woke me in the middle of the night and as soon as I stood up, it was achyness from head to toe. But not from the vaccine.

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@josephine if you can or want to get blood titers checked, that may be relevant.

if it were me I would get on some good old aspirin, and maybe some other things

that are recommended to thin blood somewhat.  Dosages on page 2 of attached.

See the FLCCC ALLIANCE and the

World Council for Health (WCH) they both have more info

regarding this. I attached the FLCCC protocol for post whack scene. It is updated weekly

at the FLCCC SITE.


Spike Protein Disease now has a name, Spikeopathy, see the WCH and search it.

I did request this week to the VEDA forum management to begin to

make at least a resource page for people, instead of depending on random replies for assistance. 

There are actual resources now, where there was not before. 

I do not think they will do this, and the reason is fear, which is just stupid.


Josephine and Josephine reacted
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@279janka I read through your story and see that in your original post your vertigo went away a while ago, has it stayed away? Did you have any brain fog with it? I also saw that you took some supplements as well. Do you think the supplements helped at all or do you think it was just time that really helped? I am taking Vitamin C & D, but after seeing your post I am considering gluthatione and quercetin. I would love to hear your thoughts. I just really want to get rid of the dizziness and brain fog.

Josephine and Josephine reacted
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does anyone have any insight on how to find doctors who specializes in vaccines? it’s a hassle trying to find one.

Jessie and Jessie reacted
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@larag I have also been reading through your story and am curious if you remember how long it took your brain fog and vertigo to improve? They are pretty much my last remaining symptoms and just hoping for a little hope. Thank you!

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Posted by: @northstar

Hi everyone,

First things first, for some hope, I AM BETTER NOW.

I was reading through what many of you shared here, and I  realized that so many, SO MANY, people are going through such adverse side effects from covid19 vaccines. 

I have previously shared my experience with the vaccines and some of my concerns here and I thought this would be a good time to share some updates on my situation.

I joined this forum some months back, a week or so after receiving my second dose of Pfizer, when I first developed similar side effects (exactly on the fourth day after the second shot). I was just standing up from my bed when I was hit with a sudden feeling of dizziness. It didn't feel like I was fainting, but rather more like I was swaying. My body felt woozy and every time I took a step, it felt like I was floating, bobbing up and up. It was horrible in the beginning. I developed anxiety, I  couldn't eat properly (I couldn't even sit at the table because my head made it feel like I was falling backwards), I was literally on bed (couch) rest for days until I could visit my GP. My GP gave me tablets for dizziness but as much as I wanted them to help, they didn't. I then visited an ENT, who told me exactly this - "It's a side effect of the vaccine and will wear off on its own". I even visited a neurologist and had an MRI taken, the results of which came out fine. In the end, the doctors couldn't do much to help me and I never got a real diagnosis. I was supposed to be flying to a new country for my education in a few weeks and you can imagine how scared I must have been.

Now, around 4 months later, I can say that I am 98% fine and back to normal. The 2% I've left out is for the sudden bouts of swaying I still feel once in a while (happens once in some weeks and is nothing scary) and how whenever my anxiety spikes up I feel like I'm bobbing up and down all over again (surprisingly, it gets better when I don't focus on it and instead concentrate on something else). I used to have twitches in random parts of my body in the beginning, which have gotten so much better now (I only feel them once in a while and mostly due to too much screen time). Like some of you mentioned here, I also used to feel (hear?) my pulse in places like my stomach and legs at random times of the day (like when in bed and about to go to sleep) and it scared me to no end, but that was only there for a week or so and I feel mostly got better because I stopped focusing on it. My head still aches when I watch a screen for too long, my distance vision got a little bad (another side effect) but its manageable, I can still see things (especially tall stuff like buildings) sway and dance like a mirage in front of me sometimes when I focus really hard, I sometimes still feel like I'm moving when I get off a train/metro/car, but honestly, I'm SO SO SO much better than I was 4 months ago.

