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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @samtay

@isismadec my worst vestibular symptoms occurred after having shingles (before I was ever vaccinated for COVID, just before I got my first shot).  I was not fully recovered from balanced and double vision problems and got Pfizer anyway.  Two weeks after the 2nd shot my balance and double vision got worse again.  If it came or didn’t come from the vaccine, I don’t know, the doctors don’t know.  What I do know is that COVID has killed so many people.  Some of them I knew and cared for.  And I will get my booster.  The misinformation on this site has turned it into anti vax quackery.  COVID is a horrible disease.  With the vaccine you will likely get only a mild version if at all.  Take all other precautions as well (good masking).   Know this:   Every vaccine can cause side effects in a few people.  But overall, vaccines have saved millions of lives and even saved societies.   Those who cannot vaccinate for medical reasons owe it to immunocompromised and vulnerable individuals to not go into public at all.  Otherwise they are bullying those weaker than they are.  

I am mostly recovered from the my long haul shingles.  I wish I had gotten Shringrix!   Whatever the side effects of the vaccine might be, long haul COVID, or death is worse.  

Nurses I know have told me that Those in their icu beds with COVID are all unvaccinated, save a small number of extremely elderly with multiple comirbidities.  The vaccines work.  

Please.  Stop spreading anti vax misinformation here.  

if you actually are having side effects from the vaccine, get those effects treated.  I was in vestibular rehab for 4 months. The PT saved me a lot of time and aggravation speculating about “what if” it was shingles or the shot or whatever.  I got on with getting better.  

please, everyone stay safe, keep hope alive, get vaccinated and boosted.  If you can walk around after the vaccination, you are doing better than I was during and after shingles.  COVID kills brains cells as well as lung and heart damage.  

try to have a better 2022. never give up hope.  Never give up fighting this terrible disease.  


No one is anti vax here. You must know if C has affected people so has the V. There are people who've had adverse reactions and are struggling with their lives.

Nobody here will deny what Covid can do to human body but, its wrong to cancel people out who've had injuries. If you think this is treatable, I wonder why all of our doctors prescribe us with depression tablets than looking for the cause. 

There are people who have been struggling for almost a year, some for 6 months or more. Do we deserve it? What was our fault? We wanted to get jabbed and now the whole world thinks we're crazy! 

I am not disregarding pain of people suffering from Covid but, that doesn't mean someone comes out here and calls all of our injuries antivax. 

Our bodies are mimicking long haulers symptoms but we didn't get it from covid but the vax. How messed up is that! Doctors have no clue how to treat you. The medicines have caused more harm than good. I believed the doctor and took the medicines and I developed a heart issue. Did I deserve all of this? No, I don't. 

All of us have at some point become suicidal. Thought we will not make it alive. Lost our jobs or on the verge of losing one. Lost partners and friends. Some might think of ending their lives coz the symptoms won't ever leave us.

People who felt better later got a relapse. We are having the most shitty time of our lives. Stop calling people anti vax.

There are are people who've died out of vaccine as well irrespective of the count. Pain is pain, whether from Covid or the vaccine. Be a little considerate to others pain as well.


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Posted by: @jkro

I found this article interesting. I’m the conclusion it states a history of anxiety has more risk of severe neurological adverse events from the covid shots….I have an extensive history of anxiety

So do I. I wonder why do they have to hide all of this from people. They're just doing bad than any good. 

I am convinced there is no future on this planet anymore. Deepdown I feel almost everyone will have a reaction to this substance sooner or later. Have seen people have a delayed reaction- after 6-9 months.

All of us are going to die injured. Covid is here to stay. Boosters won't stop. People like us will be compelled to take some drastic steps. People who are pro vaxxers will soon join us.😂 We're all dying, either by Covid, by the jab or by frustration.

Moreover inflation will be at all all time high soon. People think this is a war with the virus but, they fail to realise, its a war among vaxxer and anti V. And everyone's going to lose this battle. There is no winner.

dragonlover, Jessie, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @samtay


i had a 3 hour low fever after 1st Pfizer shot snd a sore arm.  After the second shot, I had a very sore arm and muscle pain, and digestion issues for 36 hours which went away.  2 weeks from the 2nd shot I woke up with a thrum thrum sound in one ear.  Strange.  It was there at night also but unnoticeable in the daytime.  Following day, extreme vertigo.  Any movement of my head caused spinning in the room.  By evenkng, nausea and unable to eat.  Next day, continued dizziness and vertigo and nausea.  Day 3 of dizziness saw GP who said “yes this is a side effect of both the moderna and Pfizer and usually sets in a couple weeks after.  Many of my patients (very busy doctor) have this.  It goes away in 3 days to 3 weeks.  All of them have recovered.”   Basically told not to worry, that it’s very common and goes away.  Nausea gone by evening of day 4.  Day 5 dizziness lingers with some vertigo snd “disequilibrium “.  The sound is gone from the ear.  I took 5 mg of Valium for two nights, and a beta blocker for 3 days so far, as my blood pressure is abnormally high also these last couple days. The beta blocker is usually for headaches.  Hope this goes away soon.  My doctor is never wrong.  Had the same GP for 15 years.  Also advised me to address the high pollen count by taking an over the counter remedy like DHist or Claritin.  Allergy season is brutal this year.  

