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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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ah ok thx!

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I would say no reason to worry. cysts are very common. I do not know what artefacts in a brain MRI are, but I guess if this is also always there and of non concern then you should just take it like nothing to worry about.

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Guys how do you manage to not to go early to bed?

For me it is difficult that the time passes since bedtime (around I can forcus on nothing, no book, no serial, really nothing.

So i then mostly go at 5 a.m. to bed which is too early.

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Hi Susie

I hope you find this message - I wasn't allowed to reply to your private message, not sure why.

Re tests so far I've had peripheral nerve test done by my neurologist (all fine), CT scan of brain (fine), pacemaker check (fine) and ENT checking ear crystals (fine too). Still waiting for three more tests re inner ear, and MRI of spine next month. Neurologist and cardiogist suspect ataxia. Now in week 9 of unbearable vertigo type sensation following emergency pacemaker op after third dose moderna.

So far I've tried an expensive homeopathic doctor (cleared headache), osteopath (no effect), pine kernal tea (no effect), cutting out alcohol (definitely helps), walking a lot (very helpful), relaxing and balance exercises - I use John Hopkins ataxia exercises (very helpful). I've ordered three vitamin supplements - carnite, CoQ10, and folinic. Will add to an A-Z vitamin supplement. I don't think anything will show up on a test, I was extremely fit and healthy before this, and I'm now hoping my body will repair the damage. Given the only thing my neurologist has offered to date is amytriptaline (for my overactive nerve sensations), I'm not hopeful. I'm not interested in covering up the symptoms, I want to get better. Will post an update if I get any improvement re vertigo sensation. Ever hopeful, Danielle

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@ksharky13 It's Zeolite by suspended solutions 90 capsules bottle

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Just an update for those of you suffering from vertigo, dizziness and tinnitus. Tomorrow will be 6 months for me suffering from this debilitating condition but I can say today that I am recovering. I am not back to normal yet but i will say 70% back. What has helped me definitely is  staying away from doctors that don't know what the heck is going on or don't care. I am also taking zeolite and exercising twice a week. Also I am trying since day one to beat this condition and only missed 5 days of work because I absolutely couldn't walk let alone drive. I will update you if I continue recovering. i know we all need good news here. Also please check Edward Dowd. He is trying to get Pfiz to congress. One day all of this will come to the surface and even if they don't pay our medical bills or give us any compensation at least this will be made public and pfi and the others will pay. Wish you all a speedy recovery.

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Posted by: @alexa

Just an update for those of you suffering from vertigo, dizziness and tinnitus. Tomorrow will be 6 months for me suffering from this debilitating condition but I can say today that I am recovering. I am not back to normal yet but i will say 70% back. What has helped me definitely is  staying away from doctors that don't know what the heck is going on or don't care. I am also taking zeolite and exercising twice a week. Also I am trying since day one to beat this condition and only missed 5 days of work because I absolutely couldn't walk let alone drive. I will update you if I continue recovering. i know we all need good news here. Also please check Edward Dowd. He is trying to get Pfiz to congress. One day all of this will come to the surface and even if they don't pay our medical bills or give us any compensation at least this will be made public and pfi and the others will pay. Wish you all a speedy recovery.

This is great news . Congrats on your road to recovery.  Were these your only symptoms  ? What did you take ? Supplements, special diet,  .etc...

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@ksharky13 hi the tinnitus was only very mild and only happened every now and again I still get it occasionally but it dosnt last very long. 

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@tone I forgot to include brain fog and  blurred vision. Those haven't improve so much but they are not as debilitating as the others. And no special diet. Just the daily supplements they recommend here; zinc, magnesium, vitamins b,c,d and charcoal.

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Interesting article to read  for all of us suffering due to the deceived and fraud by pfi and moder Pfizer & Moderna investors run for the exits

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Posted by: @alexa

Interesting article to read  for all of us suffering due to the deceived and fraud by pfi and moder Pfizer & Moderna investors run for the exits

@alexa: Thanks (I think).  This is great information to have but at the same time horrifying.  They have poisoned billions of people worldwide, and they did it knowing these risks and side effects existed and would definitely (not maybe) would impact millions.  Even if my current symptom resolve I will live the rest of my life in fear of what this crap may be doing inside my body.  We will never know the truth unless and until a major law firm/firms take on the pharmas similar to the way they did the tobacco companies.

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@ksharky13 Yes unfortunately by then the damage has been done and most of us will be gone. Very sad. Greed and fortune 

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Hello everyone,

I am a long hauler and I want to give you all an update / good news.  I took my one and only Pfizer dose on June 2020, I am almost 10 months in. I started feeling some normality in February. Most of my side effects have subsided except for the loss of taste & smell, the mild head pressure and eye floaters. I am doing SO much better and have been back to work this month after being on extended sick leave for 6 months. I can now socialize, work, exercise (I really missed exercising) and travel. I have done so many tests: 1 brain CT scan, 2 brain MRI’s,  Spine MRI, EEG, ECG, multiple eye scans/tests, VEP test, hearing tests, 4 blood tests, Xrays, Heart ultrasound, Breast ultrasound, Mammography...

All of my tests have been normal. The Audiologist has mentioned something about my Eustachian tubes not closing properly so maybe that’s what caused the loss of taste and smell & ear pressure. All of the physicians I have consulted have been useless…I had to fight to get my exemption after being diagnosed with a Pericarditis in November, thankfully I’ve been exempted because the vaccine is mandated by my employer.

