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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@isismadec my worst vestibular symptoms occurred after having shingles (before I was ever vaccinated for COVID, just before I got my first shot).  I was not fully recovered from balanced and double vision problems and got Pfizer anyway.  Two weeks after the 2nd shot my balance and double vision got worse again.  If it came or didn’t come from the vaccine, I don’t know, the doctors don’t know.  What I do know is that COVID has killed so many people.  Some of them I knew and cared for.  And I will get my booster.  The misinformation on this site has turned it into anti vax quackery.  COVID is a horrible disease.  With the vaccine you will likely get only a mild version if at all.  Take all other precautions as well (good masking).   Know this:   Every vaccine can cause side effects in a few people.  But overall, vaccines have saved millions of lives and even saved societies.   Those who cannot vaccinate for medical reasons owe it to immunocompromised and vulnerable individuals to not go into public at all.  Otherwise they are bullying those weaker than they are.  

I am mostly recovered from the my long haul shingles.  I wish I had gotten Shringrix!   Whatever the side effects of the vaccine might be, long haul COVID, or death is worse.  

Nurses I know have told me that Those in their icu beds with COVID are all unvaccinated, save a small number of extremely elderly with multiple comirbidities.  The vaccines work.  

Please.  Stop spreading anti vax misinformation here.  

if you actually are having side effects from the vaccine, get those effects treated.  I was in vestibular rehab for 4 months. The PT saved me a lot of time and aggravation speculating about “what if” it was shingles or the shot or whatever.  I got on with getting better.  

please, everyone stay safe, keep hope alive, get vaccinated and boosted.  If you can walk around after the vaccination, you are doing better than I was during and after shingles.  COVID kills brains cells as well as lung and heart damage.  

try to have a better 2022. never give up hope.  Never give up fighting this terrible disease.  


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Posted by: @samtay

@isismadec my worst vestibular symptoms occurred after having shingles (before I was ever vaccinated for COVID, just before I got my first shot).  I was not fully recovered from balanced and double vision problems and got Pfizer anyway.  Two weeks after the 2nd shot my balance and double vision got worse again.  If it came or didn’t come from the vaccine, I don’t know, the doctors don’t know.  What I do know is that COVID has killed so many people.  Some of them I knew and cared for.  And I will get my booster.  The misinformation on this site has turned it into anti vax quackery.  COVID is a horrible disease.  With the vaccine you will likely get only a mild version if at all.  Take all other precautions as well (good masking).   Know this:   Every vaccine can cause side effects in a few people.  But overall, vaccines have saved millions of lives and even saved societies.   Those who cannot vaccinate for medical reasons owe it to immunocompromised and vulnerable individuals to not go into public at all.  Otherwise they are bullying those weaker than they are.  

I am mostly recovered from the my long haul shingles.  I wish I had gotten Shringrix!   Whatever the side effects of the vaccine might be, long haul COVID, or death is worse.  

Nurses I know have told me that Those in their icu beds with COVID are all unvaccinated, save a small number of extremely elderly with multiple comirbidities.  The vaccines work.  

Please.  Stop spreading anti vax misinformation here.  

if you actually are having side effects from the vaccine, get those effects treated.  I was in vestibular rehab for 4 months. The PT saved me a lot of time and aggravation speculating about “what if” it was shingles or the shot or whatever.  I got on with getting better.  

please, everyone stay safe, keep hope alive, get vaccinated and boosted.  If you can walk around after the vaccination, you are doing better than I was during and after shingles.  COVID kills brains cells as well as lung and heart damage.  

try to have a better 2022. never give up hope.  Never give up fighting this terrible disease.  


