I recently stumbled upon Life Extension's Cytokine Suppress supplement online and I'm curious if anyone has tried it? It has dozens of good reviews from people suffering from autoimmune illnesses that cause chronic inflammation - and even several reviews from people suffering from long-hauler COVID symptoms. I'm thinking of trying it!
Hi I was also thinking of trying this but I'm not too convinced it will do anything.
Have you tried it ? And if so Any luck ?
@50yofemale I have had the rocking and swaying on a boat since August I got my second shot in may snd immediately felt off ringing and ear pain then the vertigo hit I have and upcoming neurologist appointment Ive seen the cardiologist bc my bp and heart rate was high Im terrified of being forced on getting the booster when my head and body are still not the same its been every day for 6 months. My balance is off and the anxiety kick in any advice
Here is my story. I need to share this. I need moral support. Life is getting so hard.
I got Covid last year. I immediately had severe mental health issues and my doctor referred me to a psychiatrist. I was put on Luvox and a benzo. I had near immediate relief. I don’t know if it was the Luvox or the benzos that helped but I was having about 5 full blown panic attacks per day. Waking up with severe anxiety, palpitations, and chest pain. I had rashes that lasted for about three months.
Speed up a few months and I wanted to be safe and take the vaccine… because the so called powers that be said it was safe… well I had a severe relapse in my mental health after the vaccine. I never put two and two together until now. During that time, two months had passed since I got the Pfizer vaccines. I tried to return to work, plagued with unexplainable mental and physical exhaustion. I ended up in the ER twice within 7 days of each other. I had severe chest pain and all tests came back negative except high BP, high D-Dimer, and lung nodules. I was given steroids yet they didn’t help but made me more ill and hypomanic. I started having visual disturbances. C shaped arcs of light when I blink. A few times I did lose function of my legs and collapsed onto the floor. Has not happened again since last summer.
I developed severe suicidal tendencies which my psychiatrist and ER people were made aware of. This is not like me at all. I was living everyday in complete panic and fear. And I will say this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic itself. Yes it is tragic but I had no valid reason to be living in the fear that I am.
Fast forward, at thanksgiving time I had my first ever hemiplegic migraine. Terrified me. Over the course of three weeks I had full blown migraines with auras each week. Anytime I exerted any amount of physical energy aside from simple house work.
Well… being unable to work due to the mental hell I had been living in. I moved back home with my family so they could help me get back on my feet. At this point I was starting to improve with my mental health. I was happy to have a chance again. Maybe I could get back on my feet. Well….. I got the booster and within 48 hours I had a full relapse of the mental and physical issues now with the rashes re-emerging. Now I have been able to put two and two together and it’s the virus and the vaccines causing this, at least for me.
I started seeing spinning wheels in my peripheral vision, panic attacks emerged with a vengeance, I would have this feeling build up inside me, then in my mind I felt like I needed to run for my life, but there was nowhere to run, and for no reason. The majority of my thoughts invoke catastrophic thinking. The sensations would then break followed by an outburst of excruciating crying.
I have been removed from the Luvox now for about two months. Have had nonstop brain zaps that come and go… and these happened before I was taken off of the SSRI. The benzo no longer works at all, but one thing does. Propranolol. It is the only thing that has helped me with these anxieties. My BP is normal as long as I take it. I have some energy again for a brief couple of hours but little helps with the physical exhaustion. Grocery shopping is exhausting for me. I am lucky to get errands done and have any morsel of energy left.
I felt like death after the booster. I had a reaction where I had a severe shooting pain shoot up my neck where the injection was administered. I don’t know how to even go on somedays. It is hard. I will never take another vaccine for this virus again. I have been weak and destroyed for over a year by this damn virus and these vaccines.
virus- wiped out and felt better within four months.
vaccines- wiped out for about 4-5 months then began to recover.
booster- wiped out again.
my significant other had the booster and has not been the same since.
me going to the bathroom has not been the same either. I don’t know what to do. The Beta blocker has been the only thing to help me. My Dr has started tapering me off of the benzos as they don’t work and also to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
had my eyes checked including retinal scans. Thank god they are clear but I still have a lot of visual disturbances. Was advised it is mostly neurological and I felt relieved when the optometrist believed me being affected by the vaccines, as the optometrist had similar issues. I am vague about super specific details due to my own insecurities and fears, so please understand.