Sam, this was yr post in April, you forgot? 

Or perhaps yr brain screw up , a new symptom, get it treated!


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Posted by: @samtay


i had a 3 hour low fever after 1st Pfizer shot snd a sore arm.  After the second shot, I had a very sore arm and muscle pain, and digestion issues for 36 hours which went away.  2 weeks from the 2nd shot I woke up with a thrum thrum sound in one ear.  Strange.  It was there at night also but unnoticeable in the daytime.  Following day, extreme vertigo.  Any movement of my head caused spinning in the room.  By evenkng, nausea and unable to eat.  Next day, continued dizziness and vertigo and nausea.  Day 3 of dizziness saw GP who said “yes this is a side effect of both the moderna and Pfizer and usually sets in a couple weeks after.  Many of my patients (very busy doctor) have this.  It goes away in 3 days to 3 weeks.  All of them have recovered.”   Basically told not to worry, that it’s very common and goes away.  Nausea gone by evening of day 4.  Day 5 dizziness lingers with some vertigo snd “disequilibrium “.  The sound is gone from the ear.  I took 5 mg of Valium for two nights, and a beta blocker for 3 days so far, as my blood pressure is abnormally high also these last couple days. The beta blocker is usually for headaches.  Hope this goes away soon.  My doctor is never wrong.  Had the same GP for 15 years.  Also advised me to address the high pollen count by taking an over the counter remedy like DHist or Claritin.  Allergy season is brutal this year.  

Sam, this was yr post in April, you forgot? 

Or perhaps yr brain screw up , a new symptom, get it treated!


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Update: only 1 p v back pn 8/5/21. I had a major relapse yesterday, body temperature lowering to 35.8, 36.1. I had low temperature readings shortly after vaccination and yesterday. Anxiety returned, difficulty sleeping, vivid dreams, racing thoughts at night. Gums hurt, teeth sensitivity appeared. Heart palpitations out of nowhere. Anxiety IS playing a big role in exacerbating whatever the hell this is we all have been going through since vaccination. I wanted to be on safe side for family and got a PCR today, came back negative. The lightheadedness, dizziness to go with all the rest mentioned above felt like a reinfection but luckyly it wasnt given these pcr tests are reliable!!!!!!!!!

This post was modified 3 years ago by Charsen

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Posted by: @jkro

I found this article interesting. I’m the conclusion it states a history of anxiety has more risk of severe neurological adverse events from the covid shots….I have an extensive history of anxiety

Same here. Got diagnosed in 2010 with anxiety and given propropanolol. I've had it under control though since 2011. I try to avoid things/people that trigger me. I don't even watch frightening movies anymore as I have learned to recognise that they also cause anxiety. My life has been very simple, settled and content for a good few years now but my anxiety was the worst it has ever been in the first few weeks after my Pfizer. I was aware it was an unusual type of anxiety but couldn't pinpoint what was causing it. Only after reading others accounts on here did I realize it was more than likely Pfizer related. Took 6 weeks to get under control.

Jessie and Jessie reacted
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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @jkro

I found this article interesting. I’m the conclusion it states a history of anxiety has more risk of severe neurological adverse events from the covid shots….I have an extensive history of anxiety

So do I. I wonder why do they have to hide all of this from people. They're just doing bad than any good. 

I am convinced there is no future on this planet anymore. Deepdown I feel almost everyone will have a reaction to this substance sooner or later. Have seen people have a delayed reaction- after 6-9 months.

All of us are going to die injured. Covid is here to stay. Boosters won't stop. People like us will be compelled to take some drastic steps. People who are pro vaxxers will soon join us.😂 We're all dying, either by Covid, by the jab or by frustration.

Moreover inflation will be at all all time high soon. People think this is a war with the virus but, they fail to realise, its a war among vaxxer and anti V. And everyone's going to lose this battle. There is no winner.

It's a frustrating and stressful time for all of us but hang in there. At least we are still breathing!

Sassafras, Jessie, Dee and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @jkro

I found this article interesting. I’m the conclusion it states a history of anxiety has more risk of severe neurological adverse events from the covid shots….I have an extensive history of anxiety

So do I. I wonder why do they have to hide all of this from people. They're just doing bad than any good. 

I am convinced there is no future on this planet anymore. Deepdown I feel almost everyone will have a reaction to this substance sooner or later. Have seen people have a delayed reaction- after 6-9 months.

All of us are going to die injured. Covid is here to stay. Boosters won't stop. People like us will be compelled to take some drastic steps. People who are pro vaxxers will soon join us.😂 We're all dying, either by Covid, by the jab or by frustration.

Moreover inflation will be at all all time high soon. People think this is a war with the virus but, they fail to realise, its a war among vaxxer and anti V. And everyone's going to lose this battle. There is no winner.

It's a frustrating and stressful time for all of us but hang in there. At least we are still breathing!

I'm on the verge of losing my job and I am the only bread earner for my family. I am losing out time. I don't know what to do. Can't manage on the little savings I have for long. 