I respect your opinion, but we all took the shot so we aren’t antivaxxers. I essentially have long covid and never had the disease. That is just as bad in my opinion. There are people in the forum who have stated they don’t know how they will go on living this way. I can tell you that what happened to me after this shot was like nothing I have ever had or felt before. I know that for me I have had many days crying and not knowing how I will live like this forever. You also need to acknowledge suffering no matter revere it comes from. I realize what covid is. I will not say what my background or education is but let’s just say I’m families with these things. My son had covid and had not suffered near what I have after the shot. How about the parent of the 15 year old boy on this forum? Their son couldn’t walk from what I understand after the shot. I’m just saying the fix isn’t always the cure. Also, no one in medicine is acknowledging these issues. There is NO treatment to be had. Please don’t come on the one place we can find others who know what we are going through and criticize us. People will get covid with or without the shot. Everyone has to choose what is the best for them. I hope you have a great new year. I couldn’t even drive for the first three weeks after my shot and I’m a mother who needs to run kids etc. It is comments such as yours that is fueling more arguments between people injured and others. I’m getting pretty tired of people not believing us or how life altering this has been. It is scary to not have any answers or anyone to treat your symptoms. I hope you never have the same issue. Good day 

LorraineB, Dee, Sassafras and 19 people reacted
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@jkro I am very sorry about the horrible side effects the vaccine has caused you.  People like the guy you responded to are either treating the vaccine as a religion or are nothing more than paid trolls.  I came on here researching side effects many months ago trying to make a decision about the Covid vaccines.  I told people last year I will never take an experimental drug that has not had proper testing and I still feel that way.  Many of the pro Covid vaxers give it capabilities it does not have.  It does NOT kill the virus and does NOT fully prevent you from getting it or spreading it.  HCQ and Ivermectin are proven safe drugs that have helped many people I know avoid the hospital.  I know many that have been helped by them.  This concept that the vaccine will reduce the symptoms of Covid is junk science.  I want to see the data that shows how they have concluded that.  Again I am sorry for the pain the vaccine has caused you.  My daughter is a resident doctor and my son a teacher and have both taken the vaccines so I have something to worry about. 

KitKat, Rainyday, dragonlover and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @greenmonster

@jkro I am very sorry about the horrible side effects the vaccine has caused you.  People like the guy you responded to are either treating the vaccine as a religion or are nothing more than paid trolls.  I came on here researching side effects many months ago trying to make a decision about the Covid vaccines.  I told people last year I will never take an experimental drug that has not had proper testing and I still feel that way.  Many of the pro Covid vaxers give it capabilities it does not have.  It does NOT kill the virus and does NOT fully prevent you from getting it or spreading it.  HCQ and Ivermectin are proven safe drugs that have helped many people I know avoid the hospital.  I know many that have been helped by them.  This concept that the vaccine will reduce the symptoms of Covid is junk science.  I want to see the data that shows how they have concluded that.  Again I am sorry for the pain the vaccine has caused you.  My daughter is a resident doctor and my son a teacher and have both taken the vaccines so I have something to worry about. 

Thanks for your response. I wasn’t going to take it either. I had a baby in May this year. It is my rainbow baby and I had a heck of a year prior to that. Lost both of my last grandparents with no real funerals due to covid. Almost lost my mom who was hospitalized for 12 weeks and I couldn’t visit due to covid. Lost a baby and my new baby had issues on ultrasound that thankfully turned out to be okay. We have had a string of other things also that happened to weaken my resolve to not take it. I isolated all last year due to pregnancy knowing covid may give me another bad pregnancy outcome. There is a lot of stress after a loss and then a new pregnancy. I wasn’t as worried about covid until I was so isolated in my pregnancy than my fear became irrational and I was tired of never going out in public so I took it. I tried doing research before but without any specific symptoms to look up it was hard to find stuff then. I also had a newborn. When I looked up side effects of the covid vaccine it would be the sore arm blah blah stuff. I had a bad feeling and I should have followed my instincts. I had a moment of weakness that I regret. I have lots of nurse friends myself and they are on both sides of the vaccine debate. It is heated all around. One thing I can say is no one in my immediate family will be taking any more covid vaccines. I had one does sept 3 and haven’t had a normal day yet. My son was sick with covid for two days and is back doing life after his quarantine was up. I am glad for him. I am just making the point that it isn’t as scary as I thought. Yes I know people who have died from it so I get it but I think knowing what I know now after the shot, I would’ve rather taken my chances with the rona. 