This isn’t fair. It’s not right. I am royally pissed off. I miss working. I miss playing outside with my dog. I miss feeling alive. I want nothing more than to live and to be better. And I just feel so broken. I spent a few hours running errands with my mom today (riding along) and I am barely able to muster the energy to get off of the sofa. My legs have shooting pains in them. I just feel so broken and I don’t need pity from anyone. But just needed to get this off of my chest. The panic attacks still happen but less intense due to the beta blocker. Having more tests ran here soon. We want to see if my thyroid has been affected and other areas. I must also mention that during my ER visits my lymphocytes were low.
My condolences goes out to everyone suffering the way I am and in any capacity. When I have medical professionals telling me they were affected by the vaccine and validating my experiences, something tells me…. This is only going to get worse. At this point I will continue masking as I have been through this whole thing and take my chances with the virus. At least for me, that cleared up quicker than what the vaccines did to me. My dad got the Moderna vaccine and three weeks later developed Bells Palsy.
I do factually advocate for vaccinations, excluding Covid vaccinations. Not enough data has established for their safety and I would not be surprised at the end result from all of this. Who knows? Please mask up, stay safe, and cherish your loved ones. Life is too short. And please don’t let the doctors make you think it is all in your head, it isn’t. SSRIs and benzos won’t fix this. We aren’t “crazy”, but something neurological and cardiovascular is happening that we do not fully understand.
@neclarke i am so glad i found this forum
mine took longer to show but about weeks after second pfizer vx i woke up w tingling arms. Within days the pins and needles would come and go all over my body even my scalp. Horrible back and neck pain, sharp head pain that would come and go. Shooting nerve pain that would also come and go. I also has waves of nausea and chest pain so i first went to cardiologist who couldnt find anything wrong. I started getting terrible brain fog and felt weak. All these symptoms would come and go. Some days would feel ok some days i didnt leave the house. Neurologist didnt seem concerned w my mri of my head/neck (i really thought i had MS).
its been 6 weeks now and slme symtpms have gotten better (back pain, chest pain, headaches and brain fog) but i still have random muscle twitches everywhere and sometimes my legs feel weak sometimes its my arms and hands. Still have a lot of tingling in my feet and sometimes other place and random joint and nerve pain. I feel shaky at times, even internally or when im making a muscle or holding my legs/arm stiff. My anxiety is at an all time high. I started reading about ALS and that really put me on a down hill path. I requested a nerve test but i am assuming that will come back normal. Ive always been very healthy and work out 4-6 days a week. Any suggestions on supplements that can help? Has anyone fully recovered from this?
thank you!
@maranda98 I had my 2nd Pfizer shot in May and spent 6 weeks in bed and then lost hearing in right ear, balance issues, etc. Recently I get very hot, perspire a lot esp. On my chest, enough that I have to change my clothes. The symptoms come and mostly go. It's been seven months. Doctors don't seem concerned, have little to offer. Getting an antibody test in 6 weeks. Does anyone know if these things get reported to CDC? Seems this would be important data.
I agree with you. I went a year and a half without getting Covid. All my problems are from the jab, at least you have doctors willing to validate it’s from the vaccine. Most don’t want to agree. Theirs a theory that taking D3 and Zinc each day cuts down chances of getting Covid. Worth a try
Here is my story. I need to share this. I need moral support. Life is getting so hard.
I got Covid last year. I immediately had severe mental health issues and my doctor referred me to a psychiatrist. I was put on Luvox and a benzo. I had near immediate relief. I don’t know if it was the Luvox or the benzos that helped but I was having about 5 full blown panic attacks per day. Waking up with severe anxiety, palpitations, and chest pain. I had rashes that lasted for about three months.
Speed up a few months and I wanted to be safe and take the vaccine… because the so called powers that be said it was safe… well I had a severe relapse in my mental health after the vaccine. I never put two and two together until now. During that time, two months had passed since I got the Pfizer vaccines. I tried to return to work, plagued with unexplainable mental and physical exhaustion. I ended up in the ER twice within 7 days of each other. I had severe chest pain and all tests came back negative except high BP, high D-Dimer, and lung nodules. I was given steroids yet they didn’t help but made me more ill and hypomanic. I started having visual disturbances. C shaped arcs of light when I blink. A few times I did lose function of my legs and collapsed onto the floor. Has not happened again since last summer.
