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Private practice doctors

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I went to a private practice doctor last week about my ear problems. I took my surgical notes from my surgery in 1982. He said he didn't know a ENT IN this area that could help me because of the type of surgery I had. He sent my surgical notes and a referral to the mayo clinic in Rochester Min I have been seen by 5 different ents around here and they all said every thing is fine with my ears. I asked my pcp for a referral to the mayo clinic a couple years ago and was dropped as a patient. 

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Posted by: @satcoop3903

Congrats! Sounds like you made a wise move and this might be a 🍀 lucky break.through?! 🤗🙏

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I hope so because I dont want to live this way anymore thank you

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Posted by: @satcoop3903

I hope so because I dont want to live this way anymore thank you

I can heartily relate! So, like you, I'm continuing to fight hard for a better outcome! Wishes for perseverance, wisdom, hope, peace and victory for you! And, hey, for me, too! 😏🙏

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I wish doctors would listen to us and just try and put themselves in our shoes. I often think if you hear what and how I hear and feel the way I do you would be trying to find a cure right away just for 1 hr hear my tinnitus and feel my pain you would understand. Its going to be very hard to drive to the mayo clinic and my INS wont approve so I have to use my life savings. I f I need surgery I wont be able to do it if its like a lot of money I'm not asking for any from you I'm not one of them that's just the way it is. This damn health system doctor is taking me off the one medicine that helps my tinnitus its alprazolam and she wants me to take clonazepam what's it matter to her if it helps, I hope you can find someone to help you I wish the best for you too.

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@satcoop3903 Wow, I feel for you! I don't know anything about your insurance situation, but I'd like to share with you what I'm in the middle of with my Medicare Advantage HMO insurance.

I actually contacted VEDA for advice about lack of helpful response I was getting from an ENT. With my constellation of symptoms I knew it was 1 in 500 chance that they're due to an acoustic neuroma, so that needed to be ruled out with MRI. After telling me over the phone my Rotary Chair testing showed VOR Dysfunction, the ENT was content to see the rehab hospital put me in line to wait over a month for vestibular therapy. They didn't want to have me back in the office, but I had ear-wrestled with the scheduler a couple of weeks before my testing and was finally allowed to make an appointment to ask my questions, post testing. 

Anyway, I'm getting off my topic with all that... So, VEDA person told me that with facial paresthesia, etc. it seemed obviously indicated that I needed an MRI to rule out AN and anything else it could reveal and I should move on from the ENT to see a neurotologist instead. Well, I went to the ENT office where their doctor has neurotology training and was told they weren't a part of my insurance network. I discovered my HMO had none of these at all, so I called a different ENT in their network that's part of the large medical system that my PCP is in. They said my case was beyond them and also gave me the same ENT's name in my city that has additional training in neurotology.

At that point I called my insurance company and presented my situation. They told me they would escalate my case for possible in network benefits for seeing a neurotologist and would make a determination what their recommendation to me should be. I called them back as they told me I should, and was told that there is a person actively collecting information and I could expect to hear from them soon.

Sorry for the long story, but it boils down to the surprising fact that there are apparently processes that some insurance companies don't publicize that are available in special cases.

If you can get hooked up with the Mayo Clinic, I'll bet they have specialists that all they do is try to trigger any special processes available through your insurance to approve coverage of your treatment with them. If I were you, I would call and ask about this prior to going there, in hopes of your initial visit and subsequent treatment becoming eligible for coverage by your insurance.

Hey, what have you got to lose by trying?! 🥴🙏

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I'm happy you were able to get help my Medicaid advantage HMO have said I have a vestibular disorder and have to live with it, I have such loud tinnitus its hard to talk on the phone and it can make it worse My  PCP has refused to give me any out off network help and even if she did they would deny it because they have in network providers. I have been living this way for the last 5yrs I've prayed to GOD to end my life I have no family support no friends just me and cooper my dog he is the only reason I get out of bed, today is very hard because we have storms today and I always feel worse when that happens Ille be lucky to make it to my appointment at the mayo clinic Its very hot and muggy I was having a new A/C  installed but it wont get done until monday thats just how my life is all the time nothing ever works out for me sorry didnt mean to get off the subject I can see what they say if I make it there they might help thankss

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@satcoop3903 I don't know yet what my insurance is going to do with me. They're a newly formed company, only a couple of years old, so only God knows what will happen.

In my state you can choose from a variety of companies for Medicaid coverage. I wonder if that's true in your state and if so maybe you could pull a fast one on all of them by switching companies?

My mom's suicide many years ago will never stop having a difficult influence in my life. I struggled with my own foul spirit in that realm years back due to many reasons and am convinced I don't want to hear further from it. I also prayed for God to take my life, but I finally realized He was giving me continued life, day after difficult day, so I grabbed ahold of Him to help me live willingly. It still hasn't been easy, but it's been a lot better. I hope you can embrace living. I see you doing that in reaching out in hope to a private doctor and trying to make your way to the Mayo Clinic, and even in posting here!

I loved seeing your dog! Years ago I had an extremely mellow Dalmatian, Lucy, my constant companion; I called her "my noble doggie". She lived to be 9 and l miss her still.

I haven't figured out yet anything that causes my symptoms to get worse, like they did almost 2 weeks ago. I'm a newbie with this, it mostly starting after my Covid vaccine almost 4 months ago. I've been really active on a thread for that here's a bit of a relief to pull away from that and talk with you. Some say they've recovered from this quickly, but I don't know if I will recover. On Tuesday I'll finally get a brain MRI to try to make sure I don't have a tumor or MS or something they could see that way.

I hope you do make it to the Mayo Clinic and I hope you call them before going, to see if there's some way to get coverage for it. The fact that a private doctor is referring you there may weigh heavily in favor of that!

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Hi again - I did a quick Mayo Clinic looksee... You've probably seen all this already, but just in case you haven't, here's a link to a page with lots of interesting payment resources...

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I never got a vaccine because I don't trust them I bet you get sick of them telling everyone has to get one I see a lot of people here are affected by this vaccine but you don't see it in the news because they don't care if a small minority suffer. They just want the economy to be better.the love of money is the root of evil. Sorry about your dog 

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My hindsight agrees with your lack of trust. I don't usually go for vaccinations; never wanted flu vaccines, but I did give this one a whirl. It gave me lots of them right back, starting 2 days later. Of course, now I regret it, but vaccines can't be D/C'd like a med. You get it, you're stuck with the results. That's part of my history now.

I don't watch TV, so thankfully I don't see a lot of the efforts trying to hype people into vaccination. And I don't watch the TV news. I do Google searches for what I want to know and I pick and choose from there. A lot more peaceful than submitting to being spoonfed TV news, no matter what stations you might choose. My peace is important to me!

My dog has been gone for years and there have been subsequent chapters of my life when I was out working all day long. Lucy would have been miserable if she'd been left all day with no companionship, so she had the best years when I was able to be home with her. Although I missed her keenly when she was gone, I don't regret her going to her peace.

She was a best friend to me in her lifetime! When I ate popcorn, one kernel at a time, she came to expect every other one was hers. If I fooled with her and ate 2 in a row, she knew I was pulling her leg.

You're lucky to have Cooper for your friend. Hey, he doesn't even care that you're not vaccinated! 😂