One more thing: I TOOK NO MEDICINE OR EXTRA VITAMINS (I do take Vitamin D3 50 micrograms tablets these days, but I got better before I started taking them).

Here are some tips for those of you who have just started feeling horrible because of a vaccine and are on the road to getting better:

1. Limit screen time - It TOTALLY helps, and continue to do this even after you get better

2. Eat healthy and drink lots of water

3. WAIT - Healing takes time and no matter how hard it is, it will get better, so patience is really really important (No matter how old or young you are, just believe in yourself to get better, at least that's what I did)

4. You don't have to take loads of medicines or vitamins to get better - you can of course take them if you want to (NOT STOPPING ANYONE HERE), but you don't HAVE to.

5. Try not to focus on where it hurts, or twitches, or feels weird - Focus on something else, push forward against whatever you're feeling and try to go back to doing things the way you used to before it all started. I know it's easier said than done, and there are some things you just cannot do until you're fully better, but the more you tell yourself you're fine, the more your body and mind will adapt to that. 



PS - I tried getting on a treadmill a few days back and it was great and all while I was on it. After I got off, it felt HORRIBLE, my vestibular system hadn't realized I was off yet and with every step I took it felt like I was moving forward on the treadmill still. It gave me a pretty big anxiety spike, but I was with a friend and we both started doing some legwork exercises, which helped distract me. The horrible feeling lasted around 15-20 minutes only I'd say (the feeling of moving forward on a treadmill even when on the ground), but it totally exhausted me. NO MORE TREADMILLS FOR ME NOW.

Anyways, what I really want to say is, I'm trying my best to get used to this new normal for myself, and I sincerely hope that everyone here gets better and feels better in whatever new normal you find for yourself. Stay strong, stay positive.

Great story!!  Thanks for coming back and posting your updates...Really means a lot!

Josephine and Josephine reacted
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@sickofthis Vertigo went completely away. I had also brain fog, but not for a very long time. When I felt that I have brain fog, active conversation with my husband helped me a lot. I do not know if supplements helped to clear these symptoms or they would go away even without supplements. 

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Posted by: @hisrichess
Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @hisrichess

It’s wild to be on this side of the table and come to conclusions about things that people have no idea about. 

They want to know why the hospitals are so crowded…because of the vaccine. And they know it’s because of that. Apparently 75% of population of the US last time i heard were vaccinated. Recently biden said that 200 million people were vaccinated now. 

Rates are still up because the vaccine isn’t working and giving people issues. Hospitals are going to continue being crowded. 

It’s a shame. 

I am continuing to read that the majority of people being infected with the Omican variant are VAXXED people.

they said in the beginning that omni bypasses almost all the protocols to reduce infection. it’s easily more spreadable despite masks and etc, and the vaccinations don’t work at all. now they’re scrambling around trying to make ANOTHER vaccine for omni. 

i’ve been reading into the history of vaccinations and etc. most of the professionals and stuff say you aren’t supposed to vaccinate people mid pandemic. this makes alot of sense seeing things are only progressing worse. 

i keep having crazy thoughts in my head, but i don’t know. i keep thinking alot of OUR (adverse effects) symptoms are alot like these variants. when reading about omni i just kept thinking about all the issues posted here and how similar they are. it’s almost like we actually have the virus…

it makes no sense, everything is weird. i try not to think about it but knowing im smack dab in the middle of this issue blows. i haven’t been doing much or going out (only food shopping which im about to stop) and emergency room (about to stop) because im scared shitless.

if my body did all of this due to it noticing a virus in my body, who knows what could happen when it notices it AGAIN? i pray for everyone vaccinated who has omni.

I've had the same feeling and it drives me crazy! I've seen doctors getting blank and not knowing what I'm talking about.

This Neurologist that I visited was so clueless and didn't know how to shut my mouth as I kept asking him why everything post vax. During one of the visits he said the symptoms I have a mre actually covid symptoms and that's when I said, that's what I am asking since day 1, why is my body mimicking covid issues post a jab? And he was quiet!😑 But he did say his friend got better who had these symptoms post covid and so will I.