I developed severe suicidal tendencies which my psychiatrist and ER people were made aware of. This is not like me at all. I was living everyday in complete panic and fear. And I will say this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic itself. Yes it is tragic but I had no valid reason to be living in the fear that I am.
Fast forward, at thanksgiving time I had my first ever hemiplegic migraine. Terrified me. Over the course of three weeks I had full blown migraines with auras each week. Anytime I exerted any amount of physical energy aside from simple house work.
Well… being unable to work due to the mental hell I had been living in. I moved back home with my family so they could help me get back on my feet. At this point I was starting to improve with my mental health. I was happy to have a chance again. Maybe I could get back on my feet. Well….. I got the booster and within 48 hours I had a full relapse of the mental and physical issues now with the rashes re-emerging. Now I have been able to put two and two together and it’s the virus and the vaccines causing this, at least for me.
I started seeing spinning wheels in my peripheral vision, panic attacks emerged with a vengeance, I would have this feeling build up inside me, then in my mind I felt like I needed to run for my life, but there was nowhere to run, and for no reason. The majority of my thoughts invoke catastrophic thinking. The sensations would then break followed by an outburst of excruciating crying.
I have been removed from the Luvox now for about two months. Have had nonstop brain zaps that come and go… and these happened before I was taken off of the SSRI. The benzo no longer works at all, but one thing does. Propranolol. It is the only thing that has helped me with these anxieties. My BP is normal as long as I take it. I have some energy again for a brief couple of hours but little helps with the physical exhaustion. Grocery shopping is exhausting for me. I am lucky to get errands done and have any morsel of energy left.
I felt like death after the booster. I had a reaction where I had a severe shooting pain shoot up my neck where the injection was administered. I don’t know how to even go on somedays. It is hard. I will never take another vaccine for this virus again. I have been weak and destroyed for over a year by this damn virus and these vaccines.
virus- wiped out and felt better within four months.
vaccines- wiped out for about 4-5 months then began to recover.
booster- wiped out again.my significant other had the booster and has not been the same since.
me going to the bathroom has not been the same either. I don’t know what to do. The Beta blocker has been the only thing to help me. My Dr has started tapering me off of the benzos as they don’t work and also to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
had my eyes checked including retinal scans. Thank god they are clear but I still have a lot of visual disturbances. Was advised it is mostly neurological and I felt relieved when the optometrist believed me being affected by the vaccines, as the optometrist had similar issues. I am vague about super specific details due to my own insecurities and fears, so please understand.
This isn’t fair. It’s not right. I am royally pissed off. I miss working. I miss playing outside with my dog. I miss feeling alive. I want nothing more than to live and to be better. And I just feel so broken. I spent a few hours running errands with my mom today (riding along) and I am barely able to muster the energy to get off of the sofa. My legs have shooting pains in them. I just feel so broken and I don’t need pity from anyone. But just needed to get this off of my chest. The panic attacks still happen but less intense due to the beta blocker. Having more tests ran here soon. We want to see if my thyroid has been affected and other areas. I must also mention that during my ER visits my lymphocytes were low.
My condolences goes out to everyone suffering the way I am and in any capacity. When I have medical professionals telling me they were affected by the vaccine and validating my experiences, something tells me…. This is only going to get worse. At this point I will continue masking as I have been through this whole thing and take my chances with the virus. At least for me, that cleared up quicker than what the vaccines did to me. My dad got the Moderna vaccine and three weeks later developed Bells Palsy.
I do factually advocate for vaccinations, excluding Covid vaccinations. Not enough data has established for their safety and I would not be surprised at the end result from all of this. Who knows? Please mask up, stay safe, and cherish your loved ones. Life is too short. And please don’t let the doctors make you think it is all in your head, it isn’t. SSRIs and benzos won’t fix this. We aren’t “crazy”, but something neurological and cardiovascular is happening that we do not fully understand.
I can really sympathize with what you are saying I've have suffered in a similar fashion to you. I've had my eyes checked several times too including the retinal scans and everything was normal but I have so many different crazy visual stuff going on. Like you I have strange shapes and lights in my peripheral vision, blind spots, unable to focus, eyes feel like they are not working in sync, black flashes in my vision and constant headaches. I've suffered from migraines all my life but these new migraines are something else.