KitKat, Rainyday, dragonlover and 5 people reacted
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@jkro I think you are making a very wise decision about not taking any more of the vaccines or boosters.  I have a theory my daughter would not like but I am convinced most of the deaths from Covid are either mislabeled or are due to the hospital protocol that is being used.  Most hospitals are using Remdesivir as an antiviral treatment but this is an untested experimental drug as well.  In past short tests it was killing people by causing kidney damage.  When your kidney is damaged you start to retain fluid which can collect in your lungs.  If that happens they will put you in the ventilator which you are good as dead then.  Also many of the long haul Covid symptoms mirror long haul ventilator symptoms.  None of this has added up to me going all the back to January of last year. 

KitKat, Rainyday, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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Hello, been lurking for a month now. Decided to register to share my story. 44 years old man from Croatia. Healthy before.

Took first phizer shoot on November 9. On the third night waked up by very loud tinnitus. Next day it started: nausea, brain fog, abdominal pain. After maybe two weeks these symptoms started to go away slowly but new started to appear. Muscle spasms mainly in legs, paraesthesia during nights on arms and legs, subtle pain in some of the joints, spasms in muscles, weakness in legs. I also have periods when I hear my self breathing mainly in left ear. Decided not to take second shoot. Been to doctor but not much help from them, planning on visiting doctor again with list of my new symptoms. Mentally I am a wreck, cant function on work, dark thoughts in my head. 

Started using quercetin, vitamin c, glutathione, zinc, vitamin b, magnesium. Don't know if they help, maybe it will be worse without them.

DrL, KitKat, DrL and 1 people reacted
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Came across this after doing a search on dizziness and Covid vaccine. I had my second dose of Pfizer back in April as they mandated it in this state. Even now, December 2021, I am still getting dizzy spells on and off. What's worse - my mum had the Astrazenica vaccine and within 24 hours after the first dose, became severely unwell. I didn't think much of it (I work in ICU and wasn't concerned) as thought it was just the normal "going through the motions" of having the vaccine. After day 3 I started to become a bit worried, then after 1 week suggested to my mum to go to the GP, she refused outright saying it would pass. She would get severe shaking, dizzy spells, nausea, vomiting and severe fatigue. She would spend all day in bed and wouldn't shower because she was frightened she was going to fall over. Then after week 3 she agreed, after many arguments, to allow me to make an appointment with the GP. I went with her and tried to tell the GP how all these symptoms appeared to be related to the vaccine. She told me, "rubbish", and sent my mum for a CT scan to rule out any tumours and also did a referral to a physio to help with the dizziness. The dizziness took about another 2 weeks to go away (which normally for Labyrinthitis, doing the exercises the patient will see improvement within 24 - 48 hours). The shaking continued (and continues now), and the dizziness has returned with a vengeance (3 months after her second vaccine). I too this evening am having dizzy spells 8 months after my second vaccine. Unfortunately, our state has mandated the vaccine for 75% of the workforce (Western Australia) so I either lose my job or go and get the third vaccine - I have until February 5 to get it. I'm fed up with these dizzy spells that come and go. There is no doubt in my mind, the vaccine causes issues to people's central nervous system. I am not an antivaxxer, and I was the one who pushed my mum to have the first vaccine and I had my first vaccine within 1 week of it becoming available for healthcare professionals. 

This post was modified 3 years ago by Slytherin

DrL and DrL reacted
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I just want to know if I am alone in this.

I got the first shot of Pfizer in July 2021 and after 4-5 days I got up in the morning and almost fell over from dizziness. After that it got worse.

