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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @279janka

@sahmed it took 3 months for heart palpitations to go away completely. I took supplements liposomal glutathion, quercetin with vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc. I am not sure if that had some effect. I tried to eat more healthy, cut coffee, go for a long strolls whenever it was possible. What helped me a lot was to calm down ( I was also desperate and anxious because I could not sleep, I had vertigo during night). When I woke up during the night and could not sleep because of pulsation I just turned on TV and watched some movie. I did not focus on pulsation and fell asleep. I gave my body time to heal. 

How are you feeling these days? Have there been any relapses post the recovery?

Has life completely gone back to normal?

Sabby and Sabby reacted
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@elena1690 I have these same tremors and when I workout my muscles, I feel them shaking too esp when I carry weights in my arms.  I’m 3 months post vaccine today. 

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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @279janka

@sahmed it took 3 months for heart palpitations to go away completely. I took supplements liposomal glutathion, quercetin with vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc. I am not sure if that had some effect. I tried to eat more healthy, cut coffee, go for a long strolls whenever it was possible. What helped me a lot was to calm down ( I was also desperate and anxious because I could not sleep, I had vertigo during night). When I woke up during the night and could not sleep because of pulsation I just turned on TV and watched some movie. I did not focus on pulsation and fell asleep. I gave my body time to heal. 

How are you feeling these days? Have there been any relapses post the recovery?

Has life completely gone back to normal?

Hi. Yes I am fine since September. No relapses. I feel like before vaccine. 

KitKat, Dee, Sabby and 3 people reacted
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Does anybody still have the floating/rocking on the boat feeling? I had very bad rocking sensations in the first two months, literally felt being on a plane or a boat and moving 24/7. Needed meclizine almost everyday for the first month. This  is my third month and while it’s better, it’s not gone. Don’t need anymore of meclizine though. Don’t freak out as much too. When I try not to pay attention to it, it feels better 

DrL and DrL reacted
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I was tested for autoimmune antibodies, I was diagnosed with muscle inflammation, Pmsl 100. The rheumatologist said that it will go away however, I still have to do electroneurography and electromyography (to examine the conduction of the muscles). So these two analyzes could determine our muscle disease. I pray that it will go away ..

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@rainyday CT with contrast has its own risks associated with it, but I don't think it would change anything at all about your symptoms.

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Posted by: @elena1690


I was tested for autoimmune antibodies, I was diagnosed with muscle inflammation, Pmsl 100. The rheumatologist said that it will go away however, I still have to do electroneurography and electromyography (to examine the conduction of the muscles). So these two analyzes could determine our muscle disease. I pray that it will go away ..

Can i know what the name of your autoimmune disorder.

I also have positive antinuclear antibody but dr could not diagnosed which type of autoimmune disorder.

Are u on medication for yr autoimmune disorder?

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @elena1690


I was tested for autoimmune antibodies, I was diagnosed with muscle inflammation, Pmsl 100. The rheumatologist said that it will go away however, I still have to do electroneurography and electromyography (to examine the conduction of the muscles). So these two analyzes could determine our muscle disease. I pray that it will go away ..

Can i know what the name of your autoimmune disorder.

I also have positive antinuclear antibody but dr could not diagnosed which type of autoimmune disorder.

Are u on medication for yr autoimmune disorder?

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Has anyone got covid while dealing with these side effects from the vaccine?. Im worried about how my body will react to a live virus while simultaneously dealing with these side effects. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@elena1690 so sorry to hear what you’re going through, I know how it feels. I am praying for us! Time is the best healer from what I am seeing. I will see a neurologist next month, maybe I should also see a rheumatologist. Please let us know how your tests go.

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@jkro There is this one, I saw - it's severe adverse effect, but if true, that would put us in the same boat as long haulers because it's antibody that mimics the virus. Makes sence when many of our systems resembles theirs.  

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@jkro There is this one, I saw - it's severe adverse effect, but if true, that would put us in the same boat as long haulers because it's antibody that mimics the virus. Makes sence when many of our systems resembles theirs.  

Jase V2, Rainyday, Jase V2 and 1 people reacted
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@jkro There is this one, I saw - it's severe adverse effect, but if true, that would put us in the same boat as long haulers because it's antibody that mimics the virus. Makes sence when many of our systems resembles theirs.  

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I’m over 48 hours out…and have been feeling fine! Will keep you posted.

I will say I do struggle with anxiety in general, but it did get much worst after the second vaccine shot. I also, have lupus, reactive EBV (Epstein Barr virus) and dsyautonomia. I wonder if my EBV is the reason for my reaction, as I have that under much better control now.

Again will keep you posted and post again on Christmas or if I have any symptoms sooner

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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I’m so glad I found this website but hate that so many are experiencing these side effects. There are so many posts; therefore, I’m unsure if my side effects have been addressed.

i received my 1st dose of Pfizer in Novemeber and 2nd in December. I am currently having muscle spasms in which one side of my body tenses up and goes out. I’m also experiencing my eyes not focusing along with a bitter, metallic taste in my mouth. Can’t forget the severe upper back pain and chest soreness with my pec muscles being extremely sore, especially on the side in which I received the shot.

Is anyone experiencing any of these side effects?

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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