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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @tennyson77

@dianesingh My eosinophils are high, which are a type of white blood cell involved in auto-immune disease an allergies.  They are actually inflammatory on their own (they cause inflammation), so that may be causing some of my issues.

What autoimmune disorder do you have?

I have a positive antinuclear antibody - indicating an autoimmune disorder but dr unable to find out which the disorder is.

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Posted by: @tennyson77

@dianesingh My eosinophils are high, which are a type of white blood cell involved in auto-immune disease an allergies.  They are actually inflammatory on their own (they cause inflammation), so that may be causing some of my issues.

What autoimmune disorder do you have?

I have a positive antinuclear antibody - indicating an autoimmune disorder but dr unable to find out which the disorder is.

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Posted by: @tennyson77

@dianesingh My eosinophils are high, which are a type of white blood cell involved in auto-immune disease an allergies.  They are actually inflammatory on their own (they cause inflammation), so that may be causing some of my issues.

What medication are u taking for this dusease?

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@floryeo The only two things that have worked are glucocorticosteroids, which I was on for ten days, and anti-histamines. 


The steroids worked great, but caused some temporary issues on their own - higher blood pressure, blurry vision, higher heart rate.  I felt pretty much back to 100% on them though, but once I quit the symptoms slowly came back over 1-2 weeks.

The anti-histamine I am on is Desloratadine - it's a third generation (i.e. doesn't cause drowsiness) H1 antagonist. 

What's interesting is both steroids and H1 antagonists cause eosinophils to reduce quickly.  So that may be why they are helping.  I've been taking 5mg daily of the anti-histamine and it gets me 80% back to normal on most days, with the odd 100% day (like last Wednesday I felt 100% for the entire day).

Nothing else I've taken has really worked, including vitamins, supplements, etc.

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@floryeo I don't have an auto-immune disorder, I assume they are high because of whatever is going on in my body due to the vaccine.

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I have a history of excellent controlled Type 2 Diabetes. Since the shot, it has been very difficult to control blood sugars. I’ve never had to struggle so much to manage it in my life! It didn’t get unstable until after the shot. Is anyone else experience blood sugar problems since vaccination? What are you doing about it. My doctors keep saying “everything is fine”,  it it’s not!

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Posted by: @hallen4496

I have a history of excellent controlled Type 2 Diabetes. Since the shot, it has been very difficult to control blood sugars. I’ve never had to struggle so much to manage it in my life! It didn’t get unstable until after the shot. Is anyone else experience blood sugar problems since vaccination? What are you doing about it. My doctors keep saying “everything is fine”,  it it’s not!

Hi, my husband has type 2 diabetes, well controlled, but his sugar levels shot up to double levels after the vaccines. The diabetic nurse altered his medication back then. He's recently had his booster and since then he's been out of sorts, dizziness, shortness of breath, aching neck and shoulders, earache and generally feeling ill. I suspect it's his fluctuating blood sugar levels again. He is having a complete blood test done later this week. His doctor started him on statins also. I've read on diabetic forums that others have experienced similar blood sugar increases after their vaccines. Maybe you could request a blood test if you have not already done so?

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@tabby Thank you for sharing this - it has been such a roller coaster. Is he having any lows? I am having more lows than ever before!I’ve gotten blood work and everything looks normal, so dead end there. Would you be willing to share a diabetic forum with me. I am in need of more information/resources and doctors are not help right now…sigh 

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This has been very helpful to explain what is wrong with me and how to treat it since my vaccination and vertigo. I also found out I had high levels of mould in my body and the vaccine triggered my innate immune system which hasn't switched off. Now I have a Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) symptoms. - There is a 4 part series which will take hours - But again worth it for a watch if you have the time.

Hopefully this helps someone else, because it has taken me 6 months of suffering and research to find this information and start getting to the root cause.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Adam

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what antibodies do you have? I have autoimmune antibodies Pms l100

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@floryeo I was never officially diagnosed with autoimmune disorder but I always suspected I may have something because I have seasonal allergies and I am allergic to shellfish and other food sensitivities. 

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Posted by: @hallen4496

@tabby Thank you for sharing this - it has been such a roller coaster. Is he having any lows? I am having more lows than ever before!I’ve gotten blood work and everything looks normal, so dead end there. Would you be willing to share a diabetic forum with me. I am in need of more information/resources and doctors are not help right now…sigh 

Hi, his sugar levels are never low, if that's what you mean, they are always higher these days than they should be. Sorry if I have misunderstood. He is certainly feeling depressed at times. I do not have diabetes myself but you can private message me if you think I can be of any help. Maybe we will know more when he gets his bloods done on Thursday and his results to see if anything is recommended for him?? 

This post was modified 3 years ago by Tabby

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@samtay Thank you for the post samtay, very well stated.

A reminder to everyone participating in the Forum that this is a place for individuals that have received the vaccine to share their experiences and to learn about treatments for the side effects. This is not a place to spread antivax information or argue with other individuals about their experiences. 

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This is a reputable news company from my country. Doesn't talk about the symptoms we have, but that the top medical journal articles of 2021 were related to covid post-vacination reactions (other than the heart inflammation that's the most known). Adverse reactions of the shot is gaining ground!  

Rainyday, KitKat, DrL and 7 people reacted
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@tennyson77 I read and reread your post... very interesting! I dug out some antehistamine pills my GP prescribed before my 2nd Covid vax jab. Appears to be the same as yours - Desloratadine Aurobindo (5mg).

As is stated in my earlier post, within a few days of the first jab on 10 Nov, a tingling/numbness/sleeping sensation started in my feet and moved up my legs. Mere days before the 2nd jab on 4 December, I was at my GP worried about the 2nd jab in view of my side effects which were worsening. He prescribed the above... antihistamine for these side effects? In the far off past I discovered that antihistamine knocked me out... a semi comatose state for about 48 hrs on a low dose in an over the counter cold med for daytime use. So, you can imagine my hesitation. The GP assured me that this was a new type, etc. But I was not convinced. And have not taken them. The enclosed flyer warns about driving or using machinery... red flags! And these pills are supposed to not knock one out? In all I am and remain thoroughly confused. How in the world do antihistamines help with these/my side effects? (I react badly to meds at the best of times, and try to avoid them.)

Anyway, within a day or so my side effects worsened considerably after the 2nd jab. And I am still struggling weeks later. You have used or are still using the antihistamine... I really would like to know how it has improved your situation. And thank you in advance. 🙂 


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