I started feeling tingling and numbness in my body and my heart rate went up. My dizziness got worse and it felt like I couldn’t focus on conversations and people. I felt faint like I was going to pass out. My friend drove me to the ER. They ran all the tests. My blood pressure was very high but no other problems. They released me.


The symptoms persisted, with this strange feeling of disconnect and as if I was about to pass out. Then it happened again where I really thought I was fainting and I called a family member and they picked me up and took me to the ER again. My hands and arms were going cold and I was panicking. My head was extremely dizzy and my vision was blurry. I felt extremely anxious inside. I thought I was having a heart attack. They ran all the tests once again and only come up with a high blood pressure (175). I was discharged. Put on blood pressure medication which isn’t doing much to improve anything except the blood pressure. I am constantly dizzy and feel faint when talking to people, I lose focus and have this sense of a cotton ball inside my body, as my limbs tingle and occasionally feel a little numb. Especially my left foot (on the same side as the vaccine).

Before the vaccine I was healthy and exercised every day. I never had any problems like it. Now my life has been turned upside down and I am extremely depressed and discouraged. No doctors seem to know anything.

Does anyone here feel the same way? Same symptoms? Any relief? It’s been 6 months almost.

DrL, KitKat, DrL and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @samtay

@isismadec my worst vestibular symptoms occurred after having shingles (before I was ever vaccinated for COVID, just before I got my first shot).  I was not fully recovered from balanced and double vision problems and got Pfizer anyway.  Two weeks after the 2nd shot my balance and double vision got worse again.  If it came or didn’t come from the vaccine, I don’t know, the doctors don’t know.  What I do know is that COVID has killed so many people.  Some of them I knew and cared for.  And I will get my booster.  The misinformation on this site has turned it into anti vax quackery.  COVID is a horrible disease.  With the vaccine you will likely get only a mild version if at all.  Take all other precautions as well (good masking).   Know this:   Every vaccine can cause side effects in a few people.  But overall, vaccines have saved millions of lives and even saved societies.   Those who cannot vaccinate for medical reasons owe it to immunocompromised and vulnerable individuals to not go into public at all.  Otherwise they are bullying those weaker than they are.  

I am mostly recovered from the my long haul shingles.  I wish I had gotten Shringrix!   Whatever the side effects of the vaccine might be, long haul COVID, or death is worse.  

Nurses I know have told me that Those in their icu beds with COVID are all unvaccinated, save a small number of extremely elderly with multiple comirbidities.  The vaccines work.  

Please.  Stop spreading anti vax misinformation here.  

if you actually are having side effects from the vaccine, get those effects treated.  I was in vestibular rehab for 4 months. The PT saved me a lot of time and aggravation speculating about “what if” it was shingles or the shot or whatever.  I got on with getting better.  

please, everyone stay safe, keep hope alive, get vaccinated and boosted.  If you can walk around after the vaccination, you are doing better than I was during and after shingles.  COVID kills brains cells as well as lung and heart damage.  

try to have a better 2022. never give up hope.  Never give up fighting this terrible disease.  


Dear Samtay, 

"Pleaae stop spreading antivax misformatio  here" - your words cause harm to us!

Rightenousness gives life, but harmful words  takes it away!

I dont want to correct you, you will hate what i say. But if i correct a wise man, he will respect what i say.

If u speak intelligently you will be praised. If you are stupid, people will look down on you.

I looked down upon you, how stupid you are to think that our symptoms are not real, how stupid you not knowing that the medical world is so ignorant that such symptoms do exist.

Today,we are just a  soul living in a damaged body. And you have kill our soul!

I pray that you and your loves are fortinate always.