The supplements I have been taking are Glutathione, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 and lots of turmeric-ginger shots and teas. The one thing that I think has helped me the most with the healing process is Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy. I’ve done 5 sessions in January and started feeling better right after.  I also had a few wet cupping sessions that I think has helped with getting rid of the toxic blood. I’ve spent at least 2000$ or more on therapies and treatments. I’ve only been following up regularly with my Naturopath, Osteopath & Neurologist.

Overall I’d say I’m 90% back to normal, I can finally start living. This experience has been the MOST traumatic thing I have ever been through…I still get emotional when I think about it and it’s going to take me a very long time to get over it. Hang in there everyone, have faith in God and stay positive…you will get better 😊. I also want to point out that my Neurologist has mentioned that it takes up to 18 months for our organs/body to regenerate. 

See below my side effects with timeline :


-Nausea, loss of appetite (subsided in July)

- Partial loss of taste and smell (still ocurring)

-Heart palpitation, irregular heartbeats, sharp chest pains, heart flutters (was diagnosed with severe pericarditis in November, was given anti inflammatory meds for 3 months. Heart issues subsided in January).

- Numbness in legs, arms, face, head (subsided in December)

- Sound sensitivity (subsided in July)

- clogged ears (better but slightly blocked on my left side)


-Dry eyes, eye pain, photophobia, blurry vision, eye floaters (all subsided except for the floaters)

-Twitches all over my body (mostly subsided but I get occasional twitches on my right eye)

-Severe neck pain (subsided in January)

- Strong pulsating feeling in the back of my head and my the bottom of my spine (subsided in December)

-Head pressure and ear pressure on the left side of my head with an electric feeling coming down the left side of my body (almost subsided, I get the head pressures maybe twice a week and they are mild)

- Body vibrations (subsided in January)

-Severe headaches and head pains, felt like my head was going to explode at times (subsided in February)


-Swollen eyelid/droppy eyelids (subsided in February)

-Severe joint pain in my left hand and knee – I couldn’t move my fingers.. (subsided in February)

Barb, KitKat, Cary L and 11 people reacted
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Posted by: @sara90

Hello everyone,

I am a long hauler and I want to give you all an update / good news.  I took my one and only Pfizer dose on June 2020, I am almost 10 months in. I started feeling some normality in February. Most of my side effects have subsided except for the loss of taste & smell, the mild head pressure and eye floaters. I am doing SO much better and have been back to work this month after being on extended sick leave for 6 months. I can now socialize, work, exercise (I really missed exercising) and travel. I have done so many tests: 1 brain CT scan, 2 brain MRI’s,  Spine MRI, EEG, ECG, multiple eye scans/tests, VEP test, hearing tests, 4 blood tests, Xrays, Heart ultrasound, Breast ultrasound, Mammography...

All of my tests have been normal. The Audiologist has mentioned something about my Eustachian tubes not closing properly so maybe that’s what caused the loss of taste and smell & ear pressure. All of the physicians I have consulted have been useless…I had to fight to get my exemption after being diagnosed with a Pericarditis in November, thankfully I’ve been exempted because the vaccine is mandated by my employer.

The supplements I have been taking are Glutathione, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 and lots of turmeric-ginger shots and teas. The one thing that I think has helped me the most with the healing process is Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy. I’ve done 5 sessions in January and started feeling better right after.  I also had a few wet cupping sessions that I think has helped with getting rid of the toxic blood. I’ve spent at least 2000$ or more on therapies and treatments. I’ve only been following up regularly with my Naturopath, Osteopath & Neurologist.

Overall I’d say I’m 90% back to normal, I can finally start living. This experience has been the MOST traumatic thing I have ever been through…I still get emotional when I think about it and it’s going to take me a very long time to get over it. Hang in there everyone, have faith in God and stay positive…you will get better 😊. I also want to point out that my Neurologist has mentioned that it takes up to 18 months for our organs/body to regenerate. 

See below my side effects with timeline :


-Nausea, loss of appetite (subsided in July)

- Partial loss of taste and smell (still ocurring)

-Heart palpitation, irregular heartbeats, sharp chest pains, heart flutters (was diagnosed with severe pericarditis in November, was given anti inflammatory meds for 3 months. Heart issues subsided in January).

- Numbness in legs, arms, face, head (subsided in December)

- Sound sensitivity (subsided in July)

- clogged ears (better but slightly blocked on my left side)


-Dry eyes, eye pain, photophobia, blurry vision, eye floaters (all subsided except for the floaters)

-Twitches all over my body (mostly subsided but I get occasional twitches on my right eye)

-Severe neck pain (subsided in January)

- Strong pulsating feeling in the back of my head and my the bottom of my spine (subsided in December)

-Head pressure and ear pressure on the left side of my head with an electric feeling coming down the left side of my body (almost subsided, I get the head pressures maybe twice a week and they are mild)

- Body vibrations (subsided in January)

-Severe headaches and head pains, felt like my head was going to explode at times (subsided in February)


-Swollen eyelid/droppy eyelids (subsided in February)

-Severe joint pain in my left hand and knee – I couldn’t move my fingers.. (subsided in February)

Sorry I meant to say first dose was June 2021

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@medee hey Dee.So I was wondering today, if we take things to surprise the immune system ( prednisone) and etc. then why are we taking supplements to support it?? Just curious if anyone knows. I never took prednisone maybe I should have. Maybe I wouldn’t Be suffering this long. We are told that it’s an over reactive immune system 🤔

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