Does anyone use walking poles to help them balance? Does it increased your confidence to be more active? Has it contributed to your vestibular recovery?
See my comments in the Title bar above. 😀
Yes. I bought a set of poles a couple of years ago in order to begin practice walking. It was a huge help and got me started on the recovery process. I started using them on a school track, where I could stop when needed to rest on the bleachers. Eventually I became more confident and ventured out to a nearby park. The poles, or a walking stick, are a wonderful grounding aide.
Yes I use poles when I feel unbalanced. They give me confidence and help me get in my cardio.
Yes, I think this is the best way to make a balance and increase confidence.
Yeah, My uncle used them, I would recommend getting some cheap ones and seeing how you like them. if you find them indispensable then save up for a nice light pair.
I don't see anything wrong with using them. At the very least, they should always be in the house.
If it helped me keep my balance.
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Do you hav3 any recommendations on styles, types, etc?
Every time I leave the house I use a hiking pole. The help with proprioception keeps me from getting wrung out too fast.
VeDA partners with a walking pole company -
But basically any hiking poles that are adjustable will do for a start. When you are walking on a solid surface be sure to use the rubber flat tips rather than the points (which are good for actual hiking on dirt or gravel). It's a great way to begin moving again.
This is interesting and helpful. I didn't know about this, so I bought a regular cane from walgreens.