I also pray thatcin God times, we will all be heal and have a human body like you.


dragonlover, Tabby, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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@samtay Dear Sam, why do you think we are antivaxxers? I took first possible date to get vaccine when I was offered. I am scientist by education so I know how important vaccines are in prevetion of diseases. I was healthy woman without any co-morbidities, preexisting conditions before vaccine. I took first shot an things happened to me. I am not going to repeat it, it is here on forum. If I haven’t experienced it on my own skin, I would not believe it. I know I am in a small grouop of people which did not respond well to vaccine. It happens. But it is bitter sweet when you are that person. To shorten this, I am finally ok. I feel like before vaccine now. And now I am thinking what to do. I need to finish my vaccination scheme. I want to do it. Because I am not able to live normal life. But I am also very scared. We are in the middle. Not vaccinated, not protected. And you call us antivax. It is not easy for us. Should we just stay quiet? We were looking for some answers that doctors could not give us. 
I also contracted COVID in September. Can you image how scared I was when my test came back positive? And I knew I am not fully vaccinated? I was lucky enough to have just mild covid and no post-covid syndrome. But it does not mean next time I get covid, it will be so easy for me. So please read carefully this forum. Many people here visited many doctors, tried various therapy. We just shared information between us. 

LorraineB, Dee, twistedgift and 15 people reacted
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Antivaxxers would not have received the vaccine to begin with. We were pro-vaccine and pro-science when we received either the Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J. We all took COVID seriously (and still do.)

We are not spreading "misinformation" when we write about the real and debilitating symptoms caused by the vaccines. The truth is not "misinformation."

I know the vaccine was supposed to be a beacon of hope. I know you would like to believe it's safe and effective. And I know that reading stories such as ours is unnerving, because it challenges the rhetoric put forth by the media. It's much simpler to label this forum as "antivax quackery" than to realize that the vaccines are not safe; are not effective; and often cause more harm than good.

It is unnerving when you realize the CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J have not been transparent about the safety of these vaccines. Look at Pfizer - they want 55 years to release data about the safety of their vaccine. Does that not concern you? 

The attitude you (and many others) have is what keeps the vaccine injured in the dark. It keeps us from receiving the medical support and care we desperately need. It keeps victims silent for fear they'll be labeled an "antivax quack." 

LorraineB, PoorKitty, Dee and 19 people reacted
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Posted by: @samtay

@isismadec my worst vestibular symptoms occurred after having shingles (before I was ever vaccinated for COVID, just before I got my first shot).  I was not fully recovered from balanced and double vision problems and got Pfizer anyway.  Two weeks after the 2nd shot my balance and double vision got worse again.  If it came or didn’t come from the vaccine, I don’t know, the doctors don’t know.  What I do know is that COVID has killed so many people.  Some of them I knew and cared for.  And I will get my booster.  The misinformation on this site has turned it into anti vax quackery.  COVID is a horrible disease.  With the vaccine you will likely get only a mild version if at all.  Take all other precautions as well (good masking).   Know this:   Every vaccine can cause side effects in a few people.  But overall, vaccines have saved millions of lives and even saved societies.   Those who cannot vaccinate for medical reasons owe it to immunocompromised and vulnerable individuals to not go into public at all.  Otherwise they are bullying those weaker than they are.  

I am mostly recovered from the my long haul shingles.  I wish I had gotten Shringrix!   Whatever the side effects of the vaccine might be, long haul COVID, or death is worse.  

Nurses I know have told me that Those in their icu beds with COVID are all unvaccinated, save a small number of extremely elderly with multiple comirbidities.  The vaccines work.  

Please.  Stop spreading anti vax misinformation here.  

if you actually are having side effects from the vaccine, get those effects treated.  I was in vestibular rehab for 4 months. The PT saved me a lot of time and aggravation speculating about “what if” it was shingles or the shot or whatever.  I got on with getting better.  

please, everyone stay safe, keep hope alive, get vaccinated and boosted.  If you can walk around after the vaccination, you are doing better than I was during and after shingles.  COVID kills brains cells as well as lung and heart damage.  

try to have a better 2022. never give up hope.  Never give up fighting this terrible disease.  