Some of us have been hit financially too due to all of this.💔


Rainyday, KitKat, dragonlover and 5 people reacted
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Hi, I'm new here. Via other sites searching info on my Pfizer Covid vax side effects, I came across another thread on this site on tingling and numbness in feet/legs etc after getting the jab. And upon registering I came across this thread, too. 

It's been a hectic year for me. To make a long story short, after months of packing and heaving and hauling boxes, etc, I moved into my new home on 20 October. The removers complimented me on a well organised and planned move... I was pleasantly gobsmacked (lol). The near on back breaking work had been worth it. 

As my new home took shape, and with most heavy lugging over and done with, my back started to feel OK again. I was (and am) delighted with my new home, and looking forward to the Christmas season.

Since the start of this Covid nightmare early 2020, with just common sense, caution and care, I stayed healthy. Cannot for the life of me remember the last time I had a cold. A summer flu back in 2008 or so. Since then nothing. 

And no, I'd not had the Covid vaccination. I now live in the Netherlands, and I received letters from the Ministry of Health (or whatever) ages ago about the vax, which I ignored. I think it's great that there are vaccinations by various pharmaceutical companies against Corona/Covid (and now its mutations). But, my entire life I oftener than not react badly to medication, so, I avoid it all costs. But suddenly the Dutch govt was threatening/cajoling/manipulating all the unvaccinated by exiling/barring/banning them from normal life. My intuition paired with my experience across my life, I knew that if and when I'd succumb to this vaccination, it would pan out badly for me. And it did! 

On  Wednesday 10 November 2021 I received the 1st Pfizer jab. A headache and crick in my neck ebbed away after 2 days. But that weekend - the Sunday - a numbness paired with pins and needles, a sleeping sensation, started in my feet and was travelling up my legs to my knees. It got worse across the days, but I could still go about my life. I now too had a bruised sensation to my left arm where I had been jabbed... that started almost 2 weeks after that 1st jab. (My left arm sometimes still feels bruised after the 2nd vax on 4 December.)  I had to get the 2nd jab on the 3rd or 4th of December. With my problems exacerbating I contacted my GP/doctor. Well, that was a waste of time! 

I had no choice but to go for the 2nd jab. The people at the place to get the jab were of no help either. Friendly but no use. I got the jab on 4 December, and that weekend the sensation worsened. The numbness, tingling and sleeping sensation got worse - left side where I'd been jabbed was worse - and was now ascending up my legs, my bum to my waist. To date the problems are worst from my knees down. The toes on my left foot are cramped. And it affects my walking... I have problems going up and down stairs... my lower legs feel weak, and came close to falling a few times. 

My feet and ankles are swollen. And now too discovered that my usual low BP is up! What the heck!?! 
I was healthy and well until I got this poison injected in my body, and now my life has been wrecked! Everything takes me 2 to 3x longer now. And now they want everyone to get a £&£%& booster... am I supposed to end up in a wheelchair? I am so furious!  I was fine until...

The only ray of light in this rotten nightmare is that I did not get that accursed jab before my move... 
And the Xmas I was so looking forward to in my lovely new home... thanks to the vaccination that too was ruined. 

There is comfort in knowing that I am NOT the only one! I've been in contact with Pfizer in the Netherlands... yes, they are aware of these side effects. Someone from Pfizer will contact me. And I have also been in contact with the Dutch medical side effects centre Lareb... they told me that they were aware of these side effects. That some experienced these symptoms for a few days and are considered mild... some suffered weeks before it ebbed away... it appears that I am on the more "severe" list as this started about 14/15 November... almost one and a half months. 



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I wanted to give a quick update on my status...First and second shot in April and May. Dizziness, headache, and fatigue on and off for 8 months (had no symptoms in July and August). Definitely getting better slowly, but not completely yet. Anyway, finally got some tests done with my ENT. My ENG showed a 33% weakness in my left ear which he said is definitely the reason for my dizziness. Oddly enough I had that exact same percentage weakness in that ear 7 years ago when I was diagnosed with vestibular neuritis. The dizziness 7 years ago only lasted 3 months before I got better. I hadn't had a dizzy spell since then up until I got the vaccine 8 months ago. So, the vaccine 100% definitely awakened my past vestibular illness and like last time it's taking time for my body to adjust. As I mentioned above, I've gotten much better with time and will be going to a few vestibular therapy appointments in hopes of knocking my symptoms out for good! 

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Jessie and Jessie reacted
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@thamollusk Glad to hear you are getting better and in your way to full recovery.  I would not take shy more of the shots though.  If the first did this to you boosters are just going to keep building up in your body that caused the issues.   Plus we still have no idea of the long term side effects as in years down the road.  I am going to avoid these shots at all cost even if it means losing my job.  I believe the treatment for the virus has been HCQ and Ivermectin the entire time.  

KitKat, Rainyday, dragonlover and 5 people reacted
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@jkro It would be great if you share what your doctor says. So far my doctor sent me to EEG/brain MRI, both results were clean. I shall see him sometimes in January again, I will keep you posted.

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@greenmonster I will NOT be getting the booster!!!

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