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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @ksharky13

@good-kitty:  Thank you for sharing your recovery story.  What was the level of your tinnitus and has that completely resolved or only partially?  Thank you.

@ksharky13 I'm sorry to hear it's been an issue for you too. It was at its worst for me from weeks 4-8 when it seemed everything else had gone completely haywire with my body. It was noticeably loud at night, but even during the day I felt like I often had to talk over it. It was maddening.


Thankfully, I feel like it's mostly resolved on the same schedule as my other symptoms. Most nights I still notice it there at a low level, but it's so much better than it was. How much of that is actual reduction vs my brain just adapting, I don't know. But I'm so grateful things have been heading in the right direction. Hope the same happens for you.

DrL and DrL reacted
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I have a chronic cough after the vax. Anyone have luck with relieving their cough with something?

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I thought I'd share my experience. Unfortunately I haven't recovered yet, after almost 4 months in a very dark place, since taking the JJ jab. But I wanted to share with you that taking chlorine dioxide + Vitamin C in heavy IV doses for two weeks was a game changer. I had dizziness, chest pain, nausea, back pain, eye pain, incredible head pain, and this serums brought at least some of my health back as I thought I was not going to make it past February. I'm not sure how easy or hard is to find chlorine dioxide in your respective countries but I reckon this takes care of the spike protein, so please do this research. I'm still struggling with this, though, crying almost every day for the good health I used to have. The paresthesia (neuropathy?) on my legs that was awful, like pouring acid on my thighs, feels like is receding greatly every day. I still have tension headaches, though, temples, top of head, tingling and numbness on my face and the back of my neck on a daily basis. It's so debilitating and I can only hope it starts to go away soon. I'm posting other stuff that I've found helpful.. most of this you already know.


Zeolite (heavy metal detox)

B complex

Black seed oil (I'm going to start massaging this on my head and face)

Vitamin D3


Magnesium (transdermal oil)

Pine tree tea (seems to help with spike protein as we, vitamin C content)


Next week I'll try a new round of more intravenous serum that includes more vitamin C + Gluthathione. I hope this helps accelerates and rid me of the head discomfort and tension.

Please also consider that getting your mind right is crucial. The intent to heal. I know this is very hard but somehow we have to, otherwise we end up in a disaster cycle. Hang in there, we are in this together and we are bigger than this, the strength of our spirits must overcome these demons.

God bless.




Barb and Barb reacted
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PoorKitty and PoorKitty reacted
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Guys should glutathione be taken together with NAC?

Or is it not important. Just takinfg first Glutatione and then NAC?

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People take probiotic and also take Pepcid and Zyrtec to help out with possible mast cell issues going on.


But what are mast cell issues? Where do they come from?


Anyone know maybe?

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Posted by: @watis

People take probiotic and also take Pepcid and Zyrtec to help out with possible mast cell issues going on.


But what are mast cell issues? Where do they come from?


Anyone know maybe?

Hi, Everyone!

I would like to share a link. Is in German, but the page can be easily translated using the automatic translation button. It is better explained about MCAS in case of side effects, by the Institute of Naturopathic Medicine Dr. Jacobs, Germany:

KitKat, watiswat, Barb and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @watis

People take probiotic and also take Pepcid and Zyrtec to help out with possible mast cell issues going on.


But what are mast cell issues? Where do they come from?


Anyone know maybe?

Also explained here about MCAS:

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Have posted here various times. Am 6mths post 2nd jab and adverse reactions. Basically symptoms are consistent with everyone else's on here. The most debilitating ones are the ear pain pressure, ear and head fullness, nausea daily, unbalance feeling and the sense my head is too heavy for my body. No appetite and seems 8ve become sensitive to most foods. I seem to have some milder days then regress and have real debilitating days. No idea why as I'm pretty much taking and doing the same thing everyday. Have been unable to work for past 5months. My question is, would anyone have any insight as to why we regress?? Would it mean the supplements we are taking arent adequate enough as the body has plateaud so woukd require more? Or could it be that the spike will continue to replicate itself, quicker then we can fight it off? Very disheartened.

