@rainyday Thank you so much! I will grab some antihistimines to keep on hand.
I do think the NAC and Quercetin might be starting to help. It's been almost a week now and my neck tightness, tinnitus and left side weakness don't seem quite so bad. Those are the markers I pay attention to now. I can literally tell the moment I open my eyes in the morning what kind of day it will be.
The more I have read, I'm also thinking this is auto-immune related. I can't remember if someone on this forum has talked about it already, but I've been reading/watching a lot about possible mast cell reaction to Covid infection and/or vaccine. As others have said, a lot of our symptoms (and treatment protocols) are similar to that of long-haulers.
"In people with mast cell diseases, mast cells release mediators, including histamine, tryptase, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, causing a host of symptoms. Patients may experience few symptoms intermittently or have daily disabling symptoms affecting multiple organ systems." (from allergyasthmanetwork.org)
This is a good white paper about Covid and mast cells from Nov 2020:
This is an interesting discussion with mast cell pioneer Dr Lawrence Afrin about how it all works:
I have ordered his book as well (Never Bet Against Occam). The reference to Occam is to a 14th C philosopher who basically said 'when all else is equal, in a complex situation, the solution is the one with the fewest assumptions'.
As much as I would hate to see anyone else go through this, we need a person with power (and fame) to get the same side effects we've been experiencing. They could give a voice to our suffering and help sway the medical community in our favor. I know Eric Clapton experienced side effects after his second dose of AstraZeneca, but his response was somewhat volatile and didn't quite "take" with the media.
@sickofthis I am on a similar timeline as you and also trying to get to the bottom of this. I just replied to another member about things I've read about mast cell reaction to Covid and wanted to share with you too.
Mast cell reaction is basically an autoimmune condition where our own mast cells (innate immune response cells) release mediators, including histamine and tryptase, causing symptoms that affect multiple organ systems. Symptoms can be intermittent or constant.
This is a good white paper about Covid and mast cell reaction from Nov 2020:
The author is Dr Lawrence Afrin and he's a mast cell pioneer. This is a good interview to watch if you're interested in what it's all about:
Wishing you the best!
доктор сказал, что, по его мнению, болезнь исчезнет, если в нашем организме не будут вырабатываться антитела. но он также сказал, что врачи точно не знают, как действует вакцина.
My symptoms came in August, almost 2 months after my second Pfizer shot. It first started off with excruciating headaches. From there on i've had pin and needles, sharp burning pain throughout the body, numbness from my arms to my feet, stomach cramps, ear pain, buzzing and fullness, electrical shock in the body, eye blurs and pain, chest pain. But, in the last few weeks the symptoms have gotten a little better and some have subsided.
I have had MRI's CT Scans, been to plenty of doctors in the last few months and everything has come back fine. Hopefully, with time all the symptoms and pains will go away. At least, that is what my doctor thinks. It's funny my wife and son both got the vaccine and they are both fine, no problems at all.
the doctor said that he thinks it will go away when our body doesn't make antibodies. but he also said that doctors don't know exactly how the vaccine works.
@jkro There is this one, I saw - it's severe adverse effect, but if true, that would put us in the same boat as long haulers because it's antibody that mimics the virus. Makes sence when many of our systems resembles theirs.
Thank you I have seen this article. I have been in touch with Dr. Murphy from that article. There may be more research in the future I don’t know. I would say if all of us here really want to know what happened and maybe have treatment I would suggest maybe contacting credible researchers who have articles like this out so they know there is a need for research on things like what happened to us. This is what I have been focusing on instead of going down rabbit holes of nothing. That is just my personal opinion not intended for medical advice or advice on how to go about living your daily lives.
I had a consultation with Dr. Syed Haider yesterday. He is one of the FLCCC and Incelldx doctors treating long haul patients. Below is a suggestion of his...
Low histamine diet.
You can also consider an autophagy diet protocol by Tom Bunker PhD which has helped many long haulers:
Water fasting for 48 hours in a row on sat and sun and intermittent fasting with a clean low glycemic index low grain diet during the week, eating only within an 8 hour window Mon - Fri.