There is definitely some fuck up which has caused our body to react in this way but the weirdest and good part is our reports come back normal. I do feel better when I get ghe reports but then deeo down still clueless as to why my body is acting up and to what? How do I even find out and fix it? Or is this a lifetime mess we're in!🥺

Plazervil2500, Rainyday, Plazervil2500 and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @hisrichess
Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @hisrichess

It’s wild to be on this side of the table and come to conclusions about things that people have no idea about. 

They want to know why the hospitals are so crowded…because of the vaccine. And they know it’s because of that. Apparently 75% of population of the US last time i heard were vaccinated. Recently biden said that 200 million people were vaccinated now. 

Rates are still up because the vaccine isn’t working and giving people issues. Hospitals are going to continue being crowded. 

It’s a shame. 

I am continuing to read that the majority of people being infected with the Omican variant are VAXXED people.

they said in the beginning that omni bypasses almost all the protocols to reduce infection. it’s easily more spreadable despite masks and etc, and the vaccinations don’t work at all. now they’re scrambling around trying to make ANOTHER vaccine for omni. 

i’ve been reading into the history of vaccinations and etc. most of the professionals and stuff say you aren’t supposed to vaccinate people mid pandemic. this makes alot of sense seeing things are only progressing worse. 

i keep having crazy thoughts in my head, but i don’t know. i keep thinking alot of OUR (adverse effects) symptoms are alot like these variants. when reading about omni i just kept thinking about all the issues posted here and how similar they are. it’s almost like we actually have the virus…

it makes no sense, everything is weird. i try not to think about it but knowing im smack dab in the middle of this issue blows. i haven’t been doing much or going out (only food shopping which im about to stop) and emergency room (about to stop) because im scared shitless.

if my body did all of this due to it noticing a virus in my body, who knows what could happen when it notices it AGAIN? i pray for everyone vaccinated who has omni.

I've had the same feeling and it drives me crazy! I've seen doctors getting blank and not knowing what I'm talking about.

This Neurologist that I visited was so clueless and didn't know how to shut my mouth as I kept asking him why everything post vax. During one of the visits he said the symptoms I have are actually covid symptoms and that's when I said, that's what I am asking since day 1, why is my body mimicking covid issues post a jab? And he was quiet!😑 But he did say his friend got better who had these symptoms post covid and so will I.

There is definitely some fuck up which has caused our body to react in this way but the weirdest and good part is our reports come back normal. I do feel better when I get the reports but then deep down still clueless as to why my body is acting up and to what? How do I even find out and fix it? Or is this a lifetime mess we're in!🥺

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Posted by: @floryeo

Should fight for the vaccine to be damaging so many people's life.   More and more cases will surface, imagine taking booster after booster (4th, 5th ...not stop)  The medical world is so ignorent that these side effects do exist. And dr just dont believe us. When i was hospitaliaed i told dr is due to the vaccine. Dr. said there is no scientific proof. I told dr am i not the proof? If the medical professional refuse to believe the sufferer, then there will never be a proof and more human life will be destroyed. I said dr should take us seriously and report the cases and when more data are collected, the vaccine may be halt.  Imagine my country now jabbing the kids 5 - 11, and next will be 1 - 4 yrs old. Cannot imagine kids having symptoms like us. They dont even know how to describe. The whole planet is in such a big mess.

If anything was causing such terrible problems for people, it would have been pulled from use a long time ago.  Since at this point, no one knows what the long-term effects might be, that's concerning for anyone of any age, and especially so for children.

Those ads I continue to hear about the "vaccine" being "safe and effective" just make me cringe.  Anyone who still believes that might be interested in the great piece of Nebraska oceanfront property I'm selling.  

The way the world is now makes me really glad I don't have children or grandchildren.  If I did, I'd be beyond concerned for their futures.  Makes me really glad to be a senior person and most of my life is behind me.

Dee, Jessie, twistedgift and 7 people reacted
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