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Guys anyone has ruptured veins in the eyes? I look horrible.


This makes me worry. 


What could be the reason. I do not have insomnia at the moment. Or is it maybe the sreen woek which tires the eyes? I Have it ine 3 days.

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Hi Josephine this is a very good question.


Did you made an antibody Spike protein test. If the number is >2500 then you still have many Spike proteins in the body.

WHen the number is zero that means you have no Spike left in the body.


I will do the test on Monday and tell the result.


Other question: Did anyone really know if Spikes can replicate themselfes? If yes then this is a very bad news.

I kno that the body after a long time just detoxes the Spike also on its own. But more so around 12-18 Months.

Josephine and Josephine reacted
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@watis no i haven't had any spike tests as most GPs here in Australia are hesitant to point the finger at the vaccine for fear of not complying with government direction and mandates. What is the test called please? 

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This are two tests done together:

1. anti-SARS CoV-2S   (which only can be positive or negative)

2. antibody Spike Protein result (which is a quantified result,  >2,500 U/mL. For patients testing higher then 2,500 U/mL).


As far as I understand is that the higher the antibody Spike protein result, the higher is the number of Spikes in your body.


But maybe somone else here who also did this tests can tell something more, or even if am talking rubbish.

Josephine and Josephine reacted
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Posted by: @watis



This are two tests done together:

1. anti-SARS CoV-2S   (which only can be positive or negative)

2. antibody Spike Protein result (which is a quantified result,  >2,500 U/mL. For patients testing higher then 2,500 U/mL).


As far as I understand is that the higher the antibody Spike protein result, the higher is the number of Spikes in your body.


But maybe somone else here who also did this tests can tell something more, or even if am talking rubbish.

Where do yiu get these tests  ? Doctors 

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Posted by: @tone
Posted by: @jesselovshack

Hi I’m a 31 year old male and before the vaccine I was very healthy active person with bi major medical history. 

i received my second vaccine (Pfizer) on November 13 2021. About 2 weeks laters I started experiencing a strong viabration and pins and needles in my left foot and occasional pins and needles in the hand and right foot. On December 4 I woke up with weakness in my legs which was unusual for me and just thought it would go away. That afternoon  I felt extremely unwell and fatigued and had to take a nap wich is extremely rare for me, I woke up from the nap with bad pins and needles in my right arm and still feeling very unwell. After feeling like this for the next month or so I just kept on pushing through having some good days and som pretty bad days I then started getting a lot of dizziness to the point I would stumble  and had to stop my self from falling I eventually ended up in the emergency room twice and admitted to hospital once I was barley able to walk and I felt dizzy and weak and had pains in my legs palms arches of my feet and also join pains, ringing in my ears and a feeling like they where slightly blocked. I don’t remember how many blood test I’ve had but it was a fair few with all test coming back fine I also had chest x rays ct scan on the spine and brain and a lumbar puncture wich those test all come back fine. It has been roughly about 4 months since my first symptoms and I’d say I’m feeling about 70% better I get sore very quickly after working around the house and my muscles are still a bit weak and odd feeling. The docters have said they will monitor my symptoms for the next few months and will go from there (what ever that means).

After all the tests I was desperate for answers and desperate to feel better. I drank fruit smoothies every day cut out all in healthy foods stoped drinking alcohol because it made me feel 10 times as worse. I started to do hyperbaric chamber sessions twice a week wich I believed to help a lot with the symptoms. 

I can now do a lot more and also enjoy a couple of beers without feeling absolutely terrible but I’m still not 100%. 

I apologise if this is a bit all over the shop I’m just writing as things come to my head. The last 4 months have been up there with the most horrible things I have been through. I have asked the docters if this could be vaccine related and all they ever say is there is no way of telling. If anyone has any questions just ask, I have left a lot out that has happened. 


Awesome to hear on your way to recovery.  What supplements  did yiu take and did you do an anti-inflammatory diet ?

How are you feeling now? How many HBOT sessions did you take until now? 

I see you mentioned HBOT helped so are you still well or has it relapsed?

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