Consider adding these vitamins:
Niacin — start at 50-250mg every night with meals for 4 days then titrate up as tolerated until fatigue is resolved: every 4 days increase by 50-250mg until you reach 2000mg a day, remain there for 2 months then increase by 250mg daily every 2 weeks until you reach 3000mg a day. Can cause flushing, which gets better over time, and taking aspirin 30 minutes before naicin can help with that.
If you feel worse with niacin you may need to also supplement with methylcobalamin 500-100mcg daily and methylfolate 15-30mg daily.
NAC (acetylcysteine) 600mg daily
*Vitamin C — 1500mg daily
Vitamin D3 — 3000iu daily
Zinc — 15mg daily
Selenium — 100mcg daily
Quercetin — 500mg daily
Omega 3 Fatty acids 4 grams/day (DHA/EPA)
You can also try these if you decide to try treating without medications first:
Life Extension Autophagy Renew x 2 weeks
Life Extension Cytokine Suppress x 2-4 weeks
Has this cured you completely? How are you these days?
Returning here to give new reports, 7 months after the 1st (and only) Pfizer shot, where I had all the possible debilitating symptoms (dizziness, blurred vision, lack of balance, blocked ear, tinnitus, involuntary movements, etc...) everything is gone except the tinnitus, but I honestly got used to it.
I only took 1 dose and never returned (and I won't ever return) to 2nd jab.
A curious fact: in this (half)time i had 2 more episodes of dizziness and vertigo (very similar to the one I had when I took the 1st shot but not as severe) and I did one thing in both episodes of dizziness I took 2 Aspirins from one turn and drank with water... i swear: IMMEDIATELY (30 minutes after) the dizziness passed. I was impressed. After these 2 episodes I never felt dizzy.
But the damn Tinn still remains.
Mine is the same. Tinn is stil there.
Returning here 6 months after my second Pfizer shot. Unfortunately am not improving much. Dizziness and brain fog are just as bad as day one. Have lost twenty pounds and have not been able to gain any weight back and am just sick and tired at this point. I am going to see if I can get on an SSRI to get myself well enough to start working again. Has anyone here had success with them?
Is anyone else having really crazy dreams?
Since taking my 1st jab of Pfizer, I've been having disturbing dreams and nightmares.
Me! At first they were horrible nightmares and I would cry before bed and now they just are super weird and don’t make sense.
Returning here to give new reports, 7 months after the 1st (and only) Pfizer shot, where I had all the possible debilitating symptoms (dizziness, blurred vision, lack of balance, blocked ear, tinnitus, involuntary movements, etc...) everything is gone except the tinnitus, but I honestly got used to it.
I only took 1 dose and never returned (and I won't ever return) to 2nd jab.
A curious fact: in this (half)time i had 2 more episodes of dizziness and vertigo (very similar to the one I had when I took the 1st shot but not as severe) and I did one thing in both episodes of dizziness I took 2 Aspirins from one turn and drank with water... i swear: IMMEDIATELY (30 minutes after) the dizziness passed. I was impressed. After these 2 episodes I never felt dizzy.
But the damn Tinn still remains.
Mine is the same. Tinn is stil there.
Returning here to give new reports, 7 months after the 1st (and only) Pfizer shot, where I had all the possible debilitating symptoms (dizziness, blurred vision, lack of balance, blocked ear, tinnitus, involuntary movements, etc...) everything is gone except the tinnitus, but I honestly got used to it.
I only took 1 dose and never returned (and I won't ever return) to 2nd jab.
A curious fact: in this (half)time i had 2 more episodes of dizziness and vertigo (very similar to the one I had when I took the 1st shot but not as severe) and I did one thing in both episodes of dizziness I took 2 Aspirins from one turn and drank with water... i swear: IMMEDIATELY (30 minutes after) the dizziness passed. I was impressed. After these 2 episodes I never felt dizzy.
But the damn Tinn still remains.
Mine is the same. Tinn is stil there.
- Thank God that you are better.I’ll be praying that your ears heal. I was told that can take a while. Let us know when they do. Thank you so much for the update and God bless you merry Christmas.