At least you know you have beaten covid and the recovered from the first two jabs and so you shall beat the booster. Hang in there and believe in yourself.
Here is my story. I need to share this. I need moral support. Life is getting so hard.
I got Covid last year. I immediately had severe mental health issues and my doctor referred me to a psychiatrist. I was put on Luvox and a benzo. I had near immediate relief. I don’t know if it was the Luvox or the benzos that helped but I was having about 5 full blown panic attacks per day. Waking up with severe anxiety, palpitations, and chest pain. I had rashes that lasted for about three months.
Speed up a few months and I wanted to be safe and take the vaccine… because the so called powers that be said it was safe… well I had a severe relapse in my mental health after the vaccine. I never put two and two together until now. During that time, two months had passed since I got the Pfizer vaccines. I tried to return to work, plagued with unexplainable mental and physical exhaustion. I ended up in the ER twice within 7 days of each other. I had severe chest pain and all tests came back negative except high BP, high D-Dimer, and lung nodules. I was given steroids yet they didn’t help but made me more ill and hypomanic. I started having visual disturbances. C shaped arcs of light when I blink. A few times I did lose function of my legs and collapsed onto the floor. Has not happened again since last summer.
I developed severe suicidal tendencies which my psychiatrist and ER people were made aware of. This is not like me at all. I was living everyday in complete panic and fear. And I will say this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic itself. Yes it is tragic but I had no valid reason to be living in the fear that I am.
Fast forward, at thanksgiving time I had my first ever hemiplegic migraine. Terrified me. Over the course of three weeks I had full blown migraines with auras each week. Anytime I exerted any amount of physical energy aside from simple house work.
Well… being unable to work due to the mental hell I had been living in. I moved back home with my family so they could help me get back on my feet. At this point I was starting to improve with my mental health. I was happy to have a chance again. Maybe I could get back on my feet. Well….. I got the booster and within 48 hours I had a full relapse of the mental and physical issues now with the rashes re-emerging. Now I have been able to put two and two together and it’s the virus and the vaccines causing this, at least for me.
I started seeing spinning wheels in my peripheral vision, panic attacks emerged with a vengeance, I would have this feeling build up inside me, then in my mind I felt like I needed to run for my life, but there was nowhere to run, and for no reason. The majority of my thoughts invoke catastrophic thinking. The sensations would then break followed by an outburst of excruciating crying.
I have been removed from the Luvox now for about two months. Have had nonstop brain zaps that come and go… and these happened before I was taken off of the SSRI. The benzo no longer works at all, but one thing does. Propranolol. It is the only thing that has helped me with these anxieties. My BP is normal as long as I take it. I have some energy again for a brief couple of hours but little helps with the physical exhaustion. Grocery shopping is exhausting for me. I am lucky to get errands done and have any morsel of energy left.
I felt like death after the booster. I had a reaction where I had a severe shooting pain shoot up my neck where the injection was administered. I don’t know how to even go on somedays. It is hard. I will never take another vaccine for this virus again. I have been weak and destroyed for over a year by this damn virus and these vaccines.
virus- wiped out and felt better within four months.
vaccines- wiped out for about 4-5 months then began to recover.
booster- wiped out again.my significant other had the booster and has not been the same since.
me going to the bathroom has not been the same either. I don’t know what to do. The Beta blocker has been the only thing to help me. My Dr has started tapering me off of the benzos as they don’t work and also to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
had my eyes checked including retinal scans. Thank god they are clear but I still have a lot of visual disturbances. Was advised it is mostly neurological and I felt relieved when the optometrist believed me being affected by the vaccines, as the optometrist had similar issues. I am vague about super specific details due to my own insecurities and fears, so please understand.
This isn’t fair. It’s not right. I am royally pissed off. I miss working. I miss playing outside with my dog. I miss feeling alive. I want nothing more than to live and to be better. And I just feel so broken. I spent a few hours running errands with my mom today (riding along) and I am barely able to muster the energy to get off of the sofa. My legs have shooting pains in them. I just feel so broken and I don’t need pity from anyone. But just needed to get this off of my chest. The panic attacks still happen but less intense due to the beta blocker. Having more tests ran here soon. We want to see if my thyroid has been affected and other areas. I must also mention that during my ER visits my lymphocytes were low.