Sam, I suspect you found this site because you yourself were concerned over the side effects of the pfizer vaccine when you posted here back in April. Your symptoms were "thrum thrum sounds in ear" followed by "extreme vertigo the following day". Your own GP informed you that it was side effects of the vax. The same has happened to us, and more, but unfortunately some of us still have symptoms 9 months later. My doctor refuses to by believe it's because of the vax, just anxiety. I haven't driven my car since I had my first vax. We do not deserve to be called antivaxers, we wouldn't have had the vax in the first place if we were. It's a no wonder you have made people angry with your inconsiderate remarks. 

LorraineB, Dee, Glen and 11 people reacted
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I found this article interesting. I’m the conclusion it states a history of anxiety has more risk of severe neurological adverse events from the covid shots….I have an extensive history of anxiety

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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I'm 8/9 months in from my second Astrazeneca vax and still getting symptoms. I had a bad migraine a few weeks ago and when it was over after 6 days, my dizziness went for 5 whole days. I thought I had turned the corner but no, it came back. My husband too is now getting dizziness after his booster. This is a hell hole that's difficult to get out of, for sure. There is no support when your own doctor (spoken to 3) don't acknowledge vax side effects. Thank God we have this site to share our experiences and to support one another.🙏

Sassafras, DrL, dragonlover and 5 people reacted
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Posted by: @gryffindor

Came across this after doing a search on dizziness and Covid vaccine. I had my second dose of Pfizer back in April as they mandated it in this state. Even now, December 2021, I am still getting dizzy spells on and off. What's worse - my mum had the Astrazenica vaccine and within 24 hours after the first dose, became severely unwell. I didn't think much of it (I work in ICU and wasn't concerned) as thought it was just the normal "going through the motions" of having the vaccine. After day 3 I started to become a bit worried, then after 1 week suggested to my mum to go to the GP, she refused outright saying it would pass. She would get severe shaking, dizzy spells, nausea, vomiting and severe fatigue. She would spend all day in bed and wouldn't shower because she was frightened she was going to fall over. Then after week 3 she agreed, after many arguments, to allow me to make an appointment with the GP. I went with her and tried to tell the GP how all these symptoms appeared to be related to the vaccine. She told me, "rubbish", and sent my mum for a CT scan to rule out any tumours and also did a referral to a physio to help with the dizziness. The dizziness took about another 2 weeks to go away (which normally for Labyrinthitis, doing the exercises the patient will see improvement within 24 - 48 hours). The shaking continued (and continues now), and the dizziness has returned with a vengeance (3 months after her second vaccine). I too this evening am having dizzy spells 8 months after my second vaccine. Unfortunately, our state has mandated the vaccine for 75% of the workforce (Western Australia) so I either lose my job or go and get the third vaccine - I have until February 5 to get it. I'm fed up with these dizzy spells that come and go. There is no doubt in my mind, the vaccine causes issues to people's central nervous system. I am not an antivaxxer, and I was the one who pushed my mum to have the first vaccine and I had my first vaccine within 1 week of it becoming available for healthcare professionals. 

Hi, so sorry to hear what you and your mum have gone through following the vaccines. Many of us here are still getting symptoms months later, I had my second vax in May of this year and I'm still getting a host of symptoms. They seem to change too and come in waves. My recent one is nausea which I never had before, still getting dizziness, tinnitus, headaches to name a few. I've tried various supplements, vitamins, glutathione but the only thing I got relief from was ivermectin whilst I was on it, my symptoms returned when I stopped taking them. You can't get it in the UK so importing it is expensive. Some people here have recovered from their symptoms even after many months so I take some hope from that. I'm sorry you are faced with the dilemma of having to have further vaccines for your job, it's the same here in the UK for all healthcare workers. I hope you and your mum's symptoms improve over the coming weeks. Best wishes.🙏

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