i had a 3 hour low fever after 1st Pfizer shot snd a sore arm. After the second shot, I had a very sore arm and muscle pain, and digestion issues for 36 hours which went away. 2 weeks from the 2nd shot I woke up with a thrum thrum sound in one ear. Strange. It was there at night also but unnoticeable in the daytime. Following day, extreme vertigo. Any movement of my head caused spinning in the room. By evenkng, nausea and unable to eat. Next day, continued dizziness and vertigo and nausea. Day 3 of dizziness saw GP who said “yes this is a side effect of both the moderna and Pfizer and usually sets in a couple weeks after. Many of my patients (very busy doctor) have this. It goes away in 3 days to 3 weeks. All of them have recovered.” Basically told not to worry, that it’s very common and goes away. Nausea gone by evening of day 4. Day 5 dizziness lingers with some vertigo snd “disequilibrium “. The sound is gone from the ear. I took 5 mg of Valium for two nights, and a beta blocker for 3 days so far, as my blood pressure is abnormally high also these last couple days. The beta blocker is usually for headaches. Hope this goes away soon. My doctor is never wrong. Had the same GP for 15 years. Also advised me to address the high pollen count by taking an over the counter remedy like DHist or Claritin. Allergy season is brutal this year.
Sam, this was yr post in April, you forgot?
Or perhaps yr brain screw up , a new symptom, get it treated!
Spot on!!!
@thamollusk do you have nystagmus? I have a 23% decline in my right ear. If if close my eyes and put my fingertips on my eyelids I can feel my eyes rocking side to side. This simulates what happens when they put the googles on me and turned out the lights as my eyes did it then to. It’s called spontaneous nystagmus, that resolves when the eyes fix on something.
I am on five months and I still have it. I can usually tell when it’s bad as when I feel good (little dizzyness), my eyes don’t rock when I close them. When it’s bad they are vibrating pretty good when closed.
@tennyson77 My ENT mentioned that I have mild nystagmus, but honestly I don’t really notice the symptoms of it like you do.
Found this NPR article interesting...
Yes, very interesting! 👍👍
Thank you - I earnestly recommend reading and sharing!
Well-written ...with SUCH a familiar ring 👂to it!! A story most of us here could highly relate to... 😔🙏
Found this NPR article interesting...
Yes, very interesting! 👍👍
Thank you - I earnestly recommend reading and sharing!
Well-written ...with SUCH a familiar ring 👂to it!! A story most of us here could highly relate to... 😔🙏
I wanted to give an update. This is my 3rd post. I got one shot of Pfizer back in June and got neurological symptoms 2 weeks after. I posted in the past that I was doing better after I changed my diet and fasting. It did help tremendously. I thought I was better by end of October. But after thanksgiving symptoms came back such as weak legs, dizziness, and pins needles in my legs and arms. I went back to the doctor and he did more blood work on me and everything was good except my white blood cells and neutrophils were high. He also confirmed that I never had Covid!! He had me draw blood again so they can take a closer look. He also sent me to get an MRI done and a neurological test in my legs. I am waiting to hear back on the results on all of it. I just want to update to be honest sometimes you think you beat it but then it still there. This will be 6 months now for me with maybe a good month in there where I felt normal. The only other hope there is for it to run its course. 😩
@meljg me too! My white blood cell and neutrophils are high. Doctor is taking a closer look and I am waiting for home to get back to me.
@dianesingh I have so many symptoms going on, I’m not sure anymore. I hope you feel better soon.
@meljg yeah I also have a lot of symptoms as well, you’re not alone. I have even lost 50% of my hair. 😩 I got pins needles in arms/legs, I get dizzy, fatigue, earache that comes and goes, fast heart rate, weak legs…sometimes I feel ok but it just never goes completely away! Hope you feel better too 🙏🏽
@samtay Considering you joined this forum and posted with the same concerns, I think it’s extremely tone deaf of you to make the post that you did.
It’s great that your side effects went away in days, yay for you. There’s people here still struggling after months and months, debilitating side effects and a good many of us have contemplated ending it all rather than enduring this any longer, and you decide to get on your high horse and call everyone anti-vaxxers? You do realise an anti vaxxer would not have taken the vaccine to begin with, right?
Wake up to yourself.
Symptoms I’m currently experiencing, please let me know if any of you are experiencing any of these.
Tenderness in my axillary on left which shot was given and now on my right side.
Itching across my chest
Muscle spasms that rotates in both legs which causes extreme tensing up causing that entire side to go out
pain when pressing on ribs or area high in my chest
tender jaw lymph node on side in which I received the shot
stomach cramps and pressure right below my rib cage and aching in ribcage
lumps in breast on side of shot
@meljg me too! My white blood cell and neutrophils are high. Doctor is taking a closer look and I am waiting for home to get back to me.
Mine white blood cell and neutrophils are high too when i did the test in Nov.
The last i had my blood test in July all were normal.
Please share with me what yr dr say cause the hospital didnt even explain to me and discharge me. My GP does not want to bother anymore cause she said i am just too strongly believe is due to vaccine.
Obviously is due to vaccine, in July before vac my white blood cell is 6.93, now is double 13.94.
@meljg me too! My white blood cell and neutrophils are high. Doctor is taking a closer look and I am waiting for home to get back to me.
Mine white blood cell and neutrophils are high too when i did the test in Nov.
The last i had my blood test in July all were normal.
Please share with me what yr dr say cause the hospital didnt even explain to me and discharge me. My GP does not want to bother anymore cause she said i am just too strongly believe is due to vaccine.
Obviously is due to vaccine, in July before vac my white blood cell is 6.93, now is double 13.94.
Suggest u also tell yr dr that there are people in this forum having high white bllod cells and neutrophils, please may givie him some clue.
And tell him mine taken in July (before vac) and Nov (after vac) :
1. White blood cell 6.93 (in Jul), 13.94 ( Nov)
2. Neutrophils Absolute (JHC) 4.86 (Jul), 8.56 (Nov).
This may give him some clue.
I wanted to give an update. This is my 3rd post. I got one shot of Pfizer back in June and got neurological symptoms 2 weeks after. I posted in the past that I was doing better after I changed my diet and fasting. It did help tremendously. I thought I was better by end of October. But after thanksgiving symptoms came back such as weak legs, dizziness, and pins needles in my legs and arms. I went back to the doctor and he did more blood work on me and everything was good except my white blood cells and neutrophils were high. He also confirmed that I never had Covid!! He had me draw blood again so they can take a closer look. He also sent me to get an MRI done and a neurological test in my legs. I am waiting to hear back on the results on all of it. I just want to update to be honest sometimes you think you beat it but then it still there. This will be 6 months now for me with maybe a good month in there where I felt normal. The only other hope there is for it to run its course. 😩
My white blood cells and neutrophils are high too , test done in Nov after vaccine.
I am sure is due to the vaccine cause i had an annual blood test done in Jul befòre vaccine, my white blood cells count was 6.94, after vaccine is 13 94.
Suggest tell yr dr that some in this forum also have high white blood cells and neutrophils, this may give him some clue.
Please share with me how yr dr will threat me cause my dr brushed me off when i said is due to vaccine.
@dianesingh My eosinophils are high, which are a type of white blood cell involved in auto-immune disease an allergies. They are actually inflammatory on their own (they cause inflammation), so that may be causing some of my issues.