My condolences goes out to everyone suffering the way I am and in any capacity. When I have medical professionals telling me they were affected by the vaccine and validating my experiences, something tells me…. This is only going to get worse. At this point I will continue masking as I have been through this whole thing and take my chances with the virus. At least for me, that cleared up quicker than what the vaccines did to me. My dad got the Moderna vaccine and three weeks later developed Bells Palsy.
I do factually advocate for vaccinations, excluding Covid vaccinations. Not enough data has established for their safety and I would not be surprised at the end result from all of this. Who knows? Please mask up, stay safe, and cherish your loved ones. Life is too short. And please don’t let the doctors make you think it is all in your head, it isn’t. SSRIs and benzos won’t fix this. We aren’t “crazy”, but something neurological and cardiovascular is happening that we do not fully understand.
I can really sympathize with what you are saying I've have suffered in a similar fashion to you. I've had my eyes checked several times too including the retinal scans and everything was normal but I have so many different crazy visual stuff going on. Like you I have strange shapes and lights in my peripheral vision, blind spots, unable to focus, eyes feel like they are not working in sync, black flashes in my vision and constant headaches. I've suffered from migraines all my life but these new migraines are something else.
At least you know you have beaten covid and the recovered from the first two jabs and so you shall beat the booster. Hang in there and believe in yourself.
yeah same. My symptoms aren’t debilitating but it’s annoying having all this inflammation, muscle twitches, nerve pain, etc. I’ll never take the booster. I saw some of the countries with high jab rates have the highest Covid cases 🤔
Yeah like Israel who are now rolling out jab number 4!!!
@sickofthis I find comfort knowing that I’m not the only one who feels this way. I am so sorry you’re dealing with this too! I am hoping your journey is not as long as mine. I actually did find relief from the head pressure and fullness after I took my first steroid pack. It was almost a month of feeling symptom free, but then unfortunately I relapsed in July and have pretty much felt the constant head/ear pressure and fullness ever since. I decided to take another round of steroids because of how successful they were for relieving my symptoms, but sadly the second round didn’t work because my symptoms did not go away. It is a struggle each day for me. I try my best to pretend like the symptoms are not there, but sometimes the pressure gets so intense that it’s all I can fixate on. I am hoping you find relief soon!
It’s weird that the first round helped but the second didn’t. Any heart racing when you took them? Also, did your neurologist mention anything about your recovery and if they thought you would recover?
6 months post vaccine and althought I got milder symptoms now. Just pressure headaches and fatigue that come and go and twitching muscles every now and then. I experienced a new symptom I have never had before. For the last week an a half I started having shooting pains in my left breast, like stabbing that last for a few seconds and goes. I then started having it worse a few days ago, after I had a bit of wine, now is not just in my breast it is also sometimes in my shoulder, arm, hand or feet...
Has anyone experience this type of thing? After 6 months post vaccine, feeling much better with milder symptoms, this is a new worry to me. Just for a few times it also felt like tingling sensation when the pain came, like tingling in my arm and head but not strong. It seems is something to do with nerve pain. I'd like to know if someone has the same and if anyone knowd what could it be and what to do for it to get better ?
I'm nearly 6 months out from my first Pfizer jab. The last fortnight I've also been experiencing occasional sharps stabbing pains in my left breast area. I can't figure out if its heart related or in my breast. It's a quick stabbing pain. No idea what it could be or if it's jab related.
@sickofthis I know right? It has been super frustrating to say the least because the steroids have been the only thing that helped stop my head pressure symptoms. My neurologist couldn't give me an answer due to the virus being so new, but from reading other posts I have an optimistic feeling that our symptoms will eventually end and hopefully we can get to living our life again. Yes, unfortunately I did deal with heart racing when I took the steroids. It was super scary and sent me into an absolute panic, but I guess at least they stopped the head and ear pressure/fullness. Please keep me updated on how you're feeling! I am so sorry again that you're dealing with similar symptoms. 😓
@yjjy I am considering trying this as well. I just found it on Amazon for $22. Let me know if you end up trying it and if it helps relieve any symptoms